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  • Hope Hoops Pro3 SP XC3
  • Fueled
    Free Member

    I'm about to treat myself to a set and try the whole tubeless thing 🙂

    Does anyone know what the difference is between the standard and lightweight 160mm discs? How much lighter? Are they thinner? more holey?

    Trying to work out if I should go with the lighter just since they are there or stick to the (seemingly more common) standard discs..

    Free Member

    they have more cut outs "more holey" as you put it. I figured, they're free with the wheels, no extra charge so why not!

    Free Member

    I treated myself towards the end of last year and have been seriously pleased with the results.

    The lightweight rotors have less webbing than the standard model, i.e., less 'branches' from the central three arms. If I'd stopped drinking at one bottle I could probably make a much better job of describing that, but hopefully you get the idea 🙂

    I bought them because they were an option, rather than being aware of a significant weight saving (although any help I can get is a good thing).

    One thing I would say: you can knock them out of whack by jabbing them with your finger, so if you're rough on your kit or like to grab your rotor to help get leverage for closing your QR, they're probably not for you. I caught the rotor with my foot (to stop the wheel from falling over) and was plagued by a 'shing…shing…shing…shing' sound which took bloody ages to isolate and true out.

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