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  • Using an eSIM To Stay Connected In Remote Locations While Hiking Or Biking
  • thegreatpotato
    Free Member

    Awww maaaaan. I saw the thread title, saw who the author was and thought, “No, don’t be.”

    (I was also following your fight before, although I can’t actually remember what my name was back then.)

    I’m now sat here thinking of the Popeye cartoons when he eats his spinach and ‘muscles up’ for the fight. You’ve been here, you’ve beaten it. Stay strong.

    Free Member

    I had taken this for the Monthly photo challenge thread (hence the banana), but it was taken today so also counts as an Easter ride.

    Free Member

    Another “spot the banana” picture.

    Free Member

    I remember there was someone looking for advice on stalking a young woman at a gym, but can’t remember much else to judge its classicity. Can’t even remember the outcome. Wasn’t Hora the relationship guru? Did he pull?

    Free Member

    Back when I was young and had just passed my driving test I was approaching a junction with a main road from a side road. Stopped, looked right, saw nothing, looked left, road was clear, went to pull out and stalled.

    As I moved my hand to restart the car a motorbike went NNNNNNnnnnrrrrrr past the front bumper from the right.

    Hadn’t seen it at all. It still shivers me to think what would have happened if I hadn’t accidentally stalled at exactly the right moment.

    Free Member

    Oooh, good stuff. Thanks Mr Philly!

    Free Member

    Thanks for the replies guys. Yes, it’s the Zip instantaneous type things I’m wondering about.

    We have small ones installed where I work. They’re about the size of a bag of sugar and the output is at best okay. Don’t know how old they are but thought that if there’s slightly newer/larger ones out there then they could potentially offer more heat per flow rate.

    Free Member

    Thoughts with you and your family.

    Free Member

    Like Bombjack back a page, greatest game moment was being the first in the local arcade to finish Shinobi on a single 10p. Game had been in for a few months but nobody had beaten it yet. I would have been in my early teens. By the last stage a big crowd had gathered, all shouting advice about where to jump and shoot to beat the big end of level boss. I remember I was shaking so much I almost stepped away to pass it to someone else.

    But I did it! Big cheers and awkward backslaps while we’re stood there watching the credits roll. I lived off that moment for months.

    Free Member

    Is a 10+ year old (i.e. Trigger’s broom) EBC Courier.

    Free Member

    I’d say a good start is to look through the Coursera (as mentioned above) or Futurelearn lists. They’re short, free courses that’ll get you into the habit of devoting time doing them each week. There’s bound to be something already there that sparks a bit of interest in your mind that you could then take further with longer, expensiver courses after.

    Personally I’ve done courses through them on game theory (very tough), psychology (pretty dull), bookkeeping and statistics (handy for my work).

    Free Member

    As a “normal” hypothyroidismist, signed. Good luck.

    Free Member

    As others have mentioned, a job. Or a second job. Or at least more hours in the too-few-houred job I have.

    Oh, or a big lottery win.

    (These are hopes rather than actuals.)

    Maybe all us jobseekers should get together and start up a boy-band, or pose for a calendar or something!

    Free Member

    I always give kudos to people who’ve clearly had some sort of GPS error, and a guy I work with gives me kudos for every commute I do with no achievements!

    Gosh, that might explain how I managed to get a kudos on my run commute this morning. It wasn’t my fastest or furthest, got no achievements (didn’t even pass through any segments), but the GPS tracking did wander off to imply I ran through a hospital across the road. Don’t know the guy who kudos’d me though.

    Free Member


    Anyway, the reason I’m back is to let you know the bars in Bellahouston are not the simple bars as in that YouTube. They’re the kind used in this one…

    That may influence your decision to plan a trip there. Good luck!

    Free Member

    What’s a power up? Is that another name for a pull/chin up?

    If so, there are outdoor gyms in a few parks around Glasgow. The Bellahouston Park one definitely has a pull up bar. A quick Google suggests Kelvingrove, Alexandra and Elder parks have outdoor gyms too.

    Or use a tree. Or use a climbing frame or swings in a kids playground.

    Of course the downside is that all the time spent hanging there, straining but failing, and the painful realisation that you are now too old to do any pull ups, is all done in public.

    Free Member

    Oh yes, Kinesis. I was thinking Merlin. Their Malts used to get good recommendations and much more recently folk like their cheapy road bike.

    Free Member

    Whoops, meant to bounce this back up earlier this morning.

    Free Member

    I saw one this morning. Slightly surprised by it though, as I was passing through Govan at the time.

    Free Member

    Now this is just MY problem. YMMV.

    My problem was I simply couldn’t see how to upload new activities. With the old site layout there was an upload button up the top. Click it, upload, job done, view activities and so on. The new layout doesn’t have the button, it wasn’t in any menu, Sync asked me to install Garmin Express, the Help didn’t help as it referred back to the old layout. Hence this mornings question.

    I had installed Garmin Express a few months ago to see what else that could do. I only have a basic Forerunner watch so all it seemed to be for me was just another lengthy step to uploading. (I accept that Garmin Express and the new site are probably much more useful for those with fancier Garmin gadgets than I have, downloading routes and maps, etc.) So deleted it and stuck with uploading through the site. Having installed it again I have been reminded how unhelpful it is to me.

    Now the new site interface looks very pretty and all, just need to see if the shiny new bells and whistles are worth the more annoying method to get anything on it or if other sites do the same without the hurdle. I can obviously upload and view stuff on the Strava website with just a couple of clicks without needing a separate bit of software for the first step.

    Free Member

    Thanks Scot and John. Will look at the alternatives.

    Free Member

    I’ve just been updated to the new version.

    Am I being even stupider than usual or have they actually gone and removed the “Upload” button from the site?
    Meaning the only way to upload activities to it is to use a completely separate bit of software, Garmin Express?
    Which is also bloody annoying me intensely through setting itself to start up every bloody time I turn on the computer with no option to change this?

    Free Member

    I do feel it is an irrational fear exactly because I have no rational explanation. Maybe it wasn’t seated properly. Maybe a part of QR was made of rust (it was a winter bike after all) and was just waiting for a bump in the road to fail. I’ll never know, the bike went the rest of the way to the skip after that.

    Thanks again everyone, your suggestions are much appreciated.

    I love this place.

    Free Member

    It’s a good question cynic-al. I was riding along, next thing I regained consciousness looking at the sky with a circle of faces looking down on me and someone telling me not to move, At All, and that an ambulance was on its way. Cue some silent swearing. Still have no memory of the fall and impact.

    Witness said it looked like the wheel came off. When I got the bike back the fork was bent back to the downtube but all the dropouts were still there so it wasn’t that. So I can only think it was, as you say, the quick release was loose. Except it was tight 20 minutes earlier when I set out.

    Cheers for the replies guys.

    Free Member

    You wait 30 years for an apocalypse, and then two come along at once…

    (Oh, and that news story was published last week.)

    Free Member

    Yup, they are great wee phones, have one myself, would definitely recommend them. But would also point out there are rumours of a newer, slimmier Moto E getting announced next month to possibly complement but maybe replace the G.

    Free Member

    And remember there is still meant to be another show with the Porsche v’s McLaren contest.

    Free Member

    I do quite fancy getting one of those M tattoos. (Not that I’ve done an Ironman, obviously.) They exude awesomeness and would make even me utterly more attractive.

    Free Member

    Opening carrier bags and adjusting derallier derailer derailuer derailuelier gear-changing things. And spelling French words.

    Free Member

    It might sound strange to say I’m happy at finding nothing, but having been getting internally checked for the Big C this morning that nothing is much relief!

    Free Member

    Shocked when I saw this too. RIP and condolences.

    Free Member

    As we’re sharing medical advice about looking after ourselves after last nights shocking news…

    If surgical solutions are suggested, you want to go for the banding rather than wait and wait and wait until the only solution is what the doc’s call an ‘open hemorrhoidectomy’. Despite being drugged up I still almost passed out from the pain the first time I sat on the loo afterwards. Weeks of constant bleeding. Since then, and this is two years later, I have to watch my diet carefully as the merest hint of constipation becomes a lengthy, painful, bloody nightmare.

    (This has of course just been my experience. YMMV. And other solutions are becoming more widely available.)

    Free Member

    They’re not just chinos, they’re M&S water resistant cycling chinos. They were mentioned either on here or

    And don’t know if these will actually cross over into cycling at all well, but Aldi are doing motorbike kit on 9 March including Kevlar jeans at £30 (may or may not be comfy/quick-drying/etc).

    Free Member

    Free Member

    <thread drift>

    Ahhh, memories (not my own). Just reading the thread title made me re-find Churchill’s speech where he coined the phrase.

    <as you were>

    Free Member

    Many happy tidings for all the feedback!

    Free Member

    Riiiight, so crewmates show up as pink dots on the map, do they? Didn’t realise that. Thought it was someone with a bounty in their pocket. So rather than greeting BoardinBob with an invite, I shot him then ran him over.

    Sorry mate.

    Free Member

    Both my sisters and I all have hypothyroidism, and we’re an example of the variety of outcomes of diagnosis. One sister has it tough. Been on thyroxine for years, but she still regularly feels “off” and needs more blood tests and the prescription adjusted. My other sister takes the pills every day but swears blind that it doesn’t help her at all, she’s still constantly tired, etc. And me (41 year old male), I’ve had it easy by comparison. Been on the same level of thyroxine for years, a much higher dose than either my sisters. Yet it’s only now and again, very rarely, I can feel there is something not quite right. As if my energy level is not where it normally is, or the other way, that I’m fidgety and anxious and short-tempered and have too much energy. These only last a day or two max each time then I return to normal. No bother, really.

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