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  • Cotic suspend EU deliveries over question around what constitutes a British product
  • spacemonkey
    Full Member

    Yep, rowers seem to breed deceptively strong types too.

    I remember doing a session next to a Sri-Lankan looking girl a few years ago. There was hardly anything of her but she was really giving it some. IIRC I was one setting below her but could only pull at maybe 80% of her pace. I did my usual distance for 10 mins and left her to it.

    The weirdest occasion was seeing a really unkempt (and I mean genuinely tramp-like) bloke spend 40 mins going absolutely flat out. Only saw him that once and that was the only piece of kit he used. Was a bit odd.

    Full Member

    Like you though I’m looking for max. improvement with min. time/effort.

    Yep. 15-20 mins 4 times a week is about all I can manage for now. Am sincerely hoping it makes a difference.

    I guess you’re keeping the same resistance throughout and then giving it the beans for those 20 sec bursts? Can’t be a nice experience on a rower 🙂

    Full Member

    Did my first tabata session on Monday and I thought it was alright TBH. Did it on the fly by adjusting the watts (Tacx 2200 running TTS 3.5) manually. That lost me 2-3 seconds of time while each spike spooled up so today I created a program (using TTS 3.5) with a 10 min warm up @ 80-110W, then cranked the intervals up to 280-370W with 70W inbetween. Worked a treat. Change in resistance was immediate so no lag. Felt great. All in all, far easier than doing it manually.

    Will give this a whirl for a couple of weeks and see what happens. Don’t have any time for additional training – only one ride since New Year 🙁 So hopefully I’ll shed some timber and up the fitness.

    Full Member

    I know what you’re saying, but some people would argue that it takes just a few seconds to check …

    <not having a go, just observing>

    Full Member

    I am sorry I havent replied to my emails. I didnt think I had anything that was needing attendeing to. I only check itonce a week at most. Ive replied to your email now.

    That won’t necessarily rub well seeing as you’ve posted about 25 times on this forum in the last 4-5 days. If you can access the webternet to write something here then you can just as easily check your mail.

    Full Member

    We were in the same position last summer (due to little monkey). Sold the 07 Focus and bought a mint 06 Saab 93 estate (1.9TDi Vector).

    Decent amount of room (about the same as my A4), plenty of toys and generally excellent VFM. I’ve never been a Saab fan but in this instance we didn’t want to spend the extra on a Teutonic tourer and took a couple of test drives. Sure, the 93 isn’t as sure-footed as its main rivals and the cockpit is all a bit “wrong way round” but I don’t care about that – it does what we need and does it very well.

    Full Member

    Depends what you want to achieve etc. Check out this thread from a few weeks ago.

    Here’s what I said:

    – what are the key training aims (if any)
    – noise
    – level of resistance
    – want to be able to change resistance on the fly (and emulate slopes etc)
    – want to hook up to a computer and track stuff like HR, cadence, speed, watts, etc
    – want to record sessions for comparison
    – budget
    – floor space (and portability)
    – want to be able to use it anywhere, e.g. indoors/outdoors
    – want to race against other people (online?)
    – want to ride virtual tracks/routes as well as pro routes

    Answer those and you get might some more pointers. Sounds at the mo that she just needs an entry level jobby. If so, I’d recommend talking with Fudge Cycles and Cycle Sports UK.

    I did a lot of research end of last year before opting for Taxc Flow 2200 with the PC upgrade kit. Excellent piece of kit but around £500 (in the sales). I can do everything listed above plus create routes using Google Earth (except virtual racing – can’t be bothered with that).

    Full Member

    Bought the first book a few years back and experienced just what Bimbler says. Gave it to the gf and she devoured it (and the others) in no time.

    Can’t be jaffed with all the detail and faffing around. Just get to the point please.

    Full Member

    Check out the folk on Tech Support Forum.[/url] Plenty of experts on there who really know their stuff. Might take a day or so for someone to respond, but once they do you could be on your way to getting sorted.

    Full Member

    We’re seeing her brother (one of the executors) this weekend so maybe we’ll run through some tactics with her first. She’s not very confident in any confrontational/standy uppy situation, plus her brother by all accounts is not a nice person (he’s a millionaire whose never given her a penny). Could indeed be a tricky one.

    Full Member

    The time line might be important here,

    I think she kicked him out around Nov last year – my guess that would also be the time of formal separation because they didn’t try discussing anything afterwards. Divorce proceedings not started. Bereavement was a couple of weeks ago.

    Full Member

    You say about to receive. Is there any way in which this can be delayed?

    I’ll know more this weekend. No idea if ‘payment’ can be delayed legally? Her brother is an executor so no doubt he’ll be pushing things through as quickly as possible (for himself anyway).

    I would also assume that if he wants half he will have to start divorce proceedings and wait to see what the courts award him,

    He would have to start proceedings? Maybe I’m being dumb but I’d have thought he’d be more legally entitled to his share while still married? So should he not 1) declare himself bankrupt, 2) take his split, then 3) file for divorce (unless she gets in first)?

    Full Member

    Nowt wrong with double helpings in my book. Kind of did the same thing a few months back. Took the missus and MIL to one of our locals where they do a late afternoon 2-for-1 offer on their (really rather good) pizzas. Ordered four of the buggers (2 x 2-for-1) and various sides … and was duly encouraged by both ladies to eat the fourth one and finish off theirs. Nothing left and everyone’s a winner 🙂

    Full Member

    Yeah, that’s pretty much all we’ve been able to come with so far too.

    Full Member

    When you say delivery, are you talking about how best to get the training ‘out there’? E.g. host a load of videos vs using an LMS etc?

    What format is the training? Purely videos or something else?
    Do you want to track/record how people are getting on?
    Is it for mandatory purposes?
    Is it modular?

    Full Member

    This is part of what I do for a living.

    Plenty of YT tutorials you could use. Camtasia will give you good capture/playback capability, but it’s not a proper elearning tool.

    What’s your budget, time frame and skillset? i.e. are you going to do this yourself/inhouse or farm out?

    Full Member

    I’m knackered today so can’t quite compute exactly what your issue is.

    If you want to convert file types and do some simple editing then check out Format Factory. It’s free and works damn fine.

    Full Member

    Football has become more and more a law unto itself in recent years – and there’s only one driver behind that: MONEY. No point making examples of Rangers and Pompey etc – nothing’s going to change. The game has become too big with the stakes monumentally high in terms of financial reward (and loss). Fans and staff will always play second fiddle to players and creditors when in trouble – so much so it’s a joke.

    As a United fan I f^&*ing hate Rangers and would love to see the club disappear off the face of the Earth. But it employs something like 175 staff, most of whom have a job that sees them pay the bills and put food on the table. They’re the people I care about. Are they going to find it easy to get another job? Possibly not. Are the players? Yes, of course they are. They’re forever in the shop window with no worries about this month’s mortgage.

    Personally I’d like to see them f&*k off and reform in a different guise down in the lower Scottish leagues, but retain the staff. Can’t see that happening though.

    And don’t even get me started on the Glazers 👿

    Full Member

    the specs of the laptop on which I am typing would have seemed way beyond pure fantasy when I was into computers as a kid.

    Quite clearly you were fantasising about the wrong things as a kid 🙂

    Full Member

    I wouldn’t expect my expenses to be paid unless offered in writing. Having said that, all my travel costs are covered by expenses so I guess if I was to go for an internal interview then I sure could claim anyway.

    Full Member

    anybody go out at first light ?i love it when im out and its just gettin light,in the summer im out just after 4am there is nobody about and you feel alive has if you own the world.

    It’s funny you say that because I used to work nights and other weird hours (as a student) in a factory. Can always remember leaving home at 4-6am and making the 15min walk to work past all those houses with only the occasional light on here and there. Every time it made me feel like I had a head start on the world and that I was getting out and getting stuff done before people had even woken up. That’s probable why I’m a ‘morning person’ – much prefer to get up and get cracking.

    Full Member

    Have a look at Chillblast too, couple of people I know have them and they’re great value for money and the customer service is excellent.


    I have one of their custom builds and can vouch for their all round service. But that’s only really relevant if you want someone else to build it instead of your mate.

    Full Member

    How good is your mate at building PCs and how likely is he to help if things go wrong? Only asking like …

    Full Member

    Remember: even if you come up with the best idea and build a damn good site around it, how are people going to know about it? I.e. has it been done already and if not, how do you see yourself marketing it?

    Full Member

    Spacemonkey, why do they need investigating ?

    Erm, they’re quite clearly ripping people off – or at the very least, trying it on. Sure, you can argue that people should look around and not be so stupid as to hit Buy It Now or whatever. But to offer a piece of shit like that with no warranty etc – IMO that’s just plain wrong.

    Full Member

    That really is ripping the piss. I hope they get investigated.

    Full Member

    One of my mates is married to a Swedish lass who apparently, like her country folk, goes nuts for Eurovision. Back home they have huge parties and all the other bollocks that goes with it.

    All very harmless I’m sure, but please, do get a life.

    Full Member

    @ijs445ra – that’s Cape Town is it not? With Table Mountain in the background …

    Full Member

    Calm down HC. I don’t yet have specific info to add weight to my report. I’ve been trying to get that from my friend – and the problem there is that her daughter has gone off the rails and shacked up with one of the middle sons. Hence it got political so I backed off. I just hope the girl sees sense and severs all links – then I’ll see what else I can get on them.

    Full Member

    Sounds like you need to have a word with your inner chimp.

    Full Member

    Friends of a friend live happily in a 5 bed house paid for by the state. A couple of the sons do building work but they still live there. Plus they deal puff/weed etc. The mother is on disability allowance but admits she’s pulling a fast one. She occasionally has grandchildren to stay (inc babies/infants) but refuses to put the heating on (because it costs money) and instead gives her teenage sons money for console games and going out etc. None of them (other than the two currently working) have any desire to lift a finger whatsoever.

    Lazy ****s the lot of them. I so nearly filled in one of the those online “report someone of benefit fraud” forms last year but didn’t have their address or enough other info. People like them really f%^& me off.

    Full Member

    I don’t see what all the fuss is about these day ref Summer Lightning. Used to be good ‘back in the day’ – but since the deforesting kicked in (6yrs or so ago?) it’s been dulled. It’s fine if you’re linking up with Wolvens to head towards the Rookery, but other than that I’d give it a miss. All IMHO of course.

    Full Member

    No Spacemonkey, I am on the below as from Ascot. It is no orange 5 but think it should handle ok on Deliverance…

    Remember to get your arse over the back wheel. Might need the arms of a gorilla for that one 🙂

    Full Member

    I went from SL to Lion just after release. Can’t say it’s improved or indeed altered my everyday experience in any way. Perhaps more hardcore users get more out of it?

    Full Member

    My mate is riding a specialized and as people will talk to him

    Are you on one of these?

    Full Member

    Remains (albeit somewhat large) of last night’s homemade lamb mince curry. No rice or bread – just celery and homemade coleslaw. Big nom.

    Full Member

    Hate for google (or anyone) to know I like girls, bikes & drawing.

    We already know you like drawing girls on bikes.

    Full Member

    Just cleared mine.

    Full Member

    Just remembered the one we frequented up in Parkgate (nr Birkenhead) last year. F&*(ing excellent. The most unassuming frontage and a middle-aged Chinese lady behind the counter. A real gem.

    Full Member

    Ggggrhhhrhrhrh. Now I want to go there for lunch tomorrow – even though it’s a 25 mile round trip. Ggrhrhrhrhrh.

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