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  • Sleeping Out: Bonus Content | Sam Jones
  • bentandbroken
    Full Member

    This used to be the method to ‘trade’ without the hassle of trading (i.e registering as a trader, paying trade rate for adverts etc, providing warranties, dealing with HMRC etc).

    Even though it could be genuine, I would walk away unless you can trace the owner listed on the original paperwork and have a chat with him/her and everything else stacks up perfectly

    Full Member

    Seems BT actually want/expect you to use social media to contact them/complain;

    Second Story Down

    Full Member

    Is that Fox Mulder?

    Full Member

    Next month you get a peg. Then you can stick it part way in to your spokes and it will make it sound like you are riding a motorcycle while you are riding your bike

    Full Member

    We have done cheap October half term holidays at Parkdean sites for the last 4 years. I think my summary would be ‘cheap and cheerful’.

    By October many things can be a bit tired, but the staff are friendly and the facilities are often basic, but clean.

    As long as you book through Parkdean you will be allowed free entry into any swimming pools and the evening entertainment. If you book direct with a van owner it is often cheaper, but you have to pay for an ‘entertainment pass’ which often negates the savings you make


    Full Member

    I probably have a few in the garage.

    Where are you, as it might cost a bit to post?

    Full Member

    Book yourself in to a rally school that will let you take your own car (such as this one)

    NB – Not mine, no commercial interest, but I still think back and smile even though my day there was 16 years ago!

    Full Member

    DezB – Member

    Another one:

    RUSH! Loads of fans on here, but I find their twiddly wee guitar wankery and lispy high pitched vocals the most puke-inducing load of tosh ever.

    Are you my wife?

    Full Member

    T-Cut will potentially be too harsh. Try something finer/smoother ( ask your local car spares shop)

    IMHO it is worth going for something that removes it slowly and makes you use more elbow grease. If you go for the fast option you are more likely to damage what is underneath

    Full Member

    cranberry – Member

    bentandbroken – was that for bombing practice? There seem to be a couple of bomb craters to the south-west.


    Its part of a ‘bombing range’

    There is a ‘target‘ with concentric rings as well. Hopefully you can see it in this link (it works well in some views, but not others)

    Full Member

    The British built a submarine pen in the middle of a forest (the New Forest to be precise)

    After the war they returned to break it up and clear the area, but the equipment they took with them was not up to the job, so they buried it instead. It is still there today

    Google Map link

    Full Member


    Or one of the groups other ones, but I think the Spa at Baliffscourt is supposed to be better

    Caveat – I have never used a Spa and don’t know anything about them from a customers perspective, but I have visited a number hotels with Spas for work

    Full Member

    On the train thing; Learn to drive a (miniature)steam train

    Re a driving experience; Not his car, but maybe the same make/model[/url]

    Full Member

    Ditto the above comments.

    There are not many real hills in the area, the highest ‘peak’ is here

    There is lots of ridable Fire-Track all round the summit and there is some nice singletrack to be found, but TBH it is all a bogfest at the moment and mostly just a slog :-(

    Full Member

    Cancer killed my Grandad, my Dad, my Aunt, my Uncle and my dog. My mum and MIL are currently fighting it.

    So yes, it could be like that everywhere

    Full Member

    Newforce seem to concentrate on the ‘other side’ of the forest for evening rides, but we have been discussing joining them on their Godshill ride in march (that said, I’m broken again at the moment so am taking it easy for a week or two)

    Thinking about it, we did see a group of about 8 Near Plumley Farm in Ringwood forest on a night ride last year. They said they were from Fordingbridge and one was on a CX, would that have been ‘your mob’?

    Full Member

    As well as Dorset Rough Riders and Newforce, there used to be a Thursday night ride organised by The Forge Cycleworks in Ringwood[/url]. They may have stopped for the winter, but worth a check

    PS @ missnotax, I was surprised there is a regular ride out from Fordingbridge every Wednesday. Is it open to all? There are up to 5 of us from ‘just up the road’ who pedal round Ringwood Forest or the west side of the New Forest etc most Wednesdays and never seem to see anyone out

    Full Member

    I can’t rate the facilities from experience (as I have only driven past), but another option nearby to Sandy Balls is New Forest Lodges

    That said, Sandy Balls does seem to win a lot of awards and is very child friendly

    Full Member

    Blimey. I did not realise how much flack that would get me. Must check the STW favorites list and current market value of something I am not going to buy next time I think about posting a PSA


    Full Member

    Quick bump for the daytime crowd.

    Also a LINK[/url] to the British Wildlife Photographers Website which has some of the images on display

    Full Member

    I broke mine in May last year. A&E only took one x-ray and it looked like a simple break

    The following week I had 2 more x-rays and was whisked in for surgery as the bone was broken in three places and ‘was also split’. The first plate lasted a week and then ‘failed’. The second plate was fitted 4 weeks later

    It was then 6 months before x-rays showed any signs of bone regrowth, but the main consultant said this was not unheard of especially as there was a long time between the initial break and the second surgery. He also said he was prepared to wait up to a year before opening me up again to conduct a bone graft

    I go back again in May as there is a possibility that I may have to have the plate taken out. It is giving me some hassle and will (hopefully) have done its job by then

    As for loosing faith in the NHS, don’t! They do a good job in most cases , but they are human and there are some differences in opinion on how to treat many conditions including a broken clavicle (I had three surgeons with different opinions, I trusted the one who told me I would hear different options and opinions, but spent the time answering all of my questions rather than trying to force me to agree with his opinion).

    I would be dead without the NHS and they have patched me up more than once. Thanks guys and gals!

    {EDIT} – Riding after a few days! I could barely walk for about 6 weeks :-(

    Full Member

    Risky as you stand to loose a lot more if one of the bags goes missing.

    Classic case of potentially putting all you kecks into one basket

    Full Member

    Bump for the daytime crowd :-)

    Full Member

    The government have been actively developing these cities and each one is a centre of production of one type of product.

    One city is specialised in consumer electronics, another in rubber products, another steel working etc. Seems a good idea – reduces material movements in manufacturing process and concentrates expertise in a certain field.

    The government also pay huge bonuses to companies who export. It means that companies can export at a loss (like the cheapo lights on Ebay etc) as they get a lump sum bonus based on the amount they exported which then gives them a profit.

    I fear the Chinese will have total domination of pretty much every industry soon.

    No problem, we just need to invent something to make that includes parts from two or three different Chinese Cities. That will mess with their heads. Rubber Coated, Springs anyone? ;-)

    Full Member

    I used a bottle of whiskey to try and defrost the radiator in a Mark II Escort once. Worked fairly well so I say keep it in case your car antifreeze does not work one day :-)

    Full Member

    Have you heard about the magic tractor?

    It drove down a lane and turned in to a field!

    Full Member

    Restore and then download the songs/APs again. If you use the same account the download will be free.

    If necessary he can search emails receipts for a list of his previous downloads. If there is an issue with any download asking for money simply contact Apple with details from the receipt

    Full Member

    Website borked, and iplayer dropping out every few minutes on the TV here

    Full Member

    @ Surfer

    That’s what I thought. As it stands I would have been better off putting my share under the mattress.

    Despite my negativity, everyone should do something. Just remember you can’t foretell the future.

    Full Member

    My parents fell into the ‘insufficient’ savings for the future trap so encouraged me to invest in a pension before I was legally allowed to.

    Based on stock market fluctuations to date and two lots of bad advice I now expect to get less than £6,000 per Annum (in todays’ money)

    My plan B is to continue working until I am no longer able to. At that stage I will either no longer care or I may have to consider something drastic such as Dignitas

    Full Member

    Have a look through the BBC Traffic Webcams to check the route

    For example:

    Worked well for me last year and last Thursday/Friday


    Full Member

    Ear Defenders v Ear Muffs. Same thing, different name ;-)

    PS I guess I should have put a ;-) after typing peasants….

    Full Member

    What about when you are out on your estate shooting those pesky peasants?

    Full Member

    @ Molgrips

    Did you try unilateral de-icement? I did and cleared the drive and the section of road outside (all the way across). Within 24hours every other resident had done the same and the road was clear

    Full Member

    @ piedi di formaggio

    Do you work in the bit on the left or the right? If the left, you should take a picture of the safe door and some of the stairwells/tiles :-)

    Full Member

    @ Russell96 Re: Tide coming in at a rate of knots

    Where is that?

    (Nice pic BTW)

    Full Member


    Are you sure about the trail centre comment?


    Full Member

    TheBrick – Member

    personally I recon a arduino and selection of components or a kit and plans would be more fun for a kid. Fast results to see motors spining lights blinking e.t.c.

    Having bought my 9 year old a basic electronics kit for X-Mas we have been discussing the concept of getting a R-Pi and he is excited.

    I was thinking it would be a basic computer he could call his own and a platform for introducing him to simple programming (for example creating a simple game for an Android tablet). We were also talking about making an alarm for the garage by linking it to some of the circuitry in the electronics kit. This is all stuff that would put me on a huge learning curve as well!

    The Pi sites give info on a basic I/O connector that looks OK. As someone who was bought up on a C64 and a BBC Micro can you (or anyone else) give me a simple why/why not for the Arduino V the R-Pi? for I/O stuff?

    Full Member

    Where are you? Can I have your bikes? :wink:

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