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  • Fresh Goods Friday 719: The Jewelled Skeleton Edition
  • nathb
    Free Member

    It’s been a while Zwifters!!

    Those that know me will be aware I bought a house in December and have literally spent every waking hour DIY’ing in Dec/Jan/Feb. With no working kitchen it meant eating out (often at the local sainsbury’s cafe) and then in Feb microwave meals as it was the only appliance I had access to in the new kitchen.

    I left Zwift last year with a FTP of 337w @ 68kg or 4.96w/kg (I’m 6ft).

    In Feb I was resided in the fact that the house work wasn’t moving as quickly as I had anticipated, I was getting fat and becoming increasingly unhappy without exercise. Therefore I decided I NEEDED to get back on the bike/zwift.

    Jumped straight in on the 15th Feb with an FTP test to see what the damage was. The result was an FTP of 284w @ 74kg = 3.8w/kg!! With reassurance from some STW’ers that it’ll come back in a few weeks of just Z2’ing.

    On 13th March, after just Z2’ing as much as I could, a plan was formed! All good cycling plans however start with a FTP test – this time a much more positive 300w @ 73kg / 4.11w/kg. Happy with that for a month of Z2’ing!

    Next one is 3 weeks on Saturday were I’m hoping to see 315w @ 72kg, but we shall see.

    This was basically a really long post to say I’m back, but not racing yet and did you miss me? :)

    Free Member

    Wooo well done CH!! Gutted I couldn’t be there to see it!!

    I’ve stupidly broke a couple of ribs so will be off the bike longer than anticipated…

    Free Member

    There’s a new CVR algarythm?!

    Best get reading :lol:

    Free Member

    Woo just noticed my TT race I did the other week is showing on Zwiftpower now :)

    Not sure on that average power though :lol:

    Free Member

    All the cupboard stuff, including debris is being removed. The rest is being PVA? sealed up and boarded over.

    Obviously keeping all records of works done for the next buyers. The entire estate is full of it – it’s mental how much stuff must have been used. My neighbours didn’t even know it was in their house.

    Free Member

    Happy days* :lol:

    *extreme sarcasm

    Free Member

    Ouch weeksy!! Speedy recovery!!

    I think I’m done on the cycling front for this year, clocked 7,257 miles of which Zwift is c.30%. Good luck in your racing endeavours folks!

    See ya next year :lol:

    Free Member

    Yeah, similar here.

    Leaving the soffits for another day though!

    Everyone goes mental over this stuff, yet all the tradesman I’ve got doing other bits are happy to work around the stuff (bar the airing cupboard).


    I’ve had to insist on them wearing masks, by actually buying them!!

    Free Member

    Yeah it’s pretty amazing how quickly your body adapts to the new diet and how your taste buds change overnight.

    I used to be a cadbury’s milk chocolate person, I’m up to 85% now anything else just tastes too sweet. :lol:

    Free Member

    Thanks all.

    Yeah the plan was for them to remove asbestos in the airing cupboard, ground floor tiles and take off all ceilings. Once they’d done I had a builder removing internal wall, sparky rewiring the house/spotlighting it and plumber replacing old system with a combi. Finally a plasterer to come in and put up soundbloc plasterboard and get everything ready for painting. With a move in date of just after Christmas.

    Things are not going to plan!! :lol:

    Free Member

    I’m on a ketosis diet, less than 50g carb per day.

    Dropped from 71kg to 68kg in a week or so.

    Initial weight loss is normally down to water, keep hydrated!

    Free Member

    I have two PCs:

    1) Ryzen 1600 Overclocked, 16gb ram, huge graphics card, SSD’s + big HDs would set you back £1000+ new (

    2) HP ProDesk 600 G1 (500GB, Intel i5-4570 4th Gen 3.2GHz, 4GB) I bought off eBay for less than £100, added 4gb of ram and 250gb SSD for £60. (like this, but put the ram in the right slots!!! )

    I can’t tell the difference between them in general use. :lol:

    Free Member

    Oh on paper I should be a cat 1/2, I had sprinting power and long drawn out power, hell on Zwift I’m classified as an elite rider…

    But I never cracked the ability to translate it into a win on a real life race circuit, this is the point I (and CH was kindly) trying to make. I genuinely suck at racing :lol: CH will attest to the amount of times I used to do sprint practice on the way home from Hillingdon as I still had loads of unspent energy left.

    This is not a willy waving post, I hope it doesn’t come across that way!

    Free Member

    I’m not that startling, don’t worry :lol:

    But thanks for the kind words all :)

    My journey started Sept 14 with my first road bike purchase, unfortunately I was about 75kg by then through diet so couldn’t convert all that leg fat into muscle lol.

    My first ever structured training session was summer 17, after my third cat, and I didn’t really race after getting my third due to personal circumstances. So it was all a bit wasted.

    Please do share your stories though, this thread isn’t all about my story!

    CH – I don’t think I ever played a decent game with her :lol:

    Free Member

    Exactly what CH said.

    In 2013 I was 95-100kg and ridiculously unfit. I bought a Hardtail and started doing a few rides, moved to London and it got pretty much shelved in 2014 until September when I bought a road bike. From Sept 14 to October 16 I just rode and ran around, mainly richmond park, started commuting, did a couple of sportives and also started Zwifting. In Oct 16, starting my previous thread, I was now around 70kg (having previous been down to 65kg) and placed an order for a Chinese carbon race bike. Believing my Tacx trainers 5.0w/kg to be correct in Dec 16 I turned up to Hillingdon for my first race, and surprising didn’t win – although I attacked 5/6 times for fun. In Jan 17 I rented a power meter and found I had 4.5w/kg :lol: But I got my third cat by Feb 17? and got a sponsor – who supplies me (well CH actually haha) with nutrition and kit. Did some highly structured training in summer and got to 5w/kg and then got ill. I’m now doing a Ketosis diet so probably back to 4-4.4w/kg with 0 top end :lol:

    Here’s the numbers to put it in context:

    There’s pics of fat me vs me at the moment etc on here:

    Free Member

    crosshair – Member
    In other news, CVR have redrawn the race ‘Brackets’. I might have a chance in C……

    Yay :cry:

    Free Member

    @continuity – No, I started at like 4.5w/kg in my first race, but that was without any proper training. I did turn up believing I had 5w/kg though as my turbo trainer had lied to me :lol:

    @ferrals – Just got to do research into the supplier, most of these companies are trying to make a brand in their own rights. I can speak from experience my customer service support with two different Chinese suppliers has been WAYY better than PlanetX :lol: Just avoid any company that is making knock offs, these are the ones that give the reputable ones a bad name. Easy to spot as they will have have Cervelo/Pinarello branded bikes in their store.

    But yeah even at 4.5-5w/kg I couldn’t race properly as didn’t trust my fellow cyclists so was often out in the wind. CH made a term for this called “Nathing” haha. I got slightly more trusting as the season progressed though, I do have the ability to ride in a pack – TiRed tested this out on me the other day, but I trust him :lol:

    Free Member

    As CH was chuckling at me I was shouting to him (all be it not loud enough it appears) to get his head down and stick at threshold. He had a HUGE gap!

    I’m thinking of getting some carbon disc clinchers for my commuter, that will no longer be used for commuting soon. As always I’ll be looking to the East: CHINESE WHEELS (They’re much cheaper via their app)

    Free Member


    And that includes my last KISS race !!

    Free Member

    Link to all the okay pics, the rest were terrible (water on lens):

    For me this sums up CH’s journey:

    12 months ago this would have been the field about to lap him!!!!

    P.s. Elbows bent:

    Free Member

    I’m just going to leave this here….

    Free Member

    Nathb. Have a look at Southborough wheelers. I think they have a pretty active TT scene and lots of group rides setting out from the Velo house in Tun Wells.

    Yeah I was stealing their GPX routes the other week :lol:

    Free Member

    My kind “friends” keep comparing me to Brian Cox and a lego man. :lol:

    Someone also asked me the other day if I was Francis Cade…………

    Free Member

    scaredypants – Member
    Interesting – but I’m oot, for now at least

    (I thought you were a cat4 CH ??)

    On here:

    He’s a cat 2.

    I’m still down as an Elite, ha that’s not going to last long.

    Free Member

    Signed up, 7pm one.

    Free Member

    BTW – that plan I posted was this summers plan, that I followed to the letter and moved from 4.5 to 5w/kg. It really worked I promise! What I didn’t plan on was moving from 70kg to 68kg which was too much and I caught flu for the 3 targeted races!!

    What I’m doing right now is reversing all that hard work, hopefully temporarily. I’m moving away from carbs/sugar to fat, in the ratio of 5% carbs (50g max) 20% protein 75% fat. This has KILLED my top end, I really mean that. Tonight for instance I was at 190bpm to keep to 20mph on my commute home. My resting heart rate is up from 45bpm to 57bpm. I think I’d struggle to keep up with a B race at the moment, CH was walking all over me at Hillingdon the other day.

    Ultimately I’m sure once I’ve reached ketosis, my intended state, I can attempt to start rebuilding again with a proper plan. But right now I’m just trying to hang on to what fitness I have left with Z2’ing and traffic light sprinting until I’m over this hump.

    P.s. Final point is I’ve gone into this knowing it will probably damage my cycling, but hoping the medical benefits (coming off omeprazole) will far outweigh it. I’m planning on TT’ing next year with my pancake power curve :lol:

    Free Member

    Nicely done!!

    My power curve is flat as a pancake right now, I think I’d actually get dropped on Saturday – I’m not even exaggerating!!

    Free Member

    And also why I was able to drop Nath the other day. He’s currently forcing his body to make its own glycogen by not giving it any- so until it learns, he has no fuel for his fast twitch muscles (or at least slightly less fuel than me)

    It, like me, is a stubborn git too!

    Free Member

    n0b0dy0ftheg0at –
    On £11 per hour, OP is never going to be a better position to save for a chunky house deposit than while living with parents, probably paying some “keep,” but far below the cost of renting a place and paying utility bills.

    Even with the wage increase moving to London, doing the same job, the rent will be crippling… Will hardly save a bean.

    With house prices having increased by ~4-5x over the last 25 years, you really cannot afford to play “Planet instant gratification,” it will have massive financial consequences over a lifetime.

    We’ve been renting the same flat for ~11.5 years, we have paid ~£75000 to the landlord over that period. Only in the last ~2.5 years, since Mrsgoat started working, have we been able to slowly save money for a deposit. At our age (38/44), many people would normally be a fair way into paying off their mortgage, yet we might be just starting next year and paying it off until the day we retire.

    Re read his first post, he’s going to be getting £16-18 per hour down here. So circa 30k a year and the probable second largest outgoing, travel, is free for him.

    + If he finds a partner, suddenly prices crash as rent is shared.

    Yeah he won’t be able to buy here, but there’s no reference to buying a home in the OP?

    Free Member

    n0b0dy0ftheg0at –
    If Leeds is tolerable, living with parents, stick at it and go bonkers saving for a mortgage deposit through a HTB ISA or a LISA

    To get anchored down in a place he finds tolerable? Sounds exciting.

    Free Member

    Did the exact same move 5 years ago, haven’t looked back.

    Although as the big 30 is moving closer we’re moving deeper south.

    Salary can rapidly increase here, I’ve more than doubled mine in 5 years – this is because there’s more jobs so you can move around a lot (on my 4th). My friends up north salaries seem to be static..

    Download the drinki app too, that’l get you free drinks in loads of different pubs/clubs to force you to explore more.

    P.s. West London is the best :lol: There’s metroline & London United in these parts too!

    Free Member

    Lol weeksy!!!! You know what the answer is, Poor CH is stuck on repeat – that ol vinyl not going to keep playing for much longer :lol:

    Answer is one of these:

    Regarding a pc, I just picked up a PC capable of running Zwift on high settings for under 100:

    Free Member

    I’m about to plasterboard my garage walls (soundbloc) so watching this thread with interest as some insulation on the door will finish it off nicely :)

    Free Member

    Does Zwift control the resistance on:
    Elite Turbo Muin Smart Turbo Trainer

    I thought it didn’t!?!?

    “Integrated one way smart technology communicates with training apps via ANT+ & Bluetooth”

    Edit, it doesn’t, what a shame as that’d be a right bargain!


    I used a Tacx Vortex paired with a 4iiii PM, I’m on my second unit.

    Free Member

    Update on this, I’m sure you’ve all had sleepless nights wondering!

    I bought this set:
    DHP459RMJ Brushless Combi Drill 45Nm with 2x 4.0Ah batts and DC18RC charger in a Makpac case

    For the grand sum of 150 :)

    Now I just need a start drill bit set, thinking this will see me through most things:

    Free Member


    Curiosity never killed the cat!

    TT’s are a bit more convenient for me next year, I doubt these bars even meet TT rules & regs though.

    at 20 great british pounds for carbon bars I couldn’t resist a try :lol:

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Police are looking to bill these two:

    Work went into lockdown – good job we had prosecco in the fridge! My family hate me working in this area, literally came back from a meeting with 37 messages and missed calls.

    Free Member


    Nathb – good luck for tomorrow, i hope i dont see you on the course as that will mean you have apped us. I am in B race so setting off 8 mins after you.

    Yeah good luck Nath! Jesper and Tim are commentating it on FB live @ Cyclinghubtv so get plenty of airtime

    Thanks guys, but I pulled out – I’m not physically able to cycle properly at the moment, with two full A teams I didn’t want to take up space.

    Hopefully be back racing soon once my body is used to using fat as a fuel source.

    Good luck blader!!!

    Free Member


    Answer is 25-40 FPS on High settings, I followed a group around for 5 mins or so but I can’t find the screenshots.

    But this is how zwift looks, and believe it or not it looks SOO much better than the iPad version!!

    On the hunt for a super cheap SSD then I’ll look at getting a GPU (potentially a new case/psu) in the new year. Happy days!

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