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  • derekrides
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    Love Tubs – Member
    Put’s on boring old fart cap!

    I would not recommend fixing such a large appendage to the side of your lid, that’s screaming out to me as a potential neck snapping anchor 8O. Sure, the risk is low and we all take spills virtually every time we ride (don’t we :wink:) – we all possess an innate method of ‘absorbing’ crashes, my point being such a device would be outside of our natural homunculus.

    Please, I’ll not sleep until you promise to strap that thing to the bars and purchase a smaller one for your lid that sits neatly along the mid-line of ur lid, just shy of ur crown ….can be done!
    😆 Thanks for you concern, but it (the bloody big light) isn’t actually on the helmet, the helmet is just resting on the bars of the bike as I took the shot to show some mates, I normally ride with a joystick, if you look close you can see the clamp just above the big light which is very firmly attached to the bikes handlebars, it’s muddy cos the whole lot disappeared down the ditch, I tried to clear it but too late, no kicker and hit the lip the other side, went up in the air and landed head first for the first time ever in my riding career and very painful neck whiplash with repeating headaches still coming and going it was..

    Free Member

    It’s great, right up until the moment you come across a big trench some little scrotes have dug in your favourite trail in preparation for some future gap jump they’re planning and it’s become covered in leaves since they dug it..

    Knocked me clean out stupid, came to dog licking my face…

    Free Member

    Biorythms, some times they’re just wrong, nothing you can do..

    Free Member

    +1 on the whole questioning the excessively wide bars thing, think I’m going to take a saw to mine..

    Free Member

    The thing about 15k is it about your life or both you and your partner, what does she want out of life? Fifteen grand don’t go far if suddenly you are three.

    Personally I’d take the advice of the guy that said down under, there’s more opportunity, higher wages better living standard less **** up economy, this country I fear is well screwed for many years to come, even if you do make it comfortable, what’s to like? Crap weather, overcrowded, terrible inequality, badly governed, no place to commit a young family to.

    You didn’t say what your qualifications are or what your current job is, totally agree with the photography, i spent a wasted bit of life and at a time when you really did need skill to become one, didn’t really look back once i’d set my course on what i really wanted.

    Anyway do something, don’t waste or squander the potential it offers you, use it to get out..

    Free Member

    Cougar – Member

    You know, you’re not doing much to support your case.

    What you saying? I don’t have a case? Car drivers are not cocks?

    Don’t ever take up riding a powered bike chum, you’ll not live long.

    Been riding bikes for more years than I care to remember, best advice I offer anyone, ride em like you’re invisible, because for the most part you are, cock car drivers use peripheral vision so much and it doesn’t recognised bike shapes as a threat to their paint work or the sanctity of their little castle on wheels.

    So wether you’re filtering or just riding along you need to expect them to pull out, turn left and cut you off exit a roundabout and take you with them having overtaken you on it.

    I recently gave up the bike, one close call too many, it’s too busy and the drivers are too unaware and definitely not bike aware and as to riding a road bike, you couldn’t pay me even if i had ceased with the hetracil.

    Free Member

    Most car drivers are cocks, they’re the same cocks who’ll turn left and have you off you’re push-bike, not that i ride that much on the road, but when i do, i guarantee there will have to be a wing kicking incident at least once during an average week of commuting..

    Van truck & UK HGV driverson the other hand are generally more bike aware, i say UK because round here we get a lot of deaths from Continental HGV vehicle incidents.. (The M20 is where the Channel Tunnel kicks out and I swear everyone in South East Kent knows of someone killed by a continental truck, I reckon they almost kill as many as cancer, I swear to God.

    As to you motorists preventing bike filtering i do fail to see your problem with it.

    Free Member

    Read the first page and skipped the middle, am a biker so always move over when i spot them coming, am also a van driver so do use my wing mirrors a fair deal, lots of motorists don’t they use the rear view so often are just ignorant, as to the tossers who pull out to try and stop you, my best advice? Carry a hammer strapped to the tank, give them a couple of taps as you go by, they’ll soon learn.

    Free Member

    Cos I’ve already done it twice?

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    Free Member

    My favourite restaurant… La Coupole in Montparnasse, great eating, and a feast of life, used by Actors and Actresses with their toy boys and girls, all Parisienne life used to be there. I guess it won’t have altered that much.

    Free Member

    Ah camo16 moving from big hitter to big quitter?

    Good luck hope you manage it, holding my first kid after a 24 hr labour then c-section stress and noticing her little head in my blackened nicotine stained fingers convinced me and I’ve never smoked from that day to this. (Except the occasional extremely pissed induced spliff).

    Great if you manage it.

    Free Member

    I’ve done a bit, but be warned, following my tale you won’t want to be a beater.

    I didn’t really want to, been anti the whole ‘establishment’ hunting thing ever since i can remember, but the father in law, ex military, colonel, insisted he was going to make me a ‘man’. Although I’ve never hunted I’ve always had a keen interest in guns and shooting (target) so it turned out i was a fair shot and must confess a certain thrill and guilty pleasure as I brought down my fair share of pheasants. Everything I shot either I ate or someone i knew did.

    Anyway all was well until one particular shoot when a bird broke and flew along the tree line, i fired, probably to low if I’m honest and I guess others did, anyway there was this howl from the woods just off to my left, turned out a beater had been shot and in the nuts of all places, so wouldn’t show us, it was a ricochet, i assumed mine and put my hands up to it and never shot again.

    However the worse bit was the dressing down I got from the colonel, not for shooting the bloke, but for putting my hand up to it, apparently one doesn’t admit to shooting beaters, bad form and all that and some time later it turned out it probably wasn’t me it was more likely the guy to my right who shot at an angle more likely to have hit the victim, but nevertheless that was it for me, never again, bad enough folk get shot, worse there’s culture of not copping to it if it’s you.

    A salutary tale to you potential beaters – I wouldn’t if I were you.

    Free Member

    Echo what stevomcd said, check these people out I’ve bought some well priced kit off them now and again.

    And think about some arse protector pants, it hurts when you sit down hard if you wash out heel side which you will and you could also think about wrist guards if you don’t buy a set built into the gloves you get, Dakine do them as well..

    Free Member

    I don’t think it looks to bad, as Road Bikes go, don’t quite get why there is such negativity on here towards the brand, it’s a Brit brand after all, rider owned, none corporate, where’s the beef?

    Better Orange than some warmed over CRC knock off or French crap that breaks or pseudo yank stuff with 36% warranty failure, wtf have they done to piss everyone off so?

    Or is it simply the green eye that they are a bit successful, I’m sorry, I like Orange, they’re O.K. never owned one, but then no-one ever tried to sell me one. I’d certainly ride that if I had to ride a road bike and there was nothing else interesting to do like sticking needles in my eyes.

    Free Member

    I couldn’t describe the difference between Downtown and Eastenders without being branded racist, homophobe, snob, and a nostalgic simpleton.

    But it is less embarrassing watching with a young inquisitive daughter even though it is past her bedtime.

    Free Member

    Mental, you’re all mental, least you could do is fit Hammerschmidt to the front, save you having to get off and push.

    Free Member

    I started this one not that long ago it was more about the set up rather than a ‘which is best. It’s a light, I’ve got a right mottely collection, what i spotted then lost was one about making your own, that would be cool.

    They all seem to be getting more powerful yet cheaper each year, what is certain you need a set on the bike and a set on your helmet that way you’re covered where you’re looking and where the bike’s headed.

    Oh and don’t put it right on the top of the helmet, it not only looks knaff, it can get hit by branches and your peak casts a bit of a shadow where you need it.

    Mount it Universal Soldier style.

    Free Member

    That’s got to be the shortest bit of telly before an advert in history, it’s getting like the bloody yanks, I should record and watch later..

    Free Member

    yep me to, regular every week.

    Free Member

    Which bit would you want most? Cock or legs?

    If you had to choose?

    Free Member

    Bumper year this year, that Chapel down isn’t far from where I live and ride, Tenterden. They win loads of competitions beating the French at their own game, doesn’t seem to make the stuff any cheaper mind.

    A great way to spend lunch at Chapel Down Vinyard, nice restaurant there.

    Free Member

    My old man was born within earshot of bow bells so a Cockney.

    Monkey & Pony were illustrations on Indian Rupee notes of that denomination, lots of cockneys (my old man included served in India) lots of Indian expressions influenced cockneys (cup of char) calling blokes wallers etc.

    The Monkey and Pony thing happened in a similar way, not really rhyming slang, just another expression from India.

    Free Member

    At the risk of having to take some time off to calm down, i have to say re reading the history, I’m with educator on this. You need to spend less time posting for help on internet forums a lame enough past time at the best of times and re-engage with your ex for the sake of your daughter, if, as you claim, you rreally love her.
    Living with women is a **** nightmare, they’re irrational, moody, irritable at the best of times then childbirth comes along and they can go completely psycho, so what did you do? **** off and left her to her own devices. I’m not surprised she hates you.

    Work something out, get back together with her, or stfu and take what’s coming to you which aint much, when it was you who left the little girl alone with one parent..

    Relationships are hard work, always have been always will be, chidren make them tougher, being a selfish male who ‘can’t take it any more’ after what 6 months?..

    As I see it you hold the key to your own fate.

    (I’ve lived with and put up with the same miserable bee one tee cee aich for 4 kids worth), now and again it’s totally worth it, most of the time it’s a major drag, that’s what bikes are for, but easy it aint’ but never once did I think to abandon them because I’d fallen out with their psycho mother.

    Get involved with lawyers= you both lose.

    Free Member

    Rusty Spanner – Member
    Mine for tomorrow is from the local market, via a butchers in Kent.
    Kent? For Black Pudding?

    It’ll have been imported, it’s on the banned substances list, but we have so many immigrants from oop north, came down to mine coal, dig big holes in the ground that lead to France, never went back, so some traitorous butchers accommodate them with their disgusting eating habits.

    Free Member

    Kali stuff is as good, some say better, and cheaper, downhill lids anyway.

    Free Member

    Well I’m sorry to hear he’s gone, didn’t care for his style too much personally but he was obviously a good bloke did a lot of charity work and always came across as a happy sort so the world will be a worse place without him, they certainly don’t make em like that anymore, RIP Jim hope they fixed it for you in the next place.

    Free Member

    29erconvert – Member
    I agree with the mud look and bike saftey is must!

    Not so worried about wimmen then? I guess the answer to that is in your ID. 😉

    Free Member

    I’m surprised by the sheer volume of free vids around these days, they give them away on that imbike web mag.
    Trouble is out broadband is so bloody slow I rarely watch the whole thing..

    Free Member

    Somewhere I can leave the bike with a half decent chance it’ll still be there when I come out.
    Where they don’t mind mud spattered me.
    And the wimmen appreciate they are in the presence of greatness.

    Free Member

    All very well, but if you invested on the basis that the rate would drop progressively over 20 years on the firm basis of a government backed contract, one has to wonder if there is nay recourse to law to prevent them going ahead with it.

    They waste gazillions on totally inefficient wind, when this initiative offered all of us the ability to do our bit and despite what you might have heard on the news last night, modern systems are photovoltaic which means they work from light regardless of sun and are quite efficient, certainly compared to wind.

    It’s just another example of imbeciles in government not having the first idea.

    We pay the bloody French up to 80p per unit I understand so paying Brits 40p didn’t seem like a bad idea..

    The problem has arisen with chancers operating fields of the bloody things.

    Er yes I did install some last year and haven’t got much of a return yet..

    Free Member

    Well it didn’t work i can tell you that. 😉

    Free Member


    Free Member

    I read somewhere that eating smokey bacon flavour can actually turn you gay.

    Something to do with the oestrogen in the bacon flavouring.


    Free Member

    Congratulations to you both, you should buy her a nice new bike you both can wear… 😉

    Free Member

    Get married, then she can be the ‘trouble & strife’ or bread kinfe..

    At the moments she’s just er indoors.. and probably not even swmbo..

    Free Member

    samuri – Member
    I compile lists of people on forums..

    he heh. I can’t remember from one day to the next who I thought was cool or a cock. Maybe I should copy you.

    I find it the only way in a forum as big and as transient as this one, when my time is up I shall publish it, it should be made ‘sticky’ but probably won’t due to the ‘<insert appropriate insult for bad person>’ content probably listing moderators.

    Funny you made it on the cool folk bit as well, this must be a positive thread…

    Free Member

    bagpuss72 – Member
    I hide just one of each of Binners bike gloves and move things to different draws just to watch him make up new swear words…..

    Are you Mrs Binners or his civil partner or similar then>

    I must have married your sister..

    Free Member

    bikebouy – Member
    I’m sorry but Jesus would be wearing these.. Proven.

    OMG! he probably would to…

    who else would, oh dear oh dear, how very STW they are, very elfin safety …:lol:

    Free Member

    plodtv – Member
    Oh oh oh, I’ve got one.
    I like to do a few taps of the brake pedal with my left foot if I feel I’m being tailgated.

    I do something similar but I just take foot off accelerator, so there are no break lights.

    Hah I do that as well, but find using the hand brake adds to the expanse of bonnet that suddenly appears as the offending nose dips in the rear view mirror.. 😆

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