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  • Fresh Goods Friday 689 – The Very Testing Edition
  • teasel
    Free Member

    I lost a friend recently. This…

    Can’t believe I’ll never see [them] again.

    …is very much the prevalent thought over the last few weeks. I haven’t managed to deal with it yet – don’t really know how. Can’t even bring myself to look at some photos at the moment.

    Hope you have a better time of it than me and find a place for your grief.

    Free Member

    I have a Mini Clubman N/A – great little motor for my use.

    Not sure you could describe me as effeminate (bald and 49) but I don’t really give a shit what any other driver is thinking when they look at me.

    Life must be so tough for the overly vain…

    Free Member

    To quote Northwind – going minor in a lot of songs gives them a Jewish edge.

    After it was suggested on a tread I started some ago* I’ve been experimenting. Results have been varied – I prefer original stuff TBH…


    Free Member

    Thanks for posting, man.


    Free Member

    If I’m not mistaken it appears you have a small amount of poo on your nose…


    Free Member

    -4″ off waist measurement already (measured by trouser size), but geting close to -6″. No longer require services of Jacamo.

    I bet you’re chuffed to bits, aintcha? I know I would be.

    Apart from not being able to pose for the imaginary camera whilst wearing a tent, obviously…

    Free Member

    And beauty, truly, is in the eye of the tiger


    On an otherwise shitty day you managed to get a muffled chortle from me.

    Good work…!

    Free Member

    Interesting. I had no idea so many of the names on this thread were old hands from that forum.

    RIP, BM

    Free Member

    A novice snow boarder lost control on a Blue slope and took me out from behind. I fell onto my shoulder on icy ground and it did a fair bit of damage. 4 months on it’s a lot better, but still a 40% tear in a tendon, bone oedema and an inflamed bursa. No external rotation and limited overhead range of motion.

    Nasty. Shame about the shoulder limitations. An injury in that area would drive me nuts.

    Good luck with recovery.

    I like to understand why I’m doing it and how it’s working, not just follow a plan blindly.

    Likewise. I started quite naive just going through the motions and focusing on form without really thinking about the benefits but I’m a little more clued up with that now and know exactly what I want to achieve and how to do so.

    I love lifting weights and combining it with some explosive stuff – I can get a good body that’s totally functional in daily tasks, too. It’s replaced cycling for me at the moment.

    Free Member

    I informed the surgery and left a phone number.

    Free Member

    Here’s two vids from my dashcam from a few days ago. I thought I saw it happening whilst in the waiting room but couldn’t be sure. When I came out the damage was so severe I assumed it had happened previous to this battering. It wasn’t until I watched back that it became obvious it was all done by this sweet little old lady.

    Jump to the second vid if you want to see just the damage (not that you can see in any detail) or watch both to see her Colombo like antics (hands in coat pockets helps you think, right) as she tries to work out how to get out of the mess…

    If it was me I’d be really pissed off finding my car in that state. I doubt the police would be interested in doing anything about this incident, though.

    Free Member

    Same as Klunk with the Cinzano only it was accompanied by a towelling wristband soaked in grease and tar remover which one would inhale after a slug of vermouth.

    Classy, eh…

    TBH from a 12 year old onwards in my school days I used to make a concoction of all the spirits in my parents cabinet, stick it in my metal camping flask (a litre) and take it with me to help get through the day.

    On reflection there were some really obvious signs of something going a bit wrong… 🙂

    Free Member

    I just don’t feel like it’s doing much for me when I half squat. Dropping so my heels touch my arse feels to me like I’m using more of my lower torso to get back up.

    I was under the impression that going beyond parallel was the desired movement. I’m interested in having a read of some internet stuff if you have it to hand.

    Free Member

    Buy some small boat fenders and hang them along that side of the car in future.

    One of my partner’s work colleagues carries a bit of pipe lagging wrapped over a bit of string and hangs it over his window to stop an ignorant shit from daily doing exactly the same thing as in the OP.

    Personally I’d polish out the dent with her **** ignorant face…

    Free Member

    How do I know this, well learning this cost me £220 for a new Olympic Bar at my gym (I insisted on replacing it for such a school boy error). The stool was completely unmarked even with 120kg dumped on it.


    I’ll bet a few gym folk were put off their stroke with that racket. I squat in a rack these days – less to think about for me, allows me to focus on the move.

    I hit the weight with good form on Wednesday so last Friday and Monday’s semi-good mornings were probably just lack of focus and sleep. Been feeling a bit mentally knackered recently but all the stuff about lifting on this thread obviously forced me to get a grip.

    bone oedema

    If you don’t mind being candid, what’s that all about…?

    I probably squat at half that tempo or less, even with light weights.

    Me, too. I drop all the way down – arse to the grass style and pause briefly at the bottom – but I’m super flexible.

    I’d post up a vid tp show how deep I can get but I’ve just had a look through and all I have is an old 40kg squat from quite a while back and it’d get pulled in an instant as I’m only wearing underwear.

    I wouldn’t call it easy, but it’s a weird thing. I’m not really tired after any of this – nothing aches, but my limit is going to be reached before long in the squats and already in the overhead press. Only just managed to get 5×5 in that and yet my arms feel like I did nothing.

    I don’t get aching either.* I did last year but I think a good diet can sort this. That and some decent sleep – I think it all makes a massive difference to how you feel and lift. Also, I used to do shakes but only use them if I’m time poor now. That greek yogurt breakfast I listed on the other page contains almost 45g of protein and fills me much more than a shake. A few more calories but worth it. Steak is also good, topped with poached egg as suggested on that other thread.

    *Injuries notwithstanding. I have a dull ache in the clavicular portion of the chest which gives a bit of gyp now and again when benching.

    el_boufador » really enjoying also the diet side of it an understanding / experimenting on how my body responds to stuff!

    Yeah, likewise. Even more so now I’m trying to bulk a bit and having to tuck away a fair old bit. mmmm

    Free Member

    DezB » (I thought this a was cockney asking for advice about clothes)

    Similar here only I had it down as some jive arse punk from the 70s.

    Free Member

    The point………

    I’m sure most will agree that this is the point…

    Free Member

    Weirdly, I saw an ad for a TV show with someone claiming Prince was seen as the black Bowie.

    I didn’t watch the show…

    Free Member

    It’s cool, CZ, no need to get paranoid… 🙂

    Pondo » Head on a spike, feed the rest to the pigs

    Though I see my outrage was preceded by Alpin’s protest on page 1. Addled minds n all that…

    Free Member


    …would be my answer, too. I can fathom just about anything else.

    If I could grow a full head of hair I’d have a mullet more glorious than 80’s Pat Sharpe, Gaz Topp and Swayze in Point Break combined. It would be a thing of utter beauty. Grown men would weep at the sight of it, knowing that they could never again see something so truly wondrous and women would faint in adoration.

    Hang on! Aren’t you that bloke that started a thread the other day after shaving off your somewhat spectacular beard?

    If so, you don’t have the face for a mullet. Or hair come to that.

    Free Member

    I think a lot of internet stuff is aimed at people who want to get really strong for the sake of it, and isn’t necessarily compatible with cycling or some other sport.

    As per posts above, I agree to a degree but I think it might be the Stronglifts guy that claims it’s useful for what he calls “yard work”. Whatever you want to call it, it’s usable strength in most things. Last year I attacked a 6″ deep, 3ft wide raised centre turf of a 100m driveway with just a mattock. I’m not going to claim it was easy but the only thing I felt at the end of a days (seven, all told) was glutes from pushing the barrow filled with turf to the top of the sloped drive.

    Strong or not I still wished I’d simply hired a mini digger. Most folk gawp when they see the length of the drive. Fnarr…

    Good call on the swimming, Johnny boy, especially the non-traumatic benefit.

    Free Member

    barbecue burnt ends

    That’s a new one on me, had to Google it. Images make it look pretty rank, tbh.


    Free Member

    Tell him about the ISS and how it’s continually falling to earth but never making it because the earth is continually falling away from it. Put simply, obviously.

    Hopefully that’ll dispel the flat earth bit.

    Free Member

    With chicken, right?

    Greek yogurt with raspberries and peanut butter (Sunpat for good oils) and a squirt of runny honey about to be necked here.

    Free Member

    Also, last year when I was still cycling on the odd occasion, I hooked up with a friend for a local ride which always starts with bloody Stocking Lane – a bastard of a climb when cold – but to my surprise I killed it without any issues on the leg muscles, suffering only in the lung department.

    Heavy squats are good for cycling, for sure.

    Free Member

    Didn’t do so much riding the last few weeks and the squats are easier.

    I found it difficult to keep the weight increase going when I combined cycling with weights. The 10 – 15 mins of hill sprints and box jumps straight after the weights session is much more manageable for me. Definitely wouldn’t consider riding on a rest day but I’m lifting for strength and body recomposition at the moment hence the calorie surplus – it’s deliberate rather than forced through lifting. Better for recovery, too.

    I am seeing what happens if I run a significant calorie deficit.

    I tried that late last year – got down to 800kcal before injuries and tendon pain started and the fat fell away in no time. Looked good, tho…

    Free Member

    I care, too. In fact I was going to bump it to enquire but thought you’d probably take it the wrong way.

    My squat is the same weight (with bar) and yeah, quite hard work to stop it becoming a Good Morning. Bench is up but the overhead is seated so although I’m lifting the same my standing was 10kg more before surgery last year. Deadlift I had to dial back as an old upper chest injury started up again. Physio’s helped but I’m only upping the weight by 2.5kg to try and get back to the 140 before the recent strain.

    I don’t know about you but I’m eating shit loads (clean) and not suffering like I did when I tried it in calorie deficit. Fat loss is slow but as you write, muscle makes its way through. This week (though probably next week or the week after 🙂 ) I’ll start the hill sprints and box jumps but the mesh makes itself known whenever I move too fast so that’s my excuse and definitely not the 10 minutes of vomit inducing struggle.

    Pehaps an STW Shirt-Off is in order.*

    * JK

    Edit : I’m only doing 3×5 on the squat, too, not 5×5 as on the presses and row. I’m 49 so that’s my excuse. I have a love/hate relationship with squats even though I’m short and gravity is on my side.

    Free Member

    Being serious, anything psychological will be altered by cannabis in some way. Negative stuff can become exaggerated as well as positive stuff. If he’s feeling angry and pissed off at the world then it’ll spill over eventually, drugs or not. Perhaps it’s a good thing he’s noticed it – admitting an issue is always the first step.

    Talk him into getting help – drug counselling agencies deal with this stuff all the time. Try and see if he can get a referral from his GP.

    Free Member

    Though I prefer something more like this…

    Free Member

    As above, really. Plus the ‘strong weed’ is more likely to encourage apathy on just about any subject you’d care to list. Aside from food, obvs…

    Free Member

    Zilog beat me to it – most folk will benefit from doing at least toddler squats for around 5 – 10 mins a day.

    Free Member

    Who the **** is MC in Molworld…?

    Free Member

    Perhaps I should’ve winked.

    Here ya go…


    Free Member

    Power Of Love – Jennifer Rush. 80s-tastic.

    Free Member

    I winked!

    Ah, okay.

    You’re still a pussy, tho…

    Free Member

    Woah…! What’s with all this “feed ‘im to the pigs” shit? I like a bit of bacon and the thought of somehow digesting a molecule of Brady…

    Let’s just say I’ve seen enough horrors films to know what comes next!

    Free Member

    How’re you doing, G-Lad – keeping your shit together…?

    Free Member

    Lack of empathy, grandiose and entitled attitude, extreme charm and (superficial) confidence.

    That’s CFH down to a tee, isn’t it…


    Free Member

    How is it possible to of not of heard of 1984?

    MrPottatoHead » That was a joke BTW.

    But any excuse to get in an eye roll, eh…

    Free Member

    then show how clueless you are about punk

    Put those claws away, pussy.

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