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  • Breathing sensors for babies
  • chakaping
    Free Member

    Because she wants to ensure they do not get used to being in with us and needs to start recovering her own sleep patterns. And they weren't premature – they were in SCBU because of low blood sugars but were born at 37 weeks which is classed full term for twins.

    Fair enough, I thought your kids were premature for some reason. Must be mixing you up with someone else.

    Free Member

    We have the Angelcare one, recommended by a friend and recommended on again to another friend, out of the 3 I don't think anyone has had false alarms. It has a read-out where you can see when they are moving and it mutes completely unless they are making noise, so you aren't sitting listening to static all evening.

    The way I see it you are buying peace of mind for your wife, and (especially with twins) the chance to get some well-deserved kip. My wife is a worrier in any case and we had some minor complications with ours which made it that bit worse. No matter how logical you are about it, she will sleep better with the monitors.

    Free Member

    I can't offer any recommendations, but I do sympathise with where you find yourself on worrying about the small people. 🙂

    Have you considered making a great show of fitting some pteranodon netting outside their window? If done with a straight face this might conceivably be an amusing commentary on risk management.

    Free Member

    Well, two Angelcare monitors bought and they are now in their own room. I must admit to being pretty impressed with them – Izzi moves around all over the cot yet it still picks up her heartbeat. Bl00dy instructions are stoopid though!

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