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  • Reverse Base flat pedal review
  • joao3v16
    Free Member

    How many decades have attitudes toward cycling been put back thanks to this so-called ‘documentary’?

    It also seems that Twitter is populated with the societies most massive tools. Tweeting death threats? For goodness’ sake. Grow up.


    On another note, I don’t understand people who’s immediate response to being angry about something is to immedaitely condense their feelings into 140 characters or less and hammer it out in the Twitter. Weirdos.


    Free Member

    I’ve not watched the programme, but from what I gather from the 7 pages on this thread: the BBC made a ‘documentary’ using motorists and cyclists who are giant testicles. Why not use examples of ‘normal’ people rather than utter penises?


    Free Member

    The optimistic part of me is saying it was done with a dose of humour

    It was Nasa. Who are a bunch of Americanists. They don’t have humour.

    Free Member

    Why the World wont end (by Nasa)

    As if anybody with even half a brain needs some science to explain why it’s all a load of balls … I can’t believe Nasa even bothered

    Free Member

    Why did HTC design what was a cutting edge phone with such an obvious restriction…?!

    To force everyone to buy another phone?
    (They’re obviously hoping you’ll choose another HTC)

    Or, stupidity and short-sightedness. People are good at that.

    Free Member

    the Mayans didn’t predict their own extinction…

    For all we know, they might’ve done.

    Free Member

    Are you in a car or on your bike?

    Free Member

    He who is tired of the Singletrack forum has got themselves a life?

    Free Member

    I struggle with long sentences. or whatever the interwebs acronym is.

    north is better because people aren’t soft and/or terminally rude.


    oh – and we have real actual hills/mountains to ride …

    Free Member

    Considering the article uses IQ as the measure of intelligence.

    I know some very intelligent (high IQ) people but they have much lower than average common sense.

    Therefore, using a similarly flimsy arguement as Mr Freethinker, that must mean that religious people choose religion as the obvious choice because they have more common sense.


    Free Member

    Stop/start technology is just another last-gasp attempt to prolong the insistance on petrol engines before the motor industry admits internal combustion is out-of-date technology, and they should stop flogging a dying horse, fingers in ears going “la-la-la-la-la-I-can’t-hear-you” & wasting everyone’s time and just concentrate all their efforts on making electric vehicles


    If you live in London or LA or somewhere else with massive traffic jams, it could save a hell of a lot in purely wasted fuel though.

    If you live in London or LA or somewhere else with massive traffic jams, why on earth do you still insist on driving a car ????!!

    Free Member

    Would our youth have such a problem with authority if the authority figures at the highest level were a bit more representative of the general populace

    By ‘representative’, do you mean more politicians should be wandering about with their hands down their crotch making gun gestures at authority figures? 😀

    As for the exaple of ‘youth’ in the above-posted picture, I don’t think they’ve a problem with “posh” authority, just a problem with authority in general.

    Free Member

    how many non-smokers on here drink alcohol either in front of their kids or their kids are aware that mummy and daddy drink alcohol?

    Not quite the same. Can you become an alcoholic by passive drinking?

    I doubt there are any parents brave enough to stand in the school playground drinking a 6-pack of lager or swigging whisky from a bottle …

    Free Member

    Just read that short Telegraph article … ‘nipped’ … man alive, talk about making a mountain out of a really really tiny mole hill 🙄

    her parents said that they wanted to “share this video so others can make an informed decision about whether or not the risks to yourself or your child are worth the experience.”

    All they’ve done is share a video so others can see how stupid they were for not paying proper attention whilst letting their daughter feed a ‘wild’ animal.

    The girl’s father … told local media that wanted to “put some pressure on SeaWorld to make some changes.”

    Something like “Please don’t let me and my family in again, we’re too stupid to be trusted near wild animals” I expect …

    Free Member

    After the huge international outrage when Top Gear made some light remarks about Mexican’s, we should all now be well aware that we’re not allowed to use or attempt to use humour in the context of other races or cultures.

    So that means no banter about Mexican’s beig lazy, the Scot’s being mean, the Irish not being particularly bright, the French for being cowards (and the Italians come to think of it), the Americans for being loud and overweight, the Germans for being organised and lacking humour etc etc

    I blame all those people who seem to go out of their way to be offended. And then tell everyone else what they are supposed to be offended by. Like those buffoons who think Muslims are offended by Christmas.

    Free Member

    The reference to casual racism indicates that the question is a thinly veiled “I’m a football supporter – what to wear to this weekends match?” or “how do I shout racial abuse from the terraces whilst also looking smart and presentable?”

    Free Member

    Just teach them to use language properly

    This. Swearing is just a bad habit, lazy use of language, displays a lack of self-control and an inability to express yourself intelligently 😀

    I don’t understand why you’d teach a child it’s ok to swear for any reason. Just because “everyone does it” or it’s become “normal” isn’t an excuse. It’s exactly this lax attitude that’s allowed it to become “normal”.

    No need to dumb down your kids to everyone else’s level.

    In our house, this also applies to referring to people/things as ‘idiots’ or ‘stupid’, or telling people to ‘shut up’.

    Free Member

    I think cyclingaz’s problem is that he seems to think motorists aren’t all massive penises …

    Free Member

    My eldest, aged about 6 … “try to keep calm dad – shouting at the morons doesn’t help”.

    Your eldest should have a word with that loony bag-of-skin-that-holds-your-testicles being discussed here

    Free Member

    Then with any luck he’ll be reading this forum

    No, he’ll be filming this forum and shouting the words out letter by letter. Like he’s recording a “how-to-spell” audio book. Badly. It’ll be on Youtube later, and we’ll be able to listen to a thread for the first time!

    Free Member

    Is a squeaky, self righteous voice, obligatory for helmet cam purchase?

    No. It adds to the effect of course, but primarily you just need to be an angry giant testicle.

    1. Riding along, getting cut up, pulled out on and sometimes abused by dickheads

    b. Going at a pace he should be able to go at without getting cut up, pulled out on or hooted at by ignorant dickheads

    iii. Trying to highlight the fact that there a lot of ignorant dickheads around, some of whom put him in danger.

    one – making a big deal out of it when normal people would manage to react far less self-righteously

    two – he’s expecting motorists to drive appropriately, but refuses to adjust his own speed/position to suit the situation?

    three – by deliberately causing/worsening a situation just to make a point, thus putting himself in more danger and making motorists angry and more likely to react aggressively toward him.


    Free Member

    It’s the same price that Apple would charge if they didn’t add on the 500% “Sucker Apple Premium”

    Free Member

    Well, this sucks…

    And round the back it (possibly) blows

    Free Member

    ell zero zero 8 enn vee enn’ well funny

    Either it was a very old land rover, or it should have been “ell oh zero 8 enn vee enn”?

    I wonder if he’s the same idiotic ball of rage and anger when pushing his trolley around the supermarket.

    Free Member

    The guy with the cam seems a dick

    Yes, for at least 3 reasons.

    1 – he seems to be firmly in the “I’d rather be right than alive” camp

    b – he seems to deliberately make situations worse than necessary, or cause avoidable situations, i.e. “looking for trouble”

    iii – he spends his (sad, lonely) evenings uploading his idiocy onto Youtube … 🙄

    Unless he’s one of those nut-jobs who believe putting stuff on Youtube will make drivers become better. As if motorists spend their evenings checking the interwebs for tips on how to improve their driving. 😀

    Free Member

    Are food critics the most pompous asshats in society?

    Yes. As are critics of anything.

    However, credit to them for making a living from just spouting their opinions about stuff.

    STW’ers would all be millionaires if the same thing applied here 🙂

    Free Member

    I reject the idea that some folk are walking around trying to be offended

    There are a lot of people with a very immature concept of being “offended”, i.e. many seem to get “offended” simply because they can’t cope with opinions different to their own, as opposed to something that’s actually offensive (like racism).

    Free Member

    When I saw the title “Casual Racists”, I was expecting a thread about premiership football players and their fans …

    Free Member

    donks – my neighbour did (something a bit like) this.

    A mates BMX was stolen, he saw it outside the local Greggs, confronted the young lad who came out to it (who said he’d bought it for £20).

    Neighbour stated it was stolen and took it off him & back to his mates.

    This might have gone differently if dealing with an adult 🙂

    Free Member

    Actually, I’ve just had a politically-correct idea!

    Why doesn’t SPOTY adopt the same stupid approach as primary school sports day’s: nobody “wins” or “loses”, they’re all winners!

    This way they aren’t mentally scarred for life and grow up to be mass murdering paedophiles just because they came second-to-last in the egg and spoon race when they were 7.

    Free Member

    Guardian poll, Wiggins at 53% 😯

    Andy Murray ahead of Mo & Jess 😯

    Ha! Guardian readers eh, they have got a sense of humour after all …

    Important thing is, it looks like SPOTY won’t go to a golfist. Golf? Sport? hahahahahahahahaha … etc


    Free Member

    I use two Cateye TL-LD1100’s on ‘flashing’ mode. That’s 20 super0bright LEDs.

    They really are bright (100,000+ mcd, whatever that means 🙂 ), and so far have proven to be totally waterproof.

    They also have very good side visibility.

    £30 each, so not cheap, but well worth it.

    Free Member

    If cyclists ignoring each other confuses people, how on earth do you cope with travelling on the Tube, in a carriage with dozens of people all utterly intent on avoiding any kind of eye contact or interaction with another human being. It’s hilarious! If you do look at or smile at someone they react like you’re some kind of weirdo who’s just vomitted on their shoes.

    Free Member

    maybe people do care about sports but just not enough to spend money on a phonecall?

    Is this the same mentality that makes people spend £2500 on a FS MTB, £250 on camelbak/clothing, £25000 on an Audi, £80 on a tank of fuel, drive half the length of the country and then refuse to spend £1.50 to use the trail centre car park and complain about the price of a piece of cake?


    Free Member

    I recently got a replacement bike through Wheelies.

    One thing they will do if you’re spec’ing a custom build is 10% off any parts that you want to ‘upgrade’ over your budget.

    For example, the frame I eventually chose cost £350, but I could have ‘upgraded’ to a Cove (rrp £599) and got a £59.90 discount.

    It’s also worth carefully detailing the spec of what you had stolen – I initially mentioned my stolen bike had a Raceface Evolve chainset, which it did. However, I had bought the cranks & 3 chainrings as separates, which like-for-like cost a chunk more than an off-the-shelf chainset. Therefore I had more to spend on the replacement.

    Free Member

    From 2011:

    Less than 350,000 votes for SPOTY in 2011 ?!!??

    Out of a population of over 60 million.

    Seems like nobody really gives a monkey’s, and it’s not really ‘public recognition’ when less than 1% of the population bother to vote.

    Considering the UK is supposedly such a great sporting nation I would have expected greater public participation.

    Good job it’s only a bit of harmless fun. And a chance to wheel out a Sue Barker. Gives her something to do in between Wimbledon’s.

    Free Member

    It’ll go to Ennis or Farah

    Both are well-liked and recognised by the public, even those who don’t care for sport.

    Plus Ennis will get extra voting attention cos everyone seems to fancy her.

    I don’t think Wiggins/Cycling quite has the same general public appeal.

    Personally, I’d like to see Mo Farah win.

    Free Member

    Why does he feel the need to wear such stupid attention seeking comedy glasses? Is being a knob end not enough that he has to look like one too?

    He’s a self-confessed geek. And really into ‘tech’. Whatever that means.

    I think practically wetting yourself over some poxy gadget or other is a bigger worry than how daft your glasses are.


    Oh, and since when were 29ers a gadget?


    Free Member

    Shut up you lot 😀

    So let’s get this straight: you’re not allowed children if you have certain politicial beliefs?

    Thin end of the wedge if this is upheld, surely?

    Rotherham Council should at least have been through all the red-tape political nonsense with the parents, and got it all thrashed out, before involving the kids directly and splitting up a family.


    And politicians wonder why public respect for them is eroding.


    Free Member

    Why do people drive through floods?

    The question is too specific. The real question is “Why are people stupid?”. And it’s more of a rhetorical question really.

    I also can’t believe people are still surprised by motorists doing idiotic things. 😀

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