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  • Anyone listening to Prof Brian Cox on 6Music now?
  • kevin1911
    Full Member

    The conversation just went from Schroedinger (sp?) to Maxwells equations to the propagation of radio waves, and he seemed to say something that I’ve either misunderstood or is just wrong.

    He seemed to say that radio waves as in those that are used to transmit radio stations, are not one continuous wave, but a series of ‘chopped up bits’.

    So, did I misunderstand what he was saying?

    Free Member

    Not listening to it but he may have been talking about light acting as a wave that is discontinuous and using radio waves as a comparison?

    Full Member

    It did touch on whether radio waves were a wave or a stream of particles, but he definitely seemed to be talking just about radio waves. Only thing I can think of is that he’s talking about Phase Shift Keying.

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