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  • Would you move your family here?
  • BigDummy
    Free Member

    No. But then again I didn't move to my current home on the understanding that God had set it aside for my use. 🙂

    Free Member

    Weather's supposed to quite nice there and plenty of oranges.

    Full Member

    only if i really hated palestinians and yeah thought god was real and that it was my divine duty to live there

    did anyone see dispatches last night?

    Full Member

    No, I'm not Jewish.

    Full Member

    When built, that estate has to be the most dangerous place on earth to live…

    Free Member

    When built, that estate has to be the most dangerous place on earth to live…

    I dunno, according to the link…

    Nearly 500,000 Jews live in more than 100 settlements built on occupied territory in the West Bank and East Jerusalem

    That'll make it 101, diluting the odds even more.

    Free Member

    I love their use of the word "settlers".

    We tend to think of settlers colonising land, as referring to a bygone era.

    It's nice to see that there are still uninhabited lands where people can build new settlements.

    Specially somewhere like the Middle-East which you might have been forgiven for thinking was already rather crowded.

    Free Member

    But why build at all? They could just extend tried and tested methods

    Full Member

    They need to do something to justify their very own Berlin Wall (other than using Palestinian children as target practice for the army and bulldozing schools etc).

    Free Member

    but it's their land, the bible tells them so, and Britain gave it to them as there was no one there apart from some pesky arabs

    Free Member

    Good luck to them I say

    Free Member

    If I lived in Middlesbrough, yes.

    Full Member

    why isnt the same pressure applied to israel that was applied to south africa

    apartheid is apartheid surely?

    Free Member

    OK this is not meant as 'Zionist propoganda' and I am not saying that Israel is entirely without fault, but out of interest, how many people here think that we were wrong to create the state of Israel in the first place?

    Then of those that agree that it was the right thing to do, how many of you think the Israeli's were wrong in their capture and occupation of Gaza and the West Bank?

    Bear in mind that these territories were taken following the Six-Day war, which was provoked by Egypt, Syria and Jordan.

    Free Member

    not necessarily wrong to create the state but certainly wrong for it to be a highly discriminatory one. if they'd given all arabs on the land the same rights as jews, there may not have been the current problems.

    six day war was a pre-emptive strike by israel, so technically maybe they started it?

    of course, jordan and egypt were busy setting up a palestinian state and israel interupted 😉

    conflicts don't have solutions, they have outcomes….

    Free Member

    I think the Israeli's undertook a preemptive strike against a massive build up of Egyptian, Syrian and Jordanian forces. From Wikipedia:

    On May 30, 1967, Jordan entered into the mutual defense pact between Egypt and Syria. Egypt mobilized Sinai units, crossing UN lines (after having expelled the UN border monitors) and mobilized and massed on Israel's southern border. Likewise, armies in Syria, Lebanon, and Jordan also mobilized, encircling Israel for an imminent coordinated attack

    Free Member

    ….these territories were taken following the Six-Day war, which was provoked …..

    That old excuse to justify 'Lebensraum'…….. we didn't want to do it, we wanted to live in peace, but we were provoked into attacking.

    Which was handy, because we needed more living space …….

    Free Member

    Time doesn't diminish history Ernie; the six-day war happened and passed into the records of history. OK so the continuing occupation is just that, a continuing occupation, but the lands were taken as a result of direct aggression and hostility from the Arab world.

    Full Member

    So, you're watching TV one evening when there's a knock on the door. You answer it, and there's a guy standing outside says he's been given your spare room to move into. You start to protest but he has a big mate at the end of the driveway, and in he comes. Well, after a few days of this malarkey you get together a few friends to go and sort out the interloper. But it turns out he's mean little f*cker, and in the ensuing melee he takes over your main bedroom and half the lounge as well.

    Every day he takes a bit more space. Shoes left in the dining room. Sitting in your special armchair. Drinking all your booze. Now what to do? Agree he can live where he likes? Ask him to go back to the spare room? Hope he finds new accommodation elsewhere?

    Full Member

    i saw a thing in a magazine while i was at the doctors…………
    jewish people are the most hated people on earth……….why ❓

    Free Member

    Time doesn't diminish history Ernie; the six-day war happened and passed into the records of history. OK so the continuing occupation is just that, a continuing occupation, but the lands were taken as a result of direct aggression and hostility from the Arab world.

    All fine and dandy, but to continue building on that land after all that has happened since is beyond provocative. But we are talking about a coalition Government run by Netanyahu and while the current US administration is a little cool towards Israel, the continuing presence of the US/Israeli lobby will make sure that there won't be much interference.

    Full Member

    But we are talking about a coalition Government run by Netanyahu

    Does that actually change anything? Was there an Israeli govt that stopped grabbing land?

    Full Member

    jewish people are the most hated people on earth……….why

    I'll hazard a guess that it is a result of half a century of atrocities like this:

    Full Member

    DrJ – Member
    jewish people are the most hated people on earth……….why
    I'll hazard a guess that it is a result of half a century of atrocities like this:

    We shouldn't condemn them for that. After all isn't their holy manual full of genocides of original inhabitants with the full approval of him upstairs? They're just obeying orders…

    (BTW we should make a distinction between Jewish people and Israelis here. Some of the most trenchant criticism of Israeli actions have come from Jewish organisations)

    Free Member

    we should make a distinction between Jewish people and Israelis here.

    I couldn't agree more. After all, we didn't condemn all whites because of the crimes committed by the Apartheid regime.

    Free Member

    I think if you asked all the people who say they hate jews why they hate jews, you'd get a range of answers, many of them based on completely spurious untruths. The "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" and various bits of rubbish about them eating babies would feature more heavily than a very nuanced view of the history of the middle east.

    Free Member

    The "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" and various bits of rubbish about them eating babies would feature more heavily than a very nuanced view of the history of the middle east.

    Really BD ? I would have thought the average person knows very little, if anything, about "Protocols of the Elders of Zion". They have probably heard about what the Israelis have done in Gaza though.

    In fact I would say that the overwhelming majority people (in Britain at least) were 40 years ago, extremely pro-Israeli. If that has now changed dramatically, and I think it probably has, then that must surely be down the behaviour of Israeli people and government in recent years – and not down to a 100 year old forgery ?

    Full Member

    Unfortuately Hitler heard about the protocols. A good point about making the distinction between Jews and Israelis.IMO A lot of Israelis have grown up with the conflict and do not have the detached view that we do.Still doesn't mean they should get away with the Genocide/cocking a snook at the UN/employing that REALLY smug,self righteous Aussie sounding spokesman during their most recent attempt to kill as many Gaza residents as they could.

    Free Member

    Probably right in Britain, agreed ernie.

    But in the rest if the world I think you'll also find loads and loads of people who know all about the role of the jews in 9/11, and a certain amount of support for Mel Gibson's proposition about them causing all the wars in the world. Hatred of jews is older, broader-based and less rational in the world at large than is anti-zionism in the British left.

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