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  • Deity T-Mac Flat Pedal Review
  • slimjim78
    Free Member

    Late delivery from Santa..

    It’s now official, my Dune is the cycling equivalent of Triggers broom.

    NW – I recall you squeezing a 4.8 JJ in rear of your Dune – but iirc, you had to run lower pressures to keep from fouling against seat stay arch? As I intend to run 11psi minimum on rear would I be best sourcing one of the 4.4 JJs in your opinion?

    Free Member

    I would aim for the industrial ones if purchasing again – my std ones immediately started locking themselves at random occasions, resulting in majorly grazed knuckles trying to prise the b’stards open.

    Have been working ok’ish since I went about them with a hammer though.

    Free Member

    The aches wear off after a couple of weeks on the rigid – I felt like my arms/hands got stronger as a result too.

    Did you change the tyre pressures at all with the Bluto?

    TBH – Its early days for me so far, plus ive switched tyres a couple of times. As a heavy rider I tend to run 3-4psi more than most of you guys though.

    First impressions on the Bluto though (at close to my ‘normal’ pressure), were that it was immediately obvious that I had a suspension fork fitted – which is a relief.
    More comfort straight out of the box, yet to take it down any descents though.

    Free Member

    Athleteshop have some decent looking prices on Schwalbe fat tyres

    You’re not kidding!

    What version do I want for running tubeless? litskin/tubeless easy/snakeskin? (Im lead to believe the best option isnt as obvious as whats printed on them)

    Planning to grab a couple 4.8 inchers

    Free Member

    It’s now my only MTB – as other Fatsters will attest, once you’ve ridden fat for a while and then try riding a ‘normal’ bike it just feels plain wrong!
    I just love the grip levels available.

    Free Member

    So, for anyone that’s interested, i came across an unlikely contender in the BK Minotaur – searched some old reviews and had a hunch that it might actually be up to task.
    50w doesn’t sound much bang for buck but after a couple of weeks of dialling in I bloody love the thing!

    I followed some advice from elsewhere that essentially said dial it in till you can only just begin to hear it, and leave it right there – so after obviously running it at way more gain than required for a short while, it’s now set at about 3 out of 10 on gain setting and it’s transformed the sound on my system!
    Everything now has a nice rounded depth, it all just sounds more like it’s supposed to. The sub is tiny and also matches my speakers for finish and was pretty much the cheapest option out there so I’m bloody chuffed with the outcome.

    Free Member

    Apologies for hijacking OP but hopefully my question fits the thread – I’d love to get back into RC but am completely uninterested in RTR type vehicles – I have a half decent Spektrum tranny somewhere and would love to build up a proper ‘kit’ from parts – I’d also want loads of available spares and loads more upgrades. Shiny CNC and carbon parts for the win.

    Fully on and off road capable, good handling, 4wd be nice, not fussed about scale – where do you guys recommend I start looking?

    Free Member

    Bluto’d Dune

    Free Member

    as an aside, I used to work in Staines, a colleague of mine was genuinely charged with answering the phone ‘Good morning Siemens Staines’

    Free Member

    funkmasterp – isn’t it comforting just to know that there’s genuinely a guy walking around called Marshall Law?

    And you’re right, Somsak Nimanong has an exquisite ring to it. Reminds me of the Junkians in Transformers the Movie.

    Free Member

    His email signature says “Make it so”!

    This has made my WEEK.

    Helmut Schmelling

    Thats just the wurst!

    Free Member

    Magnificent names count – this is a celebration of namedom.

    Free Member

    Sammy Adabanjo

    Legendary! I wonder what happened to it?

    Jean-Luc Picard. He works for one of the Enterprise teams

    if true then BRILLIANT

    Free Member

    Mr and Mrs Khunt

    My god the school register must have been fabulous, every day!

    – ‘Yes Sir’
    -‘Yer Sir’
    – ‘Yes Sir’
    – ‘he’s alright once you get to know him Sir..’

    Free Member

    P.Nutt and Hazel Nutt


    If only she’d re-marry with the ex-scottish blimp footballer Alan Brazil and double barrel to Brazil-Nutt.

    Free Member

    This is wonderful!

    So many great names, Mary Christmas is just about perfect.

    Although it took me a few goes to ‘Say it quick, and drop the H’ , Colette Harris is just genius.

    Ophelia Dick – how can you improve on that? I wonder if related to Everelda?

    David David
    Neville Neville
    Tom Tom

    Free Member

    How do you deal with the breath of a thousand turds after eating them though?

    Free Member

    Where on earth do you hang out?

    Ha! One I met in London, one a colleague, a couple during call center work years ago, and another in movie credits that I had to Google to believe was true.

    Emma Royds

    Is this legit? I want to believe it, rules are legit names only!

    Free Member

    personally, i miss the iDave comments.

    Everyone knows wasabi peas are the best (and only) snack to go with (black) tea.

    Free Member

    yeah I fitted a Bluto a couple of weeks ago – I bought one of the cheap 80mm versions at CTBM and sourced a 90mm air shaft for about £15 which I fitted myself (learnt a shed load about the fork in the process). Seems about spot on at this length, may be tempted by a 100mm air shaft at some point but not sure i’d go any longer.

    I haven’t been out on it much since but that will change this week, the limited mileage i’ve done so far has proven very favourable – it just feels like a sorted hardtail now.

    If given the choice of Fatty Trail or Bluto’d Dune again – i’d personally pick the Dune every time.
    Also, I still have the rigid fork of course, which means if I ever need to remove the Bluto for any length of time I can still ride. But in all honesty, once you’ve had one of these solo air Rock Shox apart you’ll appreciate how easy they are to maintain and replace parts as required. Just invest in some basics from the start (seals/fork grease/suspension oil/circlip pliers) and you’ll be good to go for years.

    Will add some pics soon. Also picked up a bargain Mulefut SL wheelset this week so really looking forward to a painless tubeless set-up

    Free Member

    It’s a great little market town with more than it’s fair share of decent properties. Crawley is expanding rapidly (and is a great investment opportunity currently) but is around 6 miles away, Horsham will always keep its identity as the nicest town in its local vacinity.

    Good shops, good links north and south, north downs 15mins away, South Downs 15mins away.

    I’d prioritise Dorking over Horsham if commuting to London, but either way, I think Horsham is a quiet hidden gem. Driving home from Brixton last night convinced me that moving to West Sussex was best thing we ever did.

    Free Member

    I mostly agree about the last debacle, but I also saw his passing go completely astray. English football has never been as low as that Iceland match though,

    Re Shearer, how many penaltys scored at club and country level?
    Would be interesting to see his ratio v Rooney

    It’s a great question though, would you rather have had Rooney or Shearer for 10 seasons?

    Free Member

    I’m trying to imagine what the concensus would be if the suspect was a wanted terrorist – potentially guilty of something very serious – and the police let him go purely because he didn’t feel like fessin up his real name.
    Innocent till proven guilty, of course, bit IMO it’s fair to suspect the worst until proven innocent.
    Just show your driving license. Don’t obstruct. The whole ‘I know my rights so you can do one’ argument is the most devicive factor of all.
    The police are on a hiding to nothing. I don’t like the way they act from time to time, but generally by being a decent citizen I’ve managed to avoid drama (despite a mistaken identity arrest myself years ago)

    Free Member

    Lighter wheels (rims) and tyres, plus running tubeless can easily make a notable difference. It’s not different to saving weight on any other bike. No, wait, it’s even BETTER. I don’t get why people think an extra inch or so width on wheels means they have to accept riding an anchor.

    rubbish bearings, change before they disintegrate. Only wheelset I’ve ever had front hub bearings fail on ever.

    Cartridge bearings right? Where did you source sizing/replacements?

    Free Member

    What do we think of Mulefut wheelsets then?

    Free Member

    /\ dont forget topcashback!

    Free Member

    Ah, ok. Yes, it’s nice and even. I had better crank down the pressure then (gulp)

    Just noticed I can import a pair of BR710’s from .DE for around £180. Looks a way better deal than I’ve been offered.
    With around 10-20% off Hope Fatsno’s at CRC at the moment, it looks like a reasonable price can be had for a nice wheelset (around £440 all in pending spoke price) if willing to build yourself.

    Free Member

    Thanks for the feedback NW. TBH, I thought that I recalled your set up going swimmingly so its deflating to hear that tubeless set up is also a bollock-ache on the 710s.

    I think you’re right on the fattystripper front though – in fact, the best results I’ve had on my Dune wheelset is to ‘copy’ a fattystripper rim tape of sorts by glueing an extra wide exercise band into a loop using standard puncture repair glue (a nice thin smear over a good 3″ square surface area – once cured it creates a nice sealed loop much like the fatty stripper version (god knows where they source their loops, I assume they glue them in-house).
    In the end though, I’ve simply ordered a pair of fattystrippers for when I next need to set up tubeless.

    Have been offered a pair of new 710’s for £210 – so am very tempted to go ahead at this price. If there was an obvious better choice for my riding id be tempted (clown shoes? chinese carbon?), but the weight savings and DT quality swing it 710s direction currently.
    Having said that, I noticed a rider weight limit on them which I would be pushing slightly past.. whats the worst that could happen right?

    In other news, im yet to hear my Floaters ‘ping’ onto the Dune rims – in fact when set up at around 11psi I can still effectively push the tyre off the sidewall with my fingertips and hear air escape. I have inflated them to 40psi and awaited expectantly for the snap (or explosion) to take place, but nothing. I note above that one chap inflated to 60psi – dare i try this?

    Free Member

    Slimjim calling Northwind – Am thinking of purchasing a pair of BR710’s and building up on (probably) Hope Fatsno’s – how did you find the spoke calculators when configuring your fat wheel build?
    Also, anything ‘odd’ i need to consider regarding sourcing hubs and spacing on the Dune?
    Have heard a 3 cross pattern is best for heavyweight fat builds – do you concur?
    Finally, did you go tubeless on your 710’s using the OE rim strips?

    Free Member

    /\ this guy :)

    Free Member

    Loads of info.

    Well thats cheered me up.

    Merry Christmas

    Free Member

    I left a message on your For Sale thread Russy – im probably not your best customer though, as I need a 190 rear hub – and i’m a tight ar$e

    Free Member

    Relativity, or something.

    It’s time. Great, intergalactic civilisations may well have risen and fallen – or indeed may come to rise and fall – but the universe is SO mind bogglingly old that it’s likely to have happened so mind bogglingly long ago, or is likely to happen so so long into the future, that ‘we’ are statistically irrelevant in the grand scheme.

    Also, when it comes to life forms – I cannot see past the inbuilt genome response to survive at all costs. Ie, defend and attack in order to preserve self. It’s built into DNA and is undeniable – so I simply can’t imagine a Star Trek type utopia (however nice an idea ultimate communism is) when we all just get along for sake of being nice. The aggressor will always suppress, and ultimately, win.

    Frankly, I tend to lean more towards alternative theories of everything, including infinitesimal Universal creation and implosion/spaghetti theory/bubble theory – we have only just begun to scratch the surface of how our universe is – and I expect that the true reality is unfathomable to our puny human minds.

    Therefore, im not expecting to meet Alf at any time soon.

    Free Member

    I embrace my salt n pepper beard – it’s eliminating the random gingerness. My greatest, my only hair accomplishment.

    Free Member

    I wish baldness upon the grey whingers.

    Free Member

    I didn’t order any wheels but still awaiting shipping confirmation a week after placing order..

    Also had the ‘its off the radar in my priorities’ response to a question about stock – Starting to think Superstar are a genuine one man band.

    Free Member

    It’s not like we really needed bolt thru axles on any standard – they just became/are becoming the norm.

    I don’t think I can even tell the difference in riding, I just quite like the aesthetic and simplicity of the design. I find fitting the rear wheel easier too.

    Free Member

    Moon Shaped Pool
    This is your Life (Augustines)

    My 3 faves of the year.
    MSP is a stunning album, I’m not a particular Radiohead fanboi, but I loved it on first spin and it genuinely gets better every time.

    Lazarus and Blackstar are 2 incredible moments on what IMO is standing up as one of Bowies best ever albums. A staggering acheivement for a 68 year old.

    Free Member

    Agreed. IMO, it’s why they’re pretty much giving the frames away now.
    Hope have also stopped producing the 170 hubs.

    I wonder if we’ll see a Fatty V3 this side of 2018?

    Free Member

    NICE! That a great price for someone.

    I finally fitted my Bluto, took me a bit of faffing to drop the lowers and install a longer air shaft but the whole process was straightforward and rewarding.
    First impressions, well, aesthetically I was a bit gutted as I had just got the bike set up in all its yellow glory, with orange trim, but without the big yellow fork it’s lost a little of its charm IMO

    However, as part of my air shaft swap I took someones advice of switching to Slick Honey fork grease, and by George does the Bluto feel good first ride out! Plusshhhhhh.
    Once im over the man flu ill take it for a proper ride and get a true feel for my new found boing.

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