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  • Reverse Base flat pedal review
  • rosscopeco
    Free Member

    Looking for something else, I found the list of serial numbers:
    065001 – 081600 2007
    115901 – 135800 2010

    Cheers Ben.

    My first hub is 076786 so thats 2007 and second one is 116531 so thats 2010. I actually thought my first one was older but obviously not!

    For what it’s worth, it’s the older hub that’s been back twice for some ‘rohloff magic fairy dust’!

    Free Member

    I’ve got 2, the first one being circa 9 years old and the second is about 6 years old.

    bencooper: Can you remember when I bought them?

    1 of them was back to the factory last year for gear slippage issues and got repaired FOC. The other one has run without a hitch…other than a few drops of oil which was easily resolved with new gaskets.

    Both are now on HT’s. One on a Cotic Solaris 29er with Paragon swinging dropouts and the other on a On One inbred with horizontal dropouts. Both are used across all types of trails but mostly almost daily on techy rocky / rooty trails.

    The first hub was originally used almost everyday (inc winter) for commuting on a 18 mile round trip across a mixture of trails / roads and most weekends for thrashing around local trails. For those of you who commute through traffic you’ll know that traffic dirt / film is far worse on a bike than good clean mud. With the old XT system, if I didn’t give it some TLC every weekend it would jam by day 8 or 9. Now I never have to do anything other than hose down the bike and give the chain a wee wipe with a dry lub once it’s dry. It’s just something I never have to think about now.

    I’ve competed in several 50+ mile off road races through some of the best (worst) terrain Scotland has and I’ve stopped counting the number of other competitors who who are cursing their fancy XTR / X0 systems that can’t shift properly because of the mud! I did the WHW over 2 days last year without a hitch.

    On balance I usually change the cables out every 2 years or so and carry out a 6 monthly oil change as opposed to waiting the full year.

    As you can tell I’m a big fan but here’s a few thoughts on some of the weaknesses etc

    Noise: Yes, it does make a little whirring noise in gears 5 – 7 but if you compare that to a normal system when you try and change gear quickly or when it’s full of mud, there’s no comparison!

    Weight: It’s a little on the heavy side but let’s be honest here, we’ve all spent time and money shaving grams off our bikes and then put on 5lbs over the xmas hols!

    Cost: It’s expensive and I spent ages making my mind up before I finally took the plunge but it’s more than paid for itself in terms of ease of use, reliability and peace of mind on the trail.

    I’ll never go back to the old way as they are the best bike related investment I’ve made.

    Free Member

    Spiders all day long. My skin is crawling even writing this down. I’ve no idea where it comes from.

    I remember once when my 3 year old found one crawling along the garden fence. He dropped whatever he had in his hand, ran in to the house and came out with one of his plastic hammers. He then proceeded to hammer the spider into a messy pulp….I’ve never had a prouder moment.

    Oh, and wet slippy roots…I’ve had too many ‘off’s’ on them 😀

    Free Member

    Thanks Footflaps…I’ll check it out. Have you compared it to the owl web based app?

    Free Member
    Free Member

    IMO Utility costs are only ever going to go in one direction….up!

    Over the last 24hrs 180w is the lowest my house got to. All our none essential items (TV’s, sky, Wii, etc) are on remote switches but we forgot to switch them off last night before heading to bed 😳

    Obviously, every house is different in terms of it’s size and resultant usage. Since starting to work from home (a year ago today!) I’ve spent a fair amount of nerdy time swapping everything out and trying to cut back where possible. Our house / location is as follows:

    Semi Detached
    Gas central heating with Combi boiler
    3 floors and integrated garage
    Loft conversion with 1 bedroom and 1KW Elect oil heater
    Small study with 2.6KW Elect oil heater
    3 bedrooms with central heating
    1 bathroom (with 200w M2 underfloor Elect heating)
    1 wet room (with 200w m2 underfloor Elect heating)
    Dining / kitchen with central heating, 2 x Elect ovens and 1 x american fridge / freezer
    Living room with stove
    Play room

    All our down lighters are LED (64 x 4w GU10s). Every other table lamp / pendant is low energy (12 in total & 1 gets left on all the time in the reception hallway)

    The only Halogens are the 2 x security lights which are rarely used. I strung up some old christmas tree LED lights in the wood shed and garden so these are used when out getting wood etc.

    I’ve installed PIR controlled lights in the utility, pantry, garage and wet rooms (the kids ALWAYS left them on!)

    I use an OWL meter which sadly only measures the Elect. The next plan is to try and incorporate a Gas data logger but I’d need another type of meter which is a pain in the neck. Our daily KW average over the last 30 days was 19.63 Kw which I’m very happy with. Compared to a year ago that’s down by circa 1/3rd.

    The ultimate plan (other than building my own SIP / Passive house) would be to incorporate a photo voltaic panel on the roof to slowly trickle charge some large lead acid batteries and re-wire all my lighting to a new Elect lighting board and swap all our lighting to 12v MR16 LEDS. I need to win a few more contracts before that happens!

    BTW I served my time as a sparky so I’m a bit nerdy with all such things. 😀

    Free Member

    A couple of questions I have on this.

    1. Does driving in average speed camera areas make one concentrate more on their speedo than concentrating on the road ahead?
    2. Would driving at a steady pace have a negative impact on one’s alertness?

    Regardless….I’ll be going up the A82 more often then. It’s ‘generally’ quieter and in bad winter weather it’s affected less by snow and ice.

    In practise (and if you can choose your time of departure) it only adds 15mins to a journey time from NW Glasgow to Inverness. It’s also prettier and a better fun road to drive too! (am I allowed to use the words “a fun road to drive”?!)

    Despite it’s reputation, IMO I believe it’s a safer road…if you’re patient and don’t get wound up by the sometimes slow tourists!

    I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve had ‘near death experiences’ on both roads, some my fault and some others. However, mile for mile, the A82 is arguably safer IMO. When I do have to overtake then the significantly shorter queues, the slower average speed of traffic allows for far safer overtaking.

    In saying all that, even if I were the best driver in the world (which I’m far from), I’d still be brown bread if someone else pulls out in front of me on either road.

    Free Member

    Hora – I’m with your musings…

    Still making an effort when the instinctive response to just slob is very important. I’ve only recently started working from home after 20+ years of being suited and booted every day. Personally speaking the novelty / temptation to just pull on a pair of shorts / T wasn’t helpful. Incidentally ‘m not saying I put on a suit for working at home but I do ‘generally’ make the effort to put some smart(ish) stuff on.

    The whole consumerism thing is also an interesting slant. We are constantly bombarded with images of ‘this is what you/your partner should look/behave like’. Eventually, this ‘standard’ becomes our standard of what beauty is. I make every effort to strive towards ensuring that my standard of beauty is Mrs Rossco. Not always possible (I’m male & human) but if I go about with the attitude that there ‘may’ be something better out there then I’m always going to be looking for it. (N+1!!)

    Free Member

    At the risk of adding petrol to an already largish fire…I’m with joolburger on this on…

    Maybe people split up because we as humans are inherently selfish? We get to a point where we can’t / don’t want to consider the needs / desires of others before our own.

    (pins colours to mast) I got married cause I really loved my better half despite her having loads of traits I didn’t really like or agree with. ( I was perfect!) We have loads of arguments, however most of them boil down to ‘I want my own way and I’m not willing to concede any ground regardless of whatever the issue is’.

    Yes, I know that this will be viewed as being idealistic and an ‘out of date’ belief but I honestly believe it we sometimes considered others and not just ourselves we’d have way less disputes.

    (Quickly puts a bullet proof vest on and crawls under the desk…)

    Free Member

    He lasted longer than me 😯

    Free Member

    “Has it had any Ibuprofen?” Yes, although my paracetomal 😳

    Free Member

    OK, thanks all. I think you’ve pushed me towards the air. I’ve a pal coming over the pond next week…hope he’s got space in his case!

    Free Member

    behind the camera obviously


    You have no idea how messy it was before that photo was taken! In truth, Mrs Rossco sent me out to clean it all up and I got carried away 😉

    Free Member

    ‘The busted knuckle’ sign came from Williamsburg Premium outlets in Virginia…right next to the best handmade ice cream I’ve ever had. Don’t know what that’s got to do with anything but hey ho…I did say it was raining and I’m bored!

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Mental note to self…”if I do open this kind of thread, DONT CARRY ON READING IT, just before going to bed….”

    I can see the attraction but I think I’ll stick with me tropical fish…

    Free Member

    Is that an ESP paint job? Looks really good with unpainted dropouts.

    Yes, although having seen a few of shands bikes with these dropouts I like the way they paint everything other than the ‘swinging’ surfaces. I’ll just have to get another made…!

    Free Member

    Nice idea and well executed . Big Rohloff fan here and I’ve gone through loads of frames over the last 10 years of ownership with various tweaks to try and find the ‘perfect’ set up. I’d be very interested to see how your frame bears up to the internal routing.

    My current version is a very tweaked Cotic Solaris with new thinner seat stays and new Paragon swinger dropouts inc the inboard brake. I also altered all the cable routes to the down tube but seriously thought about getting the drill out. If I can save enough pennies, I’ll be getting something specifically made next time but with a EEB and shorter chainstays. Depending on the frame builder advice I might also dabble with some internal routing, especially for the near brake and click box. Obviously, the trick is getting them past the BB or seatpost but I think new longer seat stays than run past the seat post and join onto the top tube would work.

    How do you find the vbrake noodles make much difference in terms of tension or is it more a ‘cable tidy’ thing?

    Untitled[/url] by Rosscopeco[/url], on Flickr

    Untitled[/url] by Rosscopeco[/url], on Flickr

    Untitled[/url] by Rosscopeco[/url], on Flickr

    Free Member

    No personal experience here but I’ve got 2 pals who work in that field. 1 is a consultant ophthalmologist and the other specialises in corneal surgery. Both state clearly that they’d never get it done and they both wear spec’s!

    I also have 2 other pals who are opticians but I’ll discount them, you could argue they make money out of selling spec’s…. 😆

    In fairness they all observe and treat the cases that go wrong so…I guess it comes down, like most things, to the perceived risk.

    I’ll stick with my spec’s….if only I can find them….

    Free Member

    Does anyone know if a standard KS Lev can be retro changed into a KS Lev integra?

    I’ve had mine for over 1 year now with no major issues other than it now needing a new cable as the old one is almost dead. Keep it clean and lub it every few rides and it’s fine.

    Free Member

    Cannabis, cocaine and prescription pills allegedly

    No wonder she always gets the munchies at 2 in the morning.


    Is she about to snort that ice cream?


    I’ve been on a downer all day…thanks to all the STWers who as usual make it all better!

    Free Member

    I’ve also heard that the alcohol makes you fall asleep quickly but then turns to sugar and your system then has a huge amount of energy it has to deal with. I just think it’s an old gits problem. I was wide awake at 4 after a nice bottle of red with Mrs Rossco last night.

    Free Member

    Ta to all the responders, I’ll be placing an order…

    I moved from the Fleegle to the Mary as I wanted a more ‘elbows’ in position for better climbing.

    Bars for me are a bit ‘handbags / shoes’ for Mrs Rossco, I’m now on bar No 7. Its the perfect No…right?!

    Free Member

    Spooky, I’ve got a very similar problem but on my Rohloff set up. 1 x new 16t sprocket and 1 x new izumi track chain. I think the common denominator may be the 1/8″ chain on a 3/32″ sprocket. I’ve tightened mine right up and will be heading out for a spin tomorrow AM so if that doesn’t work, it’ll get binned and swapped for a 3/32″ chain.

    Free Member

    under 20 v 56

    BigJohn – Member

    Real News – it’s bolx

    +1 😀

    Free Member

    So here’s my proposal: Every time you get on a bike, from this moment forward, obey the letter of the law in every traffic exchange everywhere to help drivers (and police officers) view cyclists as predictable users of the road who deserve respect.

    If this made a difference then….do you think the motorists would really notice though….

    Tragic… 🙁

    Free Member

    So what’s the verdict on 921 then? Is it a goer for the ‘perfect’ 29er HT custom frame I’ve been dreaming of ever since stainless tubing came to my attention?!

    Free Member

    +1 for mudguard

    Alternatively, if you just can’t get properly dry down there maybe some hair removal cream would do the trick. 🙂

    I hear ‘veet for men’ is just the jobby, according to the reviews

    Free Member


    So I go to Apple last Friday but this time, I also take Mrs Rossco with me as her iPhone 5 is also showing the same signs of battery failure. To our amazement, and that of the apple genius both phones have the same issue with the batteries. So, I’m sitting there smugly thinking to myself…”excellent, they’ve got to acknowledge this issue now and swap out the batteries foc”

    Alas, No! The iPhones are out of warranty and they therefore can’t cover the ‘issue’ under their terms,

    They did however point me in the direction of the ‘supplier’ Orange under EU laws and supplied me with copies of the formal report following their hardware check.

    So I speak and email Orange / EE and here’s what we get back. How do you all think I proceed? I’m going to work on the basis that their last point is indeed the case….this is a valid claim because of the inherent fault with the battery.

    Any alternative opinions on the best way to proceed would be very welcome.

    Hello Ross,

    Thank you for bearing with me, we have received confirmation from our Legal Team which is as shown below.

    I have removed the details of who I have liaised with in this matter.

    I understand that this provides you with no solution to the matter at hand, however, given what I have been advised we are in no position to replace the handsets unless this can be proved otherwise.


    Grant McLachlan
    Business Support Advisor
    Business Support Team 5

    DO NOT RESPOND TO THIS EMAIL UNLESS SPECIFICALLY REQUESTED TO DO SO – for any enquiries please call 150 from your T-Mobile phone, or 08454125000 from any other phone.

    THIS E-MAIL ADDRESS IS NOT TO BE GIVEN OUT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES – again for any enquiries please call 150 from your T-Mobile phone, or 08454125000 from any other phone.

    Sent: 07 October 2013 15:21
    To: McLachlan, Grant

    There is a lot of confusion over this and I’m looking at getting some clarification onto our systems.

    In short the position is as follows

    · If we sold the goods then we have potential liability under Sale of Goods legislation. If we are not the seller i.e. it was sold by channel then we have no potential liability
    · Goods sold must be of Satisfactory Quality
    · Customer may have a claim if its established that the goods are not of satisfactory quality and the fault complained of was inherent in the goods at point of sale. (in other words not customer mis-use or ordinary wear & tear)
    · Customer has the right to advance a claim (but still has to prove goods not of satisfactory quality and suffering from an inherent fault) for up to six years from point of sale.
    · The EU law referred to was to compel each member state of the EU to allow the customer two years from the date of sale to bring a potential claim. In the UK this was already set at and remains at six years.
    · If the time since sale is less than 6 months it’s down to the seller to prove the fault complained of was not inherent
    · If over 6 months from date of sale it’s down to the customer to prove fault complained of was inherent at point of sale.

    The customer’s claim under sale of goods legislation is against the seller. If the manufacturer has provided a manufacturer’s warranty the customer can also pursue the manufacturer as well as the seller.

    So in the scenario described in your email

    – As the manufacturer’s warranty has expired the customer has no right to go against Apple
    – If we sold the goods the customer can look to us but we will only have an obligation to replace or repair the damaged aspect (ie the battery) if the customer can show that it’s failure is down to an inherent fault. That I suggest is near on impossible for the customer to do.
    – The customer would also need to establish that the fault means that the goods are not of satisfactory quality. Goods will not be of satisfactory quality if the reasonable person would consider in all the circumstances that the goods are not of satisfactory quality. I think with over a year since sale the ordinary person would consider that a battery is capable of needing replacement. Much would depend on usage.

    So in short the EU law quoted is a red herring. In the UK the customer has potentially 6 years to bring a claim not 2 as provided by the EU law in question.

    As for our legal obligations to replace the battery in this particular case go, this would only occur if we were satisfied that it was an inherent fault and not wear and tear and its down to the customer to prove that is the case. Even if they could I still think it arguable that through the passage of time failure of the battery would not render it as being not of satisfactory quality.

    Free Member

    18bikesmatt…what’s the frame finish? Is it anodised?

    Free Member

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder….and I love that build.

    FTIW and in comparison to my 29er Rohloff build onto a tweaked Cotic Solaris frame. They look like the same dropouts as I used, SS paragon swingers. The final build weight was 28.66lbs which included, pedals a KS Lev and Brooks saddle 😀

    Rohloff 29er

    I’ve since that thread had the seat stays replaced with DB 10mm S bend Columbus steel which has surprisingly dropped a few more oz from the over all rig 😆

    Free Member

    MTBing, Rugby 7s, Badminton and a wee bit of gymnastics for my 2 ladies. Very pleased with that lot.

    Free Member

    If available an old tube with the valve cut out with some ‘spare’ rubber still attached works a treat. Simples is best!

    Free Member

    Anywhere! Just want to get away from Glasgow for a few days, not too bothered about MTBing, just somewhere ideally with no phone signal!

    Free Member

    CK headsets are good and as others have said, more or less a fit and forget component. In saying that, I’ve also got 2 x Hope HS which are both over 5 years old with no issues.

    As for CK BB’s, I’ve gone through 2 and am now back to Hope. I sent both back to CK, through my LBS, and they replaced them with no quibble. In each case the BB’s literally disintegrated. I would also add that I used the CK proprietary grease injection tool with high quality grease at the recommended service schedule.

    On a slight aside, I’ve also had a CK ISO front hub flange break on me. Admittedly, it was VERY cold (-10 + windchill) and I was braking VERY heavily.

    To be fair to Hope, I’ve never had a bearing failure on a headset, BB or hub for that matter.

    Free Member

    granny_ring – Member
    How does that work then Rosso?

    Just go onto their website and there’s a link that explains how the process works. I then phoned them up and got sent a permit application form. I heard back from them within 48hrs and then headed up to their site office in Aberfoyle where they gave me map and key and sent me on my happy way.

    rosscopeco – you dont want to do any chainsawing there as you’ll just end up with a mess of sawdust in your gravel drive that will turn into lovely weed fertiliser that you cant get out.

    Agreed, I put a huge tarp down before I got cracking!

    Free Member

    Cranked up our stove last night too. Managed to get a fire wood permit from the FCS and now have a few evenings of chopping and splitting to look forward too. 😀

    Winter fire wood[/url] by Rosscopeco[/url], on Flickr

    Free Member

    I’m running Crests on my 29er with Schwalbe NN on the rear and Rocket Rons on the front. Over the last year I’ve only had one large burp and tyre off scenario but that was because I had about 15psi in the front! From what you describe as your trails, I’m on the same page but I’m a FB at 85KGs!

    Free Member

    Heading of to BCA myself tomorrow as I sold our Passat at the weekend. I’ve bought 25 ish cars from various Auctions for circa 12 years now. We’d usually use the car for circa 6 months and then sell it on privately. At best we make a few hundred pounds, at worst….well, I’ve only lost on 2 cars in all that time.

    All the BCA cars are graded, 1 being perfect, 5 being a car that needs loads to get it to showroom condition (best avoided!). I’ve bought a few grade 4 cars but only after having spent a good few minutes checking them out prior to the auction.

    I always budget in a few things to do to the car i.e. service, tyres, possible MOT, maybe some paint / alloy refurb work & a full valet.

    As to what they are really worth, thats a little more tricky. If you’re happy to factor in the above items then a reasonably effective way to justify value is to just work back from what you see these cars are for sale at in autotrader. You’ll maybe be a couple of hunderd pounds away from what the dealers little books are saying. If you can get your hands on CAP or Glasses valuation prices then you’ve got the same info the dealer have.

    Here’s my checklist for buying at the auctions:

    **Do your homework before the auction**
    Phone DVLA with the reg and find out if it has any history: No of owners, MOT history, mileage between MOT’s etc.
    If it’s come from a dealer, phone with the reg and check up on it’s service history.
    Go and physically inspect the car, usually on the day of the auction but sometimes a couple of days before the auction date.
    If you’re unsure about your ability to spot a lemon, take a pal or Mech who is.
    Go to a few auctions to check out the scene and get a handle on how its done BEFORE you bid.
    If possible don’t go to evening gigs, joy public will be there and the prices will be higher.
    Stick to your limit
    Stick to your limit
    Stick to your limit!

    Lastly, have fun, whats the worst that could happen!! 😉

    Free Member

    Dunhill Edition. It’s discontinued now… 🙁

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