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  • Fresh Goods Friday 695 – The Enduro Beckoning Edition
  • dan1980
    Free Member

    If I ride my 2010 revelations with the “right” pressure according to the chart on the leg, they are far to stiff.

    I’d go with setting the sag by trial and error rather than using the guide on the forks.

    Free Member

    I have nothing really to add to this, but thought people might like a picture of a kitten I found.

    Free Member

    I’m no expert, but I believe that this years “must have” logo feature is a rainbow.

    Free Member

    Saw a pair of golden eagles on Jura, that was pretty impressive 🙂

    Free Member

    I wonder if it’s worth letting trading standards know? It doesn’t seem anyone actually got the shoes on offer .

    Free Member

    You need an appropriate frame and fork for any of the bolt through systems.

    You can get 9mm hubs, and you can fit 9mm axles to standard QR frame/forks. They’re not bolt through but might improve stiffness

    Free Member

    it seems the people who could easily be described as the very best in the world use dropper seatposts

    They’re blatantly talent compensators then.

    They’re the EPO of the mountain biking world!

    Free Member

    Pretty much.

    I had my transfer fouled up by British gas, but it wasn’t anything to do with USwitch, just BG being incompetent.

    Free Member

    My online order has just gone from picking to “In query – out of stock”

    Oh well, seemed to good to be true.

    Free Member

    Anyone had acknowledgement yet?

    I got the usual

    This email is only an acknowledgement that we have received your order.

    The order has now been passed to our dispatch team to be processed and payment will be taken once we have confirmed the items are in stock.

    so fingers crossed. Doubt they’ll have stock though…

    Free Member

    Cheers for the help 🙂

    Free Member

    I’m not planning on making any use of the 64 bit features of the CPU as the software we’re running on the machine is 32 bit.

    The swap is purely to increase the speed of the PC as much as the hardware will allow as we can’t change the computer (Software locked to the mac address of the integrated network)

    I’ve never had a problem swapping CPUS around on Windows machines as I’ve just run Sysprep before the change, but because linux seems more picky hardware wise, I have a sneaking suspicion that it won’t be so easy! 🙂

    Free Member

    Will a fluffy dog do instead of a lolcat?

    Free Member

    You could always use Snag-It and screencap the pics.

    Or you could use the print screen button on your keyboard… unless I’m missing something special that snag-it does?

    Free Member

    I’ve just had to do this for a colleague here, and the method I’d use is to install GIMP (It’s free) and right click on the image in word, and select copy. Then paste into GIMP.

    I tried using mspaint, but the results were a pixalated mess.

    Free Member

    Having an active sex life is an important part of any relationship

    Is it? Why? Because you require sex to make your relationship feel whole, it doesn’t mean that every other person on the planet feels the same way.

    The wonderful thing about people is that we all like, want and need different things in life.

    Free Member

    But my point was, you are now meeting your needs, and its not with that previous partner.

    Not entirely sure how being forced into being single when I want to be in a relationship with someone I love is meeting my needs, but I do sort of get your point 🙂

    Free Member

    Fair enough, but the original question is whether to split from someone who isn’t meeting your needs.
    And you seemed to have done this yourself.

    It was me that got dumped, so she made the decision for me.
    I think that whilst she was meeting most of my needs, I wasn’t meeting many of hers, so she did what was best for her.

    It would have been nice if she’d wanted to discuss it perhaps, and it might have been nice if I’d known then that actually I wasn’t abnormal.

    Free Member

    Solo – Member

    Laying it on real thick now TJ

    I don’t actually think TJ is trolling, I think he is genuinly trying to see both sides of the situation.

    Having been in a relationship where the other half wanted sex more than I did (by quite some way) there are massive feelings of being abnormal, and feelings of guilt from not meeting your partners needs. (which may, or may not apply to the OPs other half) It wasn’t until we broke up that I realised that I fitted somewhere on the asexual spectrum, as I just don’t want sex with other people

    Free Member

    Well most people want sex, and therefore those that don’t are in the minority…

    … and therefore being in a minority means there’s something wrong with you?

    Flaming pitchforks, buckets of drugs and intensive CBT sessions at the ready then? :mrgreen:

    Free Member

    I like the way that the fact she’s not interested in sex seems to be a problem that requires some form of treatment in most peoples eyes 🙄

    It seems that that these days it’s OK that you want to have sex with people of the opposite sex, or that you want to have sex with people who are the same sex, but there must be something wrong with you if you don’t want to have sex with anyone.

    Free Member

    I’d suggest that you’re other half has a look at

    She may find that some of the things are relevant to her. It is possible to love someone and not experience sexual attraction.

    The forum is a good source of information too, and has a section on sexual partners of asexual people.

    Free Member

    Have you checked the Host file is correct? Malware can bigger it up and kill an internet connection

    Free Member

    They aren’t in, and haven’t been since I got home. I’ve tried knocking.

    I don’t expect them to wait in for me people have lives etc. , but if they weren’t going to be in so I could collect it, why take it off the courier?

    Free Member

    “Fixed” the problem by sharing the printer from one of the windows PCs and using SAMBA/CUPs to configure it.

    It does the job 😀

    Free Member

    Cheers, will have a play tomorrow and see how much further I can get things.

    Thanks for your help

    Free Member

    My last relationship finished when she decided she wanted me to come to Paris for the weekend, because she was working there on the Thursday/Friday

    It didn’t matter that i’d organised, 3 months earlier, to go to Exmoor with the with a group of mates and we’d both been to Paris earlier in the year

    On a similar note, for my 30th birthday weekend I’d checked with my now ex that she was happy for me to spend the saturday with friends, and the sunday (actual day of birthday) with her. I did this months )(literally!) in advance. Organised bike trip with mates for the Saturday. The Friday of the weekend comes round. She goes batshit mental about me not wanting to spend my birthday with her etc. Go biking as friends had come from all over the country to see me etc.

    Got dumped on the Sunday for “unreasonable behaviour”

    Yay 😐

    Free Member

    The 4 PCs in the office are all and the subnet mask is, so I think that means that they’re all on the same subnet?

    The linux machine is the only one that can’t find the printer. The 3 other windows machines don’t have a problem.

    I’ve tried turning the firewall setting off in SUSE , as when I tried to connect and it couldn’t find the printer it produced a message suggesting it couldn’t route through the firewall.

    Free Member

    The IP address for the printer was given to me by IT, but they won’t help support the linux machine that’s failing to connect, as it isn’t an approved distribution (!)

    The route seems to be OK, and all the machines in the office are on the same subnet

    Free Member

    hear that posting pictures of aforementioned pup helps a lot.

    +1 😀

    Free Member

    After he’s woken up, or just eaten/drank, pick him up and put him on the paper, use a keyword to indicate you want him to go (e.g. “Toilet <puppy name>” don’t let him leave until he’s gone, and remember to praise him when he’s done.

    It should only take a couple of days to get him sorted.

    Free Member

    ¡??l???sn? u? ?u??q ???l s,?I

    Free Member

    I seem to recall that the K24 (and K18 – they’re the same) calliper piston body sticks out quite a way below the mounting holes and the 160mm formula disk mount is designed to accomodate this. The shimano mounts may not fit.

    Free Member

    Windows should be capable of formatting the drive in fat32 up to 8 terabytes. You’ll need to can use the command prompt format tool.

    Go to accessories and right click on CMD and select run as administrator.

    type in

    format <drive leter> /fs:fat32

    The limitation that I’m aware of, of “windows” not being able to format drives over 32GB) I believe only applies to the installation, although if I’m wrong, then I’ve at least learned something today!

    If you’re still having problems, use EASUS partition manager to format the external drive.

    edited as I was wrong!

    Free Member

    It’s not the bios as such that’s causing the problem, it’s the boot loader from widows.

    The easiest option is to stop the menu appearing.

    In the working version of Windows 7, open up the system control panel, go to advanced system properties, and the advanced tab, and click on the startup and recovery settings button. Choose the “default” operating system that you want to use, and uncheck the time to display list of operating systems.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Eventually, but probably not on Sunday.

    Free Member

    Two women on the train this morning were complaining about the cold

    “It’s so unexpected” said one of them.

    Really?! It’s winter, it gets cold. That’s what happens when our hemisphere angles away from the sun. I’ve been expecting it since about October!

    It seems a very British thing to complain about the weather, but it doesn’t half get on my wick!

    Free Member

    Not strictly (in any sense of the term) a drawing, but it is a work of art…

    An Owl

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