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  • Fox 36 Float Factory GRIP2 Review
  • IA
    Full Member

    I’ve used RM before too. I won’t now, as I said.

    Full Member


    Anyhow, recommendations? Or shall I just go with TF/loco who’ll pick it up. Though it’s a fox shock so I’d have thought mojo would be the one.

    Full Member

    It always was a lottery though when they were destroying them – I’m not taking the risk.

    Full Member

    Surprised with your windwave issues, they’re normally excellent IME.

    Have you spoken to them on the phone and asked them to sort them?

    Full Member

    In my student days I once averaged 6+ rashers a day for just over a week, and I’m not dead yet.

    I did have a bacon and mayonnaise sandwich, after I’d run out of bread. Bacon makes an acceptable bread substitute.

    Full Member

    Did exactly this last year, was great.

    Some random tips:

    o Work out how to get from the airport before you go. The trains were baffling and under-signed on the way in, tho we made it.

    o We stayed in the hotel eurostars by Freidrichstrasse, perfect location for walking or u/s-bahn to everything we wanted to see. Easy to walk to food in the evening etc.

    o We liked seeing all the museums, got a 3 day museum pass which was good. Could advise on which ones if you like the sound of this.

    o Was really hot that time last year, glad of air con in the hotel.

    o Schwarzwaldstuben, burgermeister, madami, for three of the restaurants we went to that stood out. Burgermeister is more of a byob converted public toilet mind…

    o Book the reichstag in advance, and book for after sunset, going up the dome at night is great. It’s also cooler if it’s sunny!

    Full Member

    Does not get 4G in our basement flat

    Not sure I get your question?

    Does the iphone get 4g? It’s more likely an antenna/reception issue than having the right bands.

    Full Member

    Not at home to check, but if you look at the pic of the export dialog here:

    can you not set the subfolder format to be by album?

    Full Member

    I can’t believe no one has mentioned second hand! I’ve got an i5 4670k going spare – a socket or so out of date but more than enough for modern gaming, leaving more budget for the GPU also overclockable!

    If the op doesn’t want it I’d be very interested…will sling you an email. My home rig is currently rocking a haswell pentium so that’d be a solid upgrade for me!

    Full Member

    People saying that’ll buy a lot – kinda. Depends if you need a monitor, KB and mouse in that too.

    1080p gaming with a screen? For sure.
    1440p with a screen..hmmm.

    I’d be looking for a quad core i5, a nvidia 1070, for that sort of money. Not sure you’ll get a screen as well though. If you need a screen, maybe a RX480 instead of the 1070 or you can get a previous gen 970 for about 200 now.

    The nvidia 1070, 1080 and the amd RX480 are the first cards out of the next gen. Anything else is “old hat” and you need to be sure it’s decent value compared to the new stuff. Anything not recommending any of the above is probably out of date, and these new parts are only /just/ causing price drops to make old kit competitive for your £ (970s only dropped to 200 this week).

    E.g. I’d say that guide above is now out of date.

    I’ll caveat all the above with the fact I’m used to high end machines at work (pair of titan X etc) and a cheap £400 machine from a few years back at home.

    Scan’s pre-built machines are decent value, even compared to DIY so worth a look. As are the alienwares in the dell outlet.

    Full Member

    Generally quite a long waiting list, took my OH a bit over a year (and that was a short list).

    She grows all sorts of things on it, just finished some lovely rhubarb crumble, and there’s some gooseberry jam been made today too.

    I reckon she spends a few hours there when I’m riding once a week, plus the odd hour once or twice midweek.

    Full Member

    Berlingo or Partner. Mk3 is a lot more useful* and drives better too.

    *seats come out easy, so 3 + 3 bikes wheeled in wheels on goes easily.

    Full Member

    5x off amazon warehouse is the one here.

    Full Member

    +1 all the above on getting panniers and mudguards, both essential.

    On the pedals/shoes, I prefer to commute in clips and spd shoes, then change shoes at work. Means I’m always in clean/dry shoes at work, and when shoes are just in use at work (left under my desk), they last longer too.

    Spare underwear/socks/shirt for emergencies stashed at work. You’ll forget something one day, or get unexpectedly soaked through.

    Full Member

    headphones at work are to signify “**** off with your inane chatter im busy

    Combined with plausible deniability – “what!? No, didn’t hear the phone. Did you not see me with my headphones on? Sorry you had to come find me”

    Full Member

    AKG K-451

    I had the same work headphone dilemma:

    A year on follow up: still good, still not died a coffee related death.

    Full Member

    Boom, new “moto” G:

    pricier tho mind.

    The Moto G will be available in the UK from early June for £169, followed by the G Plus later in the month for £199

    Better camera in the G+

    Full Member

    1500 is more like it, 3000+ would be like the selkirk merida and it’s not as hilly as that.

    Looking forward to it,

    Full Member

    Done this relatively recently.

    You have more stuff to move than you think, and will be knackered. So any mates you can lure to help out for chocolate/beer/takeaway – get them to help.

    Give it a good Hoover etc before you move anything in. It’ll never be that easy again.

    Photos of new meters too when you move in.

    Update driving license address, car reg docs, insurance, hmrc need notified.

    Keep the van an extra day. If there’s not a bonus load of stuff you can’t be bothered with there’ll be a load of stuff that actually wants to go to the tip (tho check your tip will let you in with a van! Some won’t)

    Find the gas and water stop cocks as soon as you get there. When you need them, you need them NOW.

    Make a list of things to do so you don’t forget.

    Full Member

    +1 on no space inside a crewcab pickup.

    Thing that annoys me is how short they are to the roof, as I’m quite tall and the floor level is high.

    Back seats mostly useful for carrying crap you don’t want bouncing about the load bay.

    Drive across a desert a lot better than a van though.

    Full Member


    Looking at:

    You could install and run the OS off a FW800 enclosure. That’ll work fine and have more bandwidth than the HDD you’re used to so not hurt performance. Stick a HDD or SSD in it, should get you going under £100.

    OTOH if you want an excuse for a new machine…crack on. FWIW I think the cheaper macbook airs + a monitor are much better value than a mini. But then I also think using a computer with a spinning HD is barbaric so… ¯\_(?)_/¯

    Full Member

    what monitor etc did you go for?

    Why not use the one in front of you? Most of the older imacs (prior to the 5ks) can be used as a monitor.

    Not sure if a 2007 can be though

    EDIT: looks like 2009 on.

    Full Member

    I do wonder if people* cutting across is causing a problem, why don’t they spend 20k building a path across there? Then people will naturally keep on the path instead?

    *i’ll admit I’ve done it before, don’t see the harm. Did get called an urban terrorist by a middle aged lady mind.

    Full Member

    Although thinking some more…. for open trails with a visible horizon…I’ll just leave this here… ;-)

    Full Member

    Actually *ponders*….

    …if you had a shit hot dynamics model of a rider, you could probably infer turn direction from the IMU, combined with speed from a wheel sensor would probably give you turns (the way a bike turns depends on speed), so maybe, just maybe you could get the trail model you need, combined with enough GPS data to sample to get the noise down (think kalman filter with predictions of corner-corner trail distances based on IMU+wheel combined with corrections from noisy GPS).

    Problem is that riders motion models will vary a lot, and between bikes too. You’d need to do some calibration I think, until you had enough data to learn/extract the models, which would need LOTS.

    Full Member

    Oh and indoor navigation based on IMU data is something I’ve done in the past…but the IMU alone isn’t enough. You need something else too (i used a nav graph of the building). IMU plus trail model – now you’re talking. But getting the trail model from the IMU? I’d go with “nope”. Just too much noise and drift etc. on them. You’d need another sensor and I don’t think GPS* is it.

    *”good” gps aint that good, and needs a base station nearby.

    Full Member

    SLAM is actually something we’d want to do once …detailed 3D trail map…

    FYI SoTA here is about 15W-20W to generate 3D on the fly (depending on sensors).

    Possible on a bike, yes, but only for a couple hours at a time. E.g. a big 15/17″ laptop battery is 99Whr (as that’s the limit on a plane) so that’d be 4 hours with a reasonably large battery. Think 2 hours for a “light plus battery” bulk setup.*

    I’d expect that 15-20 to come down to 10-15 in about 2 years if I had my betting hat on ;-)

    *though you could build a 6dof tracking setup fairly “easily”** to go on a test mule bike to get decent ground truth for correlating with IMU data.

    **well, i know how I’d start…

    Full Member

    You can scale photoscan, you just need GCPs recorded accurately (rtk GPS etc).

    Or you can introduce something with scale and scale off that, or manually measure GCPs. Different results depending on what you’re capturing and how the accuracy matters for you.

    You can load into mesh lab say and you have a scaled point cloud then go from there.

    TBH depending what you’re doing you’re better off hiring a Faro or similar, or doing something with RGB-D.

    If you’re not familiar with PS, key thing is a) RAM b) RAM c) MORE RAM. And also a decent-ish GPU.

    Can’t really say more than the above, as i’m dangerously close to giving away professional advice for free ;-) IF you’re at all interested in robotic or autonomous survey though then we should talk…

    EDIT: sorry when i’m talking about scaling it’s the pro version.

    Full Member

    Oh and I have thought about doing this before actually, using a pebble for the sensors strapped to a fork leg or similar. I think mounted in the right places you could get interesting suspension telemetry.

    Thought about a pebble for a proto? Gets you btle accelerometers in a waterproof package you can easily mount, cheaply

    Full Member

    Interesting, and I have some relevant expertise (I work in robotics and machine learning), but, despite having a good idea of what’s possible, I still struggle with the why. I get why the stats and the gamification might be cool, plus the “better strava” in that rather than the hideous inaccuracy of gps giving you +/- potentially 10s of seconds on DH trails where you care about fractions, but…. is there really a market?

    I can see why the above might come across hostile, it’s not intended to – I’m a big believer in trying something because you can, or its cool, or even just in scratching your own itch. Seems a bit like you’re working on the “how” though before the “what”. Have you considered making a prototype with all the functionality and backend as an app? I know the data will be worse, but to work out if it’s even fun/useful data before you try and make it better. Or is it just down to “strava is fun, more strava!”?

    Full Member

    Get to a three store for a dongle, decently cheap PAYG options.

    Alternatively badger BT for one. When I moved house with O2 broadband they gave me a dongle with some data on it to use till the line was up and running.

    Full Member

    her son and my father in law have the front cameras on their iPads masked with gaffer tape….? What’s that about,

    Accidentally answering facetime calls whilst browsing on the bog etc?

    Full Member

    To “cock the hammer” in the morning, a breakfast of whatever you fancy, so long as you follow up with yoghurt, coffee and some nice fresh orange. Should see you right. Or wrong.

    Full Member

    +1 on decent Cateyes, got some a good 12 yrs+ old.

    The cateye holy-handgrenade above is good.

    Full Member

    Just to add, assuming everyone involved isn’t a just passed their test teenager, adding your brother to your policy is probably only a tenner or something. Generally pretty cheap IME.

    Full Member

    When they came out I drove a 200bhp one round the nurburgring. It was fun. I was impressed at the room for a 6’4″ person too, and reckon I could get a couple bikes in the back.

    Full Member

    From what I can tell, Windows backup features in W10 do meet those requirements. System image backup can be automated (or at least it could in W7) and is incremental.

    I tried it out, and couldn’t make it do that. I wasn’t blindly asking/assuming. I bought a machine and tried to do what I wanted, and couldn’t. I find it hard to believe what I wanted to do was impossible, and it probably isn’t, I just never found a good way!

    Full Member

    IA what was the problem with Windows Backup?

    Full Member

    like what?

    See the threads. Backup’s the obvious one, from the link URL ;-) To pick some others, read/write google cal support that works offline, icloud photostream syncing.

    And for a generic point, try “handle hi-DPI screens properly and consistently”

    But we’re heading OT here… not that I don’t love a good argument on the internet. ;-)

    Full Member

    Not read the whole thread but…

    That said, I was in a similar place, considering a pc – i even bought (a cheapish) one and used it as my main machine for a few months to see if I could hack it, but there are things that I couldn’t find a good pc alternative for.

    See my threads here:

    FWIW I got a mac ;-)

    they are both rather boringly similar nowadays
    hardware wise: £ for £ the quality is very similar. People who say otherwise are not comparing at the same price range.

    experience wise: nothing between them. People who say otherwise are just so used to one particular way of doing things that they forgot they had to learn that in the fist place.

    just set a budget and buy what you like the look of. You don’t need anything special by the sound of it.

    This is reasonably accurate. My issue was I didn’t really have a budget (within reason) but there were things I couldn’t do on a PC. I think roughly:

    low end: PCs are compelling, you have more options on what you sacrifice to get the price down.

    mid-high: for me, macs are compelling as it’s hard to find PCs with good physical qualities (build, trackpad etc).

    very high end: you can’t get high end macs, so it’s an easy choice here.

    Also, bear in mind although you can learn windows, get used to it – there would have to be a big pay off to make it worthwhile. Either in getting a much better machine for your needs (which aren’t high end, so not that) or saving a lot of money. Think “what would I pay not to waste time faffing about on a new system?” for me, it’s not £0. Say you spend two days faffing – how much do you need to save on a PC to make that worth it?

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