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  • Copyright law?
  • aracer
    Free Member

    A website has copyright material available which you can access via their website. Given that such copyright material reaches your computer via direct calls on their server for certain items, which are then normally stored on your computer in the cache directory, would you be breaking copyright law in any way by directly downloading these items (without going through their website front) and storing them on your computer in your own specified directory?

    Any thoughts (and yes I know it's probably fairly obvious what I'm talking about, but didn't feel it helped to spell it out!)?

    Free Member

    How on earth would you be found out, actionable or not?

    Free Member

    How on earth would you be found out, actionable or not?

    Because I might want to download rather a lot of said material, and concerned they might check server logs and consider tracing me if it was actually a problem (as has happened for people illegally downloading music)!

    Free Member

    Ah. Sorry, no idea.

    No way of getting them from your cache?

    You gonna tell us or do they have spies on here?

    Free Member

    Yes probably.

    If I recall correctly there was a special amendment made to the Copyright Act to enable the internet to actually function properly. That is, before the amendment you and I would be infringing by simply downloading the content and storing a copy in our cache and on our monitor screens. The amendment made it possible for us to surf the web.

    However what you are talking about (i think) is somehow subverting the system to download content and save it. This differs from the above scenario as you would be committing an illegal act according to the computer misuse act (i think) which makes it illegal for you to break through a barrier that otherwise would stop you doing or seeing something (kind of like breaking into someone's house).

    By the way I am not a lawyer so don't quote me ok 🙂

    Free Member

    That said, Copyright law is all about risk management.

    If you think you can get away with it, do it. If it seems too risky then don't.

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