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  • couldashouldawoulda
    Free Member

    LIDL or ALDI do some for about £20 a few times a year. It works well for me and temp is very accurate – inside & outside temp and trend, pressure and trend and a guess at the weather forecast.

    The o/s temp sensor needs to be in total shade otherwise you’ll think you’re in the bahamas. Mine is branded Auriel I think. Checking it is now part of the morning ritual!

    Free Member

    I guess their business model suits some folks – hook then with the offer of a really cheap photo session, line them in with the offer of interest free / low monthly payments and sink them with the massive (10x – 20x) jump in price from the tiniest print to the next size up.

    I wont run down the sales technique or the quality of the photos. I will only say that it is a slick marketeting machine that initially did extrememly well. Nowadays they get almost no repeat business.

    Its run as a franchise – some branches probably are better than others.

    Last I heard some of the franchises and the parent company were sailing close to the wind financially. Usually they employ recent college grads to take the photos (great idea) and experienced salesmen to do the follow up sales.

    btw – I work in the industry (I am not in any way a competitor though) and wish them well – personaly I just wish they’d change their sales approach.

    Free Member

    We finally got outdoors today : what a great success! Andrew is scooting about – he can get moving, get up to speed and can do about 2 left right paddles before he has to use both feet together.

    We only needed the saddle really low for about 20 minutes. Then he asked for it to be raised. He also sits right on the nose of the saddle which I’m sure he’ll grow out of. In the end he only wanted to get off as the saddle was hurting!

    Medium term I think we’ll move his saddle back and maybe a longer stem.

    ps – Handy hint: never leave a new bike indoors unsupervised on Christmas morning. I have some chunks of plaster to repair and skid marks to remove from the floor!

    Lastly a hug for STW and all that helped.

    Free Member

    matt_outandabout – Member
    Ace – now show him riding the thing!

    Lol. If it stopped raining we’d be let out.

    Free Member

    Mark- Go for it!

    Fatboy- wow that’s a great offer! I’ll try and fix mine up after Christmas and if that doesn’t work I’ll get back to you.

    Free Member

    So the “rushton BRAW” arrived in Edinburgh on schedule, got built up with only one niggle (my donor front wheel had a wobble so borrowed Mrs CSW’s).

    It looks fab in the flesh, nice details (all the joins are smooth, hose clips at the correct angles etc) and a really great powder coating. The decals turned up on schedule too and finish it off nicely.

    The Magura brakes are on their way but wont arrive til the New Year.

    The steerer might get cut down – but I’ll see how Andrew gets on first. I’ll also need to fix (or get) a the rim brake compatible wheel with matching spokes. The current post is cut short (to stop it coming out the bottom) and I’m giving him a longer one for when he’s happy to raise the saddle more.

    Andrew loves it. His mum is gobsmacked. He just had a quick scoot on it but we have to get him a helmet today and if the weather improves we should get out for a spin around the yard / lane.

    So a big thanks to:

    All the folk on the original “ideas” thread which possibly seemed a bit daft but the constructively ideas helped set this in motion (eg Mark of TBC’s trail bike idea).
    Mick_r (and his wife and children: I’m sure they missed him of an evening/weekend)
    Alasdair – forks
    Brad (at TBC) : forks
    Chipps from here : contacts
    Mark at Schwalbe: tyres, tubes,….
    Magura : brakes
    Mark at
    martinxyz for the naming input
    Militant_biker(Rick) and Greuller(Giles) for the logo Illustrator files.
    TheDts (Dan) from for the decal printing.
    Mick’s lbs – for reaming the headtube
    Anne Marie and Andrew – who think I’m totally nuts (especially for riding an mtb in the dark) and put up with a slightly pushy uncle 😉

    And – all those that offered us other bits and those that chipped in with comments of support etc.

    Thank you all and happy Christmas!

    And thanks from Andrew and Anne-Marie. I’ve got a proper hug from him to pass along!

    Free Member

    It’s a wind up. And I thought a pretty funny one. Not his first either.

    Good work fella 😉

    Free Member

    Agreed with all the above. I got this full set of seals from ebay for my 09 revs that had the same problem. You just need oil and damper fluid.

    Free Member

    In fact going by that I’m actually giving them money ‘cos they’ve got a new token that they can sell on to somebody else, AND they’ve got more tokens in total than they did have before – which means they’re not going to have to replace them as soon which they must do from time to time anyway when they leak out of the system. Yes, I’m obviously morally right.

    STOP – I’m laughing so much it’s hurting!

    Free Member

    Genuinely LOL.

    If I use one of my own tokens, they can still get it back and sell it on to somebody else.


    Free Member

    When in Glasgow we go to rogano. Keep going back – that must be a good sign. Menus and prices on their site. Nice decor – especially downstairs.

    Free Member

    iridebikes – nice video. The changing of outfits was a bit disconcerting though.

    stevede – nice. Really nice. Made me smile.

    Perhaps close to lots of parents nightmares!

    Free Member

    Stoner – I dont know. They came and fettled repeatedly for ages – eventually this red vessel got fitted – problem sorted. Lasted a few years.

    Afterwards – a fan or something major went – new boiler went in – red vessel was removed – never had a drop in pressure in the last few years with the same radiator / pipes etc.

    You can tell by now I am a real expert, eh?

    #Edit – just to add – the indication for us (as experts) of the blow off problem was the rotten coppery/irony smell outside. The vent exited high up – ran down a wall – stunk – and IIRC – left a greeney residue.

    Free Member

    My best mate is there now for nearly 2 years. He sees is as a slightly better option than working on a north sea oil rig. At least his wife is there and they can have a bevvy sometimes, made some friends and they’ve got skype for old friends and family.

    He’s doing it so he can get a deposit on a house in Sydney. He is really well paid.

    Otherwise – no.

    I’ve only been twice – a short visit and again passing through. I wouldnt choose to visit or holiday or work there. But needs must and all that.

    Free Member

    Similar-ish experience. Potterton boiler now long gone but intermittent dumping (my term) through the release valve (it should be obvious as hell to you that its dumping outside – big smelly puddle).

    Ours was under a BG maintenance contract and eventually they fitted a biggish red tank near the boiler – looked like a large fire extinguisher – that the hot feed went into and straight out of the other side. Apparently there was a diaphram in there – hot water on one side – air on the other.

    You can tell I’m an expert eh!

    Free Member

    AFAIK some pads / shoes have a wear indicator (metal set in the pad / shoe that squeals) as they get really worn. That’s time for a change. Others dont -then thats really really time for a change.

    But its only the rears so you’ll probably be fine. Who needs 4 brakes anyway 😉

    Free Member

    think they’ve all rolled over and given up. None of them asked for the details I had.

    Poor show. You’re still my hero for doing all that digging though!

    Free Member

    I suspect some oil got out when you attached the pump. A tiny bit makes a big difference. That link should sort you out.

    Free Member

    LOL – a spammer with a cure for scammers? Whatever next.

    Free Member

    Fantastic Mick!

    We’ve decided on the “rushton BRAW” name. I’ve photoshopped the above image to give an idea of what it’ll look like once decaled. Are you ok with this?

    And thanks again to Militant_biker(Rick) and Greuller(Giles) from here who helped getting the required Illustrator file setup and TheDts (Daniel?) who has offered to print the decals on Monday.

    #Edit – the logo:

    Free Member

    DTs – seriously? That would be fab. I’ll run the two files past Andrew and send one on tomorrow.

    Thanks all!

    Free Member

    Rick and Giles – both fantastic! Thanks and Happy Christmas.

    Free Member


    you edit your posts after the event so we cant have a discussion online.

    In a pub over a beer – it might be otherwise.

    I wont retort to insults.

    Free Member

    deluded – Member
    What’s STW’s obsession with the police all about? No other topic, apart from religion or headsets seems to court such wide ranging and often very ill-informed views.

    I consider it a very odd phenomenon on this forum. Half the stories are a load of made up shit3.

    Deluded – sadly the general perception of the police has gone down the tubes over the last 10 years or so. Gradually but noticably. Even among old folk on my street – general whinging about getting them off their asses. Ineffective. Lazy. And on the other hand shoot to kill, beating folk up, bribery, backhanders, journalists, ….

    Every experience and story whittles away.

    There are of course bright stars etc.

    Free Member

    #Nice Edit BTW.

    ##Edit 2 – that edit just leaves me dangling.

    jumpupanddown- I suspect we wouldnt get along in real life and that your mum is a really lovely woman. You and me just wont get each other at all.

    So back to the high street……

    Free Member

    yes why waste youre time with pesky money that can only be spent in every shop in the country..never got gift vouchers,

    Because some folk like being thoughtful, or at least pretending they are aware of your interests rather than not giving a shit and just doling out cash?

    Free Member

    Looks very like a young lemur. Not the famous running sideways one. Maybe a juvenile indri. Or one of his cousins.

    #Edit – the pad like fingers are common in indris but the OP photo’s may be too pronounced for an indri – I never got to see the toddlers.

    Free Member

    edhornby has hit the nail on the head. Also as mentioned earlier about the outdoor shop’s rent versus his mortgage. Retail property in high streets – and therefore rents – are massively overvalued. And that pushes up the price of goods to us. It will level out eventually I guess.

    Sadly a disproportionate amount are owned by pension funds.

    My best guess for new year failures are: Ann Summers (does anyone know anyone that buys from them 😉 ), Homebase- must be on the radar, Staples,….

    We’ve learnt the hard way – buy your Christmas vouchers with a credit card.

    Free Member

    gooner: The Interlink guys IME dont carry a measuring tape – you arent taking the mickey they will collect it no issues at all. I’ve sent some proper big stuff recently. If they can carry it to the van they’re happy.

    Also – if I can find it – and anyone wants it – they have an advent calendar of discounts for December.

    Free Member

    Apparently its a Horst (sp?) but as its not sold in the US it’s not patented or something. Apparently.

    Free Member

    Mick – I reckon you’ve earned that weiss!

    So Mick for names: what about rushton BRAW!

    Or RUSH braw. Or rush BRAW. Or M.R. Braw. Actually- I like that last one.

    Free Member


    Give us the low down – model, why you’d picked that model, how long from order to delivery etc.

    Mine’s due soon. Ordered yesterday PM after a certain Stanfree on here lent me his XC for an hour and a half of muddy grins.

    Free Member

    Andyhilton – Thanks: much appreciated.

    Free Member

    Slik Graphics ?? They make a sloth look like Usain Bolt…

    That’s made me chuckle!

    Any speedier suppliers or any ideas folks?

    Free Member

    I cant see the ads but those look like twitter hash tags?

    Free Member

    That’s probably related then

    I’ll take that back – I dont see how that guide would affect things.

    Free Member

    Peterpoddy’s guide to making them crown mounted lockout

    That’s probably related then 😉

    Do you have a link to the guide? I probably wont be able to help much more – just interested.

    Free Member

    Someone more knowledgeable than me will be along in a minute.

    In the mean time – some more diagnosis:
    – Have they done it from new?
    – when you added the fluid are you sure there was none leftover below the piston thing.
    – With the damper out you should be able to see a doofer inside the assembly moving when you turn the lockout lever.

    Free Member

    Just to check – when fully assembled – you let all the air out of both sides : you still cant compress them fully?

    Free Member

    Thanks Albanach – I came across them too but the “slow” bit puts me off.

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