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  • jivehoneyjive
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    Saw the thread title and thought it’d be about her blatant collusion (via her weekly meetings with whoever the Prime Minister of Her Government is at any given time) in recruiting inappropriate heads to the child abuse inquiry, her being privy to the joint intelligence report (which is beyond the scope of many cabinet members and if the intelligence services are worth squat they’d blatantly have picked up the links between wahhabism and terrorism, if of course they weren’t supplying arms and shipping ‘freedom fighters’ and ‘moderate rebels’ back and forth in the 1st place) and her long history of being pally with the Saudis, who played a large part in 9/11 and the ideologies that fuel ISIS.

    However, now I’ve read the thread, I’ve realized that’s not at all what it’s about, bless her heart.

    Free Member

    Whilst Weinsten’s actions are deplorable, it’s odd that the press don’t pursue Donald Trump and Bill Clinton with such fervour. Probably something to do with the women involved being less powerful and famous.

    In the interests of balance and disclosure, there is an incident where I could be accused of making an unwanted sexual advance…

    I was doing a creative writing course as a mature student~ the lecturer started making eyes at me, would pair up with me on group exercises (something she didn’t do with any of the other students) and would follow me to the coffee machine at break, then walk back and chat with me on the way back to the classroom. She gave me her email and there was some chemistry, so I wrote with a bit of innuendo…

    Next thing I know, get summoned to the Univerity Principal’s office and banned from all courses for a term.

    Suffice to say the relationship failed to blossom.

    Free Member

    I’m guessing the opposite of hiding the sausage is sausage remaining in full view…

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    Interesting video…

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    It’s a catch 22 when the people involved are protected throughout their life… how many opportunities were there to investigate and prosecute Jimmy Savile?

    How about Cyril Smith or Greville Janner?

    The same happened with Heath, but for some reason, the media are steering away from that aspect… perhaps it would reveal some unsavoury truths about how they were to some degree complicit in the cover up (as in the case of the shelved Newsnight investigation into Jimmy Savile)

    Free Member

    Patience you grumpy lot, my internet keeps dropping out… 25-30kbps means I’ve had to reload this page about 4 times to get the buttons that let you post links and such like.

    But I persist…

    Regarding the link that Junky posted; a quick note: I will avoid casting people as fantasists since that is a dangerous and insensitive prescedent to set… no doubt genuine survivors of abuse by Jimmy Savile, Cyril Smith and Edward Heath will have been thought by many to be fantasists over the years, before the truth began to filter out.

    So, regarding prosecution of people who’ve come forward to help police with their enquiries, there is a prescedent (the legal system relying on prescendents as it does)

    it was the police that sought his statement not Fellows who had actually initially refused. So he had not deliberately set out to pervert the course of justice.

    The survivor Nick is in the same position. He did not go to the police demanding they investigate the Westminster paedophile ring. The police sought him as a potential witness when they contacted Exaro asking whether we could provide his details to them.

    Exaro made it clear to the police that it would be up to Nick whether he talked to them. Exaro also remained neutral on whether he wanted to talk to him – we did not pressurise him to go to the police. In the end he decided he would – but it was because the police requested it.

    Now, on that note, let’s not forget that Nick’s allegations included Edward Heath and military institutions…

    from today’s report:

    8.12.1 Three victims made disclosures of organised paedophile activity within military settings in the United Kingdom. Two of those disclosures named Sir Edward Heath as a perpetrator, disclosing abuse at military settings in Wiltshire.

    8.12.2 The military strand of Operation Conifer included a review and re-examination of case papers from 1989 relating to a criminal investigation concerning allegations made against two of the victims’ parents. During this review a note was found on the case papers that indicated that one of the victims had also mentioned to investigators in 1989 that they had been allegedly abused by Sir Edward Heath. As a result, a referral was made by Wiltshire Police to the IPCC concerning a potential failure to act on this information.

    Please refer to 12.1 on page 89 for further detail.

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    I would rather that they had spent the money on investigations in current abusers and active networks.

    Whilst that’s a fair point, since there appears to be a consistent pattern of cover ups and intervention by Special Branch and Mi5, what’s to say such things aren’t still occuring…

    We seem to have a lot of these investigations recently and most of them have fizzled out since there is no evidence.

    Strangely the investigations of prominent people who were actively involved with the Paedophile Information Exchange never seem to pursue leads via their links within the Paedophile Information Exchange

    In some cases the accusers are been prosecuted for wasting police time.

    Can you provide me with any examples of that please?

    Free Member

    Any comment on today’s charges in Rotherham, JHJ?

    Yep… why is the wider network exposed in the Rotherham case, but not when Politicians and the intelligence services are involved.

    And why if you’re so concerned about Rotherham, have you not started a thread…

    All being well, Alexis Jay will put the same level of investigation into such matters, but when you’re on the 4th head of the Child Abuse Inquiry and the Home Secretary who recruited all the previous inappropriate heads of the inquiry has been promoted to Prime Minister, you have to wonder…

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    You want the philosophy thread pal, I’m just here to spin phat toonz

    Free Member

    It’s an impossible question really, but this has to be a contender:

    Was gonna do ‘God save the Queen’ by the Sex Pistols, but that can’t of been that popular because they wouldn’t play it on the radio…

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    What with the 1st 2 matters on her agenda (Katie Hopkins has an agenda I hear you gasp incredulously), can’t help but wonder if she’s being sponsored by Robert Mercer and all that lot...

    After all, both the Brexit and Trump election campaigns utilized some scary brainwashing technology.

    Leave.EU and Cambridge Analytica have responded by telling the Observer that they did no work with each other. Arron Banks, the head of Leave.EU, said it had talked to Cambridge Analytica about working with it “if we won the official designation – but we didn’t”.

    This directly contradicts his own memoir, The Bad Boys of Brexit. Under the entry for 22 October 2015, Banks writes: “We’ve hired Cambridge Analytica, an American company that uses ‘big data and advanced psychographics’ to influence people.”

    Perhaps they’re gonna try an experiment where Katie Hopkins goes to schools, then over time the targeted ads of the pupils and their families attempt to slowly swing opinion.

    Free Member

    What happened to all those other buggers who just popped up out of nowhere on the last page?

    Anyhoo, shockwaves…

    Free Member

    I trained a couple of Saudi Air Force guys a few years back. Both nice lads. I always think of them when I see (understandably) negative stuff about their society; a nation isn’t a homogeneous blob of good or bad people

    What you’re saying is bang on… it’s easy to criticise Saudi Arabia as a whole, much like we can criticise the US for providing weapons and political support, or the UK for providing weapons, political support and being key to the establishment of the Wahhabist Saudi Monarchy in the 1st place, but the fact of the matter is, it’s the governments and leaders who we’re really criticising.

    That said, even though the guys you trained were nice blokes, who might have been motivated by the chance to do good and protect others, they could very well be the same guys dropping bombs on kids in Yemen.

    It gets tricky then though, because is that their fault, or is it the orders they receive and the careers they can’t afford to throw away…

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    Bandar bin Sultan… that name rings a bell; hmm, wasn’t he a guest at Charles and Camilla’s wedding; must’ve been well vetted by the security services, right?


    Melanie Shaw

    Oh well, maybe it’s because they’ve been mates since the 70s

    Still, since the Saudis are chairing the UN Human Rights Council and on the UN Women’s Rights Commission, perhaps there’ll be some reduction in death sentences for adultery, witchcraft and the like

    Free Member

    Reckon it’s probably fair to say I’ve been having a reasonable stab at fighting forces of oppression for the past few years…

    No, I haven’t had to fashion any makeshift weapons, and there’s been no physical confrontations, however there’s certainly been more conflict than I’d prefer, along with attacks on my person from people who should really show more compassion.

    Some oppression is just too large to combat on a direct or local basis;

    from suppression of Catalan independence, to kids growing up in Gaza, in what is in many respects a prison camp where weapons are tested by Israeli forces on behalf of their US sponsors, to families fleeing trouble in Syria and Iraq, sparked by covert support of rebels by western intelligence services and the wahhabist ideals spread by the oppressive regime of Saudi Arabia.

    Raising awareness is key to making change…

    Free Member

    The Saudi High Commission for Relief of Bosnia and Herzegovina was a charity organization founded in 1993 by then Prince Salman of Saudi Arabia

    two employees of the Commission, including a cell member who was in telephone contact with Osama bin Laden aid and al Qaeda operational commander Abu Zubaydah

    Sure I’ve heard that name before somewhere…

    Ah yes

    Robert Baer wrote an article for “Time” in 2007. He said CIA Director Michael Hayden has admitted the CIA destroyed interrogation tapes of Abu Zubaydah. Also in the article, Mr. Baer said Zubaydah had two ATM cards on him when he was captured. One was issued by a bank in Saudi Arabia, with ties to the royal family. Telephone records found in Zubaydah’s house included calls to the United States. The calls stopped on the tenth of September, and resumed again on the sixteenth of September. Those are the same dates he mentioned in the sidewalk interview.,8599,1692518,00.html

    As far as I knew, Mr. Baer had never revealed who Zubaydah was calling in the United States, until that moment on the sidewalk. The Bandar he was referring to is Prince Bandar bin Sultan, the Saudi ambassador to the United States from 1983 to 2005. I knew it was him because he had a home in Aspen, Colorado in 2001. It was a 32 room mansion built in 1991 and sold in 2012. Mr. Baer specified “Bandar in Aspen”.

    Prince Bandar is a longtime friend of the Bush family, nicknamed “Bandar Bush”. He tutored George W. Bush on foreign affairs. He was very involved with the official business of the Bush administration.

    There is a famous photo of Prince Bandar relaxing at the White House on September 13, 2001. He is sitting next to Dick Cheney, across from Condi Rice and President Bush. He has his legs stretched out and looks relaxed. And, according to Mr. Baer, he had just received a phone call from Abu Zubaydah three days earlier, one day before 9/11. The evidence in the 28 pages supports Mr. Baer’s statement and explains how the phone calls occurred.

    (Pic from:

    Bit odd to think that when King Abdullah died (also mentioned in link above) the British flag was lowered in tribute to a king who wouldn’t allow women to drive…

    Just don’t mention terrorism


    where the funding comes from…

    Free Member

    War crimes in Yemen, don’t be silly, King Salman has always been very charitable…

    For example:

    The Saudi High Commission for Relief of Bosnia and Herzegovina was a charity organization founded in 1993 by then Prince Salman of Saudi Arabia

    two employees of the Commission, including a cell member who was in telephone contact with Osama bin Laden aid and al Qaeda operational commander Abu Zubaydah

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    Free Member

    It’s almost as if they want it to appear there’s a degree of positive change for public relations purposes… now why might that be?

    Free Member

    What the…

    So, last night, dreamt that Pinkbike was trying to good cop/bad cop me over the course of several years, bringing in blackmail from scenarios they themselves had set up, entrapment stylee.

    Then things all got a bit scooby doo and at the grand unmasking of the villan, it was Manon Carpenter, who had been masterminding the operation on behalf of the arms manufacturers dotted around Caerphilly.

    Of course, in the end, I still kicked butt regardless and Manon came to realize that she was being used too~ after all, how many world champions would want to endorse vast environmental catastrophe, or clusterbombing of kids…

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    Free Member

    Steady on, powerful stuff that imagination… without it, we wouldn’t have bikes, cars, aeroplanes, global communication, or indeed a concept of the globe and the universe that surrounds it.

    Dig your vibe tho, I’m sensing it’s pretty funny

    Free Member

    Just like your good self, then?

    That’d be down to perspective no doubt… if distracting from the latest BB standard or celebrity haircut etc are the pressing issues of the day, then colour me guilty.

    Be interested in Lily Allen’s thoughts on Boost 148 mind; if you ask me, it’s a travesty when the existing 150/157 standards provide a stronger wheel and are readily available.

    Not to mention the whole business of paymaster general in the Al-Yamamah deal and secret courts.

    Perhaps Jeremy Heywood could provide some answers.

    Over to you Lily…

    Free Member

    Bit creepy if you ask me…

    Free Member

    Not forgetting David Bowie…

    Free Member

    That was me,sorry.


    You bastard, you should’ve been a bit nicer to me all told… 😥

    Free Member

    Well the majority of your senses generally still work to some extent when you’re asleep; for example, when I was a kid, I had a dream I was having a nosebleed and woke up to find I was having a nosebleed; guess taste and smell played a role there.

    Alarm clocks would be pretty useless if you couldn’t hear when you’re asleep…

    So, waking or asleep, what sense is it that allows you to pick up ‘vibes’?

    Free Member

    Well, who knows…

    Which sense is it that allows you to feel the vibe of a room or place for example?

    Free Member

    What if she’s just controlled opposition?

    Appears to stir up establishment and ask tricky questions, but really just provides distraction to divert attention from avenues that truly need exploring…

    Free Member

    So my latest weird dream involves a rat, a dog, an erie twisted tree and a chainsaw; there was also something about a whole lotta cutlery and some scottish lad wearing a kilt and hopping around on an orange thing.

    Now I dunno if it’s anything to do with the scottish element (and the scottish play that cannot be named), but all the while, there’s a group of witches stirring up a cauldron and cackling at their evil deeds.

    Sometimes I can’t help but wonder if all these weird dreams I’ve been having are something to do with all the time and energy I’ve put into trying to expose and prevent VIP child abuse involving the intelligence services, which no doubt brings me into contact with a lot of strange and unhealthy energies.

    All very odd…

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