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  • The International Variations Of Faff: What Do You Call It?
  • BikePawl
    Free Member

    TandemJeremy – Member
    Zokes – thats is right that “Edinburgh defense” as you call it is based on lies about me. I have never done it – started a debate in seriousness and then pretended I was in jest. I have been accused of doing so but its something I have never done.

    However like many “big lies” repeat it enough and people start to believe it.

    Its an accusation that I have lied about my motivations – and that is not something I have ever done.

    Posted 45 minutes ago # Report-Post

    Just because you can’t remember it happening doesn’t mean it didn’t happen TJ.
    It was about a year year and a half ago, a thread was started about riding a greeen rocky shoot in the north somewhere. About half way down the first page you come into the thread claiming you could ride it, when someone picks you up on this instead of saying at the start you where trolling winding people up, you get defensive saying you can ride black graded routes and argued the case that you could do it, some name calling went on, I think it was started by John Rambo who called you a chocolate boy. You ended up by saying it was all a wind up and you had been joking all a long. I think this was the last time I saw you using the Edinburgh Defence.
    I have spent a little time looking for that thread but couldn’t be bothered after half an hours searching, I hope someone else can remember the same thread.

    Free Member

    fisha – Member

    those orca were amazing. really got a sense of the intelligence they have.

    seems like an animal rights group in the states agree with you

    Free Member

    mboy – Member

    Ok TJ, the obvious port of call is just go and buy somedownload some free Hed Kandi compilations.


    Free Member

    I recieved the survey from a contact of mine in Edinburgh Leisure, from what I remember this is at proposal stage at the moment, but with Craigmillar Park falling I reckon they are putting all there resources into this.

    Free Member


    BikePawl – Member

    I’m led to believe the Craigmillar park trails have had issues over land ownership (multiple land owners)
    Edinburgh Leisure are looking at developments at Birdiehouse burn
    They have a survey out at the moment.

    Posted 22 hours ago #
    You mean this one

    Free Member

    binners – Member

    I find having cats around helps keep a sense of perspective. Ultimately they’re insane, scheming, untrustworthy, mercenary pathological killers, yet still cute, affectionate and loving (when they want something)

    So once you’ve shared a house with a couple of them, the behavior of even the most dysfunctional, sociopathic fruit-loop human being, at work say, can seem mildly irritating at most. Its something you can brush off with relative disdain. Knowing, as you do, that your ‘pet’ – the one you shower with love and affection – would happily murder you in your sleep for buying it the wrong brand of food

    +1 and a LOL

    Free Member

    I’m led to believe the Craigmillar park trails have had issues over land ownership (multiple land owners)
    Edinburgh Leisure are looking at developments at Birdiehouse burn
    They have a survey out at the moment.

    Free Member

    But I don’t want to live the in 21st Century 8)
    Thanks for the replies

    Free Member

    Go for it, you’ve nothing to lose?
    I’d double check your figures in the cold light of day though.
    From what you were saying I’d think 10k a year for two people was a little on the low side, you might want to think about budgeting for double that. Yes sure when walking you can live cheaper but if I remember from a thread on here, staying anywhere a bit more civilised could be more expensive.

    Free Member

    Bad luck mate.
    At least it wasn’t a total suprise, sounds like your better off outa there.
    But as the saying goes every cloud has a silver lining, It means I won the bet with Laura that you wouldn’t last 6 months ;)

    Free Member

    Last years batch I made using the goodhousekeeping recipe. It said to add a few drops of vanilla essence, it was a great success, you did get a suptle hint of vanilla. This year I will be making it with vanilla sugar. Put a couple of vanilla pods in a large jar of sugar, hey pretso vanilla sugar after a month.

    Free Member

    Well done Al good to see it finished.
    Are we to infere something by the fact you’ll only take it out after dark :)

    Free Member

    I was thinking of selling them on e-bay as seperate items

    Kato – Member

    Bikepawl, lemme know what you think of the D7000

    I’m about to pull the trigger on one to replace my aging D80 and have been ummming and ahhing about it for months. Was going with a D300s but my head was turned by the D7000

    If it’s of any use to you I got the body only from HDEW Cameras, its a grey import but at £749 it was a bargain, they’ve still got the offer on till the 7th October, they offer a three year warrenty, cause Nikon europe won’t

    Free Member

    I love it, it’s several steps above my previous D60. I like the ease of switching to manual focus. Not sure about the video, my 1 attempt so far is cack. Now all I’ve got to do is learn how to use it.

    Free Member

    Should I whistle whilst I walk away?

    Free Member

    The new camera is a D7000 so metering does work, I think, well it did when I tried it.

    Free Member

    Many thanks

    Free Member

    Cheers tucker, would that be cause it’s slightly newer and would work with a digital

    Free Member

    And don’t forget the farmers struggling to keep their beasts fed and alive.
    Then there’s the wildlife, little baby robins dying in the hedgerows.
    And for those of us in Scotland they are blaming the harsh winters on an increase in midgie numbers

    Free Member

    “I was so rattled I glanced round to mkake sure this wasn’t a signal for an army of bunnies like this Doberman of a beast to come up behind an tear me to shreds.”

    Free Member

    But if we all pay off all of our individual debt, how are the credit card companies and banks supposed to make money?

    Free Member

    It’s all down to road positioning. if you’d been in the primary position it would never have happened :)
    You were totally correct to deal with BMW cocks like this, if ordinary people don’t take a stand they will take over the world, oh they all ready have!!!!!

    Bruk has the right idea, better they are in front of you.
    Hope the crash didn’t hurt you or your bike.
    Better get that smart phone soon so you can record these incidents

    Free Member

    TandemJeremy – Member

    I just may go completely radge one day trying to get home – down the bridges / leith walk. OUTAMAYWAYYOUSTUPIDSLOWUNOBSERVANTRUDETWUNTWHOJUSTCARVEDMEUP


    Posted 12 hours ago #Report-Post

    that’ll be down to poor road positioning then!!!!!!!

    You do know that you should be taking the primary position in the lane :)

    Free Member

    To determine the size Park tools has all the information you’ll need.

    SIMPLE EQUATION: L = 2 (C) + (F/4 + R/4 + 1)

    L = Chain length in inches. Round the final result to closest whole inch figure.
    C = Chain stay length in inches, measure to closest 1/8”. Use chart below to find decimal measurement.
    F= Number of teeth on largest front chainring.
    R= Number of teeth on largest rear cog.

    Free Member

    TandemJeremy – Member
    drumlanrig is different because it was charging before the LRA so can continue to charge for riding on its trails.

    So if a trail centre had been open before the LRA it could have charged for using the trails?

    Free Member

    I thought the reason for not paying to ride the trails but paying for parking, was about a greater liabilty if someone pays to use your facilities. So if you don’t charge for riding the trails you have less liabilty if they injure themselves.

    Free Member

    much of the pentlands is MOD land

    I’d reckon about 10% from the map

    Free Member

    TandemJeremy – Member

    hilldodger – Member

    wwaswas – Member
    What do the MOD in Scotland with the whole right to roam thing?

    same as the other parts of Scotland which are excluded from the ‘right to roam’

    Not quite IIRC – for instance much of the pentlands is used by the army for exercises and is MOD land IIRC but right to roam still applies.

    Urmmm not sure that is quite correct, check out the map of MOD land in the pentlands


    Free Member


    Damn beaten by 17 seconds

    Free Member

    Fish finger sandwiches with peanut butter, chilli sauce, cheese, lettuce and mayo.

    Free Member

    What’s your point? I thought the argument was about dogs not behaving, i.e moving around erratically. As far as I know trees don’t do that.

    Free Member

    richc – Member

    BikePawl, to go back to your examples, if those tree’s (not a single specimen the whole species) are 100% predictable 100% of the time, why aren’t all those trees identical even when the evnironmental conditions are the same?

    Because of variation within the species, if you could grow clones under completely identical conditions they would be the same, however this is not the case in the real world.

    Free Member

    Oh well richc doesn’t seem to like my 100% predictable, 100% of the time living thing.
    It’s the beeches you really have to worry about, next time it is a childs face.

    Free Member

    There’s not mushroom to debate, these fellows

    Will have you off your face

    Free Member

    Name two living things that are 100% predictable, 100% of the time

    Oldest living tree 9,550 year old spruce tree.

    Britains oldest tree, the 5,000 year old Fortingall Yew

    Free Member

    Fashion Advice from TJ, Hahahahahahahaha!!!!

    Free Member

    There is also Devilla forest over by Kincardine, not technical but a few trails in the woods. Good for practicing your navigation

    Free Member

    If you are going to feed it Dried food, I can thoroughly recommend leaving it plenty of water, we lost our old cat to kidney disease, it lived on dried food we thought it got enough water, but it might not of had enough.

    Free Member

    It’s not a bad idea, they’ll get rid of flies and bugs for you.
    On the down side they’ll wake you up at annoying times of the night bringing in caught animals in various stages of consumption, the live animals are the worst as they make more noise.
    Have they been spayed, if not how old are they, the earlier they are done the less they spray and smell.
    They’ll eat you out of house and home.

    Free Member

    No I don’t carry a rear mech, but if they had been properly maintained!!!!!!!
    And yes I know cause I helped you SS them.

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