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  • TFFT, Gee Atherton Isn’t In The 2024 Red Bull Rampage Men’s Lineup 
  • savoyad
    Full Member

    @TomB – that news should indeed make things easier for you. And the report in the i seems to be correct. But keep an eye on things. They change fast sometimes. (There’s a long thread at snowheads on this very issue.)

    If any requirements do stay in place / return you won’t be able to get – as you are finding – a recovery certificate. This is because the UK doesn’t generate barcodes for that and France requires a barcode (i.e. a letter isn’t enough). This made even the “pass sanitaire” very demanding for UK teens.

    Under that “old regime” it was possible to use the UK positive test result email (which you have) PLUS a *single* vaccine dose to get a pass sanitaire. But that required a sympathetic pharmacist familiar with the problem and willing to be relaxed about proof of the positive. Not all resorts had/have one. Under the pass sanitaire, for a UK teen (starting at 12 yrs 2 months):
    1 – two jabs was fine
    2 – one jab + a positive could be made to work
    3 – one jab, never had covid was no good
    4 – no jabs was no good.
    5 – recovery alone, no jab, although technically acceptable was impossible to prove so no good

    “no good”, or not managing to make it work, meant regular tests (~25 euros each, a big queue, some bureaucracy, once upon a time every 72hrs but more recently tightened to every 24hrs).

    Basically it looks like you should be fine. But if anything changes your way out won’t be a recovery barcode (we can’t get them). It’ll be getting as high up that list of possibilities as you can. I can’t tell if you are sitting at no 2 or no 5. If number 5, you are relying on the rule change (which I think will work). If you at 2 and can’t get up to 1 in time, the answer won’t be a recovery code. It will be getting on social media for the resort you are heading to (or on the way) and identifying a pharmacist who will help (or tests).

    Full Member

    We came through a bit later than @crazy-legs today.
    Same story though! Lots of cyclists but not exactly busy. Some walkers especially lower down. Clear sky, sun out, bit gusty which mattered more going down than up. Lovely atmosphere, everyone happy and relaxed. And leaving Glossop people coming the other way excitedly asking if it’s open etc

    Basically a chilled cycling party on a great road. Really recommend it to anyone within range.

    Full Member

    Just seen 8 of you got round as a smooth unit. Awesome.

    The sheet is clear for next week:

    3 laps of the flat route in Watopia on Thursday at 7.40

    Full Member

    It’s multimeter time. What’s the resting voltage on this new battery? If it’s OK, switch to measuring amps and pulling fuses one at a time to narrow down the problem (google find battery drain in car).
    Don’t get me wrong – asking people for possibilities is a legitimate prior move (I’d do it!). But I think that’s the point you are at.

    Full Member

    I could @wooksterbo – indeed that was my plan B. It becomes a question of which is more work/more money between adding battens and cutting boards to fit.
    Thanks @dc1988 I could do but I think I’m more inclined (and capable) to add battens.
    What I really really want, @slowol, is something that size but cheaper and more cheerful. So chipboard. £/m^2 seems to double if I use proper boards like that, OK not quite as bad if I compare to cutting and wasting but still (can I still use this word?) spendy.
    This place is so helpful. Thank you.

    Full Member

    I love the idea that you might ask your wife to dress you…and then climb on to the bike for a TTT and it’s rare i, or indeed any sane person, will say this @giggsmaster but, @dangeourbrain is right. Listen to @dangeourbrain.

    the rest of you…it’s looking good.

    We have 7 yes (one conditionally), and 1 maybe
    Yes: @yanboss (subject to the cooperation of children), @phil56, @scaredypants, @slowpuncheur, @robbo1234biking, @dangeourbrain, @chrischarles
    Maybe: @paino
    Most of you have clicked the link:

    Plus @sturdylad threatening to get home in time, and @paul-s is prone to appearing out of nowhere. We should get 8 at the start today I think.

    Full Member

    A team is forming. Still spaces, speak up..


    Time delay is 6 mins. In the pen by 19.41 and off at 19.47
    (Nb earlier pen time than usual…)

    Full Member
    Full Member

    2 junction boxes.
    Cables – lengths depend on your frame
    Battery and charger.

    Full Member
    Full Member

    Results are here @yanboss
    (You were really DNQ (didn’t qualify for any category, 2 riders isn’t enough). But there were a few teams out there making the best of it like that…)

    Full Member

    Ha, amazing that you rode as a pair! 2nd overall in the (unofficial) 2-up worlds! (And genuinely a fast time for the pair of you)

    Hopefully we can get lots more riders out next week…

    Full Member

    There are three of you on the start sheet: @phil56, @giggsmaster, @yanboss.

    You might think that’s not enough. @chrischarles did you decide against?

    Anyone else fancy a ride (in the TTT World Championships) at 7.40 this evening?

    Full Member

    It’s @Phil56 and a blob of maybes.

    It might work out. Any confirmations or new interest?

    Just in case..

    Time delay is 8.5 mins (in by 19:43 off at 19:51:30)

    Full Member

    I like my big dug unit. they are shelves. they work. and they survive the shed environment.
    But if I were to choose again, I’d want more flexibility. Something like @simon_g suggests maybe.

    Full Member

    Come and play on hard mode @p7eaven (it’s Wood Street in Bury).

    Often you can’t see from either end where the gaps are, if there are any. To answer your question I think more and more cars (coming towards you AND parked) just makes you more likely to get in a mess and notice. And I’m with @purist on how it should be handled (including cheerfulness).

    (EDIT – I’m worked up about image posting voodoo now.)

    Full Member

    Thanks @shinton. I love how he addresses what @kennyp said about the chess comparison…but only to say it’s more physical. We also marvel at his recall in post-finish interviews, they totally reveal how lucid and hyper-aware he is in the moment.

    Full Member

    Argh, that’s a shame.

    Any takers to ride the world championships?

    1 lap of Greatest London Loop, 7.40 on Thurs.

    Sign up here:

    Full Member

    There is an issue with some items @docrobster, but I don’t think it’s connected to price. The different categories are peppered with green (will ship to UK) and red (won’t ship to Uk). Price

    Full Member

    @thenorthwind a GCN subscription is your best bet. (but then you’d also be able to watch them live, so…)

    Full Member

    @v7fmp Here’s STW doing 3x jungle once upon a time –

    The long lead in makes it hard to judge, but considering there are 2 climbs in the second half of that race it’ll be OK won’t it?

    (TTR have messed up their Tuesday morning double header by making precisely that mistake though…)

    Full Member

    Good post @doomanic
    (some schemes are not as transparent. and even that one you’ll see that the cancellation page is mealy mouthed – it suggests you call them to “chat through your requirements” this is because it’s not always possible, and the amount change page states that not all employers will even cooperate with that).

    – that’s great, I apologise.

    Full Member

    I didn’t say it doesn’t happen @simondbarnes. I believe you that it does. I only said it’s easy for a shop to deal with that risk openly and without dumping on honest customers like @hb70. I’m sorry to hear that’s not your approach.

    Full Member

    This is a scary risk which cycle to work schemes all involve at the moment. I don’t think it’s reasonable that this risk exists especially with the sums of money it can now involve and the current situation with turnover/availability of stock.

    But it is there, so buyers do need to be wary and deal with it somehow.

    Shops should really deal with it too. But they don’t, so the risk is on the buyer. I’m not sure any of the other answers appreciate the position a buyer like this ends up in.

    If a shop knows you are waiting for a voucher, you are nothing like a customer who will never come and back and pay (@simondbarnes) – you are in fact a nailed on purchaser who you have induced into signing a binding salary sacrifice agreement, which is a pain to undo, in some cases for a voucher which can’t be spent anywhere else (@oldtennishoes) and for the exact price of a particular bike package (tomhoward), and for many customers a change to another bike or another shop or even a different price might mean a 12 month wait.

    The risks for the shop in the waiting period are not zero – but they are tiny and very easily managed (I can only think of: voucher refusal by employer, uncommunicated change of mind by buyer willing to cancel their application [which is a pain] but not tell you [which is easy], scheme insolvency).

    If a shop can’t trust that level of certainty a (refundable) deposit against the voucher is the obvious way to bridge the gap. But that needs discussing in advance. If this shop led @hb70 to think the bike was his, they were unreasonable. Doesn’t matter that they could have asked for a deposit. As far as we know they didn’t. They might not have thought it through, but if they agreed to accept the voucher, agreed the sale but dumped all the risk on him that’s unreasonable – esp when the only real risk here is them going behind his back and selling to someone else … and they did exactly that.

    OP – if they can’t order in, or can’t offer an alternative package of the same value which takes your fancy, I’d cancel the voucher (if you still can) and start from scratch (if you still can), with a shop – possibly the same one – willing to discuss how to handle the wait for the voucher – either they trust you, you gamble but knowingly, or they take a deposit which they’ll return when you bring the voucher.

    Full Member

    We got three home 4g broadband. It was rubbish. Speed initally seemed OK, but it would suddenly drop to near zero for a few minutes a couple of times an hour. Which obviously meant it was unusable.

    Cancelled on first day of use, cancellation accepted and we were promised the returns envelope.

    Since then: no returns envelope. we call, it’s “in the post”. we chat, they can’t see on their system but they are sure it’s in the post and if we call the phone team they’ll be able give us tracking info. we call, no tracking info but it’s “definitely in the post”. repeat. weeks now. don’t know whether they have dispatched 3 of them, or just 1 but it’ll definitely arrive soon (we’ve been told both, including in the same call by the same person).

    now we’ve received the “you owe us money and we’ve tried to contact you but not managed” threatening letter. the “we’ve been trying to contact you” lie in the opening sentence of that letter is the icing on the cake.

    Full Member

    When this happened to me, the wifi card inside the laptop had died. But people were really helpful as I tried to fix it. See the suggestions here:

    Full Member

    Sureflap. Has been flawless for years. The noise is just a “click” as the latch releases when it senses the chip. It took a couple of days for our version of Marvin Piss Pants to go from being intimidated by the click to relying on it as his signal to go through (which he still does, even when it’s unlocked).

    Full Member

    Ts and Cs say (or said) if you are within 2 hours, you get on the next available crossing.
    Lots of people have been fine outside that window though. I’d call ahead if I was going to be later than that, but I just show up within in and it’s always been fine.

    Full Member
    Full Member

    Excellent news @giggsmaster and (for us, but I realise not for you!) @phil56

    Yes – the start is yesterday’s start (the first 8 or so km in fact).

    Full Member

    Welcome @freeridenick . Hopefully we can add to @robbo1234biking, @dangeourbrain and @chrischarles to join you. Keep us posted @phil56 and @paino. Defo too late @haloric?

    Anyone else?


    Start delay is 9.5 mins – so in the pen by 19:43 and off at 19:52:30

    – here’s the info you’ll need…

    – you need a WTRL account. If you don’t have one, get one here
    – ride a road bike. dress up as a bumblebee
    – the start is hacky workaround. When it says GO – DO NOT GO! Instead you must stay stationary (i.e. don’t pedal) in the start pen for the team’s allocated start delay. This week that means sitting there for 9.5 mins. You’ll see other teams going at 30 second intervals while you wait. Don’t go with them. You can do this with a stopwatch (the onscreen clock helpfully disappears on go as well..) but even better…
    – …comms will be on discord. Click here – it’ll be in the STW TTT Voice channel in there. It’s possible without, but much easier with. Someone (@phil56 or @robbo1234biking) will take charge on the road
    – there’s no pressure to contribute much first time out. sit in the bunch (this helps others by adding to the draft) and get a feel for how it works.
    – any questions, ask away!

    Full Member

    That’s why I was asking @t3ap0t. That has replaced the eurosport player.

    Full Member

    Thread hijack..(but related – it’s renewal time!)

    Does discovery+ carry the same live coverage of races as gcn – in particular, does it have no ad breaks? Or is it just normal eurosport coverage including adverts?

    Full Member

    Don’t forget – you are all welcome to join the (mixed category) STW TTT team on Thursday evenings.
    Full info (and questions usually answered quickly) here:

    Full Member

    So far, just @robbo1234biking, @dangeourbrain and @chrischarles

    Any more takers? It’s a good flat fast short course.

    Speak up…

    Full Member

    Great course design @robbo1234biking, perfectly judged finale to a great series.
    On the start line I was totally focussed on points, particularly the KOM. Rationally I knew @paino and @donnersrider were absent, but psychologically I couldn’t risk not racing for the points. I enjoyed the big group rolling along together through the intestines.
    Then @robbo1234biking and his 46 chainring went charging off the front at the sprint, and the race was suddenly on. @drp, @phil56 and @j-r (or his friend) went a bit faster up the petit kom than I expected – not as fast as when it’s the main event, but faster (I think) than if it wasn’t artificially a little climb built into the the big one. I went over the “top” (well, through the banner) with @drp and he made the race very hard from there to the top.
    He never really let up, and had a gap a couple of times (I used one of them to get rid of a burrito) but we stayed together for most of the way. I was struggling though (looking back I was v close to my all time 20 min power best), so my only hope was if he was too. I upped the pace a little with 1km to go – there was a bend which looked steep so seemed like a nice place to try something – and got a little gap which I managed to hold long enough to seal it. There was no sprint though, just knackered people gratefully finding the end in slow motion!
    The finish line jumped towards me, and then jumped away again as I thought I would cross it (like @haloric and @bails I think) but I didn’t care by then!
    Great racing, so much going on in these races. Massive congrats to @Paul-S @msjhes2 @J-R the handicap standings are so hard to do well in.

    Full Member

    I don’t know a way to gauge it accurately, but I think your friend can plan to be climbing for less than 30 mins @j-r.
    (My working: 3.6 w/kg is ~ 80 mins for the 21km of ven top. We’re doing 8km of mainly the same climb. 8/21 * 80 is about 30. Our bit is, on average, a little easier than the whole thing. So a little less than 30.)

    Full Member

    Ah, I forgot La Reine only goes to Chalet Reynard. @robbo1234biking is quite right, the extra 6.8km only get you to the finish of La Reine, not the summit. That’s quite a lot further.

    (I’m still not sure there is a badge for la reine though.)

    Full Member

    If you want to push on to the summit for the sake of it, it’s 6.8km past the finish line and 610 meters higher.

    Full Member

    You don’t get the ventop badge because…that’s a different route (!).

    There’s no La Reine badge because it’s an event only route, and they don’t have badges (unless that has changed, but I don’t think it has).

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