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  • Danny MacAskill and Chris Ball among 2024 Hall of Fame nominations
  • adi66
    Free Member

    We had a bit of a maouse problem in our attic last year…. could hear them at night.

    Tried normal “snap traps” – the mouses seemed to just remove the bait.

    tried humane “tilt traps” and found a mouse dragging it across the attic floor…

    so I resulted to a Bucket half full of water, length of wood for the mouse to crawl up – baited with little blobs of chocolate spread, coke bottle (both ends removed) taped underneath half way up on the end (to make a see-saw type tube….

    Blob of chocolate spread on the far end of the “Tunnel”

    Mr mouse walks up wood… walks into tunnel… tunnel “over balances, and tips mouse into water – mouse gone.

    I got 9 mice like this in 2 nights (multiple buckets)

    …they’ve not been back since.

    Free Member

    Awesome, reminds me of the fun we used to have with our Trek Go-Bug trailer… top fun and not at all bad parenting.

    Free Member

    +1 on the cyclists are nice comments.

    I took my little 6 year old (Lake Jump Charlie, for those of you that are Big Bike Bash’ers) over to the Chase on Friday night for his first Night Ride! At this point I must point out that he’s (and his year older brother are pretty proficient riders, and happily ride reds at Cannock & Llandegla)

    We set off at 7:15, and started towards “Cardiac Hill” on the ‘Dog.
    We overtook a gang of guys that where resting at a junction, and then they came back past us as we hit the bottom of Cardiac Hill, (whilst we had a drink stop)… My lad saw this a opportunity for a cheekly little race so chased them down, and overtook one of them, giving him a casual “Alright mate” comment as he did so – to which the guy very politely, between wheezing gasps for air, gave my lad a cheer and few encouraging words. Which he loved.

    We caught the erst of the gang at the top, and they followed us through the next section (to where the Dog & Monkey Split) We offered to move out of there way, and they refused… apparently they where lovin’ watching my lad ride at pace, and all commented on how much “flow” he had 🙂

    You’ll be pleased to note that we did the rest of the Monkey / Dog loop in the dark, and he loved every minute of it.

    Made my Lads night, and made My night too.

    So thank you to whoever you were. MTB’rs are a friendly lot. 😀

    Free Member

    Slight thread hi-jack, sorry.

    Where is that rock garden at Cannock ? It’s not the “stegosaurus” is it….

    Free Member

    There’s hope…. I’ve got a LOT of these covers 🙂

    Sell your old mags here

    Free Member

    Just seems a shame to chuck em away, more out of historical interest than anything – there can’t be many copies around (if any a all)

    Mind you there may be a reason for that :-/

    Free Member

    I’ve ordered loads of stuff from and there ace 🙂

    I’ve just ordered for the first (and on current form last time) a set of tyres from ACycles, talk about pi$$ poor service.

    Ordered in the morning (circa 7:15am)on the 14.7.14 and didn’t receive anything apart from a account activation email.

    I had to call up the UK number to ask for the “invoice / receipt” to be sent to me (wasn’t in my spam before you say it) Guy on the phone told me that my parcel would be with me in 2 days…. Great I thought, so I checked online on the order tracking page…. Order STILL shows only 50% processed and no sign of it being shipped or a tracking number !!

    I would certainly NOT recommend acycles 😥

    Free Member

    No price agreed first, my builder got the sparks in as he uses them often.

    Free Member


    I do that’s part of the problem., I created a shopping basket on the first website I could think of to order electrical stuff (screw fix) and the total for all materials used including screws, plugs, cable clips – (box of each to be sure) came to under £120. Apparently my garage has “nearly 200mtr of wire in it” !!!! I measured it at 2.2 mtrs x 4.1 metres. Lol

    So I really can’t see how it’s justifiable – he comes the “you try to be self employed and pay XYZ comments” .

    When I go to work I WORK for my 9 hour days, and don’t spend 45 mins getting lunch and 30 mins eating it, then answer the phone every 30 mins, walk off site, and pop back to do a bit after my chat- repeat.

    Free Member

    I’ve just had a bill land on my desk from the sparkle who has wired up some sockets and a light in my garage — no messing with lifting boards, feeding wires through tight spaces etc, simple job….

    The price seems a little high. £170 per day, 2 guys to do the job took a whole day, plus £240 in materials -I supplied the back boxes and sockets.
    Total is £640, seemed a tad high :-/

    I have discussed this wi them, and its not gone down “well” with the sparkies.

    Free Member

    Stoner: really, plus materials ?
    …. and how is that justifiable ? And how much work would you hope to get done (hrs “on the job, grafting)

    Free Member

    Cheers all.

    I’ve just re-jiggled the set up on the bike.

    * lowered the bars – as low as it’d go
    * saddle 5mm higher, moved forward on the rails, & tilted down slightly
    * cables re-routed to be a bit more “aero” – a cleaner cockpit you may say.
    * removed one bottle cage
    * cleaned and polished it all.
    * taped over all of the vents – bar one, to be a bit more aero 😕
    * tighter clothing sorted & roadie gloves.

    Lets see how tomorrow night goes, I’ll report back should anyone be interested. Lol

    Free Member

    Well a LOT of the guys where on Cervelo’s or Giant Trinitys, and the guy that posted the fastest time was on a Boardman TT bike with HED wheels.

    Free Member

    socks over my road shoes…? Or should I buy some real covers?

    I was wondering that too…

    Free Member

    I mean seriously, lets stop to think about that for minute… 34.6mph for 10 frickin miles??? ON THE FLAT????? Unbe-frickin-lievable!

    I average 25 on “my” 10 course (out and back with hills & 3 traffic islands), so can’t imagine going a full 10 mph faster for the distance ! Bonkers and seriously impressive.

    OCD Triathletes offload their year old kit for peanuts.

    where do I find this cheep stuff please.

    I’m still on a road bike with aero bars. best time this year is 22.34 for a 10, 57.13 for a 25.

    A cheap commuter like my Boardman ?

    Aero Helmet is on its way in the post.

    I think tomorrow night 10 will be in tighter fitting clothing, revised “more aero / tidy cable routings” and a lower stem height by 10mm.

    Free Member

    Managed a time of 24:32 so although really happy with that I was wondering like the OP how faster I could of done.

    Good Man 🙂

    Free Member

    Having said all that those aero wheels and disks sound amazing!!!

    Yeah, strangely I though about those wheels when I put the wheelie bins out this morning! lol

    …. I’m only jealous, cos they look BAD ASS, and I’m seriously wanting.

    Free Member

    Riding a Zipp equipped, Scott Plasma!! lol


    Point taken on the tight clothes.

    Free Member

    I’ve gone back to just riding around my local trails this year, much more relaxing

    I LOVE the Sadism of “Pushing myself to the Limit” it REALLY appeals to my Psyche 😛

    Free Member


    Good times for a noob BTW, well done.

    Cheers, I was happy with being under 30 for my 1st. getting to 25 was great… This week I want to get a 24: something …. but without spending too much money the equation for the correct number of bikes being N+1 is not washing to well with Mrs Adi66 at the moment!

    So it’s time to dig out a old “too small” jersey, and duck a little lower in the Tri Bars ! lol

    Free Member

    I’m working on that each week.

    Skin Suite:
    Er I weight 14 stone! enough said.

    Road Specific Shoes & Pedals:
    Why ? My MTB shoes are Carbon soles and SOOO stiff, and I don’t get “Hot Spots” around the cleats even after 80+ miles. Is it all about “fitting in ?”

    Free Member

    4ohm for automotive speakers, and 8ohm for home audio

    …. If my brain is working correctly!

    Free Member

    So I wear shorts ALL year round, baggys in the MTB & Lycra on the road bike…

    Might have a go with some gaiters, are they waterproof with a good seal at the top edge ?

    Free Member

    The seatbelt and airbags on my car are also useless. In all the car trips I have had where I haven’t crashed they have done F all. Complete waste of money.

    Just because some knob on the radio has a theory, it won’t change my views on bike helmets. Tarmac or concrete is effin hard, and my head would hurt if it hit it. Putting an inch of polystyrene between my head and the road can only help my head to hurt a little less…..

    My thoughts exactly…. It’s gotta be better than nothing !

    Free Member

    Tried them last year…. Same issue water runs down my leg into them!

    Free Member

    I love this website….. Takes a huge chunk of my lunch times each week 🙂

    Dark Roasted blend[/url]

    Or if your into going wow cool, I wish I could do that!!! check out Daniel Simon…. His artwork rocks, especially before he was involved in the movie industry in a big way. His coffee table book is a bit of a collectors item 🙂

    Hopefully “cosmic motors” will be turned into a film soon…. Check out the “trailer”!

    Daniel Simon [/url]

    Free Member

    I asked if he had a receipt and he claims that he does.

    Still not convinced.

    See his response below: –

    HiThere is a receipt for the bike but I’m selling it without the warranty and please not the receipt is not transferable. Cheers

    Still Seems really dodgy to me !

    Free Member

    Anyone on any popular roadie forums that can get this ad linked up…. Hopefully we will find the truth out (re-unite it with its proper owner)

    Free Member

    Cheers for the working link 🙂

    Just tried to report it to eBay, as a suspicious ad. But as I’m not a law enforcement official I can’t !

    Free Member

    My in-Laws live in San Pedro southern Spain, and when we drive over, I ALWAYS take my bike…

    For some sedate / easy, simple stuff I head out to the “Grand Designs House” as there are loads of free local trails around there, great scenery for the Mrs & Kids on a day trip, and they can relax at the house, using the pools etc for a few Euros a day… whilst I ride around the lake. (and they wave / heckle as I ride past)


    For a bit more of a Buzz, I head out to: ALICANTE BIKE PARK[/url]

    Its AWSEOME, and a real Gem, check our some of the trials on you tube.

    All Just a few miles drive from the sunny tourist trap that is the southern Spain !

    Free Member

    Ah it’s a Onyx hub!



    Free Member

    Having just swapped out my old elixir 3’s (got bored of draggy seals, slack leavers and pistons getting gummed up) for a set of Hayes prime pros’s I have to say that I prefer the Hayes…. Just seem nicer to pull (1 finger) and they have loads more power, only downside is the slightly large master cylinders/ lever body.

    That is all.

    Free Member

    I’ve got a fluxient 3xU2 front light and its awesome, just a little chunky, but it never gets hot, lasts for AGES even on full. Really pleased with it for the £120 I paid for it last year.

    ….. It’s never let me down .

    Free Member

    I use one of these….. Worth the money for the hose cleaner alone 🙂

    Bargain cleaning kit £5.99!!!

    Free Member


    Hence modern diesel cars don’t have black smoke anymore

    oh they do.

    When they re-gen, or your REALLY boot it they do…. but not anywhere near as much as a “old diesel” !

    Free Member

    DPF = Diesel Particulate Filter

    Here comes the science bit… lol

    It basically stops all of the soot escaping from your exhaust (Hence modern diesel cars don’t have black smoke anymore) The DPF is like a section of honeycombe, but with alternate tibes blocked at each end…. as you drive the “tubes” fill with the soot, when they are full enough to change the back pressure of the exhaust system (DPF canninster section) the EMS of the car will trigger a re-gen activity, that will force the exhaust (By either using more fuel or a addative (that is stored in a little tank on the car), such a Sirium (French cars use this a lot)to burn hotter, effectivly burning the trapped soot particles into “finer/ smaller particles” that can then pass through the porus wall of the DPF brick, and escape through the open end of the “tube” (remember the alternate open / closed end tubes on the face of the DPF Brick…)

    All this will happen automatically, and at set throttle positions, engine and wheel speeds – so ususlly when your doing >60 mph and over 1,800 RPM, so read that as: Motorway Speed.

    There are problems with all systems but as long as there is no “emission lamp” on the instrument cluster, you should be ok. And if the car uses Sirium, do your homwwork, and check when it was last serviced / filled, as its about £70 a litre !

    Blocked DPF = rubbish peformance and economy, and is BAD for your engine in general.

    Free Member

    As always, the whole family loved it !

    Massive thanks you to everyone who puts so much effort into organising & sponsoring it, and all those that partook in the fun. Its the small “Village fete” feel and general feeling of friendliness & trust that makes this event SPECIAL.

    Keep it little, keep it hectic, we all love it.

    …. Only trouble is now, my lil un (Charlie “Lake Jump Kicker” Smith) wants to beat everyone in the races, and he want’s a proper kids night race too ?

    Nick (WCA) as always your a true superstar, and a genuinely VERY nice bloke, without you and your (possibly alcohol induced lol) attitude the event wouldn’t be the same – your a legend 🙂

    We will be back next year…

    Free Member

    I’ll be there with the wife and kids+ my buddy’s who have travelled over from Dubai to come along 🙂

    Can’t wait:-)

    World lass accident: Should I have received my tickets / paperwork yet ?

    Free Member

    Kynanace Cove if you don’t mind a busy beach, with stunning caves, rocks, and a wicked beach that is only accessable at low tide.

    Forn a REALLY nice walk head out toward St Martin in Menage / Morgan in Menage and head for Tremayne Quay (In the National Trust Book) Its a bit of a walk through a bluebell (was kast month anyway) filled wood, to a stunning view of Helford River…. as a bonus you can camp there too (No facilitys, except for a rope swing, and a fire circle.

    …. The view at sunrise is AMAZING, I Ran there every day whilst I was on Holiday.

    Mind the lanes though, they are proper Cornish lanes, so not for the faint hearted !

    Free Member

    During January’s cold snap, I rode past this little beauty every day, It was a bush that got splashed with water (from a burst pipe up the road) every time a car drove past it.

    Looked amazing, and I kinda watched it grow over the days, then die during the freeze, Wish I could have seen it in the daylight, but long working days didn’t allow it.

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