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  • Bespoked Manchester Early Bird Tickets On Sale Now!
  • Digby
    Full Member

    The barely controlled rage was awesome.

    It was wasn’t it …

    I think Elizabeth Moss could well be one of the best actors of her generation. From a minor part in Girl Interupted to Peggy Olson …


    Atwood’s take on how the story relates to things now

    This is actually the foreward in the recent published edition of her book. It sets the scene very well I think.

    Full Member

    Yep – thoroughly ‘enjoying’* it … considering it was written in the mid ’80s it’s very poignant for elements of today’s society.

    It’s the only scheduled program I’m actually watching apart from the Ten O’Clock News

    Elizabeth Moss is just brilliant I think. She really does the whole understated but with fire behind the eyes thing very well.

    *despite the nightmare dystopian images – it’s very well made with wonderful post-production making the background grey with the red dress of the ‘Handmaid’ quite vibrant – which reminds me of Schindler’s List.

    Full Member

    +1 for the Chamonix Bike Book. Written by Tom who works at Zero-G

    Full Member

    I do really feel for early years teachers who have young kids crying after falling over/missing mum/whatever, and they are “not allowed” to offer them a simple reassuring cuddle to fix it

    On a tangent slightly but it does remind me of *some* kids who have gone through the ‘Public School System’ and grow up emotionally detached.

    Kids need love and affection. The days of just breeding male heirs to one’s estate are hopefully coming to a close.

    Full Member

    These days, I generally avoid kissing anyone but my partner on the lips.

    I’m happy to kiss, embrace & hug [almost] anyone, but try and restrict kissing to a peck on the cheek. Personal boundaries and and all that.

    I did use to kiss my daughter on the lips though when she was young. I can’t remember exactly when it stopped but it was ‘pre-teen’ era I think. It was never made an issue of and we still hug now and she’s in her mid twenties! I hope she felt she grew up with lots of love & affection.

    My understanding is the origins of kissing come from ‘mouth feeding’ and like breast feeding, these things have existed as a form of ‘intimacy’ between a parent & child forever and are part of the bonding and nurturing process. Sadly it is only in recent times that some societies have become hung up about them.

    My daughter is a teacher in Spain now and she commented on the difference between UK and Spain in term of being tactile and embracing between parent, child and teacher etc.

    We are in danger of losing something quite important I think, that should really be a non issue: Like being in ‘the nuddy’ around your kids when they are growing up, they may/will generally let you know when they are no longer comfortable with it in their own way.

    Full Member

    “Everybody was Kung Fu fighting
    Those kids were fast as lightning
    In fact it was a little bit frightening
    Make sure you have expert timing”

    Full Member

    Patience, Grasshopper.

    “I do not seek answers, but rather to understand the question.”

    Full Member

    So … the nights are drawing in and ‘Winters Coming’ and I’m already thinking of next year’s season.

    Recently picked up my ‘Early Bird’ Pass for Fernie and a trip to Japan may be on the cards … :-) :-)

    When does the 2017/2018 season thread start CFH? ;-)

    Full Member

    In some respects it reminded me of the mid 1970’s pop culture in the US & UK and the increasing sexualisation of young girls, only in Japan it’s the girls who are performing on stage rather than the domineering males.

    I once read [can’t remember where] that the sexualisation of young girls in the ’70s can be attributed in some way as a response to the rise of feminism in the ’60s – i.e. since men were starting to lose some of their patriarchal dominance over women a number of them were ‘transferring’ this to girls as they could still be ‘controlled’ and dominated without them challenging – which was a point made in the ‘Tokyo Girls’ program.

    Agreed though – I thought the program was quite well done.

    Not sure why though but some of the performance footage made me think that it was a weird, diametrically opposed version of the homo-eroticism of a Whitenake concert …

    Full Member

    Turns out gatefold Mission albums weren’t as limited edition/collectable listenable as I thought!

    Out of all the alterntive bands of the 80’s I find The Mission are the ones I revisit the least – yet I loved them at the time (up until around ‘Tower of Strength’ anyway)

    Saw them at Leeds 02 for the 30th anniversary tour and thought ‘when did Hussey turn into Bono?’. Still … Salvation were supporting and were as good as ever! ;-)

    Full Member

    Digby it did used to be Some Kinda Mushroom, on Newbold Road as you went up towards the old hospital.

    Yep – remember it now. Near the Scarsdale Hospital and the house that was part of St Helenas Girl School?

    Full Member

    Hudson’s Records in Chesterfield in the early ’80s. Keith Hudson used to say ‘somethings just come in that you might like’
    Connexion Records in Chesterfield. (not sure of the exact spelling – but I they had black & gold carrier bags! – I think this might be the shop that took over from ‘Some Kinda Mushroom’)

    When I moved to Sheffield it was Virgin Records on The Moor and then Record Collector at Broomhill which is thankfully still open! and FON records (which later became Warp)

    Full Member

    No one has- as far as I can tell- offered a credible answer about the OP’s query over vented discs

    Apologies if my response wasn’t ‘credible’ enough for you. I’m not sure what credentials are required, but I tried to offer my own personal experience of having used the Hope Tech V2 brakes with Vented rotors – which was as follows:

    I’m not convinced that the vented offers significant improvement over standard floaters

    Full Member

    It all depends on where I’m going and when.

    If <1 hour straight from home then I often don’t take anything in Spring or autumn
    If >1hr but less that 2 then I have a Dakine ‘Fanny Pack’ with pump, tube and small mini-tool
    3 hours + solo and away from civilisation then like Sanny I tend to take the hole survival shebang to try and cover most eventualities , but then that comes from having spent a fair amount of time in the mountains in Winter splitboarding etc – you are constantly striving for that balance between weight and safety: With safety being the priority.

    I’m often a bit bemused by many mountain bikers attitude towards the ‘outdoors’ – mountain biking often doesn’t behave like other ‘mountain sports’

    Full Member

    I’ve got the 203mm vented rotor c/w Tech V2 calipers on the front of my ‘big bike’ (never bothered with vented on the rear).

    These brakes have now been superceded, but I’ve been running them for 8 years with absolutely no problems. Caliper allignment is key – especially with the vented as the rotor is slightly thicker than the non vented.

    To be honest I’m not convinced that the vented offers significant improvement over standard floaters. I wouldn’t bother with them again to be honest. I’ve got floaters on all my other bikes and I’ve never had an issue and they can be straightened easily with the Park Tool if need be. Never had a rivet come loose.

    Full Member

    If it’s the weekend and your criteria extends to the Western Approaches of the City/Peak District then I can really recommend ‘Jolly’s Catering’ (@JollysCateringCompany).

    They have an old Citroen ‘H’ van that they park up at Curbar Gap – so plenty of parking. Although it can get busy if the weather is sunny!

    Good Coffee and Great Cakes!

    Full Member

    On top of Cut Gate would be atmospheric an all you can eat buffet for the midges if there is no wind!

    tarp won’t offer you much protection. As others have said I’d crack on and do it in a day without having to lug a sleeping bag etc with me.

    Full Member

    if staying in city centre then roundabout is at junction of Eccleshall rd and Brocco Bank

    I’d given up with TINAS’ post after his student spelling but at least he did get Ecclesall Road correct … ;-)

    Full Member

    or north side for greno & wharncliffe (varying degrees of technical, short downhill runs rather than ‘rides’ per say) and easy access to peak via rivlen valley

    All of which are within the ‘Western Hemisphere’ of the Greater Sheffield Metropolis I was referring to with ‘WestSide’! ;-)

    Full Member

    you pretty much just ride up Ecclesall road to the next roundabout, then into the woods

    “Former ‘Student’ perchance?” asked Paul Calf

    Full Member

    This is all very disillusioning

    I know … as a teenager in the ’80s I was advised to “Have a Coke and a Smile” …

    Which is clearly all marketing baloney as everyone knows that coke doesn’t make you smile … it just makes you a self-obsessed, arrogant and obnoxious ***t.

    Full Member

    I certainly don’t want to ride around a city

    Well make sure that your accomodation is on the ‘WestSide’ then*

    *although areas like Dronfield & Eckington do have some good riding!

    Full Member

    Pretty much everything they are selling is made in Hebden bridge.

    Apart from the boots. Which are made in Stoney Middleton apparently. Which is still in the North (depending on one’s perspecive of course – some might argue it’s actually the North Midlands … but I digress)

    Anyway .. the boots look good. Quite fancy a pair myself! Boots from a Trouser Company eh? ;-)

    Full Member

    I don’t have time to gain ‘local knowledge’

    In which case … +1 for the Vertebrate Publishing ‘Dark Peak’ guide book

    … I’ve lived in my part of Sheffield for nearly 30 yrs and I’m still discovering new bits! :-)

    Full Member

    but anything that’s not man made will be in the peaks

    I think you will find that pretty much anything in the Peak District will also be ‘man made’.

    If you like riding mainly rocky double-track then the Peak District is ideal for a CX bike. There are a small number of decent downhills where a mountain bike is required to get the most of it.

    Sheffield and the immediate surrounding area has some amazing riding. What some of the tracks lack in length they make up for with ‘interest’!

    You’ll find trails to suit whichever bike you bring

    This is very true – you can bring any bike and you will find something to enjoy, but a fair amount of ‘local knowledge’ is required to tie things together – but that is half the fun for some people.

    I’m not going to list them on the internet as most are largely comprised of places you’re not supposed to ride

    From my perspective, I think the problem is it’s more a case of the attitude of the people riding the places “you’re not supposed to ride” rather than the actual legality per se.

    The recent explosion in popularity of the Sheffield cycling scene in general and mountain biking in particular coupled with an unfortunate ‘sense of entitlement’ amongst some of its participants has not done much for PR … :-(

    Full Member

    I think I missed that one too – and cant find it. Care to give me a hint

    The thread is in the public domain and so I see no problem in providing a link to it:

    Full Member

    Well seemingly between landowner and users. A thread a while back regarding a certain Sheffield based brand having filmed a sick “edit” there etc.

    Ahhh … interesting – just had a quick look at ‘that’ thread. Can’t believe I missed that one! Wow. It all escalated in true STW style didn’t it?

    Although it sounds like it was more contentious between the different local mountain bike ‘interested parties’ … I note the landlord is mentioned – but only by reference.

    Full Member

    just skip the les arcs but – we’ve had a bit of friction with the landowner in the past.

    Am I right in thinking that ‘Les Arcs’ falls just outside the National Trust and the belongs to same landowner that owns Bamford Edge & Moscar Moors etc? Whose family made their fortune making snuff and he has got ‘form’ for not liking walkers/climbers/cyclists/fell runners etc who access his land without making a contribution to its upkeep? Good to see that he hasn’t mellowed much despite the CroW Act! ;-)

    However it is a bit contentious nowadays

    Contentious in what way? between different user groups or between the landowner and users?

    Full Member

    +1 for ‘Oi Soi’ … went there recently and really enjoyed the Korean style

    Full Member

    Very nice work indeed JonEdwards! So were the Paul D, Spit and Hurricane all brush painted?

    Was this a return to airbrushing as well or was the Bf110 your first foray into airbrushing? If so that’s very impressive indeed. What paints are you using?

    Full Member

    Leeds – so pretty much the 80 goth scene. Sisters of Mercy, Mission and others. Quite a few of them were from the surrounding towns as well so it wasn’t really a Leeds

    I think the thing about the Leeds/West Yorks ‘scene’ in the early ’80s was that it was pretty cohesive and mutually supportive (similar to some of the ‘scenes’ that came out of the likes of Manchester & Liverpool) – contrast this with Sheffield which has ‘nurtured’ loads of great bands over the years, but they tend to develop in isolation from each other.

    Jarvis Cocker apparently attributes this to the supportive workforce culture of the docks and mills in Liverpool and West Yorks etc compared to the small independent ‘little mesters’ of the Sheffield steel industry. It’s an interesting anecdote anyway …

    I did briefly live in Sheffield so I will take Def Leppard

    Clearly you didn’t live here long enough … ;-)

    Cabaret Voltaire
    Heaven 17
    Arctic Monkeys
    The Human League

    Full Member

    Aye … it was the Red Dupraz 6’++ he was riding – but he did borrow another one from Zero G as well. Can’t remember exactly which one it was.

    I shall have to try and demo one myself next season! :-)

    Full Member

    ^^^ Very Nice Dupraz indeed nedrapier! McNab was riding one of them when we were doing laps off the GM top tickets (one of the few powder stashes available at the time).

    I was quite surprised by how thick the board was!

    Full Member

    She is doing the rest of the series.

    Wow … good for her! What a fantastic experience!

    Full Member

    Apart from that she is stoked with her times and results

    That’s great news Tracey. How many of the remaning EWS rounds is she hoping to do? Best of luck to her!

    Full Member

    Very nice indeed john_drummer. Great detail!

    Full Member

    Great video!

    @Tracey – proud mum moment indeed I bet! :-)

    Hope Abigale is enjoying the EWS!

    Full Member

    Putting sunglasses on for a photo may be naff

    Perhaps think of it as a lifestyle choice! ;-)

    I wear my sunglasses at night.

    @Deadkenny – This is exactly what I thought when I saw this thread! ;-)

    Full Member

    I had this a couple of years ago – as others have said some muscle strengthening exercises etc are required.

    I can’t recommend enough seeing a good sports physio – it should only take a few visits and they should give you a list of exercises/routines to do.

    Mine was caused by a previous snowboarding injury (MCL ‘tear’) that made me ‘prefer’ the other leg, combined with tight quad/ITB that was causing the tendon to ‘track’ incorrectly; exacerbated by a bit of ‘overuse’ on the singlespeed and running. You’re ‘root cause’ may well be different so some specific exercises tailored to you may be required.

    I was given a sheet with daily foam roller exercises, dips, stretches, & squats etc.

    I stuck with the routine pretty religiously and I’m happy to say with a successful outcome.

    Good luck

    Full Member

    I’ve ‘retired’ my Samsung Galaxy to ‘WiFi Only’ duties and now just use a ‘JCB Tradesman 2’.

    Great battery life, robust, waterproof and small enough to fit in the pocket of my skinny jeans … ;-)

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