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  • nickdavies
    Full Member

    Three pages, can someone just summarize it all into one big picture then I won’t need to bother deciphering this special language called english

    Just read it, you’ll easily be swept along by the currant…


    Full Member

    It is incredible. A mate of mine has a machine for drying them out and makes his own raisins!

    Can he put it into reverse and turn a kilo raisins into a bottle of wine? That would be clever…

    Full Member

    Loving the thread tag!

    Full Member

    its not the money i’m minted already given them away but with shops if all you can see is a picture then the picture should be what you get.

    There we go!

    its a line of numbers means nothing to normal people

    I read it as a usefully descriptive list of items and their prices… ;-)

    Full Member

    You just read the description of the item and put what you want in the basket – SLX,XT,XTR it’s all marked pretty clearly. If it was ambiguous or blatently wrong i’d agree with you but seems fine to me.

    If they created a product & picture for each item there would be people moaning it was too hard to find what they wanted!

    Personally i’d have a hard time trying to work out which one of Shimano’s many similar looking discs I wanted from looking at a picture, i’d just look at what it said next to the buy button.

    Full Member

    Is there a better off the shelf charger that could be re-purposed?

    I’ve got one good UK light and that charger does the others. I wouldn’t trust the HK stuff – i’ve got quite a bit of HK stuff at the office on UK converters – none of it’s fused and there have been a few explosive moments…

    Full Member

    I’ve ordered one from Fasttech as per my link above, 10-14 days so it says so will wait and see. Ordered a couple of other bits also – not quite sure how they knock out a £2 light, or a 50p lightning cable including worldwide shipping but hey ho.

    Full Member

    Is there any point killing dashboard? Does it save battery/speed things up etc?

    Only ask as i’ve never used it – in fact I just had to google to find out what it was! If I can kill it off and get a bit more battery or performance happy days… :-)

    Full Member


    Item 1 on page.

    Mboy, don’t suppose you know if that connector is the same as the standard magicshine jobby? Looks like it should be, i’d punt it if it was been looking for a 2nd light but i’ve got a UK charger for my magicshine.

    Full Member

    June 2012 MBA 128GB – it’s actually newer than I thought. Just after an excuse for a new one I suppose…

    Apple’s warranty is apparently 2 years direct with them to comply with EU regs. (Sold as 1 year though.) As I found out when I went in the the store a couple of months ago asking nicely for a couple of spare keys as it was out of warranty and a couple had cracked.

    They didn’t have any spare keys to do the job – so they replaced the top housing & keyboard and were going to replace the battery, heat issue caused the cracks apparently. Apparently a firmware update fixed the battery issue – I was still pretty impressed by the service though given it was out of the ‘official’ 1 year warranty!

    Edit: Having a stupid moment – it’s a mid 2011 MBA not mid 2012. It is as old as I thought! Sounds like i’m safe then!

    Full Member

    my app store doesn’t have any download info at all. Just says that it’s downloading.

    Look at the lauchpad icon in the dock, it’ll have a progress bar and if you hover over it it’ll tell you downloaded/total file size.

    Full Member

    This SSD issue – is it a case of if Mavericks installs without borking it then it’s fine?
    All working fine here since installing, downloaded the firmware tool but it won’t run as ‘unsupported on your system’.
    Would quite like to find out if it’s going to implode on me as it’s nearly 2 years old so warranty almost up!

    Creative Cloud needs updating to work, and VMware is running like a dog, but it’s OK cos I can fix that by buying the new version for £40. :-( Why do they have to change things….

    Full Member

    Don’t download it if you have 2012 Air – it might kill the SSD…

    Mine just imploded after updating Adobe CC

    Oops… mine’s been sat doing it for the past hour or so. Not much I can see different except the fan is blaring away, and they’ve broken Chrome. The magic mouse no longer swipes back a page.

    Best go run this tool and see if it’s time for a new SSD!

    Full Member

    Yeah, never gone above XT level before on a group so it was a bit of a shock – kinda thought as XX1 cassettes were £300 that X01 would be a good chunk less. May well drop once X01 gets out to the aftermarket though. Fingers crossed they’ll have X91 out before I need a new one!

    Will probably be more religious with changing chains earlier though – never really bothered too much before as it’s not a huge outlay to change an XT level cassette every year or so.

    I’m happy enough with my current 1×10 XT /Zee /works chainring combo and don’t need the extra legs X01 will give me but if I build what I want it works out at not far off the same price as buying the higher specced bike off the shelf, so not a lot of point really. Might be a new X01 group and wheelset in the classifieds shortly!

    Full Member

    I’ve got superstars – 3 years old and changed the cartridge once, these are about dead now so i’m getting approx 18 months out of a cartridge riding a couple of hours a week.

    Full Member

    Yeah but it’s 45k of gadgets at full retail so 20-30k real price that they’ll have paid little or nothing for, and after 100000 people have texted in at a quid a pop they’ll soon be quids in!

    Full Member

    Are your guys working just straight hours or is it 2 weeks on, 2 weeks off (or similar)?

    Full Member

    I’m clinging on… wanna see how it plays out, especially to see what Strait & Zink pull off, and the mad Kiwi!
    Not for much longer though, 6 hour drive to work tomorrow morning :-(

    Full Member

    This sells it in Silver for me! Not keen on black either..

    Blatant cheek, but i’ve been looking for a 2012 as I need the discontinued XL frame, fancy sharing who’s sorted you out? Email in profile.

    Full Member

    I nostalgically rebuilt my first full suss the other week as a bit of a project, complete strip – replaced all bearings headset bb with hope kit got it all really nice, had shock serviced and did the forks and put it all back together. Spent a couple of hundred quid on it which is probably more than the frame is worth but I like having a tinker.

    Then rode it and it reminded me why I stopped using it 18 months ago. :evil:

    Full Member

    Not sure what indie disco is but sounds like digbeth. Or head out to Moseley for that kind of thing if you don’t mind a short cab hop.

    Current favourite if you like a decent pint is post office vaults on new street. The Yardbird on centenary square is good for great live music that’s a bit different, I.e. Not your usual thump thump broad street crap, normally more toward jazz funk, but there’s quite a range of music styles.

    Full Member

    I’d bet they won’t touch the non retina models now and just keep them for offering education pricing etc, wouldn’t expect an update. I’d get something off the refurb store:

    I’d go for retina if I was after what you are unless price was an issue, in which case i’d go refurb retina or air. External HDD and DVD if you need space/optical drive. Lots more portable and newer/better tech.

    Full Member

    I can’t answer the direct question, but depending how you stack people bikes and kit, I could get 3 bikes, people and kit in my old astra estate and my current (new model) focus estate. Bikes in inverted, seatpost out and front wheel off.

    Reason I didn’t get an Astra sports tourer when I changed between the 2 is the sloping rear roof and the slightly shorter load bay meant you couldn’t get 3+3 in.

    Knowing how the focus hatch is laid out I think you’ll struggle to get bikes people and kit in all together. They share the same floorplan virtually, and you’d be pushing it to get a bike in on it’s side even wheels off and keep the small rear seat usable. It would swallow 2 no bother though.

    Can’t you get a focus estate?

    Full Member

    I’ve got butchers block wooden worktops from ikea in the office and they’ve been great, 5 years use and only cost about £60 IIRC.

    Darkened quite a lot over the time though, i’d definitely treat them if they were going in a kitchen, mine have picked up a few water marks as I left them as bare wood.

    Full Member

    Not really, brookbank was the closest but they’ve gone pop, it’s too small a sport for a crc type outfit.

    Decathlon would be a good shout for gp stuff. Proper kayaking shops I tend to use desperate measures now as they’re the last of the few ive always used to still be in business. Where are you?

    Joining a club is the best way to get into it, as all the kit you would need is borrow able.

    Full Member

    Hi Simon, was going to drop you a line next week figured you’d be closed today, thanks will drop you a mail.

    Full Member

    Thanks but they’re not on there, I’m talking about actually taking the MoCo apart, everything from SRAM seems to indicate its a sealed unit and no spares available.

    Full Member

    Well that wasn’t what I was expecting after the mumsnet thread…

    Full Member

    If the refurb store haven’t got any, then I reckon Costco is the next best bet.

    Just had a quick look and they’re doing the 500GB model for £559 with magic keyboard and mouse which is £617 I think from apple.

    Can’t see they have any basic ones though. They normally tend to have apple machines for base price but with a couple of upgrades FOC.

    Full Member

    Closer inspection of the crown race and i’ve found a burr half way down. Looks like a manufacturing fault – it’s like a pinhead. Specialized put it on first time round about 2 years ago so they probably should have checked first, but it’s been on and off twice and there are 2 gouges which makes sense, must have missed the first one.

    So take a file to inside of race, refit and ride? Are there likely to be issues, stress risers etc – will it break and kill me!

    Had a search but couldn’t find anything similar, but did find this gem…

    Full Member

    Tool was a taped screwdriver tapped round the race :-)
    Always used this method and never had a problem before! Not sure if the 2nd race going on by hand should be a concern – didn’t go on exactly easily and i’m a climber so pretty strong fingers. It felt pretty well on when i took it off earlier.

    The race that’s been on there for the past 12 months was a split 1.5″ reducer race – wondering if the split race might cause this issue to appear?

    Both marks go down below the top of the crown race – they’re probably 3mm down from the top. Can’t see anything from underneath.

    Full Member

    Stripped right back now so had a good look under a 10x lens, looks like there are 2 gouges and it’s hard to tell but both look to have a hairline crack in them, but it might just be the shadow of the gouge.

    I’m sure i’d have noticed this when fitting the crown race if they were there last week. No grit or anything in the race or round the bottom of steerer which might have caused the groove. Bike was reassembled so I could trim cables and set everything up, but not ridden as the forks needed servicing first.

    Anybody seen similar before? Could these have been caused by over tightening the star nut and putting too much preload on the bearings? I’m pretty sure it wasn’t overtightened as I only nipped it up until all play was out of the headset, but i’m struggling to see what’s caused it.

    I did fit the wrong crown race first (too many spare headsets floating around…) which was very tight to get on, but did go on. Took it off when I realised and the correct crown race went on, this time fingers were enough to get it home. Could the first race being too tight have caused it? My only thought could be it was an undersized crown race, but anything too small would surely not have gone on.

    Any thoughts from the hive mind?

    Full Member

    Spotted a couple of pairs of Rovals on Cyclesurgery’s clearance page earlier if it’s any use to you:

    EL’s over £300 but AL’s are £260.

    Full Member

    On laptop now so can embed images.
    Crown race off and there seems to be 2 of them! Crown race only installed last week as changed frames and i’m pretty sure these weren’t there then.

    Looks a bit like gouges, no marks on the other side but i can’t see what would have gouged them installing the crown race everything was clean and the race went on with fingers.

    Wonder if Rockshox will look at a warranty for OEM forks nearly 2 years old?

    Full Member

    None, unless like above you’re going for the ‘full house’.

    Unless you consider snakebite a cocktail? :-D

    Full Member

    Well I was going to make a rib removal joke but Jamie beat me to it.

    mikemorini – Member
    Pee sitting down.


    Really? You need to try it. I only stand up at the pub….

    Full Member

    Not that relevant given savings involved, but you’ll also be charged a handling fee by the courier UK side for paying your VAT. Between £8-35 depending who it comes with. Don’t think of it as worst case though, you will be paying tax and vat as you won’t get it insured otherwise. Still less than half price…!

    Are there any sales taxes to add onto the price if it’s shipped to an American address first?

    Full Member

    Chrome and incognito mode… just remember to close the incognito tab before exiting the browser, just closing Chrome leaves it on the same page it was on before. This can lead to awkward moments if someone else opens chrome next….

    I’m coming round to it a bit, but i really can’t abide the dock and the folders, the blocks of grey just looks cheap and nasty. Apple’s shots do make it look a lot nicer than it is, I think you need the right background for it.

    Full Member

    It’s yuk. I’ve done the iPad and it looks like the Early Learning Centre have skinned an android tablet.
    Looks like it suits the iPhone better from the stuff online, especially some of the new features, but i’m still on a 4 so will give that a miss.

    Full Member

    I don’t think you can change the 2012 to 120mm. I’ve been looking at this myself as I would like a 29 reba dual air 100/120 but it doesn’t seem to be available, but there seem to be a few conflicting bits of information online.

    2011 I think you can. 2013 you can but not via spacers you have to buy a new air spring, seems they’ve made it very hard to have a simple trail fork that does 100/120 with a quick service. Would have thought that would be an obvious market for the reba.

    I’d say ask Loco to be sure.

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