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  • Help with improving my yoga practice
  • edenvalleyboy
    Free Member


    Been getting into yoga over last few months.

    I have the Abi Carver mtb yoga videos and a couple of books.

    I would like some recomendations of good videos that help you practice specific positions and not take you through sequences (like Abi Carver’ do). Not easy reading a book whilst trying to get all parts of body in the right place!

    I’m unable to go to classes so want to learn at home how to do the positions correctly, before linking them up into fluid sequences.

    Happy to pay for videos if they’re worth it.

    Cheers for any help.

    Free Member

    The yoga teachers that I know all subscribe to Yogaglo. I’ve never used it so can’t really say much more than that.

    Its worth remembering that it is said, by those wiser than I, that yoga is 1% theory and 99% practice. Could be worth paying for a yoga teacher to come to you, get some intense input from them, and then practice for a few months. And repeat.

    I’ve been doing it for years, on and off, and a teachers input is soooo much better than trying to learn from book, video, etc.

    Full Member

    I know it’s not what you want to hear but IMO it isn’t something you can teach yourself. You need someone there who knows what they’re doing to nudge you into the correct alignment, etc, which is critical.

    There is also more to yoga than just doing the poses e.g. breathing properly (arguably the most important), mindfulness, etc, otherwise you’re just stretching (although obviously that’s still beneficial).

    That said a great t resource I’ve found for explaining how to do the poses is Anatomy of Stretching by Craig Ramsay (I got mine well cheap in The Works once). He’s a dancer but almost all common stretches come from yoga poses originally so it’s the same stuff just with different names. There are very clear photos & points to note about how to do each stretch properly.

    Full Member

    I do a bit of iyengar yoga and I don’t think it would really be possible without a real instructor to follow and also come round correcting the pose. I am aware iyengar places more emphasis on ‘correctness’ and alignment of poses than others though.

    I find it very hard to follow diagrams or videos compared to the real thing.

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