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  • Starling Cycles Mega Murmur review
  • Doh1Nut
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    Like to take endless group photos of each other
    (When wearing tiny bikini in Egyptian resorts)

    Full Member

    If you live in the Alps then all your riding is going to involve very big hills. I would take the oportunity to increase the rotor size.
    The price and weight penalty is very small plus an extra fiver to get a new mount to match the new caliper size.

    Full Member

    My cousin in the states did it, but I think the flight was a 4 hour internal one and the kid was younger – a year maybe.

    If you can get a bassinet thats great – but they are small – I mean really small. Our eldest was about 18 months when we went long haul first time and she was probably a bit too big but had little hair and looked younger. She did fit in but she had to be curled up.
    The other thing to bear in mind is that they are not considered strapped when in the bassinet, so I was asked to get a sleeping baby out of the cot at 2am and strap her on my lap – not happy.

    Full Member

    The chainstays on that Blast are half the lengh of the bike!
    The Islabike is far more of a proper shape.

    Full Member


    Full Member

    @ Zippy

    First time I met my GFs cousins was when they came round to our first flat. My GF proudly said how I had “made the bed”. Cousins had such low expectations of men/me they thought I had pulled the duvet straight, she was talking at me like I had special needs for the rest of the day.
    What was really meant was I had bought a bunch of wood from the timber merchants and built the bed frame from scratch.


    Full Member

    Cycleguard £ 17/month, for home and away £2k cover, might be worth it.

    Full Member

    Thats interesting – thanks for linking that
    But the application of average does not match what the ombudsman links.

    (Sum insured / true value) * loss = claim paid.
    £1000/2000 * 2000 = 1000

    which would not actually disavantage me so I suspect they mean the following.

    (Sum insured / true value) * loss I am allowed to caim for = claim paid.
    £1000/2000 * 1000 = 500

    or to use the numbers they give
    £30000/£50000 * 20000 = 12000

    Ill have a closer look at T&Cs tonight

    Full Member

    Exactly – the insurer has a top limit for “stuff in garage” and I am pretty sure I would be over it.
    I am almost looking for gap insurance to top up the difference between their worth and what the house insurance would pay out.


    Full Member

    The requiest to cover/split the fees is more of a bartering tool that appears a little less lame then asking for an extra £1.33.

    Full Member

    Had our house valued this morning, asked the estate agent about potential value of adding an extension. (leaving aside other motivations she may have had) the answer was not to try to improve the value to keep it “affordable” for a young couple.
    Proposed value was 60% more than we paid in 2006 – West London.

    Happy and conflicted at the same time – obviously its just silly, but we want more space and if prices are going up, the price gap to a bigger house is only going to get worse, but proportion of your money do you want tied up in an asset that might devalue?
    Not complaining – nice problem to have.

    Full Member

    #2 is just turned three and ‘got’ the balance bike at the weekend – she used it before when big sis was on her bike but didnt like it cos it was too wobly – she wanted me to hold the bars. :!:
    It was a bit of a surprise she was a little slow as she is a lunatic on the micro scooter which she picked up really early :?:
    She is only 2nd percentile for height. but could still easily reach the ground on an Islabike.

    Full Member

    Based on our flights at the weekend.

    Easyjet have assigned seating – it is no longer a free for all.
    The seats are assigned at (on-line) check-in. The three pounds only allows you to choose which seats you are assigned.

    Young children still board before the masses (but after speedy boarding)

    I was amused that they now specifically ask “Trunkies to be put under the seats infront” which makes a lot of sense, keeps the toys available, the kids dont need the leg room and frees up overhead locker space.

    Full Member
    Full Member

    Give him a choice of clothes to wear – change the argument from “am I going to get changed” into “what am I going to get changed into”
    works every time

    “Do you want to blue T-shirt or Red T-shirt?”
    “Blue or Red?”
    “BLUE OR RED?!!”
    “Buzz Lightyear”

    Full Member

    / runs off to CRC & finds 36t deore cassette /

    I never knew that!

    Full Member

    Look at the SRAM youtube channel – lots of videos and pdfs from the SRAM site.
    O-rings etc off ebay.
    To do it properly you will need to spend some money on greases and oils etc. but they should keep you going for a while.

    Full Member

    I bought a reverb from Germany but got it warrantied in UK by getting a local bike shop to send it off to the UK service centre for me – I paid their postage.

    might be less hassle

    Full Member

    10- really unfussy

    However it does depend on what kit you have.
    My top discovery is that the Reverb bleed kit thready bits on the end of the syringes is the same as the thread on the Shimano lever.

    Full Member

    I have not had a problem with Adrian Flux – still currently insured with them and they do a breakdown cover for £30 or something when you insure with them. Many breakdown companies wont touch anything over a certain age – or bump up the price.

    Full Member

    Just realized I missed that last bit – monitor what is going on. were the missing words.
    I have some packs built without balance leads and some have been fine, and some started to show connection break on the charger when a single cell tripped out often a balance charge has pulled them back into line and they have been fine since.

    Full Member

    I always put in a protection circuit for a few dollars its too easy not to. not just from discharge but also when charging as a charger can only monitor the pack voltage, a protection circuit will monitor individual cells.

    It is pretty easy to get hold of cells with tabs that can easily soldered to each other / wire.
    The over discharge voltage is usually set low enough for it not to interfere with the lights.

    I would spend my money on a decent charger like an accucel-6 and fit some balance leads too so you will

    Full Member

    This chap Mark Baumont[/url] rose around the world using one. He did say very little about the bike in the book though.

    Full Member

    All four under general.
    Woke up as they were wheeling me out of theatre
    not feeling good -the look on my dads face told me I looked as bad as I felt. They then kept me waiting for a good half an hour for a missing part of the prescription I had to take home. It was only when my dad asked what was missing they said it was asprin FFS! we can get that anywhere – give us the good stuff now.

    Full Member

    50 Watt adjustable thermostatic Soldering Iron – £8.99

    I didnt need on either

    Full Member

    Normally an 8 in specialized – wear Teva 8
    Shoe tonge really thick and a bit weird at first, better after a short time

    Full Member

    Yes, it would require some faffing but as a proof of concept I would go to maplins or wherever and get a 2*AA battery holder. run the wires from that to the battery terminals inside the light.
    Once you are happy that it works, you can start making it more permenant, drill a hole in the light for the wire to go through and seal it with silicone.
    Get a 4*AA battery holder and switch round the wiring to get the correct voltage and increase your run time.
    Get some connectors JST so you can remove the light.

    Full Member

    Presuming light is centrally mounted on seat post – do you have a saddle bag? Remote battery pack in saddle bag. if you did 4AAs (two series, two parallele) then you could have 5+ amp hour capacity. (5 times AAA)

    If you are brave you could see if 3.6v is acceptible for a supply voltage, if so then you could get a couple of 18650 cells for 3.6v 5ah capacity.

    Full Member

    I have used some packs off there. I stripped them down to change the voltage (needed 14.4).
    On the posative the packs showed the claimed capacity as measured on a smart chager (using discharge test)(it was a 26650 not 18650 cells).
    BUT the quality of the tab welding was pretty poor and there were scorch marks where one cell had been shorted. The shrink wrap for each individual cell was very thin.
    Buying from China / HK would make it impossible to claim back if Royal Mail binned your batteries.

    Might buy from UK ebayer like Torchy the torch boy

    Full Member

    The seller is probably buying the contents sight unseen by the pallet load. There was a case with Practical performance car a couple of years ago where one of their blokes sent an ecu off to get tweaked and it went missing in the post – it turned up on ebay 100% identifiable as it was specially built for a twenty seven liter V12 engine.
    The innocent ebay buyer was also left with a useless ecu as he did not have a v12 enginge to attach it to. :roll:

    Full Member

    Cant find video link

    This is some of the aftermath on the island (mixed in with some photos of the mainland)
    Can see some of BILs buildings still standing
    some third hand comments that he and wife are fine but no direct contact.

    Search divelink cebu if that link does not work
    or Edmund James Y. Porter

    There is one shot of a brown puddle that was a lovely pool I was swimming in with my kids a few months ago :cry:
    (not of cource that the pool is important it is simply one of the few reconisable landmarks remaining)

    Full Member

    My Brother in law runs a Scuba dive school on a tiny Island off Cebu. The centre of the storm is about to pass over the top of them about now.

    They posted a video late last night of the wind – looked pretty frisky – not sure some of his buildings are going to have roofs in the morning.


    Full Member

    I used one of the £20-£30 ones and they were worse than useless.
    The spray was globby and inconsistent – you needed to thin the paint down so much to get it to spray that it would then dribble down the wall – Fail.

    Have you looked at one of the powered rollers – I can see that might work as even if the paint was supplied unevenly the act of rollering would spread it out. – and it would avoid bending down and back up again to refill roller.

    Full Member

    I wonder how many Li-Ion batteries have actually exploded in the Royal Mails custody?

    I guess I must have been lucky to get a pack from DX with 4 26650 cells recently

    I was going to get another set but I am not so sure if they are going to be caught by Royal Mail

    come to think of it the last torch I got delivered the cells were in the same pack but not inside the torch, do they take them? do they take the torch as well to be used by the postman at home – sorry “disposed of”

    Full Member

    That reminds me – my 5 year old niece was at her Great Grandmas funeral and started swishing her arm about during the ministers speech. Turns out she was mis-hearing sorrow as Zorro and was drawing a Z in the air Antonio Banderas stylee. :D

    Full Member

    I would not trust any of the ready made Chinese torches to deliver the stated bin LED. They are a great source of easily delivered cheap LEDs but I would only expect to get a middling to low bin.
    If you really want the latest bin you have to go to Cutters or Farnell or one of the other trustworthy component suppliers selling in a country under laws where you have to sell what you claim you are selling.

    Full Member

    What classes as “Just outside” Woking that would bring you down from the other end of the country..

    Cars or Oil ? :D

    Full Member

    If its a wrist one its not an edge , just a forerunner.
    I “upgraded” from a Forerunner 305 to an Edge 305 which fits really nicely on the stem with a a chunk more screen size but still really dinky size overall.
    Beyond that I would go to an edge 500 as I am not really convinced about the maps.

    Full Member

    After todays ride I really want to make a battery powered strimmer

    Full Member

    I am having a go with microsoft money at the moment.
    Yes it is discontinued and unsupported but it is a free download to see if you like it, and most/all of the other paid software is able to import from money.

    The bit I am not liking about money is that it “learns” categorization based on things you have put into catagories by hand previously. There does not appear to be a hard rule that can be defined “anything with BP or Shell is petrol” kind of thing.
    A big impact is the bank you use, can you download statements in a usable format? First direct can do that easily in a number of formats, but Smile (despite being an internet only bank) cannot.

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