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  • Issue 143 Editorial: Local Secrets
  • RustyMac
    Free Member

    Is this any good to you Various tabs to display wave hight etc down the left.

    Asked my better half to have a quick search in Slovak too to see if she can come up with anything better (popular holiday destination for them) but her general thought was it is just a big lake not a sea so don’t hold your breath! 😉

    Free Member

    Grand news, Sharki!

    Does this mean we are going to get even more cool pics of wildlife???

    Free Member

    Now if only there was some Jedi type person who regularly uses this forum you could call on for some training to defeate this person your wife has been contacting to win her attentions back??? 😉

    Oh hang on a minute that might not work 🙄 😳

    Happy Birthday – have a good one.

    [edit] damn i typed too slow [/edit]

    Free Member

    Don’t know bout saving money but you will get a far more powerfull shower from mains hot water (boiler fed) rather than a electric shower. That for me would be the main point to concider.

    Free Member

    I’m going with a Lapiere but a Froggy!!!

    Everyone knows a Zesty or a Spicy will be more than capable for any kind of riding he will do but in a knee jerk reaction to the lack of suspension on the 456 he will over compensate and go for a Froggy 😉

    This will ultimately lead to him selling it in 2 weeks when he can not keep up with any one not even his kid on the balence bike, by which time he will have forgotten all the bad things about hardtales and get himself a 14″ Identiti jump/4X bike.

    Free Member

    If you own your current phoone have you tried going to the apple store with it and seeing if they will help you out? If it is within warantee you may be able to get a refubished one for much less at apple. A girl i know dropped hers in a puddle when getting into her car then drove over it, £180 later she had a new phone.

    Free Member

    Poor tyres – try HERE

    Free Member

    Forum Help

    Second help tip should see you right 😉

    Free Member


    I think the point kaesae is making is that if you buy item for X then do Y to it and sell for X+Y+Profit then for this item he is going to be selling it for X+Y+Y+(Profit-Y) therefore not making as much as normal on it because of someone elses error.

    Some may argue that you should factor things like this into your mark up but i would immagine it must be pretty tough to keep prices competative with small items like bearings etc.

    Free Member

    MM try and get yourself down to a decent runnig shop, I went for a shoe fitting at my local run4it (scottish based chain) and was amazed at the difference between shoes. They had a video camera to record the way you run on a treadmill and then compared it with different shoes on.

    I spent over an hour trying on different shoes and have been very happy with the ones i was recommended.

    Free Member

    Got on here too, bigger than the combined size of my local BT phone book and yellow pages!

    Free Member

    I got a message a while back (2 years or so) saying something along the lines of them requiring more info as i had spent up to my limit. providing the info was a bit of a pain but since then i have had nothing. I took it as a weird security check thing.

    Free Member

    Atleast it is not only me that stuff like that happens to! Granted for the like of me it is not due to boulders half the size of the front wheel.

    Free Member

    Yes, Not as much as I want to, No

    Free Member

    I normally ride with the neeps but have not been out for the last month or two, flat decorating and work commitments have been taking up all my spare time of late and with my bikes being in bits in the shed it has not helped with getting out. The neeps ride on Sunday mornings as well if that is any better for you.

    I am very nearly finnished the decorating so will hopefully have some time to put the bikes back together and get out on them again. Need to get alot fitter as i always feel bad about going out on group ride and holding people up.

    Free Member

    Yeah based in city centre. Congrats on the house I have friends in culter it’s a nice part of the city to be in.

    I am guessing work has sent you to the Ukraine? My better half is Slovak but we have never made it accross to the Ukraine yet.

    Free Member

    I have a bunch of old spanners that i picked up from a sunday market back home but i see where you are comming from.

    How is the house hunting going?

    Free Member

    Get the new rear swing arm, service, re-spray then sell it on, you will get loads more for it that way.

    Confirm with Orange what it will cost then offer it up on the classifieds offering the buyer the option to pick the colour.

    Free Member

    Main differences are weight Recons are 300ish grams more than Rebas. Rebas are dual air over Recons Solo air

    This will tell you what all the Rock Shox Features are

    Free Member

    I want to watch the Senna movie, next boys night in i get i’m getting it on DVD and a couple of beers.

    Free Member

    Merlin cycles are keen on prices for Rebas, most in QR or 15mm.

    I got RS Revelation forks from them a year or so ago with 15mm bolt through and they have been great.

    Free Member

    Out of interest, what current is a small LED light likely to draw?

    Now i am probably not the best person to advise on this especially after my post yesterday! but if you are using standard Light fittings like down lighters you get LED bulbs that are as low as 1.2 Watts (surface mount LED’s). P=I*V -> I=P/V -> 1.2/12 = 0.1 Amps/hr per light.

    Free Member

    Type of bike they are for and travel currently on the Toras would be helpfull.

    Free Member

    If it was me i’d be drilling them out with a electric hand drill, steadily working my way up to 4 / 4.5mm.

    I would definately be putting masking tape or some such on each of the drill bits to act as a stop so i couldn’t drill too far. You probably don’t need much more than 5-10mm of the tip of the drill depending on the angle of the drill to remove the bit you want.

    I would also be putting some tape round the top tube of the frame so that if the chuck of the drill touches it it doesn’t leve a mark.

    As it is a steel frame i am presuming the cable eyelets are also steel so i would want to re-paint them once they are drilled to prevent rusting. Due to this i’d also be thinking about taking the hole out another 0.5mm so i could get some enamel paint on the bare metal and still get the outer through.

    Free Member

    I’ve seen the batter a smaller socket onto the damaged nut work for both damaged nuts and for lock nuts. If you have the halfords socket set they will replace the socket free of charge if you knacker it.

    Free Member

    Hang on I’m being an idiot looking at point 4 on the greenweld site explains it. and if it does draw 45w i’d get 10hrs + of useage I think? It has been a long day.

    Free Member

    Cheers for the links guys, will look at them when i get home. Previously i’d been looking at much larger pannels.

    How do you figure out the power useage of a car stereo?

    The stereo says 45W O/P however in my old car it came out of i could and did run it for 2hrs on the car battery with no charging from the engine whilst waiting for my girlfiend to sit an exam. Car also started and ran fine after so it didn’t take all the juice out of it either.
    Te car battery was not massive @ 41Ah so it must not have been drawing 45W.

    Free Member


    How do you go about calculating the size of solar charger you’d need for a given system?

    I am planning on getting a solar Panel for my shed to power a few LED lights and an car stereo via a old car batery.

    Free Member

    I thought the monarch shocks were getting quite posative write ups. They had initial problems with the air valve but that is long since fixed. I don’t have lock out on my rear shock (different frame) and i can’t say it really bothers me, it is one less thing to think about on a ride.

    If you get the pressures right in the shock you should prevent most of the bouncing along feeling you get with some full sus bikes.

    At the end of the day you will get more or less the same second hand price for the shock if it is brand new or a couple of months old and in as new condition. For me that is cood enough for me to give it a go before writing it off.

    Free Member

    I haven’t seen anything like you describe but if you could lash something together like a beauro it could work. Don’t know how robust it would be in comparison to a proper work bench but it could give you somewhere to work on stuff.

    Free Member

    2K new have a look here at YT-Industries bikes

    Free Member

    Having a look agin this morning there is quite a bit of Royal racing stuff on sale just now! Just bought the jacket and now looking at long sleved T’s for £15 and a holdall for £22.50.

    Free Member

    Are the seatpost mount ones rubbish?

    My girlfriend is using her mountain bike to commute on and not enjoying having the likes of her laptop in a rucsack as it makes it quite heavy. The possibility of easily removing the rack is appealing. So it should be a less laborious task when i need to get her bike set up for offroad duties.

    Free Member

    Good to know, if they are still there in the morning i’ll get me one.

    Free Member

    How does it size up?

    Free Member

    It may just be my perception of the brand but i have heard of a number of people with issues of poor frame alignment. There was someone with a problem with one of the main pivot bearings not sitting in it’s housing properly as the hosing was oversize and must have been like that since manufacture. All things that would be covered by warantee if found in time but not things i’d like to have to chase up on a new frame.
    Commencal issues are well documented and again it may be my perception but i wouldn’t like to get one yet.

    Free Member

    It works for Avid brakes so I guess it would work for others. If you are renewing the piston i have used the side cutter method mentioned above.

    Look at your brakes and see what side of the calliper the hose comes into, hold the piston on that side in with a spanner or flat bladed screw driver then pump the brake. This should pump out the far away piston (this is the difficult one to get with a pump as you can’t rig something up to the hose connection of the caliper).

    Next you need to disassemble the calliper and do something like in the video below (apologies for the foreign commentary).

    As you can see the piston will come out with a lot of pressure behind it, rather than fire it across your room aim it into a bag or something. Also I’d advise wearing some safety glasses as if you get dot fluid in your eyes it is not pleasant.

    Free Member

    Probably! That’d get them round it 😳

    Free Member

    Just had a look at the link, I can’t believe they even have the Oakly “O” on them too!! how can they get away with such a blatant copy.

    Free Member

    I realise they generally discount them to £99 and mybe it is my over eagerness to finally be getting my grubby mits on some sockets but this is the firt time since December i have seen them at this price so thought i’d pop it up.

    The 3/8 set for £19 does seem a bargin but i kind of have my heart set on the full set now. my car is almost 10 years old now so it is making less and less sense to send it to the garage for things i can repair myself with the right tools.

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