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  • Orbea Rallon gets more travel, more dropper, more storage
  • unfitgeezer
    Free Member

    How long has this been going on for ?

    Long shot and I’m being serious…

    Could she be in the family way ?

    This was pretty normal both times when we were pregnant( not me but wife) only lasted a few weeks though.

    Good luck sir and this is a great place to air off your worries etc.

    Free Member

    How long has this been going on for ?

    Long shot and I’m being serious…

    Could she be in the family way ?

    This was pretty normal both times when we were pregnant( not me but wife) only lasted a few weeks though.

    Good luck sir and this is a great place to air off your worries etc.

    Free Member

    nealglover – Member

    Unfitgeezer I doubt they’d pay for the removal and reinstatement of my floor, stairs, kitchen floor and units.

    They wouldn’t need to. The new pipe wouldn’t need to follow the same route as the old one.

    It just needs to start in the same place and finish somewhere in your kitchen. Preferably somewhere more sensible than it does now.

    This is what I meant well said that man !

    Free Member

    Unfitgeezer I doubt they’d pay for the removal and reinstatement of my floor, stairs, kitchen floor and units.

    I know that, I meant having your original pipes changed to a plastic one and getting rid of all your old and possibly lead pipes maybe the cheaper option in the long run.

    They run the hose under the floor which is usually fairly straight forward (not in all cases)

    Free Member

    id be on the phone to the water board to check out your pipes ! nice blue one fitted free of charge ! but tbh I doubt you have lead pipes running into your house it should have been changed at some point …good luck fella

    Free Member

    contact your water supplier and see how much it is to have your supply pipe changed to a nice blue one – should be subsidised you may be surprised at the cost.

    Whilst you’re building etc get the pipe changed you wouldn’t want that cast iron pipe to crack and leak ! Its probably as old as the house.

    This will solve the issue

    In for a penny out for a pound !

    Free Member

    jonba – Member
    I think it is worthwhile supporting local businesses like estate agents. You’ll miss them when they are gone if you do everything online just to save a few £££s.

    Just like the travel agents you mean ?

    Why would I want to pay £10000 to sell my house when it can be done at a fraction of a cost, if estate agents want to stay on the high street then they are going to have to lower their commission rates quite substantially.

    Free Member

    the next call you get will be from her uncle…

    Free Member

    Thank you for all your help bex

    Free Member

    …200 miles away ! Think I found your site -Cragg Vale ?

    many thanks one and all for your help.

    This is our nearest cattery i gave them a ring, the cats have their own space but don’t ever get to go outside or mix with other cats, its climate controlled, is this the norm ?

    Any good ?

    Free Member

    bex – Member

    As a cattery owner, I can report that in thirteen years we’ve never come across a cat who hasn’t settled in. We always offer new customers the opportunity to come and look round the cattery so owners can see where their cat(s) will be staying and ask any questions. Any decent place should be more than willing to do this. Check that the cattery is licensed by the local authority and it’s always worth asking your vet if they can recommend anywhere. We also offer a ‘taster session’ where, during quiet periods (ie weekdays outside school holidays) we’ll take the cat in for a night or two at a reduced rate and give the owners honest feedback.
    We spend a lot of time playing with and fussing the cats and in almost every case (one notable exception being a hissy-fit pwincess who will tolerate being chatted to but goes ballistic if you try to stroke her, but the owners assure us she’s just the same with them) the cats are so relaxed that they jump on our laps for a cuddle and roll over

    Where are you based ???

    Free Member

    He was great played a massive part of my teenage years…

    Post from 2 years ago about David bowie

    Free Member

    miketually – Member
    These are internal exams, which I’m going to pretend we timed for straight after a Christian festival, just to wind up the anti-muslamic chap on the other thread


    I’m not anti Muslim – far from it…

    And I do believe in karma

    Free Member

    miketually – Member
    From your post-starting history, I also see that your worried about Halal meat in schools, and Syrian refugees

    And your point is ? Its all relevent at the moment or do you not listen to news ? (apart from my hypothetical bit about prayer calls)

    Free Member

    I dont think having prayer calls is a minor change – actually quite worrying for the future of this country, thats my view and yes its only hypothetical at the moment.

    Why are you so concerned about two minor events, both of which are not happening?

    One is actually happening…

    Free Member

    miketually – Member
    Our local mosque is probably too far from the town centre to hear it, especially over the noise of buses, etc. I any see why it would be more bothersome than hearing church bells.

    Did a Muslim touch you in a bad way when you were a kid or something? You seen very concerned about very minor Islam-based hypothetical changes.

    Very strange reply…

    Free Member

    bearnecessities – Member

    Yawn all you like…Im only asking a question

    Free Member

    interesting answers !

    Would you be happy if you started hearing prayer calls when out shopping etc ? only asking…

    Free Member

    We have holidays for the two major Christian events (which are mainly just for eating more crap), so there is clearly a precedent to be followed, this one is just about not eating in the day.

    Because we are a Christian country !

    Free Member

    One wonders what Mrs UFG is doing while you’re treating yourself…

    she was filming !

    Going back as the knots in my back are so big my shoulders feel like they are raised with tension all the time.

    Free Member

    wow that didn’t hurt…much !

    not sure I feel any effect yet but hot bath later and we’ll see.

    booked in for a weeks time

    Free Member

    made for millets/blacks not much cop go with a brand that makes tents robens outwell etc

    not the berghaus it was years ago.

    Free Member

    was the physio who suggested a thai massage !

    Free Member

    Okay in all fairness we had a fun night until the Champagne kicked in which resulted in a huge row over kitchen flooring !

    So period or not the end result was us not speaking to each other until this morning…

    That’ll teach me/us !

    All okay now I gave in on the colour choice of flooring !

    Free Member

    *UPDATE *

    Well it was a bloody

    Awful *

    Great *


    *delete as appropriate!

    Sorry I shan’t digress anymore !!!

    Free Member

    thanks for all your helpful advice…

    As usual in typical STW style its been blown out of all proportion I’m out of here have fun…

    Happy new year

    Free Member

    funkrodent – Member
    Great thread. Enjoyed myself immensely reading it. Surely the clue is in the OP’s choice of nom de plume? Anyway, we all just need to bear in mind that blood is thicker than water and that if the OP has a mind to it (& his missus still lets him) then it’ll all come out in the wash..

    and funk rodent means what ? dirty rat that likes funk ?

    Free Member

    I’m replying to posts not trolling sir.

    Free Member

    vickypea – Member
    I’d like to point out (in response to the comments about whether the OP’s wife might be grumpy) that PMS happens before your period, not during. The clue is in the name.

    She’s not grumpy far from it…

    Free Member

    robowns – Member
    its not !

    Then why are you bothered; dislike her company that much that you would only go out with her if you get action at the end?

    have you read from page 1 or jumping on the bandwagon ?

    unfitgeezer – Member

    My mistake, you’re just an attention seeking twit. As you were. Look forward to your next quality post.

    And thats your opinion and you know us both so well to make that… ever thought of becoming a detective ?

    Plot twist, but it’s actually your issue. When you first met your lady, you would not have been phased by such trivial matters for a second, and would have been in there like a cat in a gravel trap.

    so it was you standing at the window watching to know this….Wrong btw !

    Heres my opinion of you and I don’t know you so its a a wild stab in the dark as much as yours, you my friend are self-conceited know it all ! But I dont know you so there fore I must be correct !

    As you were…

    Free Member

    My mistake, you’re just an attention seeking twit. As you were. Look forward to your next quality post.

    And thats your opinion and you know us both so well to make that… ever thought of becoming a detective ?

    Plot twist, but it’s actually your issue. When you first met your lady, you would not have been phased by such trivial matters for a second, and would have been in there like a cat in a gravel trap.

    so it was you standing at the window watching to know this….Wrong btw !

    Heres my opinion of you and I don’t know you so its a a wild stab in the dark as much as yours, you my friend are self-conceited know it all ! But I dont know you so there fore I must be correct !

    As you were…

    robowns – Member
    This is bizarre, surely you can just get it when you want it, why is going away any different?

    its not !

    Free Member

    iamtheresurrection – Member
    I’m sure the OPs title and post were partly tongue in cheek, as it were.

    My wife and I have joked together how bloody typical it is when a period starts right before a dirty weekend. No, it doesn’t stop us going away, or making each other happy when we get there, but it does limit the options somewhat…

    Is that not all unfitgeezer is saying, just with a few too many words?

    THIS ^^^^^^^^^

    All the same some of your opinions have been somewhat funny whilst judging on your soap boxes !

    Free Member

    Lady Gresley – Member

    I fear the OP’s relationship may not last if he has a hissy fit every time he can’t have sex exactly when he wants

    ..and you base that on knowing me or my wife ? Remind me I don’t think we’ve met how on earth did you come up with that conclusion !

    Liking some of your comments though !

    Free Member

    molgrips – Member

    It’s not as bad as it sounds. The op is acknowledging that she wants sex too, and that neither of them would be getting any. However this may not be the main reason for going away from her point of view.

    Of course it’s sensitive issue and he may have made her feel unattractive and unwanted. This is why it helps to be sensitive and understand your partner

    More this ^ And I am sensitive and understanding I bought fairy liquid washing up liquid ffs !

    Tick box time:

    A) Dichkead
    B) W***er
    C) Chauvinist
    D) None of the Above
    E) All of the above

    Answers below please….

    I’ll go with D

    Free Member

    Cougar – Moderator

    I was venting – which I’m sure we all do they don’t actually have to be justified

    That was my point really – read your title again.

    friend or foe ?

    I cant change the title !

    Free Member

    wow what a lovely bunch you are !

    Thanks for casting assertions over me – you’ve not actually met me !

    As said at the top of my post I was venting – which I’m sure we all do they don’t actually have to be justified or have any logic to anyone else but me, that’s the point of venting and this forum..

    I’m neither a dick head a w$nker or male chauvinist – but thanks for that.

    Id happily show her this post as I have many others – only after she’s finished washing up though ! Link sent to her…

    My mistake was writing down a thought – we all have them ! But please do continue to carry on with the nice comments…

    Just another thought maybe you could show your other halves this post so they could see how nice you all are -thus getting you chocolate brownie points…

    Free Member

    Okay cougar what do you propose for your tick box that I will justifiably disagree with.

    Free Member

    Why don’t you ask her to pay for a prostitute as a belated Xmas present?

    That’s a bit weird !! Would you do that ?

    Free Member

    Thanks for support I know you all feel my pain, yes her MC should totally work around me !

    Free Member

    She’s very organised it’s her calendar which we share on phone, I down loaded an app to see how accurate it was- which it is !

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