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  • Fresh Goods Friday 722: The Autumn’s Done Come Edition
  • akeys001
    Full Member

    What a tragic accident and sorry for her and her family and you kayak

    Flashing someone means ‘after you’ or ‘I am aware of you’, after that is it up to the other driver what to do. In the olden days (I still do it if I can see someone waiting) you’d indicate with your hand as well as the indicator to actively say ‘I am indicating and I confirm that I am turning’ but it doesn’t happen much now.

    Her actions are her responsibility. It is terribly sad, but that risk is the downside of being able to move around pretty rapidly in extremely heavy machines that can kill. It is how it is, I wish you the best coming to terms with it all.

    Full Member

    no you don’t need an architect – assuming it’s fairly simple and you know what you want you just need an accurate and detailed drawing – you can diy by finding similar designs on the portal and doing your own using some free/cheap CAD software or find someone who has CAD and tell them your measurements

    Full Member

    Happy V Day TG

    Full Member

    Full Member

    good shout, perfect work distraction – 90 mins to go

    Full Member

    it’s not abuse – you asked this

    I know most people only have good things to say about them so is it me being too fussy or just bad luck?

    and they’re saying you’re fussy – you’ve now got two threads moaning about them and it might all be fine and worst case you are unlucky

    edit: maybe the stoat comment is unnecessary

    Full Member

    pertinent given democracy is still being tested

    Full Member

    I think the regulations do need to make clearer what ‘moderation’ should involve – moderation by definition means avoiding the extremes – so at the extreme end of the scale of various viewpoints (i.e. provable lies) – these should be removed, but very soon after that (see cougar’s examples) someone somewhere (e.g. someone working for facebook etc) has to take a view and it’s not an easy task – I don’t envy any moderators job. To me the rules around moderation on a global scale are just not where they need to be (or perhaps in trump’s case having just been shut down on twitter) they are not enforced. Either way it’s human nature to push boundaries (a blessing and a curse) and social media is not a benign network whether we like it or not so ultimately more rules will likely need to be applied.

    Full Member

    Please put links to the threads you’re suggesting f you have them

    took me 20 mins to find the john lewis one I was on about so I’m ok with hints

    Perchy’s best lines this year would be good – am off for a search

    Prepare for a disappointment. I haven’t raised my game beyond mildly irritating for years now

    don’t worry, still searching

    Full Member

    What? Link?

    I might’ve oversold it (ha) but I was thinking of the John Lewis pricematch thread where the chap that seems to run all of JL customer service turned up to make sure all was well

    John Lewis no longer price matching?

    also there was a Ling retiring thread this year which I thought was very cheering

    Perchy’s best lines this year would be good – am off for a search

    (and personal LOL at dezb – ta!)

    Full Member

    I’d tie in the wall structure to the floor using concrete fence post supports e.g.

    in fact I’d diy the whole structure using those supports (100mm), 100mm fence posts, basic joists, clad with ply then epdm for the whole roof, insulate it if you want, save a fortune

    Full Member

    I’m guessing the tv uses an older generation of wireless e.g. wireless b or g when your router is set to ‘wireless n only’ or similar – i’d look in the router settings to look for wireless compatibility or mode something like that

    Full Member

    Think trail rat has it – whoever is dealing with the agent doesn’t want to move (possibly even if they get a stupid offer) – rest of the family may want to move so it’s family politics but whatever that’s the position – in this scenario you aren’t getting it either way – sorry – so I’d give your non-negotiable best offer and say to the agent i’ll leave this final offer here and it’s valid until i find another house which i’m going to actively look into, if their position has changed they’ll call you, if not you know to crack on elsewhere

    Full Member

    kinda like my stock of old 26″ tyres and 9 speed drivetrains.

    Stealth ad reported

    Edit: although i have been nice doing shopping for my neighbours recently can I have a discount?

    Full Member

    It does sound a bit like a racket but anyway, i still think you need to force the issue of getting the POD as it has different details from your invoice – that invoice is legally your contract. – So if ebay and pp aren’t helping i see the only option as small claims against the seller – you have the invoice – they need to prove they fulfilled your contract and that will bring out the POD with the wrong names and all this other failed delivery stuff and you’d expect the ruling to be in your favour (and if it is a racket they likely wouldn’t contest it).

    Small claims is a pain but its a last resort and is there for issues like yours.

    I’d also still complain through pp mind – they have not protected you here.

    Full Member

    I believe from a legal perspective (IANAL) the POD is invalid as it is for a delivery that isn’t to your address.

    For paypal’s position to make sense I could sell you something, then post an item to someone else and claim I’ve got proof of delivering the item to you.

    You can prove this (or force this point if you don’t have a copy of the POD) by your invoice (receipt) stating your address and saying the address needs to match the POD address – otherwise it is invalid.

    This seems straight forward to me unless I’m missing something.

    So your contract is with the seller and they do not have a valid POD so either they need to provide the goods or return your money. This I’d’ve thought is the route for small claims. The other route is to insist to paypal that the seller doesn’t have a valid POD and for this I’d speak to them.

    Full Member

    think you have to tell virgin you’re leaving – by the time you’ve finished that call they’ll have offered you £26ish p/m to stay, I’d stay.

    In answer to your question – no it is a different cable.

    Full Member

    “The landlord herby lets the grazing of horse, sheep and chickens and mowing rights of the land to the tenant”

    mow it?

    edit: personally I’d leave it and move on

    Full Member

    I remember poor Steve Furber trying to tutor this software leaning CS student though my design of a ‘system on a chip’ back in the early 90s. The man has the patience of a saint… and a brain the size of a dwarf planet. (keysa) 92-95 – you? Never had a clue what he was on about which says a lot (could’ve been the raving mind)

    Edit: raving, mind ;)

    Full Member

    i wouldn’t worry about a gen 1 chip – apple have a vested interest in making it work, the mac range depends on it – and behind the scenes they will have worked on this for a long time (also it’s 2020 – migrating architecture is pretty well understood).

    Full Member

    i-spec – need I say more?

    Full Member

    I suspect the protestors broadly agree with this (quote from twitter)

    You can be pissed off at people flocking to the seaside & ok with those demonstrating against a horrifying injustice. Risking your life to paddle is not the same as risking your life to take a stand against someone unjustly losing theirs.

    But of course YMMV

    Full Member

    Enjoyed from twitter “Look you can’t blame him for this, the Government’s messaging has been really confusing”

    Full Member

    I’ve got rapid ring installed on my phone but it doesn’t seem to work, all the notifications come through the main app

    if ios go into settings-notifications and turn notifications off for ring app and on for rapid ring – don’t know android but suspect similar ;)

    Full Member

    psa for those finding the ring app slow to connect to the camera – download “rapid ring” – it’s a cut-down version and much faster – ios and android i believe

    Full Member

    you have to filter out the one star reviews left due to fact the reviewers dog died that day with no relevance to the product

    enjoyed that (and stumpy +1 generally)

    Full Member

    great work stw and best wishes to the gnusmas crew :)

    Full Member

    I wouldn’t argue this under S75 – this is a straight forward unauthorised payment.

    It’s the fact that they’ve been able to take the full payment without my consent that really irks me!

    CC companies have to allow this for e.g. telephone payments (cardholder not present) but the key is cardholders authorisation.

    Suggest you phone the cc company and tell them you did not authorise that payment – they do take a dim view of people taking money without authorisation for obvious reasons – it’s theft.

    Full Member

    oooh, not heard of rapid ring, off to find that. do you ruin it as well as ring app or instead of?

    Instead of – so notifications enabled for rapid ring only – and only use full fat ring app for settings, although only issue with rapid ring is it doesn’t tell you if the battery is low (only applies if using it on battery, obvs) so check ring app every so often.

    Full Member

    I find it generally good but the ‘rapid ring’ app (if it works with your version) is much faster (i.e. it works if you want to answer when someone presses the doorbell) compared with the full ring app

    Full Member

    Have a look at OSMC. You can map network drives full of media content.

    also moode player

    both are easy to install (if you’re ok tinkering with pis) but in my experience a) depening on the size of the library you’re linking to the UI can be slow and b) i kept getting low level feedback on the audio (using older audioquest dragonfly usb) which negated the point of having a decent quality streamer (suggestions welcome but could be the dragonfly)

    Full Member

    Don’t know. Do I have to sit on the roof to check? 😳😂

    i send my children up to check

    and edukator’s right but again any children that are keen to help are useful here

    Full Member

    Do any of you ever make a mistake at work? And if you do would you expect to get sacked or maybe helped & extra training instead?

    if my job was operating a bus and I hit someone with it then i would expect to get sacked

    OP please do everything you can to get the driver off the road

    Full Member

    don’t know the technical terms so might be covered above but I’ve had velux leaking problems before..

    first one, when you close the window do the ‘skirts’ of the grey metal window frame still sit the correct sides (both sides) of the ‘skirts’ on the frame in the roof?

    second one (although not sure this properly explains it) is I wonder about the seal between the glass (itself) and the DG frame where you have that line of moss down the glass – I wonder if it’s possible the moss has breached the seal and is acting as a wick for the water to come in and make the wood damp – just to test it i’d strip out the moss, let it dry out, silicone seal it and see if that fixes it…

    edit: reread, your profile seems ok (and is a better word than ‘skirt’) – second suggestion still stands, but I’d still silicone that end screw in case

    Full Member

    Don’t understand…. why would this be more sensible?

    saving money by not heating water to an unnecessarily high temp all the time

    dammit it means I even have to turn the cylinder thermostat up! ;)

    Full Member

    so if i have a pretty large hot water cyclinder is there any reason not to set it at about 45 (or whatever is a reasonable tap temp) and once a month ish boost it to 60 to kill off any legionnaire’s risk? – this seems more sensible than having it permanently at 55 ish which I do at the moment

    Full Member

    I know it’s difficult but is there a way of spending some Dad time with just him – camping or mtb,ing away or something? Not putting any pressure on him to talk but just spending some dedicated time? Am thinking he’s feeling ‘on his own’ and sometimes just sat there with your Dad can help

    Full Member

    thanks y’all – think writing to cc’s, then cancelling dd’s but replacing dd’s with £1 payments to each is the way to go, then reply to scary letters with copies of previous correspondence until deputy powers arrive and then properly deal with it (prob bankruptcy) – i feel like i have a plan :)

    moral is keep debt under control and think ahead (being an adult sucks sometimes)

    Full Member

    But I’d consider if there is a means to service that debt as well – parents, GF parents, as a last resort you…… just until the deputy is appointed.

    this is where my ‘short version’ doesn’t help – 3 friends and i have already ‘donated’ £2k for the mortgage but we only realised last weekend the actual financial situation, but yes that was our initial reaction.

    it seems they were living above their means anyway

    sadly this is probably fair which is now why I am torn (and sharing i guess) between the above (trying to service the debt) and err’ing to your pov iolo that we can’t keep paying his debts and so what to do.

    ill also look at the MAC site too

    thanks both, honestly all pov are considered/appreciated

    Full Member

    cc’s can get screwed no matter what they say. I’d cancel the DD’s, who is going to prosecute you in the circumstances? And in the unlikely event they do keep records of all correspondence/ calls to show you tried to get them to stop acting like d**ks.

    this is where I am and off-line i’ve just had advice to send the cc’s a letter (keep copies) explaining the situation, acknowledging that per gdpr etc we understand they are in a difficult position but could they in extenuating circumstances pause or reduce the payments to £1, if no reply by end of month cancel the dd’s (so on record you’ve done what you can).

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