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  • A Spectator’s Guide To Red Bull Rampage
  • spursn17
    Free Member

    No love here for station eleven?
    It’s amazing, almost perfect television.

    The theme is the power of art in the post apocalypse.

    No love at all, I’ve just wasted 10 hours of my life on this load of old bow locks!

    Just a self indulgent actors project, it’s a shame as it could’ve been really good but it just seemed to be rambling nonsense.
    Maybe be I’m just too much of an uneducated peasant to understand it?

    Free Member

    Could you be more Spursy than beating City then losing to Burnley? Surely that’s the dictionary definition? 😂

    We’re an absolute shit show at the moment, no wonder we’re the laughing stock of the Prem!

    I’m predicting that we’ll finish in eigth place.

    Free Member

    Skate bowl house

    Now this is just nuts and great at the same time!

    Free Member

    Got 3 pairs of DM’s on the go at the moment and I’ve always had a pair since the mid 70’s.

    Only buy the ‘Made In England’ range now, the cheaper ones are poor quality. Mrs Spursn17 has worn them for years and they look great on her, despite being an old bird now 😉😂

    Free Member

    @jonjones262 we’re on our 3rd collie type crossbreed, he’s a Romanian German shepherd/collie. He’s a lovely dog but he has similar issues as yours but to a lesser degree. He’s fine off the lead with dogs that we have got to know, but when he meets a strange dog he goes absolutely nuts. The thing that I’ve done to stop him are making him sit before we get within ‘attack range’ and speaking to him calmly, also distracting him with treats. If that doesn’t work and he still goes off on one I squirt him with water (he hates water), although this is the nuclear option and I use it sparingly. Sometimes it’s enough for me to just say ‘bottle?’ to him to stop him.
    They are clever dogs and need stimulation, have you thought of agility classes, Henry used to love these?

    One of the dogs I had a few years ago used to bite the front wheel of my bike in excitement when we’d go into the country park, more than once we had to go back home as he’d puncture the tyre. I used the water bottle to stop that as well.

    The nicest dog I ever had was a staff/lab cross, she had a beautiful nature and was really gentle.

    If you have to get rid of the dog don’t feel bad (you will!), it just may not be the right dog for your family. They come first and if it’s upsetting everyone it’ll have to go, especially if you’re scared it may bite the kids. Just resolve the guilt by getting a more family friendly dog (Staffie?).

    Free Member

    my question was is there any justification to banning a legitimate item of PPE.

    As others have said, it would depend on the degree of risk?

    My employers (London Underground) would probably frown on station staff turning up in a flak jacket and helmet even though at some stations you’d feel like wearing them, and if drivers wore full ice hockey goalkeepers kit in case they fell out of the cab that would be banned. It’s risk vs company image. I asked the question if someone was drinking alcohol free beer at work would they get in trouble, as alcohol is banned (we get randomly tested) they said yes as it would be presenting a negative image to customers.

    Free Member

    It might be the irrational hate that a minority of drivers have for ‘cyclists’. If you don’t wear a helmet you’re just a human on a bicycle and they no longer feel the need to close pass.

    Yeah, I’d agree with this as well. I also seem to have had less ‘shouty’ comments and arguments since I’ve reverted back to being a human.

    Free Member

    If I started going bareheaded on-road, initially it would feel odd and I would probably compensate. But I am pretty sure that, once I got used to the feeling, my behaviour would drift back to what it had been with a helmet on.

    This is what happened with me, the normal style of riding came back fairly quickly.
    When you see videos of people riding in the Netherlands there aren’t a lot of helmets being worn except for sporty type rides, cycling in towns needs to be made normal and not something you need a load of PPE for.

    Free Member

    One of the things that can be pulled out of the data is that helmeted riders crash more often. Why this is is still very much up for debate. Thus if you want to reduce the number of crashes banning helmets can be a reasonable H&S step. Of course this is a massive oversimplification but the data is there to back up their position.

    I’ve been cycling and cycle commuting for around 40 years now, and in the early eighties never wore a helmet (mainly as they were made of leather strips and were useless😂). Fast forward to the late 90’s and I always wore a helmet both on club rides and commutes, until the summer of 2018 when I got fed up with it in the hot weather and ditched it for the commute. Since then I’ve noticed that I’ve had a lot fewer close passes and aggressive moves by drivers, I’ve had a few collisions with cars over the years before this but since 2018 riding in London has been fairly relaxed for me.

    This may not be the effect of not wearing a lid, but I noticed it within days of not using it.
    It could be I’m riding safer as I feel more vulnerable, but I don’t think I am. I think that maybe I’m seen as a bit of a crazy mf for not wearing one and they give me a wide berth, or it could be that drivers are simply more used to cyclist’s on the roads in town. Another reason could also be that the city is so congested now that traffic speeds have lowered and reduced the risk of a collision?

    I think PedalMe may have a valid point.

    Out in the sticks where I live now is a different matter though, everyone drives like the Daily M**l produced their own highway code 🙄

    Free Member

    What Revs said! Still wondering about that very final scene

    This ⬆️

    Maybe a separate thread for this so there’s no spoilers?

    Free Member

    Been enjoying listening to Anne Frankenstein filling in for Chris Hawkins this week. Minimal talk and a varied, eclectic playlist.


    I’d like to see her given a go in a daytime slot when the next regular goes on leave. Chris Hawkins is growing on me too.

    And yeah, I like CC but those jingles are cringe worthy!

    Free Member

    You dead yet?

    Not quite! 😂

    I felt really bad last night, I don’t think I’ve ever been that bad so quickly.
    I drank a lot of water at work last night and that made me feel a lot better by 4am, I reckon I may have been dehydrated. I’ve not been drinking much lately because of the long journey to work, I don’t like using train toilets since covid kicked off. Thinking back over the last few weeks I’ve mostly been drinking tea at work so I’m going to make a conscious effort to do more water and see if the dizzyness reoccurs. If it does I’ll visit the doc.
    Thanks for all your replies last night, I was pretty worried!

    Free Member

    Cheers all. Going to do as @martinhutch said and going to find a dark quiet corner to sit in until the morning.

    Free Member

    I don’t get headaches as a rule, I know people who get migraines but I’ve never had one.

    Free Member

    Also, tell your colleagues/manager what you just told us and that’s why you’ll be sitting quietly in the corner until 111 can talk to you. Take no shit.

    I have done and they’re all OK, they’ve told me to go home but to be honest I don’t want to do the journey at the moment (2.5 – 3 hours).
    I’m usually in very good health and rarely ill so this feels properly weird to me.
    Lateral flow test is negative.

    Free Member

    Mr Bell and his twitter pic

    Here you go @jamj1974

    Short version; riding along/stand up argument with him. Pic on twitter. Hit most cycling forums, and in The Times and the Daily Nazi (mail). Jeremy vine got involved, and it rumbled on on various Web forums for a couple of weeks. It was even in a newspaper in Asia (may have been Malaysia but my memory is a bit hazy on that).

    Free Member

    ‘Gotcha’ shouted the nice Mr Clarkson whilst taking a picture of me in the middle of the road after we’d had an earlier altercation, that set off an Internet chain of events that I’m still asked to recount sometimes.
    I was turning right 🙄
    He’s a bell nd! 😂

    Free Member

    One fewer after this literally just up the road…

    How did that crash then @boblo, couldn’t it climb high enough to get over the hills? 😂😂😂

    Free Member

    Then about 15 miles later, just happened on a V22 Osprey landing in a field

    There’s an army training area just north of Thetford forest, that’s probably where you saw it. The other good place to see them is Sculthorpe airfield near Fakenham, they train there. Good for para drops as well!

    I walk my dogs near Holbeach range on The Wash, the dogs don’t even flinch now when the F15’s and Typhoons are swooping in and firing at the targets. Usually get Apaches, Chinooks, and Ospreys practicing their gunnery a couple of times a week as well.

    Free Member

    I don’t mind wearing one if everyone else does, but I’d rather not wear one if I have the choice.

    During last years lockdown travelling to work on the train (Thameslink) everyone was wearing them but most of the station staff weren’t, and it was rare to see train drivers on the train travelling to pick up points wearing them as well. After a while it got so nobody was wearing them.

    I think the problem now is that the government want people to wear them on trains and public transport, but not in hospitality (pubs, clubs, restaurants). It doesn’t make sense and most people realise this and think bollox to it.

    Free Member

    I’ve gone for the karma option and offered them to him as gift. I won’t use them again as I don’t like them.

    Free Member

    and/or live somewhere flat

    Fenland, border of Lincs/Cambs/Norfolk. Don’t hit the brakes much 😂

    Free Member

    How good of a mate is he? If he’s a good mate I’d probably just give them to him. Good karma innit.

    I like this, the trouble is I think he’d feel embarrassed as he conscious of being a bit skint now and he likes to pay his way.

    Free Member

    Think of a price then double it?


    Free Member

    Check ebay selling prices, average out and take off 20%.

    That’s the trouble, not enough on there to get an idea.

    Free Member

    And in so many other ways, very similar. The comparison with the women’s suffrage movement is a good one, IMO.

    I agree with this as well, at the time it was seen as a movement that was disagreeable, as is IB.

    This morning I was listening to “Witness History” on the radio (BBC 4/World Service) about the Greenham Common anti-nuclear protests in the early eighties. I remember at the time I had two very young kids and was struggling to make ends meet on a meagre wage, and I had no time for what I thought were unwashed wasters with no sense of reality (probably influenced by the fact that I read newspapers every day back then). With hindsight I now realise that it was a very worthy cause and the protesters were very brave people. The reason for this is probably that I am no longer struggling and at my age (63) have a great deal of hindsight. I can now see movements and injustices that I maybe should’ve got behind and supported more, and regret that I didn’t as I was too busy holding my family together.
    This view probably accounts for the comments people have made about the IB protesters being middle class and old farts. When you get time and space to reflect on the past, and have hopes for future generations (2 grandchildren in my case) you realise that maybe it’s not to late to do something!

    Right, I’m off to join XR! 😀

    Free Member

    The creature (typical Chafford Hundred mum) driving the Range Rover will be the sort of person that is the entitled idiot that resents being held up by a bike and dealing out a punishment pass. Would the people on here that seem to be agreeing with her have the same attitude if she was behind their bike?

    I totally get the inconvenience thing, and I would probably get the hump if I was held up when I had somewhere to be, but I feel they are part of a general movement (along with XR) that is only going to gather pace. I have changed my attitude to these issues during the last 10 years or so.

    The problem with protesting near Parliament is that the powers that be (of all colours) will tie up any protest with injunctions, this is why those protesters keep changing the site of their protests as they constantly have to keep ahead of the courts.

    The XR protest in London was great for cycling, I moved around so much quicker than normal, covid helped that last year and the first part of this year, but now cycle commuting in London is back to its normal polluted congested dangerous self.

    Free Member

    Thanks for the replies, sealant it is!

    Free Member

    Chicken wire or another metal mesh over it to stop the dog picking the stones up?

    Free Member

    Watched the first episode last night and was completely underwhelmed.

    I was the same, stick with it, it’s worth it.

    Free Member

    @project repair it mate!

    I bought a van (2012 Transit Connect) on Wednesday afternoon, Thursday morning the turbo went. Now fighting with the seller to get him to fix it, I thought it was going to be less trouble buying one than fixing the old one 😭

    Free Member

    What does that even mean? Head gasket failed?

    I’ve been running it for ages with a leaky head gasket, it seriously overheated and cut out, and now turns over but won’t start. Gasket has probably blown big time, or the head has warped with the heat.

    But if it needs a simple repair that costs buttons it’d be worth doing

    I agree with that, and it probably is worth doing, but I’ve got so much on my plate at the moment with work and home stuff that I can’t find the motivation or time to do it. It also needs 2 new tyres, discs and pads, new exhaust, and probably new suspension arms. I’d rather punt it out cheap and let someone with the time put it right. I shouldn’t have said scrap it, I should’ve said sell it.

    Free Member

    So the van broke down and got towed home, seems as if its an engine problem

    Same here, I think I cooked the head!
    I’m going with the scrap option as if I need another head that’ll be getting near to the value of the van.

    Free Member

    It is a cast cylinder around 2.5m long and around 0.8m dia.

    The mother of all air rifles?

    Free Member

    …as for the MFT I bought a plywood jig (can’t remember who off?) and cut loads of holes in my garage workbench.

    Free Member

    From one extreme to the other!


    yeah it was a bit! There was nothing wrong with the Aldi saw and I’ve done loads of work with it, including making my kitchen cupboard doors. I couldn’t find any longer rails to fit it as I only had the two 700mm that came with it and they were getting on my tits as the join was a bit naff. Once you got them aligned properly though the saw was great, especially with a 48t Freud blade in it. The build quality of the Mafell is something else though, its like driving a top end car after you’ve been driving a bangernomic special.

    Free Member

    I bought an Aldi (rebadged Scheppach) about 3 years ago and found I was using it more and more. Recently I had some overtime at work and used the dosh to buy a Mafell MT55 which was very spendy and a bit of an extravagance that I didn’t really need. It cuts so nice though, I keep looking for jobs to do so I can use it!

    Free Member

    Ding Ding, round 2…

    …The Producers is on BBC 1 tonight at 10:35pm.

    Free Member

    Not sure about bit north of London, but from Lincolnshire I’d pick up NCR 1 and follow most of that,

    How about using the Grand Union Canal out of London, cut off towards Leicester, then across to Lincolnshire for NCR1?

    Free Member

    The starter sounding wierd like metal grinding metal ?

    slightly, bit more of a high pitch whirring noise

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