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  • Are there any treasurers out there?
  • piedidiformaggio
    Free Member

    I've just been handed the treasurer baton (well battered briefcase full of tat!) for our Badminton club.

    Are the any treasurers out there who use any free (preferably!) software for their accounts?


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    Open Office

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    Well, I've already started setting something up in a spreadsheet, just wondering if there was anything already done

    Free Member

    Excel, I was treasurer (and president, sports captain and various other posts) after the previous lot fell out, then the president wasn't too hot on book keeping.

    Ended with a meeting between me and some high up bod's in which my reply to "wheres all the money" (we're talking >£17k) was *shoulder shrug*.

    Thankfully I kept photocopies of every recipt I ever spent.

    Free Member

    I just stuff all the money in a jar…

    Full Member

    I've been the Treasurer of a sports club for the last 4 years. It's registered as Community Amateur Sports Club which gives it some tax benefits but isn't a full charity. Income of about £20k, expenditure of about £15k, 100 plus members, own land and property, clubhouse and bar. Not sure how this compares to what you're taking on?

    Anyway, before doing anything check you're happy with your personal liabilities in terms of the club (but especially you) being covered if something goes wrong and someone sues. Is it a charity? Is it limited by guarantee? Is it insured? Will you be personally sued?

    In terms of the monies, do you just want to keep tabs on the money or will you be expected to file income/expenditure accounts? At it's simplest you could just keep a simple book with 'In' and 'Out' and note everything, keeping a tally at the end of each month.

    We produce and audit our accounts which is pretty complex, at least for a non-accountant like me. I basically put all transactions into a massive excel spreadsheet with macros and cross-references going everywhere and it balances the income/expenditure/profit/loss/assets/liabilities etc.

    I think it's a bespoke system we use and I wouldn't recommend it. I have a member who's an accountant trying to simplify how we do ours but depending on how complex your needs are there must be things like Sage basic available? Ask your local Council for Voluntary Services what they recommend.

    Full Member

    Good advice above about checking personal liabilities. I took one on when the previous treasurer had funded his own lifestyle (and went to Jail) and started with £100 in bank and £17k of debts. I knew this when taking it on and thankfully got through that one with a good committee.

    One important piece of advice, plan for your exit. Use software that is easy to "pass on" ie not some package that needs licensing. I would second openoffice as above, excel's great if you have it. If the accounts are not needed by any third party then all you need is produce a statement of in's and out's and a bank balance. If they are needed by some other party then try to get an accountant to do it for you (for love of course).

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