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  • Downhill’s Most Outspoken Pro: Amanda Batty Announces Retirement
  • gofasterstripes
    Free Member

    That sounds fairly serious!

    When I peered out into the car park and saw a bunch of lads rummaging through a car, I found charging into the street half naked and wielding a pair of Henry Hoover half-tubes while screaming bloody murder worked a treat. One of them stumbled ’round on the spot in true Scooby-Doo fashion before pegging it 😆

    In truth if they’d turned on me I would have got a kicking, but clearly the entrance was special enough.

    So – did the Police get called?

    Free Member

    I love Boobies! They make me smile everytime I see-um 🙂

    Free Member

    If you post good photos we can probably guess if it’s worn out.

    The thread on the preload thing is knackered as well so I reckon it’s time to get the credit card out!

    I’ve done ’em up with a D-shaped file, but not with a credit card.

    Free Member

    A fine Cornishman, no less!

    Free Member

    ^…and the rest. Awesome though.

    Free Member

    The WinMin project did the Windows OS a host of favours, I don’t think it’s bloated anymore.

    Free Member

    That looks like a good tip.

    Free Member

    I’ve used these:

    CityJet 1.5 @75PSI – fast, hard. Wears fairly fast, not grippy when you lean over or on loose terrain. Cheap.

    Standard Marathon @70- Similar to the City Jet, but a bit better in every way. Less cheap.

    Marathon Plus @70 – Pretty heavy, but pumped up hard they hold momentum. Extremely hard wearing, very resistant to punctures indeed . A little slippy when pumped up fully.

    Marathon XR @60 – Hard work, indestructible. Intend to try them on MTB!

    Marathon Supreme @80 [previous gen.] The best of all worlds. Very expensive indeed. Worth it.

    Free Member

    ^^^Poor bastard looks like it’s having a heart attack!

    Just when I watched the one with the pavement hop a bike went past my window and up on to the curb, the sound was perfectly in time – freaked me right out.

    Free Member

    OK _ I’ll ask for some more photos of the bike then and see what comes back. I’ll keep using the gumtree contact and clean the message so they don’t know I have the real email address.

    Free Member

    Oops, you’re right – there’s two photos on gumtree.

    Seeing as I’m clearly dense; should I just leave them alone?

    Free Member

    @WTF The photo has been flipped and the writing is not very, umm, collage? Just feels odd.

    Free Member

    Bump for smart ideas, or just ask for the frame number and check if it’s online as stole’d? If it is, then my next move there would be to inform the Polis? There’s no point emailing the previous ebay guy is there?

    I just found an iPhone 5 and returned it to it’s owner, so I’m feeling hopeful we can help if this is nicked!

    Free Member

    45 minutes? That’s a lot of tea…

    Free Member

    Just saw this and thought of this thread:

    “As a guitarist, I play many gigs. Recently I was asked by a funeral director to play at a graveside service for a homeless man. He had no family or friends, so the service was to be at a pauper’s cemetery in the back country. As I was not familiar with the backwoods, I got lost.

    I finally arrived an hour late and saw the funeral guy had evidently gone and the hearse was nowhere in sight. There were only the diggers and crew left and they were eating lunch.

    I felt badly and apologized to the men for being late. I went to the side of the grave and looked down and the vault lid was already in place. I didn’t know what else to do, so I started to play.

    The workers put down their lunches and began to gather around. I played out my heart and soul for this man with no family and friends. I played like I’ve never played before for this homeless man.

    And as I played ‘Amazing Grace,’ the workers began to weep. They wept, I wept, we all wept together. When I finished I packed up my guitar and started for my car. Though my head hung low, my heart was full.

    As I opened the door to my car, I heard one of the workers say, “I never seen nothin’ like that before and I’ve been putting in septic tanks for twenty years.”

    Apparently, I’m still lost”

    Free Member

    OK so the seller has responded and somehow managed to give their own email address, defeating gumtrees obfuscation.

    What’s the reason for the sale? That looks like a nice bike, is it damaged? What size are the tyres, and what pressure do you run them at, I’m trying to decide if I should get a racing bike or if it’s too bumpy. How far did you ride to college, did it take long?

    Thanks for your help.

    “Ho reason for sale is a bought it and it not really me plus I have just passed my cbt so lookin for money for a moped they are 700c wheels with new tyres don’t no wot there at tho ? There is a few scrapes on the frame from gear wires an that from were a locked it up and the gear wire need tightend up but I will try get this done b4 it goes hopefully or can arrange money of ”

    And I uset to cycle 40 mins there and back to collage 3 days a week if you need anymore info please ask an ill help you as much as possible thanks “

    Verbatim. Also – who the heck starts an email with Ho?

    What do next?

    Free Member

    adjustablewench – Member

    Which member? Be more specific!

    Free Member

    TheArtistFormerlyKnownAsSTR – Member
    Why on earth you need them would be my question

    Checking sag and total travel used?

    Free Member

    Just emailed – will try to game the seller into giving the frame number….

    I’m not particularly good at this though 🙁

    Free Member

    I read it as “Should I go on the run”.

    Srsly disappointed.

    Once, on the Leeds-Bradford road, I was happily chilling after a mid-ride cuppa when the sound of excited tyres and engines caught my attention. Looking to my right, a black BMW joined the road at a t-junction in a perfect, foot-down drift. The driver had a far-away* look in his eyes, and was clearly very determined. Within a few seconds he’d hit 70+ and rocketed off, and the Police popped out from the same side-road [looking far less cool] and whizzed after him. Though at that rate they would never catch him….

    What a guy**

    I hoped you were going to say it was you. 🙁


    ** Well, apart from being very very naughty, I guess.

    Free Member

    WRT Chelyabinsk, doesn’t someone think the wikitravel page should have some mention of it? Perhaps in the [currently empty] section on Staying Safe?

    Free Member

    I told you Lewis was getting ahead of himself.

    Yo, zokes, pop over to The Register and post that as a comment. Or can I do it [with your name on it]?

    Free Member

    Everyone except Laird Hamilton.

    Free Member

    Sorry about this, but:

    Free Member

    “Will I Die?”

    Asked so many times, and in this case: “Yeah, perhaps”

    Free Member

    You missed him – there was a Radiation leak on the other thread, the forum went mad, my alter-ego showed up and Godzilla too.

    Then King Kong Cougar turned up with the Ghostbusters and now it’s all back to normal.


    Free Member

    The flying saucer bit, yes.

    More seriously – they were also the victim of some serious, determined confidence tricksters.

    Free Member

    Awwwww Cougar 🙁

    Free Member

    I think this is a bit weird, this conversation. I understand plenty about climate change, I’m a frikkin’ Sci-hippy, man!

    But the thing is, “feel its effects first” is not something that gives me any confidence. As I said – we need to “turn off the lights”. Neither of these two options is appealing.

    Luckily – I have a place on a boat.

    GTG – in a hurry for some reason.

    Free Member

    El Reg is pissing me off these days with it’s increasing levels of uncalled-for pictures of scantily-clad women. I understand the history of it, but it’s all going a bit Clarkson for me.

    Plus the Arch. wars have kinda died off so I’ve got less to read about.

    Lewis is also not the Oracle he thinks he is.

    Free Member

    OK – I do agree with you that climate change is happening, it’s just that I am very afraid of the consequences of radiological contamination, as the abovementioned Chelyabinsk area illustrates. We’ve overreached ourselves, and we’re all strapped to this rollercoaster now.

    Free Member

    You would say that, you despot! You’re not accountable to anyone!

    Free Member

    Naah Nu-clear powah is all cuddles and kittens.

    Free Member

    Flaperon is usually quite agreeable as well. How odd.

    Free Member

    Wait, what?

    goslowerstripes[/u] – Dismember

    Uh-oh! I have created a parallel universe!

    See, kids, this is what happens when you mess with nuclear reactors and mother nature. Now if you’ll just excuse me I have a small ??? to feed.

    Free Member

    Well, we’d better convince everybody to turn off the lights, then, hadn’t we?

    To be fair though, one [significant radiation = uninhabitable] is difinately going to happen [given an appropriately bad leak], wheras the other is, quite frankly a guess.

    Myself, I am of this mindset:
    [list][*]Reduce the total power used[/*]
    [*]Introduce larger quantities of renewable power[/*]
    [*]Advanced reactors that are not derived from bomb-making tech need investigating [molten salt/pebble bed][/*]
    [*]Invest in new-generation* nuclear on a small-ish scale[/*]
    I’m starting now by turning this monitor off and going back to work on the other one 🙂

    *You know – the ones that reduce their output correctly when required, maybe ones with moderating methods that drop DOWN between the piles, rather than requiring them to be pushed UP by a source of power that may not be available.

    Free Member

    then sell ’em!*
    >* No – I don’t mean it.

    Free Member

    No. What are you telling me about it?

    Free Member

    From the above, thread about a scammer that has just had his multiple identities and scams connected by forum users:

    “just hacked into the bank account using the password springboks – pretty dumb.Its a ghost town in there and no cash, transactions for months. Will go through phone data to retrieve latest messages and calls made and pass them on to Chopper to pay him a visit. So what do you guys want a set of pedals a heatset and a straight thomson post”


    Free Member

    I thought you was fed, innit?

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