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  • Using an eSIM To Stay Connected In Remote Locations While Hiking Or Biking
  • zeesaffa
    Free Member

    I always ask for proof of funds before formally accepting an offer on behalf of a client. I usually do this after negotiations (unless i suspect something fishy).

    It is simply to check affordability and make sure they are serious buyers before we take the property off the market.

    Yes, I suppose the buyer could forge the Decision in Principle but you’d have to be a bit off a **** to do that. It costs nothing to get a DiP and if you have to forge one then you shouldn’t be making offers.

    Also, not all agents are scum and/or parasites. Admittedly I know a hell of a lot who are and I think that historically the profession attracted a certain type of person but times are changing. You get bad eggs in every profession though.

    My wife and I started doing this 5 years ago at 35 (after working in a completely different professions) and i can tell you now it’s a challenging career. Way way harder than i expected it to be. Long demanding hours – which is also part of being self employed and caring about your business and customers.

    Ive also met a lot of amazing agents along the way. Its easy to be a bad agent but ask anyone who’s had a good experience with an agent that cares and fought for a good result and I am sure they will tell you they were worth the fee.

    OP, feel free to DM me if you need any advice along the way. I’ll gladly help if i can. Good luck!

    Free Member


    I’m also on the hunt for a new gas bbq.
    My old Outback uses lava rocks which I like for smokey flavour. Also gets proper flaming hot which is great for steaks.

    All the new models have these heat deflectors which spread the heat more evenly but not so good for searing.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    I can’t believe I’ve just read an entire thread about raised beds… and I don’t know why!

    Free Member


    Free Member

    I could bike alone the road and pavement from my front door but that would be past everyone else that’s doing the same.

    IM just driving to the closest (remote) spot where I’m pretty sure nobody else will be. If I’m wrong then I’ll come back.

    The other option might be to just buy a used static exercise bike. I’ll look into that as well.

    Free Member

    I plan to take a drive out into the hills tomorrow evening for a XC route. Nothing risky. Just a few tough climbs.

    My issue is that I can’t run anymore or have any impact through my ankle(because of a bad ankle injury) – otherwise that’s what I’d do and I wouldn’t have to drive anywhere.
    I also don’t have the benefit of a bike route directly from my front door. Not without coming into contact with others.

    If I get to the remote spot tomorrow and there are others there and I can’t maintain a safe distance – then I won’t ride.

    What else can I do?

    I genuinely need the exercise to keep me in a good frame of mind and of course to keep healthy (as I am sure many of us do).

    I’m open to suggestions.

    Free Member

    When I first read your post I thought WTH?! That’s crazy.

    But then, thinking about it, it is just the same as MS Windows becoming unsupported or a gaurantee on a TV expiring.

    Aren’t SONOS just saying that they will no longer be able to support the older generation of speakers and they won’t release new features – but they should continue to work as normal (unless there’s a malfunction of course).

    Free Member

    Excellent suggestions on all accounts – thanks very much everyone! :-)

    Free Member

    If its the house you want in the location you want then just get some professional advice to remedy the situation and get it knocked of the price. Lots of properties have damp. Some worse than others but almost always fixable if you identify the root cause.

    Good luck!!

    Free Member

    Lager shandy made with non-alcohol lager is surprisingly good.

    Free Member

    Today is (also) a good day because…

    It is our Monduro crew (middle-aged Monners who enjoy a bit of enduro) Xmas get together!

    Revo bike park today and debrief over beers tonight! :-D

    Free Member

    New pair of MW7s delivered this weekend.

    Does anyone else have this little gap even after tightening? Seems like the velcro flap needs to be bigger or water is surely going to leak in??

    Either that, or I have very fat ankles! (I don’t)


    Free Member

    Some very useful advice here and also sone rather ‘interesting’ bits too 🤔
    Fortunately I work from home a lit so finding a private space won’t be too hard!! 🤣
    There are a few I will certainly put to use. Some things I am already trying to some extent but hearing few of you reinforcing it so I’ll keep at it.

    Also, I really appreciate the empathy. Not good that others are going through the same but reassuring to know we aren’t alone.

    Very helpful – thanks again 👍🏼

    Free Member

    Thanks, fair point! I make time to get out and ride once or twice a week – and it helps!!! No doubt about that.

    I am curious to know more about how I can overcome the anxiety or stress I feel at random times brought on by these blips at work.

    Mrs says I just need to grow a thicker skin. She has a point! But then she also lets things get to her at times.

    Guess it’s just life. People have it a lit tougher, I realise that.

    To he honest, Ive been reading up about mindfulness and meditation which has got me thinking that there might be ways to deal with this. Hence why im curious to know what others do (in addition to riding) ;-)

    Free Member

    We have an uplift day booked at Revolution BP tomorrow. Still going to give it a go!

    Free Member

    Thanks all!

    Sashimi would’ve been nice – but will just do smoked salmon on hosomaki rolls instead.

    Free Member

    Okay, thank you all.

    Just wanted to make sure this was the best and only way.
    The difficulty in getting through to the rental helpline and the lack of ‘enthusiasm’ from the person we eventually spoke to just made me question their advice.
    And as almost always the case… sound advice on STE ;-)

    Thanks again!

    Free Member

    Nice one – thanks all!

    Will check out the Bialettis and the V60 as well.

    Much appreciated!

    Free Member


    They are the older non-bleeding edge port.

    So it looks like a disassembly of the lever:

    I’m alright with bleeding the brakes but not only does this look time consuming- I simply don’t trust myself not to completely mess this up.

    Looks likes it’s a trip to the LBS. Don’t really have the money for this :-(

    Free Member

    Why does it seem like there are more homeless men than women?

    Free Member

    Awesome set!!
    He clearly still loves the good ol’ days as much as I do / did!
    Interesting graphics behind him as well ;-)

    Free Member

    6th gen?

    Free Member

    I take your point about the Kindle Fire. TBH he already has one – about 2 years old (to him) and not sure when they were released. It is quite clunky and he much prefers the games that he downloads on our phones (I don’t blame him).

    You can still buy an iPod Touch 6th Gen new – and they were released in 2015 if I’m not mistaken. The S5 was released just before in 2014 and has better specs.

    Free Member


    Sort of, a sort of non swearing tourettes. Whenever I recall any memory which triggers a negative emotion (eg mild embarasment at something I did or said), my subconscious blurts out a random phrase, often a complete surprise to me any anyone else in the room who asks what I meant by it, to which I reply absolutely no idea!

    That is EXACTLY what I do. It’s almost always when I’m remembering something embarrassing or worrying!

    Good to know us crazies aren’t alone eh! ;-)

    Free Member

    Thanks everyone!! :-)

    Free Member

    Thanks very much for the advice – very useful ans apprecited. And good point about it usuallt being warmer if raining.

    Any thoughts on the Microlight Alpine jacket? I am thinking thats the one to go for – and no suprise it seems to be Rab’s most popular jacket.

    Free Member

    Thanks all.

    Doesn’t look like that’s  the proper “Microsoft” version of Movie Maker (unless I’m mistaken).

    I’m going to try OpenShot first and then go through that free trials list.

    Thanks again :-)

    Free Member

    Wow! Good timing on this thread.

    I broke my ankle 2 years ago (badly).

    Like Megatron, little to no gap & cartilage left. First consultant said fusing or replacement was my only solution.

    Went for 2nd opinion. Just had an arthroscopy on Monday. Part of that was a camera job to see what my long-term options are.

    I’m going back to see the comsultant in a couple of weeks. I know that fusion or replacement is probably going to happen at some point but not keen at my age (38). Consultant also mentioned stem cell research / hocus pocus.

    , I have PM’d you.

    Free Member

    <span style=”font-size: 0.8rem;”>Butter, peanut butter, and jam 😀</span>

    Free Member

    St Germain – Boulevard

    Free Member

    Diagnosed with UC 15 years ago.

    Had a variety of drugs over the years – incl steroids when flaring

    Now on a combination of Azathioprine and Allopurinol.

    I temd to eat drink what I want. But I do have low level symptoms which is probably as a result of me not cutting back on trigger foods like alcohol, caffeine, sweets, etc.

    Also told by consultant it was most likely due to me stopping smoking. Funny thing is I went in to have a grape removed and then suddenly had UC. Bizarre!

    Thinking of trying CBD oils next.

    Good luck OP. Feel free to DM me and I will be glad to share war stories if you want!

    Free Member

    Be warned!

    Free Member

    Agreed! Very good advice and also reassuring that I’m not too alone with this. Thank you :-)

    Free Member

    Thanks for all the advise and tips everyone. You’ve given me a few things to go on (and a bit of hope).

    Much appreciated!

    Free Member

    I work for myself and yes, I completely know my stuff and I believe (quite enthusiastically some say) that we are the best at what we do.

    It isnt about subject matter. Its me becoming very self aware.

    It happens sometimes even when talking ti a group of friends in the pub or even when introducing myself at a networking or training event.

    Free Member

    If I were you I would look to extend the lease asap – like between Exchange amd Completion.

    The current owners should have the quote from the freeholders for extending the lease as part of the Section 42. Exchange contracts then arrange for the solicitors to extend.

    That’s what I would do.

    There are no guarantees on the cost of extending further down the line. Chances are it will cost (potentially a lot) more.

    Free Member

    <div class=”bbp-reply-author”>bedmaker
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    Sounds like you need a practical husband to deal with these little jobs around the house.

    Yeah, I think I agree (as does Mrs Z)!! :-)

    I take your points about taking into account what the tradespeople’s outgoings are – but it still seems quite a lot to me.

    The plumber told me it will take them 3-4 hours. The hedge took a day – was about 7 metres long.

    Anyway, it’s just a bit of a sting when I don’t need it. Should cound myself lucky that we can at least afford to get it done while I’m out of action.

    Those graphs were interesting…. ;-)

    Free Member

    Why not get her a selection if lower priced ones (depending on budget)?

    Ive got this one and think it’s got some inspiring shots:

    Free Member

    If you are trying to get the most for it then I think most buyers would feel more reassured seeing a garage service stamp in the book.

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