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  • is a scam website
  • gravitysucks
    Free Member

    mmmm same boat i’m afraid…

    Bought a postal service jersey of the bay years ago for my kids to wear as it was cheap and came up after searching for childrens cycling jerseys.

    Now the dilemma. My boy always wants to wear his team jersey (child version of the team i ride for) as he wants to be like me (God knows why). My little girl always goes for the postal service jersey as its a good fit for her…

    I can see tears coming in the near future. Maybe I should by her a new jersey… so bloddy expensive though!

    Free Member

    A good test I would put in place would be if “I knew my Friend had a baby or not”.

    If I did know I would have a chat with him and try and open his eyes to what a plonker he was being and what he was risking.

    If I didn’t know he had a baby I would realise I am merely an aquintance and that I should mind my own bloody business.

    Free Member

    In house? Shed? Garage? Boat?
    Two bikes? Three bikes? Twelve bikes?

    Free Member

    Suzuki SV650S

    Free Member

    Screw you 2012, be glad to see the back of you ya btch.

    Free Member

    I thought it was an obvious one. You always had it upside down as a kid. You keep it the right way up as an adult, generally after you’ve spunked £100’s on expensive brakes etc

    Free Member

    Nice one cheers guys. Plenty to go have a nosey at there!

    Free Member

    Theres always someone ready to spoil my fun. You my missus? 😉

    Free Member

    Good spot. They’ve got games from £2.91!!!
    If you have the move stuff there’s a load of games for that going well cheap!
    11 games for under £45 BARGAIN!!!!

    Free Member

    At £130 for a 64 gb tablet? Why the hell not. Got one for the daughter for Xmas and initial playing I’m impressed

    Free Member

    53 plate Renault Megane Dynamique 1.4 diesel Hatchback
    Good runner, OH’s car and never let her down in the 6 years she’s had it running the kids about and work runs etc.
    Can’t remember mileage but certainly won’t be high, serviced regularly (Not renault) and always been fine.
    Nice safe family car. She’s just bought a 4 year old scenic to give us more space now the kids are older and all have bikes / crap etc to lug about other wise she’d have kept it for a long time.
    £800 Based tutherside of Stockport.

    Free Member

    Cheers everyone. Reserved a playbook this am and just went and picked one up from pcworld. At £130 they’re flying off the shelves.
    Bargain for a 64gb tablet with a broad video and music support. Even came with a neoprene slip case in the box.

    Best part was for £30 I got a full 3 year cover that covers accidental damage. So for £160 my 6 year olds got a e reader, MP3 player, camera, film player, game player and can even get on kiddy learning websites she uses with school and I don’t even have to worry about her dropping it as its instant replacement.

    Happy days cheers peeps.
    Ho ho ho 🙂

    Free Member

    Cheers guys ill have a nosey at the playbook.

    Totalshell – or I could walk into Tesco where I was looking at them today and just buy one of the shelf.

    Any tablets that use an SD card slot for memory expansion?

    Free Member

    I think we were originally with Halifax but are now with Adrian flux paying about half of what you are.
    Not many insurers will even cover you with previous subsidence, like you said its daft as our foundations are way stronger than the average house.
    I think you just struggle to get a competitive quite due to the limited number of insurers you can use.

    Free Member

    I once saw some selling the big blue ikea bags for £1.50 + P&P, which at the time were 25p new in store. A quick look at his feedback showed he’d sold hundreds of them.
    The mind boggles.

    Free Member

    haha def not for me.
    Don’t get me wrong i’d love to build one up but certainly not a fan of these or even had one as a kid. I’d prob buy a kit to build it up / see how its put together just so its ready for xmas morning.

    The Tamiya ones seem to be getting the biggest response from you guys so will prob go for something like that. Love the look of the Mad Bull and they look a bit less top heavy than the monster truck types.
    I know 4 seems young but he’s a quick learner and will have as much fun building the jumps and bumps and then putting in a straight line for a big jump. I’m not expecting him to be hitting the berms and doing donuts just yet!

    Free Member

    OMG this is a big can of worms!!

    Cheers for the links guys, theres loads of info on there for me to have a nose over. I’ve never been into this kind of thing at all but thought it might be a giggle with my son. He’s only 4 so not going to be doing loads of tech stuff but he’ll love us heading to the woods with a spade and sitting on my knee whilst we rag some jumps and lil tracks we’ve built 🙂

    Any type of cars better than others? He loves the monster trucks and they look the most robust but is this accurate?

    Also how do these things handle the sand? my Mum’s based at a coastal town so would be cool to take it down there as well.

    Mmmm I can see me get one myself a kit as well and building a bad boy up!!

    Free Member

    Come on guys I thought they’d be enough IT geeks in here to pull some gems out 🙂

    Free Member

    Yeh both mine have been climbing on and off since they were 2. Now 4 & 5. they take it and leave it, sometimes not thinking about climbing a 30m wall on a rope then another time they get nervous after 3m and want to come down. At this age I just let them do what takes the fancy which cam be scrambling, top roping or boldering.

    EDIT: Get a full body harness for a child this small. they feel a lot safer and secure and it stops them tipping upside down on a rope.

    Free Member

    Very nearly took both my eyes out in one go, with a set of needle-nosed pliers.
    Can’t remember the exact scenario, but I had something in the vice with a pin or screw stuck in it (I think it might have been an old hope caliper.) Anyway, gripping the pin with these pliers, with both hands, and pulling full force, the damn things slipped. Because it was straight in front of me, they flew back and up and the pliers hit me square between the eyes; leaving cuts on both sides of the bridge of my nose.

    I have a friend who did exactly that, but lost his eye..

    I also did nearly exactly that, although mine was pulling a zip tie tight because it was a small one and couldn;t be bothered looking for a longer one. Pulled towards me and it pulled off and I stabbed my self in the face. I thought id put it straight into my eye as i couldn’t see out of my right eye for blood. Tried to keep calm and when up to the bathroom to see I’d actually stabbed myself right at the bottom of my eye brow, right on the edge of my socket (which I chipped a bit of skull off). 1mm lower and i’ve had thrust it into my right eye with enough force to put it into my brain.

    Scarey scarey thought.

    Free Member

    Send this to your own email with “RE: The other night was amazing” in the subject line.
    The problem will either go away or she’ll come talk to you about it 🙂

    Free Member

    2 year old son: Can I have a biscuit.

    Me: What’s the magic word?

    Son: Abracadabra.

    Free Member

    Dropping my 5 Year old daughter off at school the other day she starts to tell her friends mum (who is highly attractive) about her Daddy’s willy.
    Her: You know my daddy has a really big willy, its much bigger than Ben’s (My 3 year old boy)…
    Me: Nervous laughter
    Her: He can make it grow…
    Me: Look of shock and starting to go red.
    Her: It gets bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger……
    until he can wrap it round a branch and swing from it like spiderman.
    Me: Bursts out laughing and breathes a sigh of relief wondering where the hell she was going!

    Free Member

    Before everyone loses the their toys out the prams lets just take note that the OP was nothing more than a warning to other forum users about a dodgy seller.
    People always harp on about it being a community on here, it’s a member simply warning other members about a wrong un.

    As far as tarring people with a brush because they don’t post much in the chat forums, maybe that’s because they can’t be bothered with the inevitable backlash of the power user. Just saying like.

    Free Member

    It is a massive responsibility but to be honest by the time you get on the streets you’ve spent so much time training with the police and colleagues that you feel very much part of the family.
    As Kato said if your keen and want to learn they will help you. I’ve not come across one copper yet who has not been helpful and appreciative.

    Free Member

    The recruitment drive is ongoing Hora. Currently they have a new intake start approx every 2 – 3 months. The application process takes approx 4 months to get through as well so realistically they’ll prob put out another drive next month which will start training in March 2013 and attest roughly July / August time.

    I had the recruitment page set as my home screen so checked it prob twice a day, every day. Just keep an eye out and then when it goes live you need to register an interest and attend an open evening.

    Free Member

    Yeh your not wrong Mrchrispy. At the moment your looking at giving up at least one day a weekend for the best part or 4 months, One or two evenings mid week and the hard one as Chrispy said is the Officer Safety Training which is 7 full days training. I had to basically take the 7 days off work (mon-Fri and the following mon-tues). That said the OST is by far the most fun your going to have in training and its a great experience.

    Its a fair commitment but as soon as your though the training then your fully in control of what and when you work.

    Oh and Hora…. There’s lots of women in the police 🙂

    Free Member

    Get on it Hora

    GMP Recruitment

    Free Member

    To be honest Hora its not a bad way of doing things.
    Getting to put something into the community without having to put up with all the internal politics and shift patterns that comes with a regular job.
    You pick and choose your shifts and walk away when you want.
    Get on it fella, you won’t regret it. I was looking for a new challenge after things getting stale in the day job and a challenge it certainly is.

    Free Member

    One thing I found when starting is that there are a massive proportion of career specials. Those that have no intention of joining the regulars.
    There has been a large proportion of specials joining in the last few years wanting full time posts this has mainly been due to recruitment freeze and subsequent internal recruitment.

    I know specials that have been serving for over 20 years. I can honestly say I would love a full time post but it would also mean a mahoosive pay cut to leave my currant job so I could very well end up being in the specials for a long long time.

    Free Member

    NBT – a special is basically a volunteer police officer with the same powers and responsibilities but isn’t being paid for the pleasure. Dress the same, use the equipment etc

    A PCSO is the one’s you will see a lot of on the streets (Dressed with the blue trimmings) just because of the nature of their role. They are Police COMMUNITY SUPPORT OFFICERS and their prime role is to engage with the community. They work full time and are paid a salary. They are not and do not have the powers of police officers. In my experience they do a fantastic job and can be a wealth of experience / knowledge within the communities building up relationships with the public.

    That said the role of the PCSO are likely to be phased out in the future the way things are going. Which in my eyes would be a massive shame.

    Free Member

    Quite a statement aracer. So how did you come to this massive generalisation?
    Oh and how did you identify the officer as a special?

    Free Member

    Like anything it’s a challenge but a worth while one.
    If your successful in getting a place then they will train you up, give you a new skill set, take you under their wing and develop your skills base and you as a person. They pay you food and travel expenses so you are not out of pocket and all they ask is to guarantee you’ll give them the equivalent of 4 hours of your time a week. If like me you’ll thrive and want to put in more than 4 hours. As they they say, you get out of something what you put in.

    If your concerned about impacts on family life then think about what an impact studying would be, financially and time wise. In fact think how much time and money you put into cycling or any other hobby. If you are interested in a job in the regs then its a no brainer.

    Once your through the training you pick and choose what hours you want to do and when. Nothing is forced on you. Your a volunteer and its in there interests to keep you sweet. I tend to do at least one shift a week but it barely affects the family. On a Thursday night, for instance, I might hit the station after work and do 18:00 – 00:00. I’ve done 150% of my requirement in one evening and lost no more family time than if I’d gone riding.

    Free Member

    Yep I’m a special and can recommend it 100%. Best thing I ever did, if your serious about the regs then it gives you the opurtunity to try the job before fully committing. It’s not for everyone.
    The majority if not all forces now only recruit from existing police staff so your only goin to be able to apply if you work already as police staff, Special or PCSO.

    Free Member

    So it’s the guy that warned him that’s the nob.

    Or the guy that didn;t read the OP properly 😀

    Free Member

    I’ve got some turtle beach PX5 in excellent condition you can have for £80 posted fella.
    Truly fantastic sound!

    Free Member

    cheers fella

    you’ve just brightened my morning!

    Free Member

    To be fair if i didn’t have kids I’d probably be able to own a nice car.
    But I do, so I don’t. Lil buggers

    Free Member

    Muc off?

    Free Member

    To be honest I can see the OP’s point.
    When I sell something I try to be fair. I tend to look at a few online retailers to gauge price, I do not however scour every single site including European competitors. I don’t have a problem people pointing things out and it helps the seller as much as anyone as helps to shift what your trying to sell.

    Would I want to be called a rip off though just because I hadn’t checked EVERY online retailer?? I think not

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