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  • teasel
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    on the whole I find it very rewarding.

    Well that’s all good, then. Rather you than me.

    I’m really not a serious guy BTW. I only come here for the laughs. **** knows why I only get really vocal when this shit come around – I guess I read stuff into events without thinking of all the possible causes and reasons for actions. Or lack thereof.

    Some of you guys are really looking for an argument, though – in anything! It’s easy to fall victim to the usual suspects and even suspect others are attempting the same.

    Love n peace n all that shit. I don’t want trouble, just a bit of fun and to give virtual hugs when someone is in need.


    Free Member


    I know. I was using Stan Lee’s spelling of that word. Much betterer IMO.

    Free Member

    Spare us more of this cr@p

    I can’t help but agree but also…no one’s forcing you to read it, so just **** off with that shit.


    Free Member

    You seem to be put out about it. Are you suggesting that it’s not important enough to report yet simultaneously important enough to bring up here as a stick to beat us with?

    For a start, I’m not trying to beat anyone, I’m looking for an explanation. I thought that was bloody obvious.

    So was Boblo’s, the one you were objecting to and calling us out on for double standards. They were both literally consecutive posts quoting your post.

    No, they really weren’t. At the risk of this getting really silly – I posted after Hob Nob’s post (between what is now Hob Nob/Sharkattack) and it was deleted. That post wasn’t a quote, it merely used the Word That Must Not Be Written with a view to it being spotted and modded. It was actually just a bit of fun. What shocked me was the removal of that post (and this was all written earlier) and the leaving of Boblo’s post. If my post was actually read then the mod would have naturally looked at the then very short thread, spot Boblo’s post as well as Hob Nobs quote and delete all offending words. Neither Boblo or Hob Nob quoted me to use the winky word but Boblo quoted the bit about me claiming (joking at that point) I was being victimised.

    I didn’t start the whole winky word use, I merely spotted its use and commented on it.


    Free Member

    Pretty sure that was me and the tag wasn’t a barb aimed at the person that posted the thread, it was so I could find the thread again the next time folk were saying that “mechanical ineptitude” wasn’t one of the reasons behind the proliferation of 1x gear systems.


    Another mystery solved! And easily misunderstood, don’t you think…?

    Free Member

    But how do you handle that? Serious question, what would you do differently to what we’re already doing?* Tell me I’m doing it wrong and I’ll try and change it. I’m in mind here of the argument that motorists should spend a day on the roads on two wheels to find out what it’s like. It’s not easy to always do the right thing.

    Sorry, just read back and other than the tags thing my post wasn’t very helpful, just critical. Utterly.

    I dunno. How do you spot a vulnerable person in the first instance – your guess is as good as mine but conspiracy theory type of threads might be a good indication of some sort of unrest kicking in, especially if it’s a repeated thing. Kaesae’s posting history is full of that kind of subject matter. I think it would be good if folk could get some sort of physical visit arranged for that person but that’s really is going beyond the call, I guess.

    Having wrote all that, I reckon JHJ is a pretty sound guy and not at risk in the same way Kaesae was – a subtle difference but quite obvious, I think. I’d hate to be wrong.

    It would be easy for me to tell you to keep your empathy monitor in good condition but life isn’t that easy and trying to mod a forum on top of your day job is probably a right pain in the arse and I don’t envy you, so I question why on earth you’d want to do it TBH.

    I guess you could be really pragmatic and say folk bring it on themselves by using the internet when they probably shouldn’t. To take a faceless opinion to heart is, I can say from experience, pointless. But it’s real and some people can be affected in a negative way and with disastrous consequences.

    But really, I’m in no position to advise you how best to accommodate folk who bully or are bullied.

    Free Member

    Slightly off thread but I’d be interested to hear what people are getting g out of their weight lifting aside from the numbers.

    For me it’s the strength gain that is easily translated into everyday tasks if you have outside type of chores to do. Logs, slabs or anything heavy become almost effortless to deadlift from the ground, and with safety as you’ve trained your body to lock in that situation.

    Defeating the aches and pains of age. All but eliminated the getting up groan most guys in their late forties and fifties suffer from.

    Body building takes a lot of time and dedication and is something I’m leaning towards at present. Not really big, just lean and usable muscle.

    I have a home gym* so it’s all really easy for me to crack on with a session, get washed up, eat and get on. Same as the hill sprinting stuff – right outside my door, straight into the sprints. Crawl back in afterwards.

    Helps to keep me relatively sane.

    Most importantly this.

    *Not as flash as it sounds

    Edit : Also, the fixing and correction of longterm injuries. I would never have had weightlifting down as useful for that until a few years ago.

    Free Member

    You » Thanks for bringing that to our attention. That was unacceptable so I’ve now edited his post, and the subsequent one by Hob Nob which you completely failed to mention. Maybe like us you just didn’t see it?

    See how easy that was? Just to tell us about things so that we can do something about it?

    Me » I’d put money on the deletion and modification being the same mod. If so, why…?

    You » Because you have a chip on your shoulder?

    I don’t remember changing that to “unpleasant,” but my memory isn’t great and I do often prefer to edit posts rather than issue swear filter warnings (I “ain’t bothered by language” either, but them’s the rules) so it’s likely that was me. [/quote]

    See, that first bit is very easy to read in an unnecessarily condescending fashion but I’m gonna put it down to it being me* and nothing you’ve deliberately added.

    Like I wrote – I’m not offended so why would I report anything like that. I’ve pointed out where I was edited and someone else wasn’t. My edited post contained info that would’ve led the original mod to the post you’ve just edited but it didn’t – that’s kind of worrying that it was deleted without being properly read or understood. The fact you’ve now edited Boblo’s post has nowt to do with me so don’t try and imply I’ve reported a post when it clearly isn’t like that.

    As for Hob Nob’s post – it was a quote. You’ve often left quotes of posts you’ve otherwise removed from existence so it wasn’t even on the radar as a post with the same content, though I put that down to going without saying but obviously not.

    *Chip on my shoulder – don’t think so. But if you seriously lack the empathy to see it from my viewpoint as I’ve described it and not get a little, how did you put it, tin foil hat, then you probably shouldn’t be moderating a forum. You can continually try and make this a problem with me but it’s obvious there was a rationale behind my confusion.

    But how do you handle that? Serious question, what would you do differently to what we’re already doing?* Tell me I’m doing it wrong and I’ll try and change it. I’m in mind here of the argument that motorists should spend a day on the roads on two wheels to find out what it’s like. It’s not easy to always do the right thing.

    A serious post. Keep an eye on tags – “no one respond to his threads so he goes away exasperated” is a sentiment of a despicable person. Surely you don’t want that sort of person thinking that kind of behaviour is acceptable, do you? That’s true negative use of the forum and could easily have been nipped in the bud. I’m sure you know who wrote that and I reckon they still use this place. Same for some of the other tags and users. Why weren’t they pulled? That sort of thing can still take place – I could link to a thread where a newb turns up with a front mech problem and the tag ends up as mechanical ineptitude. Classy.

    Still happening and I’m not buying the we don’t read all threads line because you and Drac appear on a lot of threads in less than mod capacity on a fairly regular basis.

    I seriously don’t understand how that all flew under the attention of the mods at the time. Really – it was only a few years ago, what’s changed…?

    Free Member

    Cougar – I would love to continue this in what seems to be a reasonable manner. But I’ve really got a shit load to do and will have to return to some of the points you’ve raised tomorrow at some point. Maybe the day after as I’ve got my car in about a million pieces and that’s what I’ll be doing for most of the day.

    Teasel out…

    Free Member

    Here ya go. Just last week…

    Boblo part-quotes my deleted post using the word that clearly remains. If you’re going to claim my use was unnecessary and out of context then I refer you to a week or so earlier where I used it in the exact same context and it was modified to the word unpleasant.

    I’d put money on the deletion and modification being the same mod. If so, why…?

    Free Member

    Yeah, it was a sad time for that guy. I’ve noticed some changed their ways. Others, you can tell, feel as if it was all justified and show no remorse.

    Teasel is deffo trolling now.

    I’ve never trolled this forum.

    Free Member

    Oh yeah – the haunting thing was just a joke about the way in which folk believe everyone they don’t recognise or stands against the masses is a former user come back to…uh…troll them. Yeah, that’s it. Troll them from the grave of a lifetime ban.

    Like Fred…

    Free Member

    You know there’s a Report Post button under every post, right?

    As I’ve said in mails to the mods and publicly on the forum – I ain’t bothered by language – I’m really not that fragile, so obviously I’m not going to report it. Besides, I made a point of claiming there would be a conspiracy if Boblo’s post wasn’t caught so the mod must’ve read that and decided not to look any further on the thread, which is weird moderation, right. I mean, to appear on a thread, delete a post on the use of one word without really taking in what was actually written and then leaving the original post containing the so-called offensive word.

    It’s just weird…

    Free Member

    I’m struggling to respond to your belief that it was a personal slight on you without using some version of “get over yourself.” I don’t believe anyone on the team views you particularly as one of the problem children, and I’ve no idea what you’re on about with your hauntings.

    I wouldn’t expect anything better than that first line from you, Cougar. But you’re wrong, I’m far from egotistical and don’t need wetnursing. And I would hope I wasn’t viewed as a problem – I try to be courteous to everyone until they promote a different reaction or treat me with contempt, then they’re fair game.

    Bullying – I’d rather put your mind at rest than have you harbouring negative views, and transparency is healthy for the forum IMO.

    [Canadian] Okay, then… [/Canadian]

    Kaesae. You let it happen and the same people still behave in the same manner.

    Who’s deleting my posts but leaving others with the same content? Why?

    Free Member

    Errrrr! No, it wasn’t.

    Well, good. You’re not tripping.

    Free Member

    Good job!


    But as above, I think that’s far from the real figure but I don’t really go back and view a lot of my posts so probably wouldn’t know for sure.

    Drac » As we’re being open

    With that in mind, are you then one hounding me/deleting my posts…?

    Free Member

    Teasel thinks it’s Ok to call other forum users a dickhead

    I still think Project (Paul) was being a dickhead on that thread. That’s hardly bullying. Bullying would be if I turned up on every thread and harassed him or called him names. Besides, it was deemed I was too specific and not general in my use of that word; calling a forum of folk a dickhead is acceptable, singling out an individual isn’t. Fine, I get it.

    118 posts deleted

    If that is supposed to mean I’ve had that many deleted then you’re tripping. Dude.

    What have you had moderated that others haven’t and was the reasoning for doing so explained to you?

    I’m not falling for that one! 🙂

    But seriously, winky but trade the I for an A – it was used on a thread recently and very obvious it was deleted when I used it but not when Boblo, I think, used it. Similar thing on a different thread. I even joked I would be suspicious if Boblo’s post in question wasn’t pulled or edited.

    Other than the post I mentioned from Oldnpastit’s thread and one or two others I’ve not had any notification of why my stuff is not allowed but others are free to post the same.

    Free Member

    Some years ago on this forum I wrote of my habit of thanking drivers for good road behaviour – space, foresight etc. and was admonished for doing so because they bloody well should be doing it anyway so **** ’em!



    Free Member

    Zombie nightmare ended up more comedy based the other night, I had an exceedingly long chainsaw so all was good.


    The first series of The Walking Dead and a few other zombie movies, when watched just before sleep, have left me dreaming of fields of zombies and their subsequent destruction.

    Bloody hate it so don’t take the chance these days and watch it all well in advance of sleep.

    Free Member

    We’ve issued quite a few bans over recent weeks some quite lengthy ones so no we don’t condone or take please in it.

    Well, that’s me convinced. There’s evidence on this very forum to suggest otherwise.

    cockwomble – rapier witted

    ‘s a joke, right…?

    But as we’re being serious and open about these things – if you mods are so objective and just in your quest why is one of you deleting my posts and not other user’s posts containing the same material? One of you knows what I’m referring to and, I suspect, takes glee in being anonymous in your actions. That is a form of bullying.

    And all this “bitter from days gone by ” shit you keep posting, Cougar. Why is it wrong for folk to remember mistreatment. I myself feel bitter (but strangely relieved) by having a very personal post removed from Oldnpastit’s suicidal son thread. “Tasteless” is what my post was described as despite it being obvious I was expressing a very difficult feeling on a rather tough subject and wanted to offer more than just platitudes to someone struggling to understand why their son would do such a thing. Whoever that was didn’t think it through before deleting, though I believe it was more personal in as much as I don’t feel as if folk like me on this forum, particularly the in-crowd. I reckon folk think I’m an old user come back to haunt them or something… 🙂

    Free Member

    For me, probably yes. That’s why I wrote what I did. That and it’s not something I particularily look for tbh.

    For me it takes empathy and a little bit of compassion thrown into the mix. You don’t have to go looking for it to spot it when it happens.

    Free Member

    negatively disect an individual’s personal/professional background in public

    This is one of the reasons I try to remain reasonably anonymous on this particular forum. Some of you lot are **** nasty and vindictive and I refuse to open up my life to that kind of behaviour.

    Free Member

    I have quite a thick skin so possibly don’t notice bullying.

    So it takes having a thin skin to recognise bullying…?

    Free Member

    Yep. Sometimes I return to the bloody thing over and over even if I get up and have a pee or drink a glass of water.

    Free Member

    …keyboard geeks just go tit for tat trying to explain the ways in which the other person is wrong. A couple of mods do this quite regularly.

    Exactly. Setting the tone for others to follow.

    Bullying is rife on this forum and it’s allowed to happen which basically means the owners/mods condone it. Take pleasure in it, even…

    Free Member

    the thought of having to drop the bar still intimidates me.

    Then just go ahead and lower it onto the ‘spotter’ as a practice/mind easing – easy if it’s set at the correct height. You don’t have to drop the thing!

    I’ve been stuck once and just gently lowered it and crawled out.

    Free Member

    Also, to see how good the trackpad and software is integrated, I like to pinch/squeeze the Launchpad screen so you can barely see it, then release and it just pops back. All stages of “ghosting” to full image are there and lend themselves to pissing about.

    Sad, I know, but pretty neat…


    Free Member

    Four-finger side swipe on a Macbook. (For Molgrips)

    Free Member

    launchpad…trackpad gesture

    Pinch your fingers to the centre of the trackpad.

    Edit : You can find the trackpad gestures in System Preferences/Trackpad.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    I once had an unusual one when creak hunting – bottle cage bolts. Had it pinned to the fork. Then the bb. Then resigned myself to it being a crack.

    Such an easy fix for what turned out to be two days of stripping, greasing and refitting.


    Free Member

    Love life because it’s a ‘Castle of Glass’


    Free Member


    You typed that middle bit as it popped into your head, didn’t you.

    But yeah…

    I’ve read that if you run the heat on full blast for 15 mins the heat kills the fungus.

    That’s similar to what I read elsewhere. Not sure on its accuracy.

    Free Member

    I’ll try the full heat thing too.

    What’s that, then?

    I seem to recall reading about doing some sort of weekly “full” setting for a few minutes to avoid this problem with aircon. Is running it hot after a cold stint what you’re referring to…?

    Free Member

    I’d have been perfectly happy to talk to him about his illness but beyond forcing him to tolerate my “How’s the treatment going? How are you feeling today?” questions, I left it to him to bring it up.

    That’s nice and just about the right amount of concern. Sometimes it helps just to know someone is cool with it but there should you need them.

    It reads like you’re a good person, Atlaz.

    Free Member

    some people found it challenging to just be around for people. Listening to their problems or just being there for a coffee was something they struggled to find someone for.

    ‘s weird, I just took my partner to work and we were having this sort of discussion and that’s almost exactly how she put it. A lot of people find it difficult if they have no experience of mental health problems. My own dad was awful – swearing and telling me to man the **** up, everyone has problems they just don’t go moping around etc. It can range from that to I can’t help, can you not just see a professional*, which is wholly understandable.

    But yes, the tipping point (which is too late) can be a moment of calm as NOTG wrote above. It would be nice to think it can be spotted before then and dealt with effectively.

    There’s three people that have replied on this thread that have met me in person and once or twice at a time when I was truly busted and on the edge but I’ll put money on none of them realising it at the time. Me talking about me simply wasn’t pertinent – maybe it’s a cultural thing…

    *Edit : I think it also scares people you share with, especially if they don’t like to “think too deeply” about things in general. Sometimes it’s as if they fear they’ll get dragged into my world and TBH I fear that happening, too – that can put the kibosh on the whole process.

    Free Member

    It doesn’t happen overnight but perhaps we could help more by listening all the time.

    That’s not really the point I was trying to make. It’s not about listening – plenty of folk will do that – it’s more about the signs or the expression being obvious enough for your average person to spot, even those close to you.

    Suicide has been an option brought to the table since I was seven – don’t know why. I’ve had and still have treatment for my mental state but there have been times when I’ve left a small amount of breadcrumbs, once on this very forum in fact, that pass by without notice.

    My point – even my partner didn’t spot my most recent slip, it took a healthcare professional to see the unbalance. That on top of me thinking it’s all just grist to the mill and not worth bothering folk with and almost being flippant about feeling as I do because it feels so much a part of my decision process, it’s easy to see why it can fly under the radar.

    And mods – before you think it’d be cool to pull this post, stop and have a **** think about what I might be trying to say and not how you interpret it.

    Free Member

    Listen when they reach out?

    Most folk won’t spot that event taking place when/if it finally does. Sometimes an incredibly subtle expression, nonchalant almost.

    Free Member

    I’ve been listening to their albums recently – some great stuff in there and his voice is always an asset to their sound.

    Great loss. Sad that he felt it was his only move. There are times I can relate to that train of thought.

    RIP, Chester.

    Free Member


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