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  • Radio 4 now….
  • alpin
    Free Member


    exercise doesn’t play a part in losing weight.
    society is to blame.
    TV is to blame.
    skinny kids are to blame.


    Free Member

    exercise doesn’t play a part in losing weight

    s’true – all about the input

    Full Member

    Harry Worth’s on Radio 4 Extra.

    Free Member

    now some guy complaining that his son is fat. not his fault apparently. there aren’t enough sports on TV to encourage and inspire the kid to go outside.


    Full Member

    He looked exactly the same as my dad, did Harry Worth.

    I reckon my dad was funnier, though.

    Free Member

    Had to turn it off as my urine reached boiling point
    “I try to stop my son over eating but he steals crisps and sweets from the cupboard”
    Er, don’t buy crisps and sweets?
    “My daughter was driven to overeating because all the girls at school were skinnier than her”
    She’s fat because other kids aren’t?
    And more drivel in that vein.

    Free Member

    Mr Vine moved to R4 now?

    Free Member

    Aye it is amazing how folk are willing to blame everything but themselves as they shamelessly clutch at straws to generate an excuse for what is basically their fault

    Society may exacerbate this but no one is made to eat crap and not exercise enough.

    Full Member

    I heard it too… some greeat explainations on there but one guy hit the nail on the head for me.

    He mentioned the “Elephant In The Room” and actuallly acknowleging that you are / your kids are fat.

    This and the basic and simple… energy in must be equal or less than energy out. Simples.

    Free Member

    While exercise isn’t the only solution to losing weight, it’s a damn sight better to do something rather than stuffing your face with Walkers and Cadbury’s and then moaning that there’s not enough sport on TV to get motivated over!

    Free Member


    Free Member

    I heard it too… some greeat explainations on there but one guy hit the nail on the head for me.

    He mentioned the “Elephant In The Room” and actuallly acknowleging that you are / your kids are fat.

    This and the basic and simple… energy in must be equal or less than energy out. Simples.

    Mein Got! they didn’t like that, did they?
    And the “expert” saying carbs are more important to growing kids than protein…
    Little wonder we’re a nation of chunkers.

    Free Member

    Someone needs to explain the economic argument to fat people. ie: it reduces productivity – less energy, more likely to be off sick, and it adds massive cost to the NHS (illness) and transport system (everything has to be stronger and uses more fuel because the aggregate mass being moved is greater)

    It also means we’ll have to import people who are healthy enough to be properly economically productive

    So a significant proportion of the UK is eating it’s way to crippling our chances of remaining a rich country…

    Free Member

    saying carbs are more important to growing kids than protein..

    I understand what you are getting at but you can’t actually survive by JUST eating protein! Respiration relies on sugar being available and last time I checked, there’s not much sugar in proteins!

    Full Member

    He was better than Patrick Cargill though.
    Never rated him.

    Who, incidently, shared a tent with my dad at OCTU in India.

    Free Member

    And the “expert” saying carbs are more important to growing kids than protein…

    Carbs/sugars are the problems. A lot of parents feeding their children “healthy” cereals, pasta, jacket potatoes and similar. Add in fruit juice and the crisps, soft drinks, sweets etc. then it becomes a serious problem.

    Lack of exercise doesn’t help either!

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Exercise as a form of weight loss is stupid, just don’t eat the stuff in the first place.

    A wise man once said “You can’t out-train a bad diet” My running times got a lot better when I really focussed on cutting chocolate and excess sugar from my diet… funny that

    That calorie checker is scary. Roughly a third of the amount of sugar in dark chocolate as there is in milk.

    Given the way retailers position chocolate prominently in the queue areas I do wonder if in future years when the full impact of the majority of the population being in poor health finally hits us, whether government and/or individuals will take legal action against them – similar to the way we did with big tobacco eventually

    Free Member

    My mam and little sister are both overweight, so I’m not just saying this to be a dick.

    Now that the obese and overweight are in the majority, and we have a bleeding hearts culture that panders to them- “don’t call them fat, they might comfort eat if you do” (F RIGHT OFF! It’s not being told they are overweight on a regular basis that allows them to think its ok to carry on that way. The majority of overweight people think they are an ok weight, according to that radio 4 programme) We won’t get a government that really cracks down on unhealthy eating because they’d lose too much in terms of votes.
    The country is doomed to pay, i reckon we should sell off the NHS then if they have to pay for their own insulin (diabetes 2, I believe that’s the one that’s your own fault), a myriad of surgeries, reinforced ambulances, extra large beds, gastric bands, heart medication etcetera etceteraaah they might realise the social impact of “ooh, just one more cake” and not that its just them waddling around, filling the place up with their extra bulk.

    I like fat people, I just couldn’t eat a whole one.

    Exercise as a form of weight loss is stupid, just don’t eat the stuff in the first place

    I dunno, according to that calorie tracker, it would take me 18 minutes to run off a pint of beer. That seems like a good trade to me.

    Free Member

    (diabetes 2, I believe that’s the one that’s your own fault)

    Utter horseshit.

    This is another one of the problems with the crap health and diet messages we are getting from various sources.

    Yes, overweight people are more likely to develop diabetes, however, it is not the only trigger. My mother developed type 2 in her 80’s, she was never overweight. Type 2 is generally now considered down to genetics. A healthy lifestyle might delay it’s onset but you will probably develop it if your genetically disposed to it.

    It’s funny how the increase in Type 2 diabetics has coincided with the healthy low fat diets with a large percentage of carbs?

    Free Member
    Free Member

    my mum, and two of her sisters, have type 2 diabetes. her mum had it, too….

    all of them overweight.

    the two sisters that aren’t fat do not have a problem.

    Free Member

    I think this goes some way to explaining the problem.

    Free Member

    saying carbs are more important to growing kids than protein..
    I understand what you are getting at but you can’t actually survive by JUST eating protein! Respiration relies on sugar being available and last time I checked, there’s not much sugar in proteins!


    No-one said you should eat JUST protein, but you can get all the sugar you need from fruit. There’s no need to have bread/pasta etc with every meal.

    Or choccies and crisps…

    Free Member

    People don’t distinguish between low and high quality carbs. In fact, the more the powers that be try to educate people, the less inclined they are to think for themselves, as is evident on today’s program.

    Tonight, my protein came from fish, my carbs from various green veg.

    Full Member

    there aren’t enough sports on TV to encourage and inspire the kid to go outside.

    its not a case needing a sport or a hobby to go outside – we’ve expunged children from the streets. The stranger danger campaigns of the 70s and 80s means todays parents, who were children then, don’t let their children out the house. It didn’t change our childhoods, as a kid when I looked out the window there were kids out there, not just my own neighbours but other kids from elsewhere passing by just as I wandered far and wide – as an 8 or 9 year old I had a range of about 5 miles. Now when I go back to the same house, which is 100 yds from a primary school and 200yds from a pretty large secondary school you never see children unless they are being walked by their parents from the school gates to a waiting car.

    An interest in sport is irrelevant, a keen interest in an organised sport that you’re parents need to take you to for an hour a week is not enough exercise.

    Now that there are no children on the streets its self perpetuating. Aside from demonising either the children who do venture out as loitering thugs and fearing you’d be deemed neglectful for letting your own kids roam its the way everyone drives. In residential streets drivers (and I include parents with their own kids in the car in this) drive like they don’t expect to encounter children. And of course they’re right as from now on they won’t.

    Free Member

    I think this goes some way to explaining the problem.

    Horizontal hoops ?

    Free Member

    No-one said you should eat JUST protein, but you can get all the sugar you need from fruit. There’s no need to have bread/pasta etc with every meal.

    Likewise, there should also be no need to avoid them.

    People keep harking on about the old days when kids were thin, they ate plenty of starch in those days. So maybe you CAN exercise out a bad diet..?

    Lots of people with opinions on this thread, not many people seem to know what they are talking about though. Loads of complex factors working together. Sugar, calories, exercise are all in there.

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