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  • Trail Tales: Midges
  • smiff
    Free Member

    wait i get it, he’s saying they’re ugly. give it a break hora. at least i have a real complaint, which (early niggles with seattube etc aside) is that the bike does not seem to match the geo spec. chart (if there even is a 2013 chart?) at all. the bb of at least early 2013 models is coming out at 12.6-12.8 ish inches and that’s not changing much with a 160mm fork.. no comments from On-one on whether this is fixed, it’s supposed to be like that, or we’re all somehow measuring them wrong!

    Free Member

    ’tis not El Gopo, it’s El Gyppo. because it’s cheap.
    and it’s luvverly and curvy and shiny (raw) and .. i’ ll stop myself now.

    Free Member

    yeah got two for each with my hope hoops. broke so many rear spokes one year (sticks) i ended up buying a box off ebay, got plenty now :p

    Free Member

    i don’t think it’s possible, you’d have to make the fork around 50-75mm (2-3″) shorter! no?
    so you can only make small changes to bb height: fork, changing tyres, offset shock bushes, lower headset, etc. 5-10mm tops. besides, you’d ruin geometry anyway.

    aaaannyway.. £700 is about what a good FS frame should cost imho :) lots of choice around this price, or was when i looked in the summer.. Megas have all gone? or anything 2nd hand.

    Free Member

    an inch lower with a 150/32

    i don’t think so.. check my reasoning in thread above. even the front won’t be 1″ lower surely?

    i keep posting this only because i want someone to check i’m not going mad with this.

    Free Member

    hold on, hope make chainrings now? and this looks expensive

    if you’re running a bash, and you should, you just need something to stop the chain falling off inside. and maybe a roller at bottom, if you don’t have a clutch mech..

    still running old front mech on my ht, got a superstar laser but never bothered fitting.. really heavy also :/

    Free Member

    haha yes EG. either low (13.1?) or really low (12.6?) for an XC/AM bike, see
    imho a beauty but each to his own.

    Free Member

    oooh nice spot, keep us updated.

    small time crook. some dvds, a book, 100% feedback, then bam, flamejob’s bike.
    i would hope this is enough for the police to go with, he could have multiple accounts, could be part of something bigger.. probably not though.

    been treating the girlfriend too i see, on the proceeds. and pimping his car (a peugeot). classic.

    Free Member

    i bought set of bolts

    may be cheaper way to get the conical washers.. maybe from cheap vbrake pads? think they come with them if you get the right type.

    Free Member

    depends.. if you use the 180mm front PM, no you can’t do without – the shims have to be twisted to get the adapter straight. not great design imho. almost wonder if i’m doing something wrong, but have checked..
    and yes, if they’ve been fitted for years and you re-tighten, they may crumble. bad material choice there.

    Free Member

    exactly, that’s how i measure. please sign up for account on mtbr, would be best place to discuss this. loads of EG owners there :)

    Free Member

    weeell that’s interesting. a 160mm lyric shouldn’t raise the bb by 0.6″=15mm should it.. more like half that at most? rear shocks should be same length anyway. do you mind posting this over to that thread on mtbr please.
    it’s possible my math is just wrong, would like to know, that 13.2 is exactly what loads of v3 owners want.

    Free Member

    oniano, maybe they’ve already updated the frame then? how long is your fork?

    13.2″ at 30% sag? surely not when measuring bb – mine is 12.6″ approx static (no weight on bike, only it’s own weight) with a revelation 150mm and 12mm lower headset cup, Monarch shock. Adv 2.1/Minion 2.35 if you want to get precise.

    white paint obviously weighs more than raw but not sure if you think that affects the suspension :D

    Free Member

    haha DaveyBoy :). any frames that aren’t a case of hit it sideways till it comes out?

    Free Member

    well done, if i tried that i’d probably lose the iphone too (i don’t have an iphone).

    the DIY return.. i’d go with “bike unstolen” or something :)

    Free Member

    Thinking of reasons not to buy an El Guapo V3 at what, £600-£800.

    well.. i’m a big fan of on-one and the Guapo but one reason might be that Brant, who’s been really helpful to me btw, afaik hasn’t answered this (i might be wrong, hope so!):
    hmm. not sure if there was a design error, mnfr error, or what’s happened there. ’tis a concern though.
    speculating: would the cost of a recall sink on-one? they really should talk to owners about this? or update the geo charts? i do feel for them, they care about their products, it’s possibly a nightmare scenario. fwiw i still love the bike, but it’s weird being held up speed wise by fear of strikes rather than grip or anything else. now enough people have the v3 for this to be well known, make up your own mind.
    sorry Brant love you but this is going to be noticed even if you push out a quiet update :(

    Free Member

    only other thing is protecting the stanchion, and lube. an upside down shock the air can lube is going to pool away from the seals?, not great. but maybe less will escape and enough will vaporise. dunno.

    ask these guys:

    Free Member

    8O for god’s sake take the lowers off. probably needs a service anyway. :)

    edit: umm sorry if you’re painting the crown probably no point.

    that looks good and fox forks have tons of mud clearance?

    Free Member

    cheers might buy a spare pair then :)

    hope they fit ok!

    Free Member

    it’s fine till you need some small part from Madison (can only be got through shop). then you have to go in to LBS and feel bad you’re only spending £2. or for some bolts. really it takes the piss. mine was even giving me discounts when they saw me just because they know i internet shop and won’t pay RRP.

    but even their discounts aren’t enough.

    yes i am similar, don’t generally need the lbs. until i do, about once a year. if only some way to support them without spending money there… tbf this shop never has what i want, there’s one a bit further that’s cool and doesn’t seem bothered i just want a mavic valve adapter. maybe should go there more :)

    Free Member

    i find waist good for both Altura shorts in small. ok Attack is fractionally looser, about 1cm?, never noticed till i put them together now. i’m about 30″ jeans btw. (Endura always had to be done up tight, the Altura fit so well (read: 70s porn star) i can ride with them undone and they stay up :)

    so if medium Attack is slightly big for you, medium semi-dry should be ideal – assuming they haven’t changed sizing!

    hope they carry on making them, the best i’ve found. agree with OP i like my knees covered always.

    if anyone has massive Chris Hoy thighs don’t get Alturas, you will look ridiculous and probably not be able to move.

    Free Member

    hmm see what you mean, several shops with only XX/XL.
    others have all sizes to order so hopefully they still exist? hmm!|countryGB&safe=off&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&bpcl=35277026&biw=1374&bih=899&um=1&ie=UTF-8&cid=3219342726366460305&sa=X&ei=hGd9UPONHefW0QW2vYBg&ved=0CFEQ8wIwAQ#scoring=tps

    got mine from merlin, no longer do ’em.. looks like may be discontinued? or a seasonal thing? sh*t.

    Free Member

    too small to read, but seat pressure sensor, drive train torque sensor, “other sensors”. i count 6+. are these just ideas to patent (obvious surely?) or they planning on using all that?
    and what swingbing said. this just looks like “we’ll connect sensors to the computer” well yeah.

    Free Member

    you could, if you were around 2 weeks ago, get 756a for £17.99 from CRC. honestly, no shimano freehubs last well, they all get wobbly, sealing is a little better on higher ones, but it’s just the design, the little balls wear out. and they aren’t serviceable either.

    don’t know about Funn spares, i’d call Funn and check. buying two now is a bit silly? i’d go with shimano 525a probably. unless anyone has suggestions for other good cartridge hubs..

    very similar to the basic “xt” above.

    hold up
    this claims to have shimano compatible freehub body (which?). as i said they don’t last too well, but they should last 1-2 years and at least can be got. looks good on paper. or superstar. i’d still either go for cheap cup&cone or something decent. shame hope’s cost too much, hub is £120 and whole wheel is about.. £150?

    Free Member

    no one’s told me i look like a 70s porn star. even with the moustache.
    yeah semi-drys are tighter in the leg than attacks, if you’re tight with small attacks maybe go up medium? i did buy all mine 2 years ago so not sure if they’re still sized the same.. when they fail i’ll def. be buying more Alturas.
    they are tight, but i like ’em tight ;)

    Free Member

    altura semi 3/4s are the best cycling shorts i’ve ever had. Endura’s always seemed too short for me, so if you’re skinny and long legged (prev. Altura fit you?) go for Altura.
    i can get knee pads under my semi-dry’s… just.
    i wear them a lot, no problems. pocket zip has gone on my attacks but the semis have been fine. fwiw i rate semidrys better in rain too since the waterproof ones get horribly clingy once the DWR goes and won’t dry.
    haven’t actually tried MT500 though so maybe Endura have improved.

    Free Member

    have something similar on my whyte from dropouts being misaligned (prev. owner). hard to judge without knowing depth and tube thickness. been riding mine like that for a year no probs. i’d not worry too much because a failure there isn’t likely to kill you :)

    Free Member

    we all start like that. my advice, honestly would be to get to the “don’t give a s**t” stage as quickly as you can. at one point i was even taking chains off to clean them.. here’s where i am with cleaning, been riding mtbs about 15 years:

    if it’s “nice” mud that rinses off, i just point hose at it, bounce bike to shake off water (picked this up from a guy in wales, nice one), and lube. go wash yourself.

    if it’s not nice mud (kind that doesn’t rinse off), i leave it to dry and then it mostly falls off (this is only ok if you have somewhere dirty to keep bike!). go wash yourself.

    life is too short (or i’m too lazy etc) for a thorough cleaning routine imho. real danger is it’ll stop you riding! so as long as chain doesn’t rust, that’ll do. fill your bolt heads with grease to stop them rusting. cleaning in general can do more harm than good.

    edit: exceptions: if you think you might do any kind of work on the bike, clean it, don’t want dirt getting into parts etc. if you’re going to sell it, make that f***er shine.

    Free Member

    what is the right way to act around out of control dogs then, if you suddenly find yourself too close? be dominant? ignore them? face them? hit them? try to phone 0118 999 881 999 119 7253? only ever had to deal with one at a time so far.

    Free Member

    haha superfli i thought i’ve seen bad. that recent? was on SDW a bit today, wasn’t anything like that bad east of QECP. i remember it getting much worse towards winchester though.. one more thing i like about the Guapo (not to bang on about it) as it has no brace at seatstay, so no mud issue there, and bb area doesn’t seem too bad. RS forks never have enough clearance though esp. when you stick a fender bender there. might be time for mud tyres…

    that sort of mud is just no fun :/

    Free Member

    this might sound dumb but what’s the nearest flat pedal version of these? loved my old mw02s but this’ll be first winter on flats so not sure what to do.

    Free Member

    i might not be great at reading dog body language but had an idea.. if you have a QR seatpost, pull that out and start swingin’! (“what seatpost to beat dogs with?” thread).

    of course best idea is not to ride into a big pack of dogs, ‘cos almost any kind of dogs without an owner are going to go nuts if you do that.

    Free Member

    dogs in packs are scary. don’t think we need a translation to understand that. if this ever happens, probably best to push on (slowly or they’ll chase) using bike as weapon? riding through is iffy too they go for your heels. handgun is what you need. or treats? hmm.

    Free Member

    very nice but had to watch it on BBC (stream kept breaking up, too many people on it i guess) and the two idiots they had there.. real insightful stuff like “these final checks are crucial” and “when he opens the door, that means he’s ready to get out” and even “what’s the altitude on the ground?” :roll:
    just wished they’d just shut up and put the stream on! this was worse than the jubilee pageant coverage.

    anyway awesome (in true sense of word) jump, thought he was in trouble from the spin, have to watch press conference to find out what that was about.. he did not break the longest skydive record. he also did not die so pretty good result :)

    Free Member

    right now i’d stay off the SDW, away from claggy bridleways, and stick to the “sandy triangle” (hmmm) between petersfield, haslemere and midhurst. not a huge amount of height but some good little areas for mtb.. some cheeky. if no idea check along the shipright’s way including longmoor. today i checked around hangars and all i’ll say is.. yeah my KOMs are probably safe until next year 8O

    Free Member

    Pro2s are really not that nice are they.. seals are draggy, alloy freehubs not strong enough, 24pt pickup is only marginally better than the cheapest shimano 16pt.. i still have them though because Shimano freehubs don’t last at all. Hope Hoops are a good deal for complete wheels.

    Superstar are £60 and terrible bearings.

    i’m assuming he wants 6bolt disc.

    how about these? (Funn £44+)

    you want something with parts available though…

    Free Member

    Chris King?
    just kidding.. it’s shimano at that price.

    Free Member

    Afan was a bit sad last time i went (er last autumn i think).. some problems are down to lack of maintenance and some, especially climbs, is deliberately made easier. this annoyed me ‘cos one was a loose rocky bit i was good at, and my mate similarly lost the rock step up he was good at.. rock gone. Why?! :cry: :wink:

    Free Member

    “If this is not quite the bike of your dreams but have always wanted a custom build just for you let me know exactly what you want and i can make it hapen” [sic]

    this is what it’s about.. an advert for his services. you supply the taste, he supplies the skills. :)

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