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  • FGF 601: Fort Bill is Back Edition
  • fervouredimage
    Free Member

    Get yourself in the car park about two and a half hours before race start and you’ll be fine. Enough time to have a wonder around and see what’s what and time to get yourself seated and plugged in (take a radio with earphones).

    Free Member

    Would I be able to get penis reduction on the NHS?

    We have the tools to do the job but we’ve never had a need to use them.

    Free Member

    Don’t take this with the wrong attitude but can you produce any evidence of that…? I’m genuinely interested because, as written, I believe this to be a problem and it seems foolish for me to talk shit in debates with my friends if I don’t have a leg to stand on.

    A night out with you must be a barrel of laughs.

    Free Member

    On a re-read I see it was Fervouredimage that made the comment. My apologies again.

    Care to reply, FI…?

    No, not really, because you’ve picked on an utterly moot point and ignored the over arching theme of my post.

    Not that I would expect much more.

    Free Member

    The NHS doesn’t treat people based on who’s liable though. Important distinction. They treat based on medical necesssity and if it’s medically necessary to remove the implants, then people are entitled to have then removed on the NHS.

    However, the government should be looking to recoup some costs from either the insurer or other liable party.

    I am a heart surgeon with the NHS so I am trying to keep as much bias at the door as I possibly can. So I will simply say that the above statement is absolutely correct and that this is the very core of the NHS and so it should be.

    Free Member

    Like the look of the vaults, anyone got any/know anywhere i can get them for £50..

    I got a couple of pairs from Swinnerton Cycles in Cannock Chase on Monday for 45 quid a pair.

    Free Member

    Dezb. What was the best you could have hoped for from posting this?

    You’re just feeding the hungry masses. Some of these people haven’t climbed onto their horses in over an hour, they are desperate people.

    Free Member

    Are you applying that “we” word to everyone eveywhere or just those in, say, this country…?

    I’m sure common sense can enable you to answer that yourself.

    Free Member

    The trouble is that we are constantly brainwashed by the advertising industry to equate what we own with who we are.

    Environment aside, that’s the nub of it for me. We are essentially defined by our possessions. The industry doesn’t need to brainwash us anymore because we absolutely unequivocally believe that possessions make us better people.

    Free Member

    Have to be a heretic and say Bill Hicks has dated really badly, even by the off-its-time standard of stand-up comedy. I saw him 93ish when he toured here and thought he was phenomenal, so it could be my sense of humour has atrophied.

    Yeah, I know what you mean, however I remind myself that the society he was rampaging against back then is all so normal to us now. But that is what makes his material still relevant today I think.

    Free Member


    Vitriol then.

    Free Member

    I saw Ricky Gervais at the Oxford New Theatre for his ‘Science’ show. 2 hours of my life I will never get back. Stephen Merchant was surprisingly good though.

    Free Member

    Stewart Lee.

    Stewart Lee is an incredible word-smith and hugely underrated. Not that he would care.

    Free Member

    I agree with Kaesae personally. The insults towards him simply come from deep seated self hatred. 😀

    Free Member

    The funniest I saw live was Ross Noble. Over an hour of seemingly unscripted audience interaction…

    Yeah, I saw him a few years back. Quite an impressive performance but I felt exhausted at the end of it.

    Free Member

    Sneak Pork into a sandwich or something you prepare for her and then when she’s eaten it tell her she’s just eaten Pork and ‘what’s the big ****in’ deal?’.

    A life of bliss awaits you both I’m sure.

    Free Member

    I was going to comment on this but then quickly realised that if you don’t literally live the life of a saint you will be quickly reminded that you are not in a position to comment… On anything.

    Free Member
    and other threads.

    He claimed he was going to raise £45000 and build a school. as it is he is spending many thousands on a holiday instead. I have no issue with people having amazing adventure holidays and this will be such. I object strongly to dressing it up as a charitable activity

    So has he funded this trip himself or have donations part funded it?

    Free Member

    We have had this discussion with ianpinder befoer – its nothing to do with charity. he is spending many thousands to raise a few hundred pounds. Its all about a holiday for him.

    It doesn’t really matter does it? If he’d been given the money to support his trip then that would be pretty loathsome but if he’s spent his own money to fund it and then raised a few quid on top of that to donate to charity then fine.

    My brother in law asked family and friends to sponsor him X amount of quid to do the New York Marathon but the money we were donating was to pay for him to just do the marathon and anything raised above that went to a selected charity. So he didn’t have to fork out any cash himself which in turn meant we were basically paying for him to go to New York. The thin veil of charity fundraising becomes thinner all the time.

    Free Member

    would it not be easier to sell your bike, work 4 months and send them the money

    Easier, but not as much fun.

    It’s not about the charity. 😉

    Good luck!

    Free Member

    The 661 GE series is great fun. It’s very relaxed and unlike DH racing where all eyes are on you for your run the volume of riders milling around means you tend to just blend into the pack so less embarrassment when you come to something beyond your limits.

    But there really isn’t anything unrideable if you ride at a comfortable pace for you. It’s not all balls out, flat out like downhill, there should be sections that require a little more consideration in Enduros.

    Go for it, I’m sure you’ll enjoy it.

    Free Member

    Why Hollywood feels the need to remake perfectly good foreign language films is beyond me…. Oh, no actually it’s not. It’s because English speaking audiences are bone bloody idle.

    Watch the original Danish/Swedish version rather than the typically bastardised US version.

    Free Member

    Just drop kick the son of a bitch down.

    Free Member

    What sort of riding do you do on your bottlerocket?

    Free Member

    Even the long version seems on the very small size.

    Free Member

    I think the OP is fairly satisfied with the prospect of an Xbox.

    I think Cougar is looking at this from the perspective of a gadget specialist whereas a 9 year old will be largely satisfied with an up-to-date console with a good selection of games, online capabilities, the ability to share with friends and at a good price in relation to other consoles.

    Free Member

    I think at 9 years old an Xbox is still the one to go for. 9 year olds are a lot more game savvy than most 15 year olds.

    The extra hard disk is just more memory to allow for more storage of info -game save data etc.

    It’s not worth the extra cost initially so don’t worry about that. In stock trim it’s got ample memory space.

    Free Member

    Well being a big child at heart I have a PS3. On popularity alone then the Xbox is the best to go for. Every teenage boy seems to have one and I believe the online Xbox community is huge for online playing.

    I don’t really bother with online gaming so I couldn’t tell you how big the PS3 community is. Some great games for the PS3 but arguably more for the Xbox.

    The Wii, in my opinion, is a family gaming machine and depending on the age of your son I wouldn’t bother really. It’s game choices are becoming more ‘kiddy’ and more ‘family’ so it’s hard to consider it a serious gaming machine.

    I love my PS3 but I’d go for an Xbox.

    Free Member

    I also reckon the scar will not come to much as she is only little and the NHS staff treated her well and it will stretch out as she grows.

    It will be even bigger by the time she’s 18 then!

    Joking, at her age the scar will fade quickly and by the time she cares about scars it will be all but gone.

    Free Member

    It’s an endless debate this one, on so many forums. Personally I think the real solution is more than one bike.

    But to my surprise my Spesh Camber with a little beefing up has handled everything I have thrown at it. I’m no Danny Hart but I consider myself a handy(ish) Downhiller from a Motocross background so I don’t tip-toe down the rough descents and I don’t consider my riding style because I’m on a shorter travel XC orientated bike.

    So far the Camber has taken it all with relative ease and is a truly enjoyable super light ride. If it’s on your consideration list then I’d say put it at the top.

    Free Member

    My 4 year old niece fell and bit through her tongue last Wednesday. An incredible amount of blood and literally terrifying for someone so young.

    But when my wife turned to me amongst the panic and said “do something, you’re a heart surgeon!!” I couldn’t help but giggle and retort “Trainee Heart Surgeon, Trainee”.

    She was fine after a short trip to A&E incidentally.

    Free Member

    Though the most recent legal research has turned things on their head, and suggests we do actually have a right of access here, it only being an incorrect interpretation in the early 19th century with no real legal basis which led to the situation landowners and anglers assume.

    That’s interesting. How recent are these legal findings?

    Free Member

    Not what you really want to know, but there are no* restrictions on access to water in Scotland

    Yep, Scotland will be on the cards during World Cup weekend.

    Free Member

    Am I right in thinking that England and Wales is the only country in the world that has restrictions on use of its inland waters?

    Free Member

    Don’t know about the smell thing but I did one last year of such ferocity that I actually burnt my ring

    Gold or Silver?

    Free Member

    All these qualities and characteristics aren’t really related to nationality, they are merely symptoms of being human.

    As Bill Hicks so eloquently put “Human beings are just a virus with shoes”.

    Difficult to argue.

    Free Member

    Do both. There is room for both… Always.

    Free Member

    I think everything can give you cancer potentially.

    Free Member

    It’s on my to-do list for this year as well. I’d got in my head that I wouldn’t need my Downhill bike for it but after watching your vid creaser I clearly would be stupid to do it on anything else.

    Free Member

    As I said, it was my error and it was my second run down it that day. My first run I doubled them because the two riders ahead of me doubled them. They were quite small rollers hence I thought they were designed to be doubled if you were able to and rolled if you couldn’t.

    I wasn’t aware that there were such strict rules on how you were supposed to ride sections based on grading, particularly as the blue has some quite fast descent and a few technical sections ( I wouldn’t call it entirely family friendly.

    But anyway, as I said my mistake, poor judgement and tail between my legs for the afternoon. Thankfully the other rider was very friendly about it but I never got the opportunity to buy him a brew as way of apology.

    (Incidentally I was slightly annoyed to come across a rider on the blue descent with his dog in tow, who stopped 4 times leaving his owner to merrily continue along whistling him as I had to stop dead each time to avoid running over his collie – that can’t be acceptable surely?!)

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