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  • Bike thief thoughts??
  • LMT
    Free Member

    So last night at work, a customer came to the service desk and claimed someone had stolen his bike, so firstly we told him he shouldn’t of left it in the store unlocked anyway, especailly in a 2 floored supermarket where we don’t staff the lower floor except one trolley boy. But also the bike thief had left his crappy appollo special behind. So i checked CCTV and there is something, you can see 30 seconds after the customer coming into the store, some chav on his appollo follows him in, approx 30 seconds behind and swaps bikes and runs for the door. One snag no face shot as its covered up.

    So i explain to the customer, we basically have nothing, but if he calls the police they can claim the footage we have.

    Today i get called to the desk, some chav shouting at the guards, as he claims he left his bike at the store last night and its gone missing (said appollo is in the warehouse awaiting police pickup). I state the same as the previous night, no bike sorry, left at owners risk. But then it hits me, the height and jacket the same as the bike thief, so we get CCTV footage proper shots and call the police.

    The police pop down have a look, claim that its just coincidence and that i should return the bike if he comes back in, if he proves its his, if not they will pick it up in 7 days.

    I know we can’t 100% tell, but its just frustrating!!

    Full Member

    tell thief that you have cctv showing him nicking the other bike and that, under the circumstances, he’d better return it quick or you’ll have to give the video to the police ?

    never know, he might just be daft enough (and still have the bike)

    Full Member

    Sloppy policing. IMVHO, of course.

    Free Member

    A guy tried this at my work last year. Rode in on a crap bike, cut the lock on mine and started to ride off.

    Unfortunately for him, I was watching him do it from my desk and I still have the CCTV footage of me picking him up and throwing him into the bike shed.

    Free Member

    You have to admire the cheek of the thief though..

    Free Member

    Scott, PLEASE post that clip up!

    Free Member

    He stood there rabbiting away, we got his life story about his friend and the bike and at first it was his mates bike, then when i got annoyed and asked him what he actually wanted, he said he wanted his bike back, i just laughed and said i could check the cctv then pass it to the police, his response was don’t worry about it!

    Full Member

    “Sure, can you identify your bike?”

    “that’s mine”

    “you’re nicked, sonny.”

    N’est-ce pas?

    Full Member

    they did that at my work the other week. rode in on a crap bike, nicked one of the guys bikes and left the clunker (twas also an appolo strangly enough). No CCTV and the bike lock up is in a fairly accessable place but is still not cricket.

    who is it i work for again…oh yeah its the police ffs 😐
    i keep mine inside now

    Free Member

    flippin scum, boils my piss it does.

    Full Member

    Apparently, if we legalised heroin, this wouldn’t happen.

    Or something.

    Free Member

    The police is taking it easy … I think the govt is right in cutting the force.

    Free Member

    Cougar – Member

    Apparently, if we legalised heroin, this wouldn’t happen.

    Or something.
    TBH i think giving junkies as much heroin as they want would suit me fine, I’llb et it would be cheaper than the effects of petty theft. The insurance companies could pay for it. Imagine if every desparate daylight waster no longer felt compelled to nick stuff just to satisfy their craving for another fix.
    I think I might be a right wing bastard.

    Full Member

    I dunno anything about wings, but there’s a part of me that thinks that if we went “hey, free heroin for everyone” society as a whole would have a net gain.

    Theoretically, these junkie shithouses are supposed to garner our pity. Ten years ago I was turned over twice for thousands in a burglary, for years afterwards I couldn’t come back into the house without looking through the window first to make sure everything looked right. Going on holiday or even away overnight, I’d spend the entire time fretting about whether the house was safe and worrying what I’d come home to. I didn’t feel safe in my own home, and I’m far from a ‘vulnerable’ little old lady.

    They found the bastard who did it a little while later, dead of an overdose, and the one tiny reassurance I take from the whole episode is that with a bit of luck the money the scumbag got from hocking my stuff helped that happen a little earlier.

    That probably makes me a bad man but, y’know what, fk ’em. The day you cross my threshold uninvited is the day you waive any rights to my goddamn sympathy. Tetes du merde, the lot of ’em.

    Full Member

    i have attempted to put a voodoo curse upon my bike.if it is ever stolen,as the culprit is riding off with my pride and joy,they will be magically mown down by an 18 wheeler (but my bike will remain completely unscathed,and return back to me (like a homing pigeon).failing that genetically aggressive invisible wasps/hornets on the saddle.that’ll teach em 😉

    Free Member

    Cougar – I completely agree.

    Free Member

    Yeah! It’s the fault of the police that stuff gets nicked. They all sit around doing nothing, wasting our tax money. Selfish barstewards. All those empty prisons need filling up with coppers. Or beat them up with rolled up copies of the daily mail smeared in bile and misguided vitriol!

    Full Member

    And you know what else, this whole “drugs drive people to crime” thing is (if you’ll pardon the pun) horseshit.

    I could be on the streets naked in December, and I’d eat my own spleen before I’d contemplate doing over a granny for a couple of wraps and a bag of chips.

    Free Member

    get his contact details and say you will get someone to drop it off to him 😉

    Free Member

    I think you were right and you got crappy police officers who couldn’t be arsed to try.

    If they had been arsed then they could at least have made an arrest on suspicion of theft and searched the boy’s home for the stolen bike. They probably wouldn’t have got a result but we will never know because they never tried. In so doing they have shit on the public and on every willing police officer who is out there trying to do their best.

    Don’t let it stop you trying to get something done if the same thing happens again.

    Full Member

    You should have “walked him round to the warehouse” & stuck him inside the cardboard box crusher-up-erer.

    Free Member

    I witnessed my bike getting stolen when I was a teenager – taken by a known wrongun, drug addict, part-time dealer and wife-beater. Couple of months later he was banged up for a couple of other misdemeanours.
    That made me happy.
    A few years later his decaying corpse was found in some wasteland with his head stoved.
    This made me even happier.

    Full Member

    A few years later his decaying corpse was found in some wasteland with his head stoved.

    There wasn’t a set of bloodstained Bombers lying nearby, was there?


    Free Member

    Yeah! It’s the fault of the police that stuff gets nicked. They all sit around doing nothing, wasting our tax money. Selfish barstewards. All those empty prisons need filling up with coppers. Or beat them up with rolled up copies of the daily mail smeared in bile and misguided vitriol!

    Yeh! Their as bad as asylum seekers!

    Free Member

    A few years ago, our work bike storage used to be left open – bikes were still locked up, but you could walk in and out fairly easily without being challenged. Mr Toast mentioned that he was concerned about this to HR, and they just shrugged, so Toast didn’t ride to work.

    Eventually the inevitable happened, and six bikes got nicked on the same day. A chav and his girlfriend walked in – the chav took two bikes (rode one, pushed the other as he was riding), his girlfriend rode off on another. Then they came back and did it again within a couple of hours. Fortunately they’d pushed their luck a bit too far – being caught on CCTV riding through Leamington in broad daylight with two bikes at a time is fairly good evidence. The guy had also been caught on CCTV knicking bikes from the local Sainsburys the week before.

    The police told one of the guys who had their bike knicked that his flat ‘looked like the shop floor of Halfords’. In many ways – the chav had left a nice Kona Jake in favour of various Shockwaves and Apollos. The police recovered twelve bikes from his flat, but none of the ones that were knicked from our workplace. The guy turned up at court, looked very apologetic, and got community service. :/

    Work then started closing and alarming the door. No thefts since then.

    Free Member

    My thought’s on your scenario are that there is more than enough evidence to arrest interview and charge this lad ,if he admits either to staff or police that the Apollo left by the thief is the bike he is claiming. for good measure get him to say exactly where he left it and when. Obviously he is more likely to give this info to you rather than the police and will deny saying it later so have two members of staff deal with him at all times.

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