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  • David Icke at Wembley last Saturday
  • leffeboy
    Full Member

    Next thing you know, mountain bike mags will be passing coded messages using the first letters of articles on the contents page…

    Free Member

    Oh, we’re way past that stage, trust me 😉

    Free Member

    some even say there is

    Oh back to this again, some people say they saw the face of Jesus in an orange, or that they have imaginary friends who help them.
    Some people do stuff, some people do other stuff, some people…..

    Free Member

    So, cynicism, but no discussion of the actual subject matter, why is that?

    Are you scared of the unknown?

    Free Member

    Why are you so keen to steer the conversation away from….

    “child abuse is central to the control structures of the political and religious elite”

    If I didn’t know better, it almost seems like you have realised that you are talking shit, and are trying to move the conversation in another direction 🙄

    Explain your quote above, as you have been asked to do numerous times, and then the conversation may move along.

    Free Member

    I have done, just because you don’t like the answer, doesn’t change that.

    You know me though, ever tolerant and kind, Mi5 was the simple answer.

    The complicated one might be a bit much for your pretty little head.

    Here is a pic of the Mi5 badge if you’re having trouble reading:

    Now can you explain to me why people who are curious, intelligent and friendly are

    Weird, weird, people

    And why it is you haven’t had the decency to respond to my side of the (friendly) argument:

    Perhaps not as weird as blokes meeting in secret temples with Lambskin aprons.

    Certainly not as weird as people who rape, torture and on occasion murder children, sometimes filming it for the pleasure of others…

    Full Member


    Full Member

    blimey, you lot have some stamina !

    sorry, on you go …

    Free Member

    why is that?

    two reasons

    1. your theories are unhinged and poorly, if at all, supported by the “evidence” you present.
    2. you dont debate you insult and hint.

    So where did you get the bikes from?

    can you explain to me why people who are curious, intelligent and friendly

    Can you explain why you think you come across as this
    That is hilarious,if unintentional, comedy gold.

    you haven’t had the decency to respond to my side

    If it helps I think you are a harmless loon who is not as bad as a murdering sex offender

    Is this the intelligent bit?

    Free Member

    Oh Junky, you are a one, I’ve even offered you a hug…

    Just relax, no one is asking you to engage your emotions, just a little bit of common sense.

    I appreciate you are very good at arguing; probably far better than me, but so be it. Perhaps If I keep practising as much as you, I’ll get there one day

    In the meantime, you’ll just have to accept, I stand for what I believe in, and more importantly, I’m right 😆

    Here you go, a lovely cup of cocoa to calm you down

    (Oh, and whilst you’re perfectly entitled to intervene, that bit you’ve quoted wasn’t aimed at you, it was at my long time bit on the side, Missa Glover Lovva)

    Free Member

    Why do you pretend people who disagree with you are angry ?

    It doesn’t make your bullshit stories appear any more believable.

    Free Member

    I have done, just because you don’t like the answer, doesn’t change that.

    You’ve not explained it in any way whatsoever.

    How is child abuse central ?

    What happens if it stops ? Governments crumble and religion stops ?

    No ?

    You know me though, ever tolerant and kind, Mi5 was the simple answer.

    That’s not any type of answer.


    The complicated one might be a bit much for your pretty little head.

    I’d rather you spent your time answering the question than pathetic attempts at insults tbh.

    Here is a pic of the Mi5 badge if you’re having trouble reading:

    No it isn’t.

    Free Member

    Wonder how much press coverage there will be of dolphin square in the coming weeks.

    Did you know there are now at least 8 separate police operations underway into the Westminster paedophile ring and the surrounding networks?

    Here is a pic of the Mi5 badge if you’re having trouble reading:

    No it isn’t.

    It was at the time of much of the historic abuse… that is not to say abuse is not still continuing under the current regime.

    Anyhow, nightypoos, sweet dreams; hopefully you’ll dream of the weird people wearing tinfoil hats and not have nightmares about the ones torturing kids.

    Which reminds me: MK-ULTRA… any updates?

    Free Member

    Except all your posts are mostly insinuation, vague links and supposition. For some of it that’s being generous. You seem very keen to bring it all together into some mass global conspiracy that will explain it all. At times it almost as if you recite the same speech every time it comes up.

    Free Member

    So basically what you’re telling me is that you’re all scared of



    Free Member

    No not really and putting it in bold in every post just means you really really really want someone to ask you about your new pet conspiracy.

    Free Member

    I’d really rather you didn’t ask me about it and looked into it for yourself, it’s pretty shocking.

    But just in case you forgot what it is that you should research it’s:


    Free Member

    I have found this

    Free Member

    Anyhow, nightypoos, sweet dreams; hopefully you’ll dream of the weird people wearing tinfoil hats and not have nightmares about the ones torturing kids.

    Does it have to be one or the other ?

    Can I not dislike peadophiles and think conspiracy loons are idiots ?

    Free Member

    Free Member

    That pic has got me lolling, I have to admit though I am often a bit intense and mostly serious within this subject matter, I am of course just trolling it up at the mo.


    That said MK-ULTRA is no laughing matter 😐

    Oh, and don’t worry, Psy is sound, he’s in my posse, Gangnam Style…

    we even managed to get Korean Airlines to pull out of Israel a while back.

    Free Member

    I am of course just trolling it up at the mo.

    Welcome to Edinburgh. Feel free to use the defence.

    Free Member

    I just googled mk ultra and am not suprised at all. It’s pretty much standard Cold War thriller fodder.
    Truth serums and the old phone call triggers matey to go and do what ever they where pre programmed to do.

    Am I supposed to be shocked.

    Full Member

    I looked into MKUltra (no hyphen or bold type and fewer capitals) a couple of years back (possibly when the last conspiracy theory barmpot was on about it on here, I don’t remember). And to be fair, it’s pretty shocking stuff.

    However, as Chip says, it was a product of post-WWII cleanup (Operation Paperclip and a supporting cast of thousands) and “if they are, we better had as well” Cold War paranoia. It started in the early 50s and was closed down over 40 years ago.

    So quite where you’re going with this beyond “the CIA did some nasty shit half a century ago” I don’t really know. I’d ask if I thought you were capable of giving a straight answer, but I expect you’re going to tell me you know the truth that it’s still going on because you’ve found a photograph somewhere of Ronald Regan in the same room as Jimmy Savile.

    Free Member

    Mental health care is quite recent I think emphasising the word care.
    It used to be a case of just locking them up.
    People used to go on day trips to point and stare at the loony people like you would visit a zoo today.
    In fact even people with serious physical disability were viewed as freaks up untill not that long ago.

    So experimenting on the mentally ill, I think disgusting but the fact it went on does not shock me as in the surprised sense of the word.

    Cold War was serious business with both sides worrying about whether the other was gaining the scientific or technological edge after divvying up the nazi scientists. And short of espionage they could only guess what the other was upto and how far they had got doing it.

    Free Member

    Would just like to emphasis my use of the words loony people and them is in keeping with the attitude I describe and not my feelings,

    Incase anyone misunderstands.

    Free Member

    “child abuse is central to the control structures of the political and religious elite”

    Just to be clear – jivehoneyjive hasn’t articulated what he means here. It’s not that he’s articulated it and not everyone is convinced – it’s that he hasn’t even articulated what he means in his own terms.

    But not to worry, let’s just change the subject.

    Free Member

    Just to be clear – jivehoneyjive hasn’t articulated what he means here. It’s not that he’s articulated it and not everyone is convinced – it’s that he hasn’t even articulated what he means in his own terms. konabunny and others can’t be arsed to read; if you gave them enough bricks to build a house, they’d just throw them at each other, without the constructive approach needed to assemble them together


    The pyramid diagram does most of the explaining, a real world example of this is Mi5 filming MPs abusing kids for blackmail purposes.

    In seemingly unrelated matters

    Why did the last pope resign?

    Free Member

    No you have not at all.personally I would not even say you have tried to show it let alone have. You made a claim put up some links , none of them supported this view and then changed tack and pages later claimed you had “proved” it
    If you have you should have your day in court or else you just dont care, tolerate paedos are complicit and all the other unpleasant stuff you say to anyone who may question your lack of evidence.

    Free Member

    To be fair, I don’t feel I have to go into too much depth on this particular thread, as many times over the months/years I’ve provided avenues for you to research at your leisure, rather than clogging the forum with too many links and too much information which would doubtless bore and confuse the uninitiated.

    Your failure to comprehend is not my failure to provide information.

    It’s a lovely day out there, I’m off for now, don’t spend too much time bickering on the internetz eh?

    But if you are going to hang around, you could at least do the courtesy of answering my question:

    Why did the last pope resign?

    Free Member

    mikewsmith – Member 
    Homework? Whats that all about then. Must be time to GO and do something else, this RIDE seems to be going round in circles. Anyone know anything about BIKES


    I don’t think you do Mike…do some of you even get out on your bikes? If I wasn’t full of cold and bored I would be out myself rather than being a sheep and agreeing with the majority baaaaaah. 😆

    Free Member

    You’ve not explained it in any way whatsoever.
    How is child abuse central ?
    What happens if it stops ? Governments crumble and religion stops ?
    No ?

    You’ve not explained anything.

    Stop wasting time telling people they wouldn’t understand
    Stop insulting people who ask you to explain.

    Just explain it.

    Oh, and can you use words instead of pictures.

    We are all waiting to hear why you seem to think …..

    “child abuse is central to the control structures of the political and religious elite”

    When you have explained that, then we can move on to whatever else you feel the need to carp on about.

    Free Member

    I presume you are incapable of explaining it, mainly because you just blindly regurgitated it from some conspiracy website or other.

    Free Member

    Because he was 87 which is very old. Age is particualy a problem when trying to lead an internecine feuding mob with dark secrets . His replacement hardly fits with a lizard paedo conspiracy does he ? Or was he on Jim Will Fix It too?
    I must say when I Googled mkultra I was shocked and surprised that anyone thinks it is either big news or currently relevant I knew everything about it other than the code name . I can only assume jivehoney is quite young and discovering recent history for the first time and believing he us finding secrets.
    If you want a real peodo conspiracy you should look to Shetland and Cleveland but that cuts in the wrong direction for the sheeple mockers.

    Full Member

    You know, I’m in serious danger of closing this thread as it’s going absolutely nowhere.

    JHJ, you’ve mentioned MKUltra in pretty much every post for two pages, so it’s clearly something you really want to talk about. Finally, Chip and I both replied to you, at which point you completely ignore our replies and start asking vague questions about the pope instead. I don’t doubt for a moment that if someone were to go “go on, tell us about the Pope” you’d post some picture of him in a room with Prince Charles and go “see, makes you think doesn’t it!”, assert that it’s far too complicated to explain here but we should all look into it, and then start asking handwavy questions about moon landings or something. The whole thing is an effort in futility because as soon as anyone thinks “oh go on, lets discuss this” you change the subject.

    You haven’t “given anyone any bricks”, you’ve had someone on the Internet tell you what a brick looks like once, and in your head you’ve now got a mental image of a three foot high pineapple. You then claim to have the architect’s design for the house, but won’t show anyone because it’s obvious.

    Continually asserting ‘what about this then, eh? Do your research sheeple!’ isn’t providing evidence, it’s making you sound like a supporting character on the X-Files. Either you’re not actually listening to anything anyone says, or you’re going to an exceptional amount of effort to troll a bunch of cyclists.

    Free Member

    Either you’re not actually listening to anything anyone says, or you’re going to an exceptional amount of effort to troll a bunch of cyclists.

    Are you taking bets?

    Full Member

    [quote]Here is a pic of the Mi5 badge if you’re having trouble reading:

    No it isn’t.[/quote]
    It was at the time of much of the historic abuse.[/quote]
    Really? Or are you just making it up for dramatic effect?

    I am of course just trolling it up at the mo.

    At last some semblance of truth

    The pyramid diagram does most of the explaining, a real world example of this is Mi5 filming MPs abusing kids for blackmail purposes.

    So that’s it? MI5 are using child abuse to keep MPs under control?

    I can only assume jivehoney is quite young

    I have found myself wondering what he wants to be when he grows up. Investigative journalist perhaps? There’s an easy job these days. All the evidence is there in the internet innit?

    Free Member

    jivehoneyjive – Member

    It’s a lovely day out there

    Where abouts are you ? I suspect more bullshit.

    Free Member

    By the way, on the all-seeing eye thing: if you believe that it is a hiding-in-plain message that is designed to signify the constant and secret surveillance of the illuminati over the population, then it would indeed be incongruous if it was used by all sorts of supposedly innocent organisations.

    However, if you are actually an organisation dedicated to the secret surveillance of the populace, like MI5 is, then the all-seeing eye would be an entirely appropriate and congruent logo – in fact, it would almost be a bit clichéd.

    Free Member

    “However, if you are actually an organisation dedicated to the secret surveillance of the populace, like MI5 is, then the all-seeing eye would be an entirely appropriate and congruent logo – in fact, it would almost be a bit clichéd.”
    Badgetrackworld suggests that the all seeing eye and owls are running neck and neck in the security cliché badge stakes. It also suggests the triangle badge jivehoney posted ain’t official . mi6 had a brain in a c. The conspiracy links to the badge also single out Mobil as obvious illuminati because they have an O in their company name. Orange bikes have some explaining to do.

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