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  • Canyon Spectral 125 CF LTD: a very (John Player) special bike
  • v8ninety
    Full Member

    I sit down at home, because I clean the bathroom. It’s not about aim, it’s about the fine urine haze that coats everything surrounding the throne (including the pee-er) in piss over a period of time, if regular standing up peeing is carried out. Most revolting. Having come to this realisation, I would also sit down in friends houses too, so long as a cleaning regime was in evidence. It’s a respect thing, not a manliness thing.

    Full Member

    For your supplied specs, it has to be a Merc E or S class. As has already been said.

    I know exactly what you mean about Skodas, I use to feel the same. However, it’s worth realising that they are not the same anymore, and maybe take a high spec one for a spin. The top end ones are indistinguishable in the way they drive to their equivelent VAGs across the other three brands. (I’ve got a Golf GTD, mate has a Leon with the same engine, another has an Octavia VRs, yet another has a fastish A3. If I was blindfolded whilst driving any of them, I doubt I’d be able to tell you which I was in before I crashed into a lorry. They are more similar than they are different; just brand engineering really. Mines the best looking of the bunch though 😈 )

    Full Member

    It’s a strange old situation where people who object to their children being taught unprovable myths and legends* as fact get labelled as extremist, yet people who believe said myths and legends have a special, protected against discrimination status, whilst ironically, the myths and legends crew have an almost exclusive deal on ACTUAL extremism.

    *I’m hoping ‘myths and legends’ is less insulting/belittling to people’s chosen belief systems than the oft used ‘fairytales and hocus pocus’ etc. I’m trying really hard to be even handed and non inflammatory.

    Full Member

    Screwed to me means…incapable of doing what it’s supposed to do

    You are correct; a hospital isn’t meant to abuse it’s major incident plan simply to be able to fulfil its normal, day to day stock in trade. That’s bad drills.

    Full Member

    Having to declare a major incident, which as the name suggests, is kinda reserved for you know, incidents that are unusual and major in nature, in order to deliver the core product sounds pretty screwed to me.

    I wonder what they’d do if they actually had a major incident to deal with whilst they were dealing with their internal, pretend major incident? Would they declare an EXTEREMELY major incident, enabling them to crack open the clone pods, and start feeding the staff amphetamines to enable them to work triple shifts? I’m with Drac. If a Trust is declaring MAJAX for the day job, it’s in dire straits.

    Full Member

    V8 isn’t being serious

    I totally am! (I couldn’t do your job/bet you see some sights) 😛

    Edit; oh and his partner could follow in the car, because, you know, you always get seen quicker when you’re rushed in by th’ambulance… 😆

    Full Member

    OP should definitely have called an ambulance. He’s a taxpayer and he pays national insurance after all, he should get full service. Daft to risk driving with a sore ankle; what if he’d crashed?

    Full Member

    My other half went to an RC school. She’s an atheist now. Quite possibly because of the RC schooling. She’s got a fair brain on her though. Plenty of her compatriots are mindlessly continuing the inherited religion nonsense, it seems.

    Full Member

    It’s just what ‘they’ want you to think. There’s plenty of money knocking about, it’s just a matter of priorities.

    Full Member

    Do you mean a plasma lamp/globe/ball? Wiki link Always found them fascinating as a kid, but it appears that practically, their uses are mostly limited to, err, being facinating objects for kids.

    Full Member

    Jeez. As a dad to a pair of (so far rather stress free, apparently) four and five year old boys, this thread is both terrifying and enlightening. Mostly terrifying though 😯

    Full Member

    they use dynamic pricing based on your profile

    Really??? I’d be very interested in finding out more about that, properly below the belt. Do you have any sauce?

    Full Member

    Just watched that trailer, and am NONE the wiser. Anyone care to explain the premise? Looks interesting

    Full Member

    Tactical voting makes PERFECT sense within the frankly awful system that we currently have. There’s absolutely no chance of your LD vote amounting to anything, so you may as well stick it behind the candidate that is most aligned with your values. To do anything else would be a complete waste of your vote.

    Full Member

    dashcams…waste of money

    well not for me. My £40 dashcam saved me a £250 excess. That’s clearly and unequivocally NOT a waste of money. And whilst I am NOT a driving God, I am trained and experienced to a much higher level than the general public, and I didn’t manage to predict that the dickhead taxi driver was about to change lanes into the side of my car. As for invasions of privacy; under UK law, you do not have a ‘reasonable expectation of privacy’ whilst in a public place, as much as you may wish you did. Sorry.
    Regarding driving differently because it’s being filmed; I forget mines there, TBH. I only remembered with the taxi incident about 15 minutes later, when I’d calmed down. I’ve never bothered looking at footage before or since, either. Having one is just a little extra insurance, as far as I’m concerned.

    Full Member

    errr…. are you sure all Jews are one race?!

    Well, they have been defined as one in (‘merican) law, but actually, it’s fair to say that even jews themselves don’t really have a good answer to that question.

    Full Member

    going to cut it and connect to a switched live feed on my fusebox so it starts filming when my ignition is switched on.

    Don’t forget about the whole 12v down to 5v thing (I’m sure you haven’t, but I wouldn’t want you to fry your cam)

    Full Member

    Did mine. Was enjoyable to do (but I am weird like that) and sorted the problem. Cool story bro

    Full Member

    plug it into the power socket in the boot and run wire along the top of the doors inside to the rear view mirror

    thats what I’ve done with mine, so some manufacturers supply a long enough lead. Every dashcam I’ve had anything to do with has had a generous lead.

    Full Member

    Red, ‘flamin’ hot’ (they’re not, but there’s a pleasant tingle) monster munch is my carby poison tonight. Yum/guilt

    Full Member

    Toro Loco Tempranillo wine

    they’ve CHANGED this! The barstewards. Was our favourite reasonable Tempranillo. 🙁

    Full Member

    OP, Do you get upset when the bloke across the road ‘flashes’ his lights in your window too? I may know you. Tell me; is it your wife or your mum?

    Full Member

    Nuke their slippers from bombers in orbit.

    Full Member

    Yeah, I don’t really buy that. They may be creaming off smaller percentages, but their willingness to pay out gazillions for spurious claims has multiplied the size of their business many times over. It’s a golden goose for them; they can put prices up, and just blame the size of the payouts. Which they control. You don’t ever hear the motor insurance industry calling for personal injury payout caps, do you? Wonder why…

    Full Member

    Insurers will have him down as an accident magnet use any excuse whatsoever to load premiums and cash in.

    Fairly in this case, but colour me cynical, it’s much harder to get them to take account of any factors that vastly REDUCE risk…

    Full Member

    Urine may not be sterile (in absolute terms) but I’d bet penny to a pound it’s more sterile than the shower tray that it is (or isn’t) being expelled onto. Yes, even your shower tray, weird non weeing people. And that’s before it’s been diluted by a gallon of so of clean shower water.

    Full Member

    His insurers tried to claim 50/50!!!

    THIS is where they come into their own. There’s SO many accidents whereby it might have been either drivers fault, when looking at the incident after the event, without the benefit of footage. Pretty much any lane discipline incident, anywhere where markings on road aren’t clear, any bump where parties dispute what the traffic lights said, etc, etc. In these circumstances, it’s absolutely no skin of the nose of insurance companies to go ‘knock for knock’. They share the cost, and BOTH get to sting their drivers for excesses, lost no claims and increased premiums. It’s a no brainer for them. Footage just clears this all up. If you’re a half decent human being, you could also volunteer your footage as a witness to anything too. I reckon in a few years they will be almost compulsory, by means of insurance premiums being silly without one.

    Full Member

    People who object to peeing in the shower are letting socially learned convention (in this case, an a aversion to any sort of bodily fluid coz it’s ‘dirty’) get in the way of simple logic; FACT. 😛 (on the face of it, peeing in the shower is probably more hygienic than peeing standing up at the loo. It’s certainly a more effective flush; and the rim is higher too. 😆

    Full Member

    Roger that… 😯

    Full Member

    Brilliant, thanks! Re bike security, is it really that dodgy an area?

    Full Member

    Thumbs up!

    Full Member

    Coolio, thanks for the reply. Where’s best to park for the trails? Coming from about 30miles away. I’ve been to the play area (and seen the pump track, looks fun) before but I’ve no clear idea where the MTB bits are…

    Full Member

    Chilli Doritos are my smack. Can easily demolish one of those big sharing bags. Quickly. Can relate to the comments above about blistered mouthparts; I knew I’d overdone it last time because the skin was coming away from my lips… 😯

    Full Member

    It’s all a bit ‘calgon’ isn’t it? Washing machines may last longer on the stuff, but you’d have enough for a new machine by the time it dies from lime poisoning IF you hadn’t of spent it on friggin’ calgon…

    Full Member

    My other half doesn’t; and in fact is so horrified by the idea that I don’t pee in her shower either, out of respect. Still pee in mine though. It’s lovely and relaxing, plus time efficient 8)

    Full Member

    True, but haven’t come across a dashcam without a mic TBH.

    Full Member

    Sadexpunk; see my link. About as unobtrusive as you can get without spending a fortune. Hardwiring is as easy as finding a switched ignition live. If you e ever installed an old fashioned car stereo before the days of plug n play then you’ll not have a problem. Hardwire kits available cheap on th’bay.

    Full Member

    Ah, but the SatNav part could equally show that you were doing a consistent 29.9mph when the taxi drove into you.

    It could, but that’s irrelevant. All it needs to show is that the taxi did actually drive into me. Everything else is just muddying the waters. (I was actually doing about 12mph, fwiw)

    Cheap eBay dashcam FTW. Fit and forget, you can guarantee that the time someone drives into you will be the time that you forgot to pop your phone on the cradle and open the app…

    Something like this is what I’d reccomend; it produces the same quality video as mine, but it’s much more subtle than mine. A friend of mine has one so I’ve seen it in use first hand. £41 to your door (I have no vested interests 😆 )

    Full Member

    I’ve got a cheap eBay one; cost me ~£50ish. It saved me a £250 excess and secured a decent courtesy car when I was sideswiped on a roundabout by a taxi; insurance bod who viewed the footage said that without it it would have gone knock for knock for sure without the footage as there would be no way of proving conclusively who was to blame.

    In answer to other questions;
    They all switch on and record automatically when the power comes on; no need to even remember its existence once it’s set up. Mines plugged into the six power in the boot and the cable runs along the door seals.

    If avoid any bells and whistles like gps etc; they are unnecessary and at worst could possibly weaken your claim if they showed, for example, that you were above the speed limit at any point in the journey.

    Full Member

    The point above by ransos is really valid a move to EV in any significant numbers will require a big investment in generating capacity.

    And, the law of supply and demand would dictate a massive hike in electricity costs while the genertating capacity catches up. I’m going to be really grumpy with EVs if a massive take up of them makes my leccy bill go sky high…

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