Monday Morning Debrief 19

by 6

There was definitely a spring like feel to the weekend at last. So it seemed only right to forsake the usual winch and plummet and go for a long XC ride instead.

A flavour of what was to come

Heading up and out of the valley we hit the first snow drift filled walled track, no worries it was easily traversed though the sugar like snow made pedalling through it difficult.

Mo' up

The trail consistency was interesting alternating between snow, mud, gloop and (I swear this is true) dust. All depending on just how much snow melt was irrigating the section of  trail you were riding. Plenty of steady away, tap it out (™ Matt Letch) climbing on the route we chose which is always good to stretching those winter legs back into summer fitness.

Berm baby, berm.

A quick detour for a lap of the swoopy bermaliscious trail in Hurstwood woods seemed only right seeing as we were passing by. These are top little trails for a quick play.

Not what we had planned

And then after a bit more moor and a swift road section we dive onto what we expect to be fast trails to find 4ft drifts. Time for a bike of hike a bike and ride intervals.

Sim leads the way

Finally we hit rideable packhorse slabs and it’s the start of the last long descent.

A decent length ride, a bit of base fitness work and an opportunity to inhale a chip butty at the end. Win.

Cross border beverages

The only remaining question is Lancashire or Yorkshire beer? It’s like the War of the Roses all over again…

How was your weekend? Tell us here:

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