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  • Child Support
  • Royston
    Free Member

    So I have just been notified that the IRD (Inland Revenue Department) made an inaccurate assessment of the child support I was liable to pay in the tax year ending March 2015. $1,500 thankyou very much. Apparently it’s due to a ‘change in circumstances’ of the other party (obviously my former partner) which basically amounts to her claiming she is/was unable to work which she doesn’t (or at least very much).
    This comes on the back of a notification in August last year that due to an admitted assessment error by them (the IRD) my child support assessment for the 13-14 tax year was wrong and I owe them $3,000. I work for a Health Authority on an annual salary that hasn’t changed in the last 3 years so it’s not like I’m self employed and trying to under declare my earnings. How hard can making this assessment every year be?
    I gave up fighting the IRD long ago because if your ‘grounds to appeal’ don’t fit categories that they specify (and there are only 6 of them) then you don’t stand a chance at a hearing (and I’ve been to three).
    So I don’t argue about the assessments they make anymore and just pay what they ask for and have no arrears except for these two amounts which I’m paying off the least amount I’m allowed to each month because it’s interest and penalty payment free and I don’t see why I should be out of pocket for their errors. I actually have a shared care ‘Parenting Order’ which is 45% (me)- 55% (her) from the Family Court which she doesn’t always adhere to (but there’s no come back for her) except through court again. Ideally the IRD would work more closely with the courts and recognise where a Parenting Order is in place around access or whatever and withhold payment(s) if it is shown that it’s being abused or not followed but they won’t.
    When I got the $3000 invoice I contacted a couple of tax debt lawyers who said they wouldn’t get involved with the IRD over Child Support because they just make up their own rules and the system lacks any transparency because they can claim (and do) that they have the right to protect information as it’s ‘confidential’ which in effect legitimise’s pretty much anything under ‘a change of circumstance’ without any further investigation being required.
    It’s very very fustrating.

    I’m going to ride my bike now!

    My Kids are great btw bloody lov’ em

    Full Member

    Yup,pretty much my experience. But then you/we are easy targets. They make the student loans company look transparent and efficient. I ended up bypassing once things wth the ex had calmed down and getting a lawyer to draw up an agreed contract for child support. Saves on the miscalculation every 18 months,maybe an idea?

    Free Member

    If it’s any consolation the UK agencies are as bad.

    All based on last year’s tax return, to apply for an adjustment your earnings have to drop by 25% :/

    Free Member

    actually have a shared care ‘Parenting Order’ which is 45% (me)- 55% (her) from the Family Court which she doesn’t always adhere to (but there’s no come back for her) except through court again.

    The moral abuses that women exert over men when it comes to witholding access to children and using them as a weapon and a tool of punishment is extraordinary.

    If rape is the weapon that men use to exert power over women, this is their analogue.

    I’m feeling particulary angry today about this. It was my best friend’s birthday yesterday and they are in a particularly difficult place right now with a high court ruling on the divorce pending and a lot of other emotionally challenging things happening.

    The mother didn’t even let the children call to wish them happy birthday. No card, no call, nothing, not even a post of FB. My friend is not doing so well today.

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