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  • Job vacancy – Cycling Development Officer
  • piedidiformaggio
    Free Member
    Full Member

    We had a few of these vacancies going when Exeter became a cycle demonstration town. Sadly, they went to people already within the council who had an interest in cycling rather than to people whos’ careers were in cycling, if that makes sense. As a result, we’ve got cycling officers who are largely more concerned with their index linked pensions and exploiting the wide ranging benefits offered by DCC, than working hard to promote the future of cycling.
    Sad really because there’s a lot of money being thrown at cycling down here and it’s just being wasted because of poor appointments.

    Free Member

    I was after a job for 3 years and applied to vacancies in the council many many times. For a lot of the jobs I had more than the experience required and was qualified to do the job as well. Never got an interview or anything. Spoke to someone recently in the council and they said they have to publicise a job vacancy even if they know that someone internally will be getting the job. In fact they said it’s largely pointless applying for advertised vacancies.

    So I stopped applying. I wouldn’t mind if they put an announcement out that there was a position availble but it has been filled internally as we feel they are the best person for the job (and give the reasons why). I spent many hours on each application and it seemed like it was a waste of time. Can’t resist thinking it’s a “job for the boys” situation.

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