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  • philxx1975
    Free Member

    he has legitimate concerns about it being hawked round here

    It must be harrowing people know he’s a sick can do no wrong Fanboy and now know he’s an utter Bell to boot.

    Legitimate concern that he gets tagged with his heroes ,here’s a little life lesson then you live by the sword , you die by the sword.

    Free Member

    What are we supposed to infer from the little Union Jack on the top tube?

    That no one actually cares where something is made as long as the frat boys love it and the BRAND so much.

    I would take Taiwanese labour and equipment over anything UK made in a country full of lazy people who cant even figure out if they want to be part of Europe or not, BRITAIN is irrelevant.

    Free Member

    he was pushing a pram full of rich energy and had a lady promotions girl with him


    Free Member

    Not sure why they would put it on their public fb page (their cover pic, no less) if they didn’t want it share but there we go

    This was my point.

    So the owner of the pic rang the STW office to have the pic removed

    Sounds like a right NOB. Places image in public domain.

    Weirdly I’ve had a pm from someone with no posting history saying they’re going to the police about me stealing their pic and stalking them

    I will stick up for Tom ,proof he sounds like a right NOB,

    Free Member

    Once again Phil, you got me. Except you haven’t, again…

    If the person who’s pic this is wants me to take it down, pm me

    It’s a picture of a bike on Facebook what’s so secretive? OH NOTHING awaits next dull-end post about blah blah blah.

    you’ll all be impressed, it’s a lovely looking bike.

    You’re wrong more than a broken clock

    Free Member

    can you link us the photo?

    Obviously not because its so top secret that anyone in the world except certain people aren’t allowed to publish it…arse.

    Not strictly true. The history of directors and company owners will be brought up in any careful bank’s customer due-diligence checks for bank accounts and loans so that’s likely to affect any future business plans. CCJs and a list of failed companies would be enough to decline future business accounts at some places. Doesn’t stop is being crappy for the current folks who have lost money in this shambles though.

    Yet plenty of wives mothers etc become directors for a year before they suddenly aren’t anymore and the people who are actually in control take over the reigns again.

    Free Member

    ^ That really. Bike Co didn’t work out, move on to something else. Accounts to the end of Feb are due by the end of November. I don’t know what happens if they aren’t submitted but it wouldn’t surprise me if the fallout were limited to the company being wound up and any bank account along with it.

    Cheapest way to wind up a company is do nothing, Companies house will close it after 3 months if no accounts are submitted. COST TO SICK NOTHING they just get to keep your money and their heads down till the company liability kicks in, unless someone raises a criminal case of fraud or something and lets be honest they are hardly Neil Woodford level shysters are they? They will walk away PROBLEM FREE.

    Free Member

    Was it the gallardo or murcielago , hired?

    Love all the smarmy gits on here who like to write stuff on threads like this to the sum total of “well seems reasonable she should have read the T&C’s. Snark snark snark”

    If you cant afford the tyres for your supercar ,don’t drive it.

    Free Member

    I really commend Stanton for doing UK built stuff!
    Impressive that they do UK made hardtails, let sone Ti frame & FS bikes.
    Sadly their stuff is otu of my budget at the moment

    I’m absolutely amazed people will pay well over the odds for something just because it’s made by a man in some shed with a cockahoop story attached to it in this country.

    Titaniums reputation of being very hard to work with and weld that they are selling frames in July but the prototyping was only completed in June!

    Head of engineering is called Jordan that should explain it. Who else had a rep for bringing things to market before they were tested and built.

    Free Member

    Take a shit in management’s drawer before the meeting.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Zero sales mean Whyte will get a percentage of zero sales.

    Free Member

    The final witness was Mr H. He had been cycling over London Bridge and had waited at the lights before it turned to green. He told the police that he was overtaken by the Defendant after the traffic lights. He said that the Defendant sounded his airhorn at that point and“cycled towards a large number of pedestrians who were still crossing the road……..The cyclist did not slow down and I heard him shout something towards the pedestrians. I then saw the cyclist’s bike strike a lady on the left side knocking her to the ground…….”

    Could be seen as riding like a dick then also.

    Free Member

    I’ve read the entire thread

    Yeah yeah , and customers expecting refunds got them whilst pigs flew overhead.

    Free Member

    Willing to be corrected, obviously

    Pinkbike says.

    Free Member

    In an endless mire of bad news, here is something nice to look at. This was a sample we ordered from Frank to test the geometry and handling on a USA built hardtail.

    Aha it seems they payed the legend that is FTW but not anyone else suppliers or customers ,must be nice to use other people’s money expecting to be refunded on a bike for yourself to ride round on.

    Free Member

    “Hobby” – who Lee?

    Funny old “hobby” when you’re a Director in it.

    Which part of it was a Mickey mouse directorship title aren’t you getting

    Free Member

    The bloke had a full time job , this wasn’t his income it was a hobby.

    Bloody kids these days.

    Startup business sometimes doesn’t work out horror.

    Free Member

    Capital Thunder

    Where Tom Cruise fights Justin Bieber?

    Free Member

    I wonder if framebuilders standing up and saying ‘We don’t have anything to do with Sick!’ is going to become a thing. If so it’s going to need a hashtag.

    What difference would it make? It was amateurs that they were using for pretty much anything.Hardly worthy of anything , before someone steps up and says , FTW he made nothing except the one bike shown which captain calamity , I will fight you on the internet will have claimed has his own.

    Any money Planet X’s owner will have bought them out for a quid by wednesday and will turn it into something ace on here because their deity makes an appearance extolling the awesumz of cheap Chi/Taiwan made goods. #bikeindustrylolz

    Free Member

    As I have said join a support group and go and listen.

    Free Member

    How does a female rape a male?

    OMG go away you complete moron.

    Free Member

    Not in this context.

    Yes in exactly this context go and sit in an hear about men who have been raped on holiday,

    Free Member

    How many women do you know that could physically over power you?

    If you ever get chance pull your head out of your arse and visit a support group for abused men maybe you will find out.

    It has nothing to do with physical power.

    Free Member

    Industry Bike Works
    Industry Bike Works
    Straight up engineering, no BS.
    100% UK designed and made.
    “It’s gonna be a hell of a ride

    Heard or read this somewhere before, seriously all these shitty little UK companies should just leave it to the Taiwanese to design and make the stuff for them.

    It more often than not winds up being like a bring and buy sale from Blue Peter.

    Free Member

    “Cancel til men learn to behave”

    Ah because it’s only men. Riiiiigggght.

    Free Member

    Do Planet X pay for all this product placement in the forum?

    Free Member

    Jordan at Sick bicycles had some.

    Free Member

    Is anyone stupid enough to make anything without 200% payment up front.

    Free Member

    Wow nearly as many haters as customers.

    Watch this space for a second coming.

    Free Member

    Judging by the comments on Indiegogo they haven’t been sending out all of the perk items either…

    Sudden realization Jordan isn’t on the same planet.

    Free Member

    The march of Farage continues

    Free Member

    what about the Indiegogo cash

    What is Indiegogo cash?

    Accounts will be due soon for public perusal ,will show coke and prostitutes as expenditure no doubt.

    Free Member

    James Smurthwaite must be fuming that a colleague has done that to his pals!

    Hardly it just shows what a shower of shit these people are that write the copy, or copy paste the copy on these places.

    Free Member

    It’s like an episode of southpark.

    Free Member

    For abusing cabin crew? No, not a hero

    No for getting an upgrade to a better airline,

    Free Member

    Build a wall.

    Idiots on one side.

    Reintroduce to society when they realize how wrong they were.

    Free Member

    Worked with someone a few years ago who was banned from flying on BA. When it became widely known, this was used to ridicule him, and undermine him professionally. Can the the same happening here.

    Really he should be a hero.


    I don’t think they can udermine themselves any further.

    Free Member

    The people of the UK are going to pay a heavy price so that a few tax evading billionaires can continue to evade tax

    Maybe they should work harder instead of sitting whining about how folks did better than they did.

    Free Member

    Or exactly not, if you read what people have written explaining what the person meant regarding extradition

    Exactly yes, Files against person when he has contract of sale with LTD co.

    These people are blowing hot air , has anyone seen proof of the magical CCJ that’s destroyed the business yet.


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