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  • Shimano GF8 (GF800) Gore-Tex Shoes review
  • klumpy
    Free Member

    I’ll repeat what two Canadian dudes told me.
    Buy decent and well matched boots and bindings, and then “nail the bindings to a door”.

    ie: a board is a board. You’re paying for brand and paint.

    The only genuinely clever thing anyone’s done with snowboard design recently is Burton’s TBT, as you like to run pistes and park it might be a good idea as it runs well going flat and straight, handy for those dropins/landings.

    Free Member

    Why would the existence of men in lycra put women off cycling?
    The existence of men who wear fake aviators, plastic Ferrari paddock jackets, and string backed gloves doesn’t put them off driving.
    Maybe they think those men inlycra are women that cycling has “done something” to?

    OTIO is leaving now. 😆

    Free Member

    Near the start he tells us it’s hard to get rid of bodies in the future, and yet when Bruce is collected to terminate the loop they clip his wife and burn the house down…… Have I missed something or is that actually a huge hole?

    I thought it was, but then again the killing of his wife wasn’t planned, it was almost an accident.

    And why actually get Loopers to shoot their own future self anyway? Someone else would be a much better bet.

    Well, they don’t know they’re being closed until after the deed is done, and it makes giving them the money nice and easy.

    Oh, warning spoilers etc.

    Free Member

    The vast majority of advanced driving is all about attitude and mentality, not how you can make your car go faster round a particular corner.

    I think I tried to suggest that way back when, and yet just a few posts up some clown brought up racetracks.

    That’s round in circles at least once, so FTFAGOS-ICBA.

    Free Member

    Driver training may make better drivers, but the unintended consequence also kicks in when driver training makes people think that they are driving gods and needn’t bother about speed limits since they are now so well trained.

    So the roads would be safer without lessons or a test at all?

    After your first advanced ride/drive, which is done without advice or input, you get a list of the things you must do better (or at all!).

    If you’re inclined to delusions of driving godhood, it will be a long list.

    If your delusion is very strong, you’ll walk away and say they can’t handle your talent – no harm or good is done. Otherwise, you will have just had a very humbling experience.

    Free Member

    I’ve cadged plenty of advanced training on the motorbike, and the approach to out of town driving is about creating space and time for yourself. You do this in order to give yourself a situation within which you can make progress. If you’re doing it right you shouldn’t actually know if you’re speeding, the number on the dial can’t tell you anything more useful than the view in front.

    I’ve never been a racing driver, but I suspect there is zero overlap between racing driving and advanced IAM style driving. Advanced driving is not that heroic really, it’s not about “rarr I’m on the limit”, it’s about being in the right place, taking in all the information, and making a good plan.

    This is a forum which regularly sees huge swathes of cyclists insist that jumping a red light, when done with care, is safe. I’d like to see the venn diagram of those who defend “RLJ”-ing and those who condemn speeding.

    Free Member

    If you’ve got a hankering for new wheels for rush hour commuting and have 5k to spend, then buy one of those rorty 690 KTMs.

    Otherwise stick with the SV.

    Heated grips are amazing, my winter hack seems to have expired taking my heated grips with it and I really miss them!!

    Free Member

    I think it’s Bastard In Stores. Them being incredibly keen on nice orderly full shelves, not giving stuff out.

    Free Member

    My last refuge for my suspected “trap” was that the energy the spring needed to absorb would be more than the kinetic energy if spinning energy doesn’t “count”; a quick brush-up on the semantics shows it definitely does.

    How boringly straightforward. 😉

    Free Member

    So you’re saying a rotating wheel has no net energy? How would flywheels work then?

    No, I was thinking the rotation energy didn’t contribute to the apparatus’ linear energy. I’m not convinced though, and the most compelling reason to suspect it does is that it was included in the question. 😀

    It is of course true that the wheels are turning, and once the apparatus stops they won’t be, and there’s only one thing absorbing that energy.

    Unless it’s a frictionless rail. Just list frictionless rail in your assumptions. (Frictionless spherical rail, to be extra sure.)

    Free Member

    I wouldn’t add the wheel’s rotational energy to the total kinetic energy, because at any moment as much of the wheel is going backwards as forwards. (And up as down, and up and right as down and left, and etc…)

    (But I’m always too alert for a trick question!)

    And if spring stiffness is measure in joules per meter (is it?) the whole thing becomes trivial.

    Free Member

    I was in Elizabeth: The Golden Age for 9 seconds. (In tights!)
    If you’ve seen that, you’ve seen me. (In tights!)
    (It wasn’t very good.)

    Free Member

    In terms of the regular Joe in the street, consider this. You have two colleagues on identical salaries. One has denied their family luxuries and saved in order to have peace of mind and a buffer if things go wrong. The other has pissed their money away by going out to eat 2 or 3 times a week and renewing their car every two years (and acted a bit flash as well). Now the government is going to take a big bite out of family A’s nest egg whilst family B don’t lose anything.

    Good point.
    Add 10% to all debts!!
    (Is that genius, or stupid?)

    Free Member

    My old transit was awful, almost impossible to get any rear traction – but with socks on it was fine.
    In the last proper dusting my Vivaro was great, no winter tyres or socks. Clutch up at idle, then just drive away no problems.

    Free Member

    I’ve got a SWB Vivaro, and have many times stood 2 or 3 bikes against the bulkhead (so across the van’s width), I then ratchet strap them forward/down to anchor points in the front corners of the back. No diagonals required. 🙂

    Free Member

    <STW level of usefulness>
    Sounds dodgy – have you checked the points?
    </STW level of usefulness>

    But seriously, yes absolutely. My non-blown rattler transit demonstrated it best, because there was just the right hill on the way out the village. Drive straight from home and up the hill and it was embarrassing. If for some reason I hit the same hill with a warm engine it was… Considerably less embarrassing, it could hold third instead of second anyway.

    Free Member

    I was out green-laning with a mate, and one lane emerged from a stream into the rear carpark of a hotel.

    We rode along the drive and saw a photographer looking towards us and apparently photographing the other side of a big ivy and moss covered lump of tumbled masonry. As we passed I looked back to see a bride and groom flinching in horror as our tyres spat globs of river mud vaguely at them.

    I doubt we actually “got” them and if the photographer had his wits about him it might have given them the best photos of the whole day.

    Free Member

    so to “rip off” photosynthesis in an effective way we would grow plants and burn them.

    An excellent idea!

    But biofuels made babies starve, or something, apparently.
    They’re out of favour, anyway – possibly for a good reason.

    Free Member

    Here is my stupid question.

    Why can’t we replicate photosynthesis? Surely we should be ripping off the plants’ ideas as they have this totally nailed?
    Plants use photosynthesis to build organic carbon structures, so to “rip off” photosynthesis in an effective way we would grow plants and burn them.

    Free Member

    The OP’s story is full of suspicious details; the strangely wordy yet vague description of his manoeuvre leaves no-one knowing what he actually did, and he seems to be claiming to have been “waiting at the lights” on a bicycle.

    The whole thing is complete invention.

    Free Member

    Wow. The guy spoke for 15 minutes and was 100% completely un-waveringly utterly totally right the whole time. (Except for claiming that what happened in the garden of Eden is a matter of historical record.)

    Free Member

    I suspect the majority of households they are installed on are affluent with disposable income, possibly under performing investments that they take their money out of and invest in a solar array.

    I have nothing against that, but it is not really the principle of being green as they probably have two or three cars, holiday abroad, big houses, inefficient heating etc. It is purely a money making exercise.
    Exactly so. The feed in tariff basically takes money from the rest of us, including POOR people(!) to pay three times the going rate to affluent upper middle class types for electricity that can’t be used. (Interestingly, the Tories of all people tried to axe the FIT.)

    This was covered on page two of this thread:

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Googling “salt inhalation” gave a list of possible benefits and adverts for inhalers and places you can go to sit in a “salt room”.

    So it’s good for you. (Or possibly does nothing at all with the inhalers and rooms being a load of respiratory-tractic homeo-practic woo.)

    And straying off topic for a moment, you seem to have a cold.

    Free Member

    Nil Mortifi Sine Lucre.

    Free Member

    bloody cyclists spamming a bicycle web site with their irrelevant posts

    Mountain biking website, not cycling website. Two completely different things! 🙂

    Free Member

    Not bad, 18 yrs clean record.
    The Cyclists on here will string you up anyway.

    Pepipoo has advice about making sure the rozzers’ equipment was properly maintained and properly used.

    The notice should say what you’ll get, probably 3 points and a 60 quid fine. Might offer the option of a speed safe course, in which case you don’t get points or a fine. But the course costs 60 quid. (sic.)

    Free Member

    I quite like riding slowly.

    Slow techy stuff is great, yeah.

    And I quite like deep mud, it’s just another trail obstacle.

    Each to their own, it can be fun at the time. (Just not at cleaning time. 😆 )

    I also much prefer riding uphill to down.

    BURN HIM!!!

    Some people “mountain bike” in order to ramble but go further, a trail center has nothing to offer them. Proper, err, I mean other mountain bikers are looking for an exercise in machine control. This can be found in natural terrain, and in trail centers. I’d like a trail center made entirely of combes, I love combes.

    Free Member

    Ah, walking the line between reckless and nancy. (Anyone with less protection than you is reckless, anyone with more is a nancy. 😉 )

    I’ve seen people ride in motorcycle enduro with no armour and an open face, I’ve seen back protectors at Ashton Court. The guy with knee guards might have a knee that can’t take another big hit, the rider with the chinpiece might have shelled out for a new set of teeth already. Or maybe they both just don’t want to get to that stage.

    Wear what you feel you need and a big **** off to anyone who doesn’t like it.

    Free Member

    I don’t get the wheel size debate, can’t think of any other sports/passtimes where stuff like this creates such a debate, take skateboarding; massive range of boardsize, wheel size, truck size/height etc, no one cares you just ride what you want. Same with snowboarding, surfing, the curse of the skateparks scooting, rollerblading you name it, who gives a fk.

    This is why mountain biking is the new golf.
    Endless debate and searching for the best club. Arguing over materials and angles and sizes and stuff. A change in wheel diameter hailed as a ‘new technology’ that’ll transform your putting. Meanwhile those of us with the old style reel and five iron remain more than happy with the number of cans we sink sitting next to the green, it was never really about the fish was it?

    Free Member

    Whereas for me (at the moment) it’s all about being able to access as much of the mountain as possible. There are still lots of (natural) trails nearby that I can’t ride down (but more skilled riders than me can). With time I’m sure I’ll learn to ride them, but if a new bike (or a new wheel size) lets me get down them safely now that’s quite tempting too. After all, there is always something even bigger to tackle round the corner.

    Wheelwise, I recommend a 24″ rear and 29″ front. That’ll slacken the bike up and allow the front to roll better – plus the bigger front than back is what every offroad motorbike has done for years.

    Free Member

    Ahh I see. Apparently I was told by someone that had them that 29 inch wheels really smooth out the trail and take all the bumps away, he seemed really keen. I couldn’t help thinking that very smooth trails sound a bit like roads?

    Ha, well, it’s the irony of those of us who ride mountain bikes for a passtime rather than laptimes (most of us I suspect). We want to ride interesting terrain, and buy a bike that suits that terrain. Then for some it’s too easy so they make the bike ‘worse’ to make it more fun, like running hardtails or rigids when suspension is available, or singlespeeds when gears are available.

    Some enjoy climbing, while others just see it as the way to reach the next descent, some like speed, some like nadgery techy bits, some like jumps, some don’t – the idea that there is one perfect wheel size for this passtime is laughable. Just make sure you have wheels, and you’ll have fun.

    Free Member

    When I was playing games I loved all the total war series, think empire and Shogun 2 were pretty much perfect. Also love the GTA series, but thought 4 was a bit of a miss, too serious and had some pointless elements (going for beers and meals to maintain friendships with in game characters).

    Never got why everyone thought Lionhead games were so good, they always seem to aim high and miss – by a long way. (Never played Fable though.)

    Free Member

    If you like gore, swearing, and full frontal nudity then Spartacus Blood and Sand is good – it even has some plot twists.

    Game of Thrones is more cerebral and has Tyrion.

    BSG was damn good except for the ending – but that’s only the last fifteen minutes.

    Free Member

    Trouble is a lot of the youtube shorts on mountain biking show people just wandering into the woods and digging a trail, and/or riding through apparent backwoods wilderness improbably seeded with kickers and berms.

    (Where this filming actually happens I don’t know, one suspects companies such as Redbull and DC shoes and maybe the richer promoters and riders own or lease a few slices of land with such terrain.)

    Free Member

    I spoke to a barrister, this morning and he said I have a claim for careless driving.

    You have a claim!?

    Why on earth did it even occur to you to yell at a council vehicle going about its business?

    Of course council vehicles cause all sorts of very temporary very mild inconvenience (in your case, the need for some mild steering input), but it means the drains work and the rubbish is taken away. If you see a utilities van parked next to a hole will you ride at the hole yelling abuse and sue them for not filling it in before you plunged down it?

    Free Member

    </thread> 😉

    Free Member

    I peeked at a thread about someone’s bike making them want to pee, suddenly I got adverts for catheters!!

    Free Member

    Was Spore available on Mac? If so ya might like it.
    (Start as a single celled organism, finish as a galaxy spanning civilisation.)

    Free Member

    Keep the muscles around it in good nick so stay active, strong, and flexible.

    And remember, “pain is just weak knees leaving the body”, or something like that… 😆

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