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  • DayLIGHT Robbery on the 'Bay
  • singletrackmind
    Full Member

    Seller must be having a laugh. I paid £6 for mine and its OK as a glovebox torch. Handlebar mount is actually quite good.

    I dont mind abit of capitalism, but £42! What a rip off. Thats 7 times what he paid.

    No one from here i hope

    Full Member

    If he sells a few I wish it was me? How much do Apple pay for an iPhone and charge? If an iPhone is sold at approx. £350 do they cost Apple £50 to produce? It sounds reasonable nut I bet they cost less than that to put together. Yes I know they have overheads the Torch seller doesn’t but so what? I suspect that he will have bugger all chance of selling at that price. If it was me I’d do it as an auction starting at price cost plus 25% and see what I got. I suspect though there is bugger all chance it will sell unless someone comes across it without getting any links to other sellers.

    Good luck to him/her I say.

    Full Member

    How much do Apple pay for an iPhone and charge?

    Intrigued by this question I did a quick Google and…

    The reputedly reliable market research people at iSuppli say $187.51 for all the parts of the 16GB iPhone 4, which iSells on Apple’s iOnline iStore for from 199 iDollars.

    Obviously a lot of the final bill for the handset is subsidised by the phone company, and I bet the cost of parts has dropped significantly over time, but I’d be surprised at a 700% markup, even from a company as graspingly, suffocatingly avaricious as Apple. (I’m a recovering Apple fanboi, can you tell?)

    So yeah, wow, £42! Cheeky sod!

    Full Member

    if you scroll down the same thing is in the most watched for £1.50

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