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  • Who won the Surly Grappler in 502 Club Raffle?
  • rosscopeco
    Free Member

    Cheers for the review josemctavish

    So….if it’s better as a decent would the whole loop be better done anti-clockwise ie. start at Feshie – glen more – Avon – Braemar then north – Tomintoul – back to Feshie?

    Free Member


    So I’ve re-edited the inner ‘top’ loop and it works out at circa 90 miles…looks like a good distance for a 2 day trip. Basically turning right at Breamar and heading up Glen Lui through to Glen Derry and then over the pass towards Glenmore. The original Cairngorm loop will do this in reverse.

    Can anyone tell me what the route from Glen Derry to Glenmore route is like? It peaks at 2.6K so will probably mean a fair amount of bike a hike uphill?


    Free Member

    So just to be clear….the clockwise way is the better way and would make the soul destroying Feshie bits less painful?

    Not too bothered about Fin…he’s destroying me on most things other than uber techy stuff and is surprisingly very sensible when things get too hot for him…must have got that trait from his Mother!

    Free Member

    Cheers John…bedtime reading.

    For those interested…I wasted an hour and edited the route!

    It works out a 83.64miles. Perfect for a nice easy 2 days bike pack trip.

    If anyone wants the file just PM me!

    Free Member

    Thanks chaps…my intentions are to run a 27.5+ rear rim all rear round (50 or 65) and just up the tyre size in the wintery sloppier months.

    Currently rebuilding the wheel between a 29+ rim for the drier months and full fat 26 rim for the winter. My frame takes all sizes so it’s just the Geo I need to factor in now as the smaller 27.5×2.8 will be a good 20+mm smaller than the current 29×3. That being said, it’s been a hoot with a slightly smaller 29×2.4 rear wheel.

    Free Member

    Bump for the daytime crowd…

    Free Member

    Ahh…typo…yes, it’s just over the 1kg mark not 1lb….that would be silly light! Still good though!

    Free Member

    Like most things, I guess it depends on how much you want to spend. Check out DrJons blog…he’s not afraid of the spendy outfits and has some really good advise.

    Me being more tight fisted…I ended up with an Alpkit Ordos 2 as up here in sunny Scotland…when it’s warm enough to camp out, the midges drive you insane. At just over 1lb (and lower if you ditch the bags and go with Ti pegs) and IMO it’s good value for money.

    Not the best photo, but it’s the only one I’ve got. That’s my down bag on top airing!

    Untitled by Rosscopeco[/url], on Flickr

    Free Member

    Fair question Cletus.

    For over a year now, my wife & I decided to leave our phones charging in the kitchen overnight…no more phones / iPads / screens in the bedroom…it’s done wonders for our conversation etc etc!!

    So….yes, the alarm is for waking me! I usually get up naturally at 06:30ish but want to get up a little earlier to get some early morning miles in before the kids are up and I start work.

    Anyone got one of these watches?

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Swatch? They come with 2 year warranty and thus far have honoured all 3 knackered ones we’ve collectively handed back…regardless of how much abuse they’ve had.

    At £25ish quid…it’s not a huge drama if they smash it.

    Free Member

    Me and 5 others from Glasgow on Thursday inc dalhalvaig from here.

    Somehow we managed to convince 2 of the other guys to take their cars…a RS4 avant and a 911…looking forward to my shot at the wheel although the luggage storage will make things a bit tight!

    So…what’s the general thoughts on food whilst there? Over the last few years we’ve taken some but the last 2 years we’ve started to eat out more and only really take breakfast stuff…it saves a good bit of hassle but obviously costs a bit more.

    Thinking about taking more whisky this year…the logic being ‘warm whisky is better than warm beer’…oh…red wine should be drunk warmish…must experiment with that too!

    Free Member

    Back to the Nos:

    Happy and not bothered to admit I’m a 1.

    Free Member

    I’ve finally found my perfect razor after 3 years and many many tests…it’s the Mongoose Stainless SE…it’s WAY better than the Cobra but rare as hens teeth to get.

    Linky [/url]

    It’s the only razor I can go ATG on first pass without any irritation. I can also go for multiple passes (5+) without irritation. Feather Pro blades will yield 7 BBS excellent shaves…I could double that number but for the sake of a few pence I just swap it out every week.

    Tabac soap is my current favourite…it’s tallow based which might not suit all users.

    Free Member

    Park at Drymen, out the WHW and over Conic hill and back.


    Or, do ‘man grunt’ which takes you from Drymen up through Queen Bettys forest, behind the Ben and back along the WHW…it’s a good 4.5hrs though….and the biters are oot in force along the Westie.

    Mugdock is good too but some local knowledge is really required to get the best from it. I’d happily join you but we’re all going to the pub to talk about our pending Le Man trip in 4 weeks time! 😀

    Seriously…ping me a PM and I’ll send you my strava details for some trails in and around Mugdock etc. Did a nice 2hr 15mile loop this morning…rain is coming though.

    Free Member

    For me, the GPS only gets looked at if the way forward is unclear, so having it on the bars isn;t ‘really’ a necessity.

    My phone is usually kept either in my jersey pocket or a frame bag so is only 10sec away from being used. It seems like a probable solution to my angst over carrying the SatMap. The number of times I’ve had it out when trail breaking and then discovering the battery has died is more than the No of times my phone has died.

    Just bought some more 1:50 maps for further afield…will have to give to a go to see if it actually works for longer days.

    Free Member

    Similar thread last month…some good stuff discussed.


    Free Member

    So 27.5 x 3.8 Hodags on 45mm internal rims measures out at 745mm

    Getting there.

    The new Bontrager Barbegazi 27.5 x 4.5 look interesting.

    Any other sizes?

    Free Member

    This is most enjoyable.

    FTR, she puts up with me WAY more….but what really annoys me is…

    PHONE: When she calls me…to say ‘Hi’ or to tell me something important or ask my opinion etc etc why does she then HAVE to speak to someone else at the same time?! I’m sure one of our kids is about to murder a sibling but gonnie please just speak to me and no to anyone else hen…

    SINK: We have a perfectly good dishwasher (more of that later) so WHY OH WHY do you have to use the sink to wash everything in it then leave it to drip dry in the other sink with ALL the spoons/cups/saucers/bowls THE WRONG WAY UP? Needless to say, 5 hours later they are really easy to dry, especially now that the water is cold and the scum isn’t caked on them.

    DISHWASHER: It’s mine, no one is allowed near it. Just leave everything on the island and I’ll put it in….thank you.

    TOILET TIME: I like some R&R in there. It’s a place of peace and solace, a place where I can reflect on the good fortune I enjoy with such a perfect family. Why ruin my precious time in there with a sarky comments, tut, huff, roll of the eyes? Of all the things in this life I REALLY looking forward to… It’s going for a bump in peace.

    BED: Teeth grinding. She now has a wee rubber mouth guard as her grinding was waking our neighbours up too.

    GARAGE: It’s the only place in the house I could call ‘mine’. I don’t often leave my stuff laying around ‘your nice and clean (apart from the sink) kitchen/utility room so WHY LEAVE ALL THE STUFF YOU DONT WANT LAYING AROUND ON TOP OF MY WORKTOPS IN MY GARAGE. Incidentally, yes I know they are all covered in crap but I know EXACTLY where everything is.

    Some personal reflections to my fellow sufferers…

    1. Buy one of those teapots which uses loose tea leaves…the range of teas is rather interesting and one never has to worry about bin fires again. You can also tell the future if you know what you’re looking for…
    2. Bidets are THE future…no toilet paper required. Plus, you can have lots of fun seeing how near the ceiling you can get the water jet to go without touching it.

    As I say, she puts up with MANy more of my traits. She’s near perfect…other than those wee bits and bobs above.

    I enjoyed that, thanks

    Free Member

    I jinxed the LB rims…managed to crack one at the weekend. Awaiting feedback from LB re warranty claim… 😥

    Free Member

    Interesting…I was kind of hoping the 27.5+ sizes would be nearer the 26 fat size but obviously not.

    Free Member

    In the depths of winter (mud fest) I was running Marge lites with Buds front and rear.

    After much reading and loads of chatting with ‘those in the know’ I opted to stay with the 65mm width on the basis that I will only ride snow or sand maybe once or twice a year / <5% of the year. I’m now on 65mm LB carbon rims and running 4.8 JJ’s. It’s not much but if you can shave even a little rolling weight it makes a profound difference to the bikes manoeuvrability.

    The JJ’s and LB 65mm carbon rims saved more than a lbs per wheel…and its a difference that is very noticeable. I’m almost at the point of saying I’m getting close to being as fast if not faster on the fat than when I was on 29+. I did the 41mile man grunt loop yesterday through Queen Betty’s forest and round the north side of Ben Lomond which then spits you back on the WHW at Inversnaid then back to Balmaha…I shaved a whole 10 mins from my last loop in the 29+ and that was me doing most of it at or below aerobic threshold, other than some of the longer climbs. The fat seemed to cope with the more techy stuff much more easily…I didn’t have to get off as often to push or tip toe over certain parts…I’m once again sold on fat!

    So far no issues and they went tubeless with some 3M Vinyl tape in a snap.

    A photo or two…OK, if you insist!

    Fat! by Rosscopeco[/url], on Flickr

    Man grunt loop by Rosscopeco[/url], on Flickr

    Man grunt loop by Rosscopeco[/url], on Flickr

    Free Member

    Kinetics badge is yet to be installed…suitability on the head tube me thinks!

    Free Member

    One thing I don’t get: if you’re going down the route of bolt-on dropouts, why not go for swingers and lose the EBB?

    Because IME swingers ultimately compromise how far forward you can get the wheel which then dictates what size of tyre you can use. Ben installed swingers on my Cotic Solaris and they were a total pain. They’re harder to adjust when you need to take chain growth up, this then led to them loosening off. I eventually just put big 8mm bolts on them and carried a large spanner in the toolkit. The EBB is super simple in comparison and the big bonus is that the frame was designed to fit 26+ 27.5+ & 29+….every size fits.

    My thoughts on going down the interchangeable dropouts were….you can change them if you ever want to try something else…like normal gears, gates belt, single speed. In hindsight I’d probably just go with standard dropouts as there are several ways you can lock in the rohloff hub.

    Or is there a spacer in the BB, the crank looks like it’s further out than normal?

    Yes, Middleburn make some 1mm spacers which I used to push it out enough. I opted for their slightly longer axle on the basis that I could fit spacers.

    Free Member

    I’ll start by giving you my own experiences, take it or leave it.

    I’m going to buck the trend here and say something that may not go down too well. Oh but for the sake of clarity, I’m not for a minute suggesting any of it applies to anyone on here but in true STW fashion….IWFM.

    Anger and specifically middle age male anger has been a topic of conversation between some of my mates for a few months now.

    I’ve a great wife who is undoubtably my best friend, we’re celebrating our 20th anniversary later this year. She has a very nice little part time job. I work for myself with a part time contract…so I’ve got 3ish days to myself a week. We have three great kids, 14, 12 & 9. All are doing well at school. We live in a very desirable area with a top ranked school less than 5 mins walk from our front door. We live 10mins walk from our parents and have a really close network of friends who are always on tap if we need a last minute sitter. We live less than 10 mins easy spinning to some great Scottish trials. I could easily spend a day in the woods and never go over the same bit of trail. We’ve a joint income that is more than adequate for our needs…yes, I’d always like more but it pays the bills with enough to spend on cheapish holidays i.e. driving through Europe and camping. Some would say…that’s nice…you’ve got it sorted.

    Yet…I’ve been very conscience that my anger is a growing issue and has begun to spill over when provoked…or so I thought.

    I began to carefully think about the issues that fuelled my anger and more specifically what emotions drove it. I felt great when I went for a ride, had some ‘personal’ time, but when interacting with the family or when doing stuff together…the old chimp raised it’s head. My anger was becoming destructive. It was beginning to tear our relationships apart and cause a lot of hurt and pain in the home.

    To be frank…it usually always boiled down to being selfish. IME my selfishness was the principle driver. I wanted a perfect family & life. I wanted the outside world to see this and have good thoughts about my family that I’d created.

    My selfish nature ended up being the driver for so much of my anger. I was angry when I didn’t manage to get out for a spin. I was angry when others saw my kids misbehaving or giving cheek BECAUSE it reflected badly on me. I was angry when they spoke to their parents disrespectfully. I was angry…the list goes on.

    For me, considering my own motives and desires helped greatly in deciphering what drove my anger…is your anger something that’s linked to the simple old chimp of wanting your own way?

    Free Member

    That ring looks very small for a Rohloff – what does the lowest gear come out at?

    It ended up with a 26t on the front and a 13t at the rear, the lowest ratio you can go to on a Rohloff.

    The chain line was very tight on all our drawings but in practise, and with help from Middleburn we ended up with plenty. I wanted the smallest possible chainring on the front as my local trails have a new big rocks / trees that eat chainrings if you take the wrong line.

    Free Member

    Tell me about the frame! Weight, price

    Weight is 6.24lbs. It could have been lighter if we’d gone for bog standard dropouts and the yoke was a challenge!

    Price…that’s between me and Ben! He did me a very good deal as this was always a ‘development’ project.

    What do you carry in the bag?

    Tools, pump, tube, water, jumper. Getting rid of the rucksack was a revelation!

    Where does a fatbike fit in with your other bikes? Is it a totally unique addition or does it replace something else?

    So after many many bikes / frames / experiments this is now my only bike. At this point I genuinely can’t think of anything else I’d want. I do have another 29+ wheel set which I’ll use for longer expeditions and when the trails finally dry out (ahem!)

    I’d assume a Rohloff is leagues better than an Alfine for this sort of application?

    This is my second Rohloff, I like them, some don’t. It’s never skipped a beat and whilst it adds a good 200 – 300g to the overall rig the easy of use, lack of maintenance far outweigh the added weight (pun intended!)

    Sorry for the crap photos…I’m no photographer!

    Free Member

    Only a mother…. 😉

    Free Member

    I eventually opted for a 853 custom frame as nothing came close to what I wanted. It works for me but may not for others.

    470mm fork with 55mm offset. In reality, the 470 works out at 485 as the design was based on a internal headset but it’s a external one I eventually went for.
    68.5 HA
    71.5 SA
    142 headset with an additional 50mm UNDER the stem
    617mm stack
    429mm reach
    422 – 438mm CS
    60mm BB drop. I possibly should / could have gone a little higher to stop clattering things but a 26T chairing helps.

    It works with 29 x 3.25 tyres and 26×5 tyres…both work out the same height, save for a couple of mm. It’s a hoot, stable enough at speed, nice and light front end, easy…VERY easy to pop the front end and super comfy with some carbon Jones Loops. Next stop is a Ti version although the short CS were a real headache for the builder. Thanks again Ben Cooper.

    I’m with Sanny…

    Just test ride a few and don’t get hung up on geometry.

    I tried LOADS of different set ups & bikes before deciding on the numbers. They don’t make sense but boy does it work…for me.

    Free Member

    Trout….is that a standard ‘rear’ mud hugger on the front too…good idea…off to get the Dremel out.

    Free Member

    nedrapier – Member
    Just ordered some 4 inchers to compare to my current Bud/Bulldozer combo. Going on 65mm rims. Lighter, nimbler, faster rolling and less squirmy when cornering hard, I hope!

    I’ll report back…

    Let me know how you get on….what are you’re trails like?

    rOcKeTdOg – Member
    if your trails are slightly muddy be prepared to suddenly find yourself on the ground on anything off camber, in the dry they are great though

    A summer tyre then….bummer, was ideally looking for something that rolls a bit quicker and lighter than my bud. Any other suggestions?

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Still in testing mode on mine. Just went full fat last week from a 29+ rear / Fat front set up. It’s obviously more heavy (just over 33lbs) but with a KS Lev dropper, rohloff & brooks saddle I’m not too bothered by that. As everyone states, the traction is just huge and thus far I think the additional grip counters the extra weight. I’ve not been lost for grip yet and it’s getting chucked into every bit of mud we have…and we have loads here in sunny Glasgow!

    I’m still playing with pressures but at 6psi front and back with Surly Buds 26×4.8 it feels good…maybe still a bit bouncy so more fettling to do.

    At this point it feels a tab slower than with the 29+ rear in terms of just rolling along…but surly buds probably aren’t the quickest rolling tyres around. I’m confident I could shed at least 10%+ with a carbon post, lighter saddle & lighter faster rolling tyres so getting it under the magic 30lbs wouldn’t be too hard.

    I did a 42K spin today over the newly laid John Muir way trails and it felt really nice.

    As for the OP’s query, I very much doubt I’ll be going back to anything skinnier than 29+

    Untitled by Rosscopeco[/url], on Flickr

    Untitled by Rosscopeco[/url], on Flickr

    Free Member


    I’ve had a Solaris in 29er format and a Stooge. As Ben_H says the better comparison may be the Solaris in 27.5 format.

    Most of my trails are a little rougher than my memories of Thetford, which I rode on my Solaris. They are like you described, man made but faster with more rocks. From memory, Thetford was just one big root fest!

    Both are very different bikes. The Solaris was lower whilst the Stooge was higher and a little more relaxed. Both are good fun and both handled all my trails with ease.

    My own experience was that the Stooge was better suited to my kind of trails…I ran both with 29+ rigid forks as a comparison. I did find the Stooge steel fork a little harsh so went for a carbon equivalent which made life nicer.

    I can only imagine that it would be very nice in 27.5 format.

    For what it’s worth, I took what I liked from both frames and went FAT custom…but based loosely on the principles of the Stooge but with a far higher front end (140mm HT + 40mm spacers) and shorter stays (422mm).

    Not that this helps, but if you can…go ride both. Whilst we all have our own opinions your opinion is the best for what you do!

    Cotic in 29+ format
    29+ Solaris by Rosscopeco[/url], on Flickr

    Stooge with carbon forks
    Stooge Mk2 on singletrack by Rosscopeco[/url], on Flickr

    …and seeing as I’m posting photos…here’s my custom rig with FAT front and 29+ rear.
    IMG_4685 by Rosscopeco[/url], on Flickr

    Free Member

    Dalhalvaig on here & myself are planning on doing this in April over 2/3 days in our respective oldish cars with our bikes in the boot. He’s taking his 96′ VW Corrado VR6 & I’m taking my 2000 A4 B5 TQS.

    The plan is to do some ‘spirited’ driving…stop…go for a spin…drive a bit more…repeat! Thus far our extended route will include, Laggan, Torridon, Golspie….

    I drove some of the NC500 over the weekend with some friends who were over from Belgium for a long weekend. Couldn’t have asked for better weather.

    Lunch stop somewhere on the A87
    Untitled by Rosscopeco[/url], on Flickr

    Eileen Donan family selfie
    Untitled by Rosscopeco[/url], on Flickr

    Top of the Bealach na ba looking towards Skye
    Untitled by Rosscopeco[/url], on Flickr

    Free Member

    Still very much in testing mode myself but am loving the fat (4.8) front and 29+ rear. New fat carbon rims arrive next week so I’ll be going full fat front and rear.

    Like @bedmaker it’s a custom frame which is full fat compatible. My plan is to run it full fat through the winter and then 29+ in the summer dryer (!) months or when I’m going long distance. At this point however…I’m liking the fat so much the 29+ wheel set might never get dirty.

    I ran a Stooge Mk2 and loved the way it handled. My custom frame is a good bit taller at the font, slacker on the head with a very short rear end (422mm-438mm).

    In terms of speed…according to strava it’s not a super fast bike…with frame bags, guards and other bits and bobs it nearly 38lbs but it just goes up & over everything and the grip…oh the grip is just ridiculous!

    I’m keen to try it on a longer stint…4+ hours. @bedmaker seems to think his is less tiring as the effort used to create forward momentum on rough ground is significantly less than with a ‘normal’ bike….yet to try that theory out…

    You asked for a photo…OK if you insist!

    IMG_4685 by Rosscopeco[/url], on Flickr

    IMG_4778 by Rosscopeco[/url], on Flickr

    Free Member

    Ludovico Einaudi for me most of the time when I’m working although his stuff is a bit melancholy. A good spin usually sorts that out though.

    Free Member

    OP…B17 rider here and it’s just the best (how STW predictable)

    On a slight aside and not wanting to divert your thoughts away from a good saddle but a 100% clean chamois for every ride usually sorts boils out very quickly. Are you sure your’s is clean! 😉

    Free Member

    Sounds like a tough situation…my heartfelt thoughts to you all.

    I’m not qualified but my instinctive response would be to go to the GP in the first instance, who should then refer you to the appropriate specialist.

    If you’re anywhere near central Scotland I can easily recommend a few. I’ve had similar experiences with friends and relatives and there’s good help out there.

    All the best to you all and keep strong yourself as this will have a effect on you too.

    Free Member

    My gut feeling is that if you’re never going bigger than 3″

    Sorry but your gut is very wrong, I’m going full fat!

    My frame has full fat spacing so no issues with any of the fat options.

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