Predictably, schnullelieber's thread on [url= ]Birmingham [/url]has led to a whole bunch of people saying how awful Birmingham is and how no-one should ever move or visit there. (Some of the critics have even been to Birmingham!). Birmingham has a bad rep and it's never going to be glamorous.
But is it the worst city in the UK? You decide on this thread. The rules: the place you're slagging off has to be in the UK (UK of GB and NI); it has to be a city as defined [url= ]here[/url]; and, err, it has to be shit.
My nomination: Stirling. Dismal weather, infested by neds ("Big Mags"), convenient for Edinburgh and Glasgow and better than neither, rough schemes and not much of architectural interest in town. Plus points: castle, not far to get out of town, weird uni campus.
(PS: someone else can do the thread for the best city. I'm too much of a misanthrope and cynic to start it!)