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  • jivehoneyjive
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    I’m not your acquaintance I’m afraid, but it’s certainly interesting and relevant.

    Speaking of which, look who’s interviewed in this piece on the origins of secret courts

    As a clue, here’s the pic from the article:

    Free Member

    I’m happy to insinuate it was for sinister reasons because it suits my narrative

    Yep, I noticed; so, moving on from the entirely true story of a soldier outside the US Embassy in Brussels stopping giving me a bollocking once I mentioned Dutroux for whatever reason:

    Considering I’ve been posting on ths forum on these issues long before HSBC sponsored British Cycling, you might wanna watch this, especially the bit about the ex head of MI5’s role in HSBC, considering of course the wealth of evidence that points to MI5 involvement in VIP child abuse:

    Of course, it may be purely coincidental… wouldn’t want to be accused of insinuating anything

    Free Member

    Thanks guys…

    Blimey, time flies when you’re killing brake pads and causing mischief in sleepy Italian ski resorts thanks to loads of free booze cos it’s 15th Agosto. The prospect of typing on a touch screen phone that performs as if it’s got a poltergeist mucking about inside wasn’t a great motivator for me getting this story finished.

    Now, where was I… that’s right, zombies and vultures; now, weird dreams aside, I was very fortunate to have the tender care of so many warm and friendly medics, who could just of easily let me drip slowly to death.

    In the bigger scheme of things, I was lucky; Chris, the friend who rang me and set in motion the events that led to my harebrained dash from Mid Wales, had managed to break his foot earlier in the week and Sam, who doubtless played a part in inspiring me to get a van in the 1st place was sitting it out after having done the Millau EWS with broken ribs. So my flesh wounds were a bit less of an issue than for example the Black Knight’s in Monty Python and the Holy Grail.

    Now, by the time I’d farted about doing whatever it is that bike bums do (eating, showering, throwing squeaky pigs for crazy collies etc) by the time I made it down for free beer and results, there was a hoofing great crowd, so I hung around with cripple Chris, by the bins, cos being a crutch rookie, he couldn’t navigate through the crowds. And chicks dig bins.

    In the meantime another of our squad, Jon went in to get results and collect the sticker for his plate. Because of the queues, all this took a while and by the time he got back, Jon was probably quite hungry… maybe that’s why he told me that since I was in one of the affiliate races (the ones for the rubbish guys, who the organizers feel too sorry for to say you didn’t qualify to actually race) I didn’t need no sticker and lets go get some food dammit.

    We ate some food, it was nice.

    Saturday Morning I got up, necked as many painkillers as I figured I could get away with without getting drowsy, then did the whole bonkers lift queue thing and several hours later, finally found myself at the top, ready to drop in (albeit solo… no mass start if you’re rubbish) (I’m not actually that rubbish, I’ve been on a few podiums here and there). Anyhoo, as I go to drop in, the lady with the clip board at the top asks where my sticker is… I tell her, entirely truthfully that my friend said that since I was in an affiliate race, I didn’t need one. Can’t remember if she had glasses or not, but if she did, she would’ve been peering over them: “does your friend work for the race organizers” she said, making me feel like an insolent child “erm no” was my witty counter. With that, she wrote +5 next to my name, meaning I had a 5 minute penalty.

    Thank’s Jon’s tummy! Grumbles work both ways pal.

    What happened next was long and arduous, so rather than bore you with every detail, I’ll tell you about the angry dutchman. At least he sounded Dutch, but he never offered me a smoke and a pancake, but there again maybe that was just down to circumstance.

    I’d been tailing some guy that was slowing me down a bit for a few hundred meters, but I figured in the bigger scheme of things, it probably wasn’t worth risking an overtake considering it was still fairly high up on some rocky exposed stuff that I’d only ridden once before. So anyway, the guy I was following came up behind this guy who was slower, who then got off his bike for a gnarly bit slowing down both me and the guy in front right down; since the Dutchman (who was not yet angry) had slowed us down, we both had to get off as we lost the momentum required to roll the techy rocks. The guy in front got by no worries, but then when I went past too, he lost his shit, screaming that I was slowing him down. I was like “cool, whatever, let’s just race”. Now I don’t know if it was this outburst, or the adrenaline of the confrontation that allowed me to pass the guy in front within the next couple of hundred meters, but basically, I pulled away and got on with being a badass in my peakless helment and Elvis shades.

    Considering my injuries and relative lack of fitness, I’d figured on a quick stop to catch my breath and have a drink (my camelback was being a dick, so had to rely on a bottle (in my backpack)) a bit before things got pedally, so I stopped a little way after the waterfall at the bottom of those sweet turns. After a couple of minutes, I’m sitting there with my helmet off swigging from my bottle when our dutch friend appears:

    “Sorry, you were way faster than me after all”

    “No worries man, have fun” I reply, sportsman that I am.

    Few more breaths and I fill my bottle from the stream get everything together and put my helmet back on, ready for round 2.

    Pass him again in short measure, with no complaints.

    Fair bit of pedalling later, get to the climb where all the spectators are; do the climb where all the spectators are, taking my hands off the bars and punching the air like Rocky, then as soon as I get to the last spectator shout “That’s enough of that business” and get off and push (A tradition that dates back to when I was a pedicab rider in Edinburgh… when you’re pedalling 3-400kg up the mound every weekend, it’s nice to take it easy on your days off and helps with drivetrain preservation).

    Some time later, after some frickin sweet trails, I come to the long fireroad traverse, a perfect place for your saddle to completely disintegrate for no particular reason, I’m sure you’ll agree. All I know is I felt some weird shit going on under my ass and the next thing, all that’s holding my saddle on is my arse cheeks, like a very sweaty, hairy and not particularly attractive take on a G string. There was no way I could clench the entire rest of the track, so me and the saddle had a tearful goodbye. (It probably celebrated escaping my sweaty crack)

    So, I ended up doing most of the fireroad traverse alternating between standng pedalling and coasting; after the traumatic departure of my beloved saddle, I was not ready to get intimate with it’s murdered remains (just yet).

    Doing a bit of a road climb with some bugger on a rigid fatbike who would’ve dropped into the singletrack in front of me if I didn’t improve relations with my saddle’s skeleton was just the aphrodisiac required to bring back that loving feeling. Though some bolts were sticking out, so it was a bit like Frankenlovin’. Padded shorts are a godsend at times.

    On the final stages of the race, I was having epic battles with a super friendly dude from Malaysia; I passed him, then washed out in a dusty corner, before he also wiped out in the same corner. Because of my stubborn reluctance (and sub par fitness due to spending most of the winter kitting out a van instead of riding) to pedal uphill he passed me on the final road climb, so for the next bit of singletrack, rather than putting the pressure on, I held back a bit to preserve energy, then burst past on the final straight after the bridge.

    Regardless of results, all that exercise and such a non stop orgy of adrenaline makes for guaranteed smiles.

    If you haven’t done the mega before, do it.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Now where was I? (At the Bourg St Maurice Funiculaire station, nabbing wife with about 4% battery, that’s where… (still there now, but with more battery, thanks to heatwave lucifer and plenty of solar panels))

    So anyway, there I was about a 3rd of the way down the mega qualifier, with a pinky that looked like it’d been through a mincer, seeing stars and now last but 2. I was ready to jack it in, but thankfully, some well placed spectators gave me the encouragement I needed to shake it off and get back in the race. I parted with them giggling at my quip about my signature style and got back on the hunt… could be that the adrenaline did me good, cos I started overtaking a few folk; not too bad when you remember I was the best part of 500m back after the dropper incident. In the end, think I got past about 12 folk with some good natured hollering. Began to regret wearing Elvis shades when I came into the tunnel mind; blindness, gravel and front wheel washouts are never a good look, but somehow I held it and coughed and sputtered my way along the final straight.

    After a bit of sweaty socialising with some dudes I met on the start line, I found the medics tent… talk about VIP treatment; at one point I had 4 medics tending my various bloody bits all at once; it was like being deluged by caring zombies, or perhaps a squadron of sympathetic vultures repairing a carcass in the wake of those nasty predator types.

    All the while, I was wondering how I did, but that would have to wait

    To be continued…

    Free Member

    Still alive; left home in Wales after 11pm, then drove for 27 hours with about an hours sleep en route, picked up 2 teams of hitchikers doing some competition from Amsterdam to Barcelona along the way and arrived in Alpe De Huez around 2.30am, disturbing a wild boar by the side of the road on the way up the climb.

    Rode tentitively the next morning, after 6 weeks off the bike, seeing if hand was up to job. Hell yes I’m tough enough…

    Was lucky enough to have the help of the Ride It Out team to get to grips with the various sections of the track (s), however, never got around to scoping the top section of the quali track, so come Friday morning, was riding blind… Not to worry as some weapon managed to wipe me out on the 2nd turn to the extent I supermanned over the bars before rolling up like a very sweary armadillo for fear of being crushed by the blind masses of riders behind. On recovering, discovered dropper post was stuck up, so by the time I attacked it with a leatherman to give me any hope of getting down the hill, I was dead last, with about 4-500m gap behind the next rider, so I got in predator mode and made like a cheetah chasing down a herd of gazelle. My bloodlust was satiated when I decided to use the clear track to make up time and was primed to smash a rock section in record time; instead, the rocks chose to set their own record, smashing both the visor of my box fresh helmet and my already massively injured finger leaving a tattered bloody mess of my digit. After the blow to the head and the sight of all the blood, I was damn close to giving up…

    To be continued…

    Free Member

    Tis but a pinkie, so in my mind, it’s pretty superfluous, we’ll see if I’m tempted to nibble it off on the way down to end the pain.

    I’m thinking a podium finish is off the cards on this occasion 😀

    Free Member

    I like an adventure…

    Whether I’ll still like this particular adventure this time next week remains to be seen

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    Free Member

    The idea that he was made to back down because of some magical name “Dutroux” is the steamiest of bovine excrement.

    Even if you believe that paedophilia is linked to the a world wide power organisation, no one could believe that the rank and file soldiers and police would be party to the subterfuge and would back down because a name is mentioned FFS!

    That’s a scenario that you yourself have conjured up… I don’t pretend to know the full reason why that particular soldier shut up when I mentioned Dutroux, but that is exactly what happened.

    As for credibility, let’s get back to the subject of Politicians and arms deals to Saudi Arabia, as mentioned on the 1st page.

    One of the key factors mentioned which seems likely to tie in with the Al-Yamamah Arms deal and the roles played within government by several members of the Cambridge mafia at the time is the closing of the serious fraud office.

    (For a bit more background on some of the subjects raised there, see the terrorism thread:

    I’ll pop this video here too, let’s not forget Amber Rudd was effectively representing the Conservative Party in the leader’s debate… for some reason, none of these issues have been raised on TV news.

    I appreciate this may seem to stray away from the original topic, but let’s not forget Theresa May has played a key role in the appointment of several unsuitable heads of the child abuse inquiry not to mention she was of course home secretary at the time of Melanie Shaw’s incarceration.

    Whether this relates to Ken Clarke’s role as Paymaster General during the initial stages of the Al-Yamamah deal and allegations surrounding his involvment in abuse in Nottinghamshire Children’s homes certainly deserves further investigation.

    Free Member

    You can rudely dismiss me recounting events that actually happened, but try though you might, the facts remain.

    If you want a ‘credible’ source on the matter (discounting the BBC’s involvement in covering up the crimes of Jimmy Savile and other abusers within their ranks for decades) Olenka Frenkel did a well researched and presented documentary on Dutroux, though due to editorial constraints, it’s still just scratching the surface

    Free Member

    You seem a bit confused, it’s a true story bro…

    This is the last pic I have before the gap where he (very dramatically) made me delete some (of the troop carrier unimogs; I like unimogs)

    Free Member

    Why hasnt the Guardian covered it

    There’s a lot of stories that can’t be covered by the media;

    Especially relevant in this instance is censorship of stories concerning Nadhmi Auchi…,_Observer,_Telegraph_and_New_Statesman

    Nadhmi Auchi and Norman Lamont have a long history of working together, as members of the elusive and extremely powerful organization, Le Cercle, which transcends government as we know it.

    On top of their ties through Le Cercle, they have shared business interests, through Auchi’s Luxembourg based ‘General Mediterranean Holdings’

    What rings alarm bells about General Mediterranean Holdings is further links to child abuse of the darkest kind, in the shape of the bloke in charge of the flawed investigations into the networks surrounding Marc Dutroux, which once again pointed to several powerful people in politics and even monarchy.

    Marc Verwilghen is the chap in question and he joined the board of General Mediterranean Holdings after his key part in what has all the trademarks of a particularly sensitive cover up.

    On a side note, I was in Brussels a couple of months ago, on the square with the Belgian Parliament at one end and the Royal Palace at the other.

    I took some photos near the US Embassy and was approached by a soldier with a machine gun, who forced me to delete them. He was giving me a bollocking, but shut up as soon as I mentioned Dutroux.

    Anyhow, as for what links long time head of Le Cercle Norman Lamont, Kissinger Associate of the McCain Institute George Osborne and Foreign secretary supervising Mi6 Boris Johnson, they’re all associates of the Rothschild family.

    I’m afraid you’ll have to wait for how that ties in to secret courts, Saudi Princes, Arms deals, Widespread Propaganda, Global Financial networks and organized child abuse

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    Free Member

    Planet of the sick indeed…

    (never seen that video before, but interesting to note it was posted way back in 2012, when I was beginning to wake up)

    Age is but a number…

    Free Member

    Now, where were we? Oh, that’s right, Norman Lamont…
    Now’s your time to shine, what links Lamont and Boris Johnson? George Osborne too for that matter…

    hatred of the poor?

    Well there’s certainly money involved… odd that 777 is a fruit machine’s jackpot…

    Free Member

    circles of hell…

    Free Member

    Now, where were we? Oh, that’s right, Norman Lamont…

    Now’s your time to shine, what links Lamont and Boris Johnson? George Osborne too for that matter…

    Free Member

    Free Member

    I’m going to throw these vids into the mix:

    Once again, there is a simple solution tomorrow:

    David Cameron vowed to crack down on offshore tax evasion – so why has it disappeared from the Tory manifesto?

    The Tories have pledged to scrap the Serious Fraud Office, moving its work to the National Crime Agency

    In all the election noise, you are unlikely to have heard anything about a paragraph appearing on the 124th page of the Labour Manifesto – even though it is a manifesto pledge that could transform the world in a truly fundamental way.

    The pledge commits the Labour Party to lift the veil of secrecy covering the UK’s Crown Dependencies and Overseas Territories – some of the largest tax havens and secrecy jurisdictions in the world. This will be done by “introducing strict standards for transparency for Crown Dependencies and Overseas Territories, including a public register of owners, directors, major shareholders and beneficial owners for all companies and trusts.”

    Wanna check for yourself?


    Free Member

    Have to admit, I’m very skeptical when it comes to firearms, however, I’m happy to concede that some experts will know better than me… The suggestion that cuts in number of officers leads to paramilitary style policing seems to ring true, and I can see how a proactive presence in the community is more positive than a reactive one:

    As for overall solutions, I think it’s fair to say we all have a simple and straightforward opportunity tomorrow:

    My friend, Martyn Hett, was killed by a terrorist. Here’s the response I want

    ‘there is a story that’s not being told, touched upon briefly by Caroline Lucas in Wednesday’s televised general election debate. As Lucas underlined, the UK is the world’s second biggest arms dealer, and delivers its bombs and guns to 22 of the 30 countries on our government’s own human rights watch list.’

    So what does all this have to do with the callous murder of 22 people in Manchester last week? Well, it requires us to look into the ideology that drove that sorry man to commit such an act. The Saudi-sponsored brand of Islam known as Wahhabism is widely considered to be the source of much extremist thought.

    Labour will block the sale of weapons to repressive regimes if it wins the election

    I’m not meaning for this to be a political post as such, more of a genuine and accessible solution…

    Free Member

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    Free Member

    Wikileaks posted this; BAE: secret papers reveal threats from Saudi prince

    Once again, the Al Yamamah deal and Bandar Bin Sultan with a very chilling message:

    Could this relate to Theresa May’s plans to shut down the serious fraud office?

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Free Member

    What, from Theresa May?

    Free Member

    All this talk of suppressed Home Office reports into funding of terrorism reminded me of this thread…

    So, next up, let’s take a look the pic above and look at the background of Leon Brittan;

    Daresay everyone is aware of the story of dossiers on the Paedophile Information Exchange being passed to Leon Brittan when he was Home Secretary, along with survivors stating he abused them, not to mention accounts of him being stopped at customs with child porn. (It’s worth noting that that document doubtless played a part in Lowell Goddard’s resignation, the 3rd head of the inquiry recruited by Theresa May, note mention of Home Office funding of the Paedophile Information Exchange)

    Also worth taking into account Brittan’s involvement with Keith Harding and the Paedophile Information Exchange[/url]

    So, back to the Al-Yamamah deal; as Secretary of State for Trade and Industry, Brittan was in charge of the DTI (Department of Trade and Industry). If you want extensive background on the goings on around that time, then you have to read this book: In the Public Interest: A Devastating Account of the Thatcher Government’s Involvement in the Covert Arms Trade…suffice to say, it’s well shady.

    Speaking of shady, Norman Lamont was Minister of Defence Procurement for the Al Yamamah deal. I’ll go into more detail on Lamont some other time…

    Free Member

    its not an answer?

    Before you can find a solution, you need to diagnose the root of the problem; it’s only in the last year or 2 more people are becoming aware of the role of the Saudi Empire in actively spreading extremist ideology and the strange and disturbing trend of continued support from western governments and intelligence agencies.

    Raising awareness is the 1st step in bringing about positive change and practical solutions, on a grass roots level.

    Free Member

    then races and religions have to integrate into OUR way of life not the other way round

    What would you do about the whole arming, training and brainwashing people to fulfil covert geopolitical and economic objectives on behalf of Her Majesty’s government?

    Or selling weapons that create massive humanitarian crises such as what’s currently occuring in Yemen?

    Or does that not matter despite the inevitable blowback, because it’s profitable for interests connected with Her Majesty’s Government?

    Free Member

    you can keep your fishing through history for an answer that just isnt relevant anymore.


    The simple fact is, even though events that led to the formation of the Wahhabist Saudi state took place 100 years ago, the attack yesterday in somewhere I know well would never have happened, in the same way if your great grandparents hadn’t been born, you wouldn’t exist.

    More recently, look into the Safari Club

    The creation of the Safari Club coincided with the consolidation of the Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI). The BCCI served to launder money, particularly for Saudi Arabia and the United States—whose CIA director in 1976, George H. W. Bush, had a personal account.[11]

    BCCI also served as an intelligence gathering mechanism by virtue of its extensive contacts with underground organizations worldwide.

    Casey took personal responsibility for maintaining contacts with Saudi intelligence, meeting monthly with Kamal Adham and then Prince Turki.[15] Some of the same actors were later connected to the Iran–Contra affair.[39]

    The existence of the club was discovered by the Egyptian journalist Mohamed Hassanein Heikal, who was permitted to review documents confiscated during Revolution.[3][4][40]

    Safari Club members, the BCCI, and the United States cooperated in arming and funding the Afghan mujahideen to oppose the Soviet Union.[41] The core of this plan was an agreement between the United States and Saudi Arabia to match each other in funding Afghan resistance to the USSR.[42] Like military support for Somalia, this policy began in 1980 and continued into the Reagan administration.

    Free Member


    We’ve all got that out our systems what should we actually do then?

    I’ll kick it off..

    Stop selling arms full stop not to certain groups just stop selling them.

    Stop the flow of Saudi money into UK mosques.

    Put more police on the streets in predominantly muslim areas.

    Hold the web companies responsible for content.

    We need to hold the press to account for inciting hatred and deliberately misleading the public.

    Free Member

    Suppose we could look at how the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia came about (and Israel for that matter)…

    Look to British Intelligence and St John Philby (father of Kim Philby, linked to among other things, the Kincora scandal)

    In November 1917 Philby was sent to the interior of the Arabian peninsula as head of a mission to Ibn Saud, the chieftain who professed Wahhabism, the movement within Sunni Islam, and bitter enemy of Hussein bin Ali, Sharif of Mecca, leader of the Hashemites and of the Arab Revolt, both contenders to become “King of the Arabs”. Philby secretly began to favour Ibn Saud even though British policy supported Sherif Hussein. Philby completed a crossing from Riyadh to Jeddah by a “backdoor” route, thus demonstrating Saud and not Hussein was in control of the Arabian highlands.

    In November 1918, Britain and France issued the Anglo-French Declaration[5] to the Arabs, promising self-determination. Philby felt there was a betrayal of this assurance, along with others made in the Balfour Declaration and the Sykes-Picot Agreement. He saw the promise of a single unified Arab nation as having been betrayed. Philby argued that Ibn Saud was a “democrat” guiding his affairs “by mutual counsel” as laid out in the Quran, in contrast to George Curzon, 1st Marquess Curzon of Kedleston’s support for Hussein. After the Iraqi revolt of 1920 Philby was appointed Minister of Internal Security in the British Mandate of Iraq.

    In November 1921, Philby was named chief head of the Secret Service in Mandatory Palestine, working with T. E. Lawrence and meeting his American counterpart, Allen Dulles. At the end of 1922, Philby travelled to London for extensive meetings with parties involved in the Palestine question, included Winston Churchill, George V, Edward, Prince of Wales, Walter Rothschild, 2nd Baron Rothschild, Wickham Steed, and Chaim Weizmann.

    Considering his role, mention of talks between Philby and one of the key architects of the Holocaust, Adolf Eichmann are particularly eye opening:

    John Loftus, who worked in the United States Department of Justice Office of Special Investigations Nazi-hunting unit, claims Adolf Eichmann, while on a mission to the Middle East, met with Philby “during the mid-1930s”

    Free Member

    Bear in mind this is from 25 years ago… aside from myriad more deaths, what’s changed?

    Free Member

    Still no practical solutions and suggestions?

    Go back to the start of the thread mike, I’ve made it pretty clear…

    Still no comment on this? i.e. The Home Secretary, one of whose main jobs is defending the nation from terrorist threats, preventing a fellow candidate from speaking the truth in her local hustings just yesterday, shortly before the latest attacks…

    And the home office of Her Majesty’s Government, financed by the populus, failing to publish a report on Saudi links to funding of terrorism?

    Solutions? Raise awareness, demand public accountability…

    I’ve been fairly active on that front 😉

    Free Member

    Can civilians declare war, or is it purely a government led activity?

    Free Member

    What defines a war zone and how is one created?

    That’s a lot of bumpf to get through and I’m still none the wiser.

    Can civilians declare war, or is it purely a government led activity?

    Free Member

    What defines a war zone and how is one created?

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