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  • is a scam website
  • 29erKeith
    Free Member

    cheers all for advice and info, not in the market today, but a likely birthday present in a few months.

    very tempted by a few of the £100 ish options there, especially as it’ll not be used loads, just ‘cos of what’s local and the number of times I get away nowadays with the little one around.

    Free Member

    oh and thanks Mike, but I’ll pass, postage duty and all wouldn’t make it a good option I don’t think

    Free Member

    lots of different recommendations there cheers

    anything to really avoid!

    Free Member

    gogg wiggle have got the xFusion much cheaper than your link

    Free Member

    thats a good price on the reverb

    Free Member

    Less than £200 (closer to £100) and not likely to fall to pieces after 2 rides would be good. I’m guessing second hand markets a real gamble

    It won’t get a lot of use a few hundred miles a year really
    remote’s not a deal breaker if the under seat ones are that rubbish

    Free Member

    I thought she came across well with Zane Lowe the other night, haven’t seen the Brits bit yet

    It’s still on iPlayer

    Free Member

    I ran Conti MK black chillis tubeless on 355’s with no probs

    Free Member

    Tracey I so hope my lad likes biking as much as you and your kids do, they look like amazing holidays. He’s only 18 months old but those photo’s have got me thinking already, I can’t wait 😀

    Beats a week in the Med’ sat on a beach any day in my book

    Free Member

    Hot Fuzz, every time!

    Where else can you see a granny getting drop kicked in the face 😈
    So, so, so! wrong but absolutely hilarious, am I a wrong-en?

    Free Member

    I made a 10 inch pork pie for a mates birthday a couple of years ago, he’s a pork pie addict!

    I used the Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall recipe[/url]

    my trial 8 inch pie came out well, getting a good seal and getting the stock in to set as jelly is the most difficult bit I found, but I managed it second time round ok.

    really nice but a lot of effort I have to say.

    Free Member

    one of these[/url]

    Free Member

    Is there any possibility of attacking the judges ruling on that

    good luck!
    I agree with what others have said about helmets, should vs. must etc within the highway code etc

    I’m sure the driver didn’t mean to kill the guy or even hit him, and the sun was bright that morning but!!!!

    The statement he made about thinking it was a “bus stop” is just bullshine! he’s local and has no doubt driven down there hundreds of times, he never though there was a but stop. Has anybody here ever hit a bus stop with a wing mirror? I doubt it, you’d have to be dragging your wheels along the kerb to manage that even then I doubt you’d hit many.
    IMO he had a good idea what had happened (probably not the severity) but just left, which is disgusting! Yes a lapse in concentration\a poor decision\distraction etc. yes, accidents can happen as sad as they are.

    Somethings imo just don’t add up, as I said I very much doubt he intended to do it. Do I think the standard of his driving (any many others on the road) is\fell below what I would expect\hope for? Yes.

    I haven’t read all of the court documents and I’m not sure about the driving charges and what I would have said were I on the jury on those, but leaving the scene of an accident. I do think he should have stopped and very likely had a good idea what had happened and leaving is disgusting.

    Makes me think of the Jade Clark case on the A31 a bit.

    I found this article every good ’The Problem with Good People’[/url]
    No he didn’t do the church\good person card, but I still think it relevant with regards the judge and jury’s handling of the case.

    Free Member

    I think it was more like here a bit further up the road
    The lanes are not very wide, certainly not enough space to pass (IHMO) a cyclist safely at that sort of speed without crossing a lane marker
    [edit]the haras fencing wasn’t there then I done think[/edit]

    Free Member

    sky were awful for us too 0.5 MB was the best we could get

    TalkTalk give us 5MB on the same stretch of copper

    After lots of utterly pointless technical support going round in circles, I finally got through to an engineer who was the first person I got to speak to who could speak off script.

    He confirmed that the entire exchange was on BT kit the and it was massively over subscribed, the only provider who had their own kit in the exchange was TalkTalk, so we changed asap.

    What annoyed me the most was the initial promise of 2mb which they’d never be able to keep, and the hoops they made me jump through testing this and that when they should have known full well that the 0.5mb was all I was going to get on their massively over subscribed kit\lines. Just be bloody honest, either way I wasn’t going to continue paying for the piss poor service so left. If they’d have not wasted my time and been honest in the first place I’d not rubbish them at every opportunity like now. 🙄

    Free Member

    They may be in a position to report it to the police if they had, is it any different to some of the facebook trolls that have been prosecuted.

    No you’re right it’s not, I doubt the police or the paper would give it any time though, unless the family themselves made the complaint.

    Free Member

    I just hope David Irving’s friends and family haven’t read it

    Free Member

    yeah no doubt “click bait”

    So sad that the paper feels the need to stoop to that level though. They’re very much in cahoots with the new forest lot which are trying to ban as much cycling in the forest as they can.

    The comments section go’s on and on with a few well known (on the papers board) elderly anti cycling regulars, who are just unbelievable in the their views, very much like the letter.

    The paper wouldn’t allow comments on the article about the driver who got away with sod all after leaving him for dead after the sun got in his eye’s, “out of respect/sensitivity” yet print this. They publicly say they’re not anti-cycling 🙄

    Free Member

    I’ve had one from yodel which said “in Greenhouse” which it was, and yes it was well out of sight and dry.

    But! they must have had a right nose around to get there, round the side of the house through the side gate (shut but not locked) down to the bottom of the garden, right in the back corner, not visible at all from the front.

    A bit intrusive imo, would have been quicker to leave it with one of the always in retired neighbours.

    Free Member

    Bream, deliver it to your Mum’s then use something like parcel2go[/url] to arrange collection from there.
    All you Mum would need to do it print out and stick on the new label over the first one.

    Free Member

    Ive been in trouble before for stuff i’ve done in her dreams



    Free Member

    mrmonkfinger, bats can be dealt with, all legally and above board. Not sure of the costs though, surveys, relocation ,bat boxes…

    Stoner’s your man. I recall he had them in his barn conversion and relocated them for building works and brought them back with special bat boxes installed in the roof space.

    good luck Andyl, sounds like it’ll be great. As many have said speak to planning and ask questions, planning where I live is a nightmare with all sorts of additional rules that don’t apply elsewhere (national park with lots of special local rules), but planning are more than happy to speak to you, you can just drop in on certain days and have an informal chat to discuss options and ideas.

    Too many people seem not talk to planning and go to an architect for the grand design and just throw it in and are amazed when it doesn’t happen. I think the key is to work with them and get them on board not work against them as many seem to.

    That is unless you’ve got the money to fight and fight and fight like a certain somebody in our village who managed to turn a 2 bed bungalow into a £2million 5 bed behemoth which went against just about every planning guidance going. He won ‘cos he took them to court 3 times and they gave up ‘cos they couldn’t afford to fight him any more.

    good luck though.

    Free Member

    It’s estimated that each event adds about £300,000 to the local economy. Mainly in hotels, B&Bs, pubs and restaurants and the wiggle events are very much out of the main season. The New Forest Rattler, and a few others are in season, yet receive little to no press which is odd, the rattler’s pretty big too, over 700 last year and it’s in August.

    Free Member

    your colleague sounds like a classy chap

    Free Member

    latest on there’s a long ish post from me on the comments there too

    If you search for “New forest” on there are loads of articles on it over the last year or two.

    Basically there’s a lot of mainly old and horsey types making out that their world is going to come to an end as cycling events are endangering them be in on foot in cars or on horses and their going to ruin the environment and “their historic way of life” and destroy the new forest completely!!!

    99% of which is utter nonsense and fabrication but stories amongst them have no doubt been traded and exaggerations have no doubt happened along they way and they seem to be entering local folk law in certain groups and they’ll not be done and happy until cycling is banned.

    Unfortunately there are fair few of these people in influential positions in organisations in the forest. They’ll hopefully get nowhere with their ultimate aims, not without a major change in the law though.

    The crux of it is a lot of locals don’t like on a few days a year to be delayed by a matter of minutes in the journeys in their cars by people on bikes. Sounds like the sight of a cyclist to some has their blood boiling.

    yes there are no doubt one or two idiots who do these events and yep a cap on numbers is sensible.

    nimbys and bigots, do the event, enjoy it and make sure you greet any locals with a cheery hello, smile and wave and enjoy your day.

    oh and as per the event brief don’d drop litter, follow the highway code and announce yourselves to horses and give them a wide berth

    Free Member

    sorry 😈

    Wouldn’t be supprised if McM’ or Stoner hasn’t at least eyed one of these up before. Mark you get one of the post knockers on the back of the landrover? If not you’ll have to trade up to a Mog, there’s no other way for it 😉

    Free Member

    People blocking pavements, cycle routes and chewing up all of the verges with their cars ‘cos they’re too bloody lazy to walk 30 seconds!!

    You buy a house with one car parking space and have 2 cars that’s doesn’t make the pavement your personal car park!

    And! that’s hugely compounded the the useless local and county councils, police, and a couple of local councillors who have done sweet FA about it when I’ve complained.

    Actually maybe not petty, makes my blood boil when I can’t get past with my son in tow in his buggy and the only choice is miles round the houses on narrow roads with cars park everywhere or a fast dual carriageway 👿 ❗

    Free Member

    Anti fungal/mould thing, I had one in a shoe box last year, it had a label though

    Free Member

    That’s made my todo list for sure
    Thanks for sharing, really enjoyed that

    Free Member

    Newer Onkyo? Still good kit and good VFM. You’ll easily find one that ticks all those boxes

    Free Member

    wwaswas +1

    Free Member

    Really hope you can beat it, as you said your age and general health is on your side. Best of luck!

    Free Member

    I’ve got two sun tubes, a bathroom and a toilet both rooms without windows and they’re good. No need for lights during the day at all. One is even downstairs so the light is piped 6 meters ish

    Free Member

    My brother always working on his. I don’t know where he find the time and money to do it all.
    a few pics of his on the end of here I just posted

    Free Member

    I made this earlier in the year for baby29er’s 1st birthday, climbing wall’s a bit premature I know but he’ll grow into it. Ball pool and sand put under the floor and a little fold down seat. It did me well the other day too when I went out for a ride and forgot my key and it was peeing down. sheltered in there until my wife got home, thankfully not too long. oh and ignore the patchy grass behind, bit of work in progress there and the leaves have since been rake’d up and I know the hedges need a bit of work.

    This ones not mine but my Brothers, don’t think I’ve posted any complete ones of it before. It started out as a rusty clubman estate and he’s done everything himself. body work, paint role cage, custom subframe electrics the lot! it’s off the road at the moment waiting for the new LS Diff to arrive. Massive torque steer even with an Integra Type R one. oh and the hole in the front is for the turbo which might hopefully go on next year after and engine rebuild with forged internals. It’s drives amazingly nicely but as you might imagine it’s a bit of a handful when you boot it, the diff should help with that plus a few suspension tweaks he’s just finishing at the moment. All done at home in his garage\workshop. Not every ones cup of tea I know but impressive none the less
    so from this

    to this


    Free Member

    our place has currently got a huge old cast iron boiler which has been serviced by one of my neighbours (fully qualified obviously)

    He said my boiler (30 years old) will easily outlast any gas boiler he can fit tomorrow. We will update it when we can but it’s going to sting when it breaks down x years later, when I know damn well the old one would be ticking away if we left it, although using more gas than any new one by a long way.

    but what trail_rat said

    Free Member

    Ginger Dave

    Free Member
    Free Member

    lenser h7 is good, £35, bright, light, comfy, adjustable power and beam pattern takes 3 x AAA’s
    lasts about 3 hours with Duracell’s and 2 with recharagables

    Free Member

    proper cold\snow\ice bivy in winter any day over a damp spring\autumn for me any time. As long as your warm enough in your bag you’ll be fine.


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